%global forgeurl https://github.com/stevejenkins/hardwarefreak.com-fqrdns.pcre/
%global commit 75dc5126e107a0e4a75b384c2beac5363c4b65c1

%global postfixdir  %{_sysconfdir}/postfix/local.d

Name:       fqrdns-pcre
Version:    0
Release:    1%{?dist}
Summary:    Postfix PCRE Bot Spam Killer
Url:        %{forgeurl}
License:    MIT
Source0:    %{forgesource}

BuildArch:  noarch
Requires:   postfix

Fqrdns-pcre provides the fqrdns.pcre Postfix filter lists originally created
by Stan Hoeppner. They are designed to block SPAM bots by filtering known
bad hosts/IPs, mainly those from dynamic IP ranges.

#-- PREP, BUILD & INSTALL -----------------------------------------------------#

# nothing to build

install -p -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{postfixdir}/

install -m 0644 *.pcre %{buildroot}%{postfixdir}/

#-- FILES ---------------------------------------------------------------------#
%doc README.md
%license LICENSE.md
%config %{postfixdir}

#-- CHANGELOG -----------------------------------------------------------------#
* Thu Aug 27 2020 Christopher Engelhard <ce@lcts.de> 0-1
- new package built with tito