# Copyright (c) 2015 Dave Love, Liverpool University # MIT licence, per Fedora policy. # Fixme: # Use TDA (from where?) # build docs (make doc fails) # run test? %global shortver 2.0 %global vertail .0 Name: ptf Version: %shortver%vertail Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: Periscope online instrumentation and measurement tool License: BSD URL: http://periscope.in.tum.de/ Source0: http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/tar/PTF-%version.tar.bz2 Source1: http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/PTF_Best_Practices_Guide.pdf Source2: http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/PTF_CFS_Plugin.pdf Source3: http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/PTF_DVFS_Plugin.pdf Source4: http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/PTF_FixedAdaptiveSequence_Plugins.pdf Source5: http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/PTF_MPIParameters_Plugin.pdf Source6: http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/PTF_MasterWorker_Plugin.pdf Source7: http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/PTF_Periscope_Users_Guide.pdf Source8: http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/http://periscope.in.tum.de/releases/%shortver/pdf/PTF_Pipeline_Plugin.pdf BuildRequires: gcc-gfortran ace-devel >= 5.7 # Required by configure, but not actually used BuildRequires: flex bison %if 0%{?el6} BuildRequires: boost148-devel %else BuildRequires: boost-devel >= 1.47 %endif %description Periscope is a scalable automatic performance analysis tool. It consists of a frontend and a hierarchy of communication and analysis agents. Each of the analysis agents, i.e., the nodes of the agent hierarchy, searches autonomously for inefficiencies in a subset of the application processes. The application processes are linked with a monitoring system that provides the Monitoring Request Interface (MRI). The agents attach to the monitor via sockets. The MRI allows the agent to configure the measurements; to start, halt, and resume the execution; and to retrieve the performance data. The monitor currently only supports summary information. The application and the agent network are started through the frontend process. It analyzes the set of processors available, determines the mapping of application and analysis agent processes, and then starts the application and the agent hierarchy. After startup, a command is propagated down to the analysis agents to start the search. The search is performed according to a search strategy selected when the frontend is started. At the end of the local search, the detected performance properties are reported back via the agent hierarchy to the frontend. Periscope starts its analysis from the formal specification of performance properties as C++ classes. The specification determines the condition, the confidence value, and the severity of performance properties. %package doc Summary: Documentation for %name BuildArch: noarch %description doc Documentation for %name. %prep %setup -q -n PTF-%version cp %SOURCE1 %SOURCE2 %SOURCE3 %SOURCE4 %SOURCE5 %SOURCE6 %SOURCE7 %SOURCE8 . %build %configure --bindir=%_bindir --libdir=%_libdir \ --prefix=%_prefix/lib/%name --with-mpi=openmpi \ %if 0%{?el6} --with-boost-include=%_includedir/boost148 --with-boost-lib=%_libdir/boost148 %else # %endif make %{?_smp_mflags} %install make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/ -name '*.la' -o -name '*.a' | xargs rm %check #make check %files %doc COPYING %_bindir/* %_libdir/*.so* %_prefix/lib/%name %files doc %doc *.pdf %changelog * Mon Jan 11 2016 Dave Love - 2.0.0-2 - Don't require scorep2 (though it needs to be used) * Tue Dec 22 2015 Dave Love - 2.0.0-1 - New version - Remove fiddles for built files - Add pdfs in doc subpackage * Thu Sep 3 2015 Dave Love - 1.0.0-1 - Initial packaging