%global installdir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/dhparam %global defaultdh ffdhe3072.pem Name: crypto-groups Version: 202008.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Standardized Finite-Field Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral parameters Url: https://gitlab.com/lcts/crypto-groups License: GPLv3 Source0: https://gitlab.com/lcts/%{name}/-/archive/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: bash BuildRequires: openssl Requires: bash Obsoletes: ffdhe < 1.1.0-1 ffdhe-rfc7919 < 1.1.0-4 Provides: ffdhe = 1.1.0-1 ffdhe-rfc7919 = 1.1.0-4 %description Crypto-groups contains standardized Finite-Field Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral prime groups as defined by various RFC documents, both as individual .pem-encoded files for use with web servers etc., as well as concatenated into a single moduli file for use with OpenSSH. #-- PREP, BUILD & INSTALL -----------------------------------------------------# %prep %autosetup -p1 %build ./generate_pem.sh -e 'modp768-group1,modp1024-group2,modp1024-group22,modp2048-group23,modp2048-group24' %install install -p -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{installdir}/ install -m 0644 moduli.template %{buildroot}%{installdir}/moduli install -m 0644 *.pem %{buildroot}%{installdir}/ ln -sf %{installdir}/%{defaultdh} %{buildroot}%{installdir}/default.pem #-- FILES ---------------------------------------------------------------------# %files %doc README.md %doc definitions %doc CHANGELOG %license LICENSE %dir %{installdir} %config %{installdir}/* #-- CHANGELOG -----------------------------------------------------------------# %changelog * Tue Aug 25 2020 Christopher Engelhard 202008.1-1 - initial release - replaces packages ffdhe and ffdhe-rfc7919 - adds standard modp... groups required for FIPS and legacy modes