# if the macros are not defined, define them equal to 0 %{!?with_sailfish: %define with_sailfish 0} %{!?with_harbour: %define with_harbour 0} Summary: A flexible navigation system. %if 0%{with_sailfish} %define __provides_exclude_from ^%{_datadir}/.*$ %define __requires_exclude /bin/bash|/usr/bin/env|/bin/sh Name: harbour-modrana Release: 1 %else Name: modrana Release: 1%{?dist} %endif Url: http://modrana.org Version: 0.55.11 Source0: modrana-%{version}.tar.gz License: GPLv3+ Group: Applications/Productivity BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/modrana-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: rsync %if 0%{with_sailfish} Requires: sailfishsilica-qt5 Requires: mapplauncherd-booster-silica-qt5 Requires: pyotherside-qml-plugin-python3-qt5 Requires: libsailfishapp-launcher Requires: qt5-qtdeclarative-import-positioning Requires: qt5-qtpositioning Requires: qt5-qtquickcontrols-layouts %else Requires: pyotherside Requires: qt5-qtlocation # qmlscene is in the qt5-qtdeclarative package Requires: qt5-qtdeclarative-devel Requires: qt5-qtquickcontrols2 Requires: qt5-qtsensors # pygtk2 is needed for the GTK GUI Requires: pygtk2 %endif %description ModRana is a flexible navigation system for mobile linux devices. * support for many map layers * POI manager * turn-by-turn navigation with voice directions * online amenity, Wikipedia & address search * GPX tracklog support - both creating & visualisation * quick, elegant and touch friendly interface * pinch zoom support (where supported) * global landscape and portrait support * efficient sqlite-based tile storage * easily configurable * powerful command-line interface See the project homepage at http://www.modrana.org for more information. %prep %setup -q -n modrana-%{version} %build # start by populating the input directory # with an initial set of files and folders make # then in the next step, based on the build environment, # we filter the files that will actually reach the package %if 0%{with_sailfish} %if 0%{with_harbour} make rsync-harbour # run the more strinc rsync for a Harbour package %else make rsync-sailfish # run rsync with a Sailfish OS specific filtering %endif make bytecode-python3 # modRana is Python 3 only on Sailfish OS %else make rsync # run regular rsync # both the GTK (Python 2) and Qt 5 (Python 3) GUIs are available on Fedora make bytecode-python2 make bytecode-python3 %endif %install rm -rf %{buildroot} %if 0%{with_sailfish} make install-sailfish DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %else make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %endif %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %if ! 0%{with_sailfish} %post /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : %postun if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : fi %posttrans /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : %endif %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) /usr/share/applications/* %if 0%{with_sailfish} /usr/share/harbour-modrana /usr/share/icons/hicolor/86x86/apps/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/108x108/apps/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/* %else %doc README.rst %license COPYING.txt /usr/bin/* /usr/share/modrana /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/* %endif %changelog * Mon Jun 04 2018 Martin Kolman - 0.55.11-1 make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/mkolman/devel/misc/modrana/modrana“ - Only include relevant translation files (mkolman) make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/mkolman/devel/misc/modrana/modrana“ * Sat Jun 02 2018 Martin Kolman - 0.55.10-1 make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ - Update canvas offset when pinchmap size changes (martin.kolman) - Show distance to point on point detail pages (martin.kolman) - Log OS release at startup when possible (martin.kolman) - Fix a typo (martin.kolman) make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ * Fri May 25 2018 Martin Kolman - 0.55.9-1 make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ - Use custom urlparse resolving (martin.kolman) - Revert "Upgrade bundled six" (martin.kolman) make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ * Thu May 17 2018 Martin Kolman - 0.55.8-1 make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ - Fix language list handling on Sailfish OS (martin.kolman) - Fix six usage (martin.kolman) - Upgrade bundled six (martin.kolman) make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ * Wed May 16 2018 Martin Kolman - 0.55.7-1 make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ - Add Travis dependencies for TTS testing (martin.kolman) - Add python3-six dependency for Travis testing (martin.kolman) - Add documentation for point to point distance functions (martin.kolman) - Refactor and improve the Way class (martin.kolman) - Add the get_closest_lle() function (martin.kolman) - Add the get_closest_point() functions (martin.kolman) - Improved handling or way points in radians (martin.kolman) - Make text cleanup function public (martin.kolman) - Remove fixed delays from the voice unit test (martin.kolman) - Test individual TTS engines if available (martin.kolman) - Put the filename parameter last for flite (martin.kolman) - Easy checking if TTS engines are available (martin.kolman) - Fix modRana thread usage (martin.kolman) - Change tempdir prefix (martin.kolman) - Some more modRana adaptation for the voice module (martin.kolman) - Log program calls (martin.kolman) - Port tests for the voice module from WhoGo maps (martin.kolman) - Fix indentation (martin.kolman) - Add the voice module, originally from whogo-maps (martin.kolman) - Refactor the way module (martin.kolman) - Add the Travis CI badge to README.rst (martin.kolman) - Fix test class name (martin.kolman) - Unit test for TurnByTurnPoint (martin.kolman) - PEP8 for the TurnByturnPoint (martin.kolman) - Remove the obsolete pyroute and prender libraries (martin.kolman) - Delete obsolete unused modRana modules (martin.kolman) - Fix layer parsing test (martin.kolman) - Clarify that connection_timeout is specified in seconds (martin.kolman) - More testing improvements (martin.kolman) - Add sudo to Travis install line (martin.kolman) - Another try with nosetests (martin.kolman) - Add Nose dependency for Travis (martin.kolman) - Initial Travis CI support (martin.kolman) - Merge pull request #235 from Olf0/master (martin.kolman) - Bump map config file revision (martin.kolman) - Merge pull request #236 from DerDakon/https-tiles (martin.kolman) - switch many tileserver URLs to HTTPS (eike) - Modrana minimal source strings adaption (#1) (Olf0) make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ * Tue Dec 19 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.55.6-1 make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ - Bump QtQuick Controls dependency (martin.kolman) - Add missing dependency on qt5-qtquickcontrols-layouts (martin.kolman) - Update translations (martin.kolman) - Further translation fixes (martin.kolman) - kmh -> km/h (martin.kolman) - Drop the getAboutText() method (martin.kolman) - Update translations (martin.kolman) - Make the "email" string translatable (martin.kolman) - Improve the location info page (martin.kolman) - Handle new QtPositioning values from the Python side (martin.kolman) - Remove the sv_SE translation variant (martin.kolman) - Make the "routing enabled" notification translatable (martin.kolman) - Drop POI menu from list of unfinished features (martin.kolman) - Make the clipboard notification translatable (martin.kolman) make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ * Thu Dec 07 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.55.5-1 make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ - Dictionary based about page (martin.kolman) - Include information about modRana in startup values (martin.kolman) - Refactor the info module a bit (martin.kolman) make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ * Wed Dec 06 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.55.4-1 make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ - List top level modRana modules explicitely (martin.kolman) make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ * Wed Dec 06 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.55.3-1 make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ - Use the i18n module (martin.kolman) - Get the i18n core module to a useable state (martin.kolman) - Add support for mo file creation (martin.kolman) - Make sure POI categories are translated via translation context magic (martin.kolman) - Improve the structure of the debugging options menu (martin.kolman) - Mark OptionMapPage ComboBox items for translation (martin.kolman) - Add support for custom ComboBox translation context (martin.kolman) - Mark strings for translation on TracksMenuPage (martin.kolman) - Mark strings for translation on MapLayersPage (martin.kolman) make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ * Tue Dec 05 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.55.2-1 make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ - Use explicit translation context in main.qml (martin.kolman) - Do everything needed in the release target (martin.kolman) - Include translations directory in the tarball (martin.kolman) - Update translations (martin.kolman) - Mark some more strings for translation (martin.kolman) - Add translation context for combo box items (martin.kolman) - Fix icon grid page translation (martin.kolman) - Fix ComboBox localization (martin.kolman) - Merge pull request #230 from eson57/patch-1 (martin.kolman) - Create sv_SE.po (eson57) - Create harbour-modrana-sv_SE.ts (eson57) - Add link to Transifex projet to README (martin.kolman) - Fix strings not marked for translation (martin.kolman) - Translation update (martin.kolman) - Add translation support (martin.kolman) make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/melf-san/data/coding/gps/modrana“ * Mon Nov 27 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.55.1-1 - Fix quoting in temporary espeak hack (martin.kolman) - Make sure routing start & destination are always Waypoints (martin.kolman) - A small formatting fix (martin.kolman) - Tell requestRoute to include heading from start (martin.kolman) - Enhance the requestRoute() function (martin.kolman) - Use heading information with Valhalla when available (martin.kolman) - Use Waypoints instead of Points (martin.kolman) - Add the new Waypoint class (martin.kolman) - Add a temporary hack for espeak voice output (martin.kolman) - Draw a current step indicator during navigation (martin.kolman) - Make the navigation overlay useful :) (martin.kolman) - Add some missed signal triggers and remove a notification (martin.kolman) - Include icon information in step description (martin.kolman) - Add default navigation icon type (martin.kolman) - Add navigation icons (martin.kolman) - Use turn type for Valhalla routes (martin.kolman) - Add supports for icons in turn-by-turn points (martin.kolman) - Show the "navigation started" notification (martin.kolman) - Add a navigation overlay element (martin.kolman) - Better log output for missing espeak binary (martin.kolman) - Don't crash if espeak is not available (martin.kolman) - Python 3 compatibility fix (martin.kolman) - Fix map button spacing (martin.kolman) - Navigation & routing button positioning fixes (martin.kolman) - Add initial navigation API for Qt 5 GUI (martin.kolman) - Merge commit '203c19bccee3bec4158c1d5a4e776f7b97fd5dbb' (martin.kolman) - Define map button size and spacing as a fraction of screen size (martin.kolman) - Fix list views (martin.kolman) - Fix the search field (martin.kolman) - Cleanup the HeaderPage a bit (martin.kolman) - Fix scrolling in flickable pages (martin.kolman) - Drop fixes text size for Silica Popup (martin.kolman) - Don't use the bottomPadding property (martin.kolman) - Remove font size assignment for location info (martin.kolman) - Refactor common functionality and main API to common map page base (martin.kolman) - Don't define some properties to resolve a conflist with UC (martin.kolman) - Move marker elements to the map_components folder (martin.kolman) - Move the Tile element to the pinchmap folder (martin.kolman) - Move the MapButton element to the map_components folder (martin.kolman) - Merge commit '6147c9e67afa797e5c72b47e7bd2ea62f7d0c98f' (martin.kolman) - Merge branch 'master-qt5_navigation_ui' (martin.kolman) - Improve active page tracking (martin.kolman) - Add a preliminary navigation overlay (martin.kolman) - Refactor the scale bar to a separate element (martin.kolman) - Hide compass and the clear button during navigation (martin.kolman) - Add button for toggling navigation (martin.kolman) - Add signals for important navigation events (martin.kolman) - Fix comment formating (martin.kolman) - Support mouse back button (martin.kolman) - Add the BusyIndicator element (martin.kolman) - Fix focus handling for stack pages (martin.kolman) - Use SectionHeader for pages with options (martin.kolman) - Add the SectionHeader element (martin.kolman) - Add the SectionHeader element (martin.kolman) - Translate item text (martin.kolman) - Translate item text (martin.kolman) - Provide backward compatibility aliases (martin.kolman) - Provide backward compatibility aliases (martin.kolman) - Adjust to some side effects of UC switching to Controls 2 for the Controls backend (martin.kolman) - Set text role for Controls ComboBox (martin.kolman) - Set text role for Controls ComboBox (martin.kolman) - Merge commit '5b3297323c0be1ecc6b88c110a83b43ddecc74e9' (martin.kolman) - Add scroll decorators/bars to PlatformListView by default (martin.kolman) - Add the ScrollBar element (martin.kolman) - Implement a working VerticalScrollDecorator for the Controls backend (martin.kolman) - Use QtQuick Controls 2 as the Controls backend (martin.kolman) - PEP8 also for data structures defined in util.py (martin.kolman) - PEP8 for functions in utils.py (martin.kolman) - Add the pressed_override property for BackgroundRectangle (martin.kolman) - Merge pull request #212 from rinigus/osmscout_routing_v2 (martin.kolman) - cleanup: remove print (rinigus.git) - Bump map_config.conf revision (martin.kolman) - Merge pull request #211 from rinigus/car_basemap (martin.kolman) - add support for OSM Scout Server routing V2, fixes #207 (rinigus.git) - add osmscout car basemap (rinigus.git) - Make it possible to search around points and POI (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to do local search around arbitrary coordinates (martin.kolman) - Fix platform detection for the Jolla Tablet (martin.kolman) - Add support for showing locally stored POI on the map (martin.kolman) - Reflect text field editing in the point instance (martin.kolman) - Make sure to refresh the POI category listing on entry (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to save arbitrary points from the map to the POI database (martin.kolman) - Show latitude and longitude for point and POI details (martin.kolman) - Fix file header (martin.kolman) - Show latitude and longitude on a single line in the delegate (martin.kolman) - Use more advanced components for POI text entry (martin.kolman) - List POI from categories (martin.kolman) - Add support for getting all POI from a category (martin.kolman) - Also return description when getting all POI from a category (martin.kolman) - Some naming tweaks (martin.kolman) - Add initial support for locally saved POI (martin.kolman) - Add initial helpers for working with POI (martin.kolman) - Don't try to ut8-decode strings with Python 3 (martin.kolman) - Add FadeAnimator (martin.kolman) - Disable page background in modRana (martin.kolman) - Don't override highlighted color (martin.kolman) - Add QML element improvements from Tsubame (martin.kolman) - Add universal svg icon for the menu button (martin.kolman) - Merge commit 'b11a5a7684a06f8e9b60ec45efb7002a87c05131' (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to disable the platform specific menu button (martin.kolman) - Fix custom style reference (martin.kolman) - Drop the SilicaGridView from tge Silica version of PageHeader (martin.kolman) - Add a missing QtQuick import (martin.kolman) - Update docs for the PageHeader element (martin.kolman) - Add a missing QtQuick import (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to set PageHeader text size in a multi-platform way (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to override corner radius for BackgroundRectangle (martin.kolman) - Improve the application window orientation API (martin.kolman) - List Ubuntu Components as an experimental backend (martin.kolman) - Fix bullet point formatting (martin.kolman) - Merge commit '7c81795d2c27b96730c606b5c88ec880d18c5773' (martin.kolman) * Tue Jul 04 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.54.8-1 - Fix nosetests runner (martin.kolman) - Make map config parsing more robust (martin.kolman) - Fix a typo in the map configuration file (martin.kolman) - Fix search progress indicator (martin.kolman) - Drop the "starting" prefix (martin.kolman) - Use better variable name for the thread id (martin.kolman) - Return thread name for synchronous search calls where applicable (martin.kolman) - Tweaks for OSM Scout Server local search (martin.kolman) - Fix OSM Scout Server local search provider (martin.kolman) - Show POI search result details when POI marker is clicked (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to assign properties when dynamically loading QML files (martin.kolman) - Add MapTextButton (martin.kolman) - Use the POIMarkers element to display POI search results (martin.kolman) - Remove the marker simplification logic from the Marker element (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to also show the bubble from the right from a marker (martin.kolman) - Add initial POIMarkers element (martin.kolman) - Account for DPI scaling for point menu bubble margin (martin.kolman) * Thu Jun 29 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.54.7-1 - Document that -1 disables the connection timeout for a layer (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to set per-layer connection timeout (martin.kolman) - Turn getters and setters to properties (martin.kolman) - Fix turn by turn worker thread startup (martin.kolman) - Categorize thread name constants a bit (martin.kolman) - Refactor the turn-by-turn module (martin.kolman) * Wed Mar 29 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.54.6-1 - Fix Monav Server based routing (martin.kolman) - Add fallback for json import (martin.kolman) - Handle unneeded import in protobuf code (martin.kolman) - Display correct routing providers in GTK GUI options (martin.kolman) - Support multiple offline routing providers per platform (martin.kolman) - Add a list of supported online routing providers (martin.kolman) - Add a list of offline routing providers (martin.kolman) * Sat Mar 25 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.54.5-1 - Add a release target to makefile (martin.kolman) - Fix a typo (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to set logging trace and tracklog opacity (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to set route opacity (martin.kolman) - Fix indentation (martin.kolman) * Sun Mar 19 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.54.4-1 - Switch README to rst & fix formatting (martin.kolman) - Clear on-map point menus when map is clicked (martin.kolman) - Fix map canvas debug option not being persistent (martin.kolman) - Make top level elements rotate correctly on Sailfish OS (martin.kolman) - Improve the application window orientation API (martin.kolman) - List Ubuntu Components as an experimental backend (martin.kolman) - Fix bullet point formatting (martin.kolman) - Merge commit '7c81795d2c27b96730c606b5c88ec880d18c5773' (martin.kolman) - Note POI search method types (martin.kolman) - Log PyOtherSide version during startup (martin.kolman) - Fix layer opacity setting (martin.kolman) - Fix map layer switching (martin.kolman) - Log how long it took to find a route (martin.kolman) - Fix returning of results for Monav-based offline routing (martin.kolman) - Merge branch 'master-sort_search_results_by_distance' (martin.kolman) - Sort search results by distance (martin.kolman) - Accommodate QML side sorting by distance (martin.kolman) - Use formatDistance instead of custom implementation (martin.kolman) - Add sortable QML ListModel element variant (martin.kolman) - Merge pull request #4 from r0kk3rz/master (martin.kolman) - Preliminary Ubuntu Touch Support (r0kk3rz) - Fix method markup in the docs (martin.kolman) - Add a note about the API spec to the README (martin.kolman) - reduce TOC depth (martin.kolman) - Remove the Authors section (martin.kolman) - Fix the table of contents (martin.kolman) - Add Authors section to the API spec (martin.kolman) - Add Universal Components API specification document (martin.kolman) - Remove a leftover modRana reference (martin.kolman) - Add the Tensor application to the list of Universal Component users (martin.kolman) - Update TODO (martin.kolman) - Fix a typo (martin.kolman) - Highlight QML code example (martin.kolman) - Add the TopMenu element (martin.kolman) - Add PlatformFlickable and PlatformListView elements (martin.kolman) - Add a Popup component (martin.kolman) - Remove remaining modRana rWin dependencies (martin.kolman) - Convert all variant usage to var in UC (martin.kolman) - Fix the animate argument semantics (martin.kolman) - Correctly report window portrait status with Controls backend (martin.kolman) - Remove a debugging message (martin.kolman) - Show the content of the ComboBox description property (martin.kolman) - Add the description property for ComboBox with Controls backend (martin.kolman) * Wed Feb 01 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.54.3-1 - Possible fix for no tiles being shown at startup (martin.kolman) - Fix place search (martin.kolman) * Tue Jan 31 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.54.2-1 - Rename Address search to Place search (martin.kolman) - Merge branch 'master-osm_scout_server_routing' (martin.kolman) - Add support for using the OSM Scout Server for routing (martin.kolman) - Add support for converting OSM Scout Server routing result JSON to a way (martin.kolman) - Merge branch 'master-osm_scout_server_POI_search' (martin.kolman) - Add OSM Scout Server local search support (martin.kolman) - Add support for OSM Scout based place search (martin.kolman) - Automatic/user triggered changed signal differentiation (martin.kolman) * Mon Jan 30 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.54.1-1 - Add support for showing GPX tracklogs (martin.kolman) - Refactoring and cleanup (martin.kolman) - Add getters for the Qt 5 GUI (martin.kolman) - Some loadTracklog fixes (martin.kolman) - Add the list_logs icon (martin.kolman) - Use map coordinates when drawing route and logging traces (martin.kolman) - Improve coordinate conversion functions (martin.kolman) - Fix some typos (martin.kolman) - Scale also POI label text size according to DPI (martin.kolman) - Scale POI markers according to DPI (martin.kolman) - DPI scaling for the position indicator (martin.kolman) - Add support for map canvas redraw debugging (martin.kolman) - Actually stop drawing the trace when logging is stopped (martin.kolman) - Disable a debug log message (martin.kolman) - Repaint canvas once route clear button is pressed (martin.kolman) - Filter logging trace points before drawing (martin.kolman) - Pause trace drawing when track recording is paused (martin.kolman) - Refactor the loadTracklogs module a bit (martin.kolman) - Merge branch 'master-draw_track_logging_trace' (martin.kolman) - Add support for tracklog trace drawing (martin.kolman) - Fix formatting of the GUI style constants dictionary (martin.kolman) - Fixup the README a bit (martin.kolman) - Fix layout of the Bitcoin page (martin.kolman) - Show modRana version in page header (martin.kolman) - Fix various high DPI issues (martin.kolman) - Fix high DPI mode style constants (martin.kolman) - Report screen size from QML to Python (martin.kolman) - Fix Sailfish OS detection (martin.kolman) - Merge branch 'master-better_tile_display' (martin.kolman) - Fix coordinate conversion functions (martin.kolman) - Update tiles when panning (martin.kolman) - Fix offset computation that runs when pan ends (martin.kolman) - Work around a bug in the Sailfish OS version of Qt5 (martin.kolman) - Comment out the position error indicator for now (martin.kolman) - Improved tile display in Qt 5 GUI (martin.kolman) - Use proper tile download status indication constant (martin.kolman) * Wed Jan 04 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.53.5-1 - Use a slightly lighter background for the Sailfish OS icon (martin.kolman) * Wed Jan 04 2017 Martin Kolman - 0.53.4-1 - Add Sailfish OS styled icon to the Silica theme (martin.kolman) - Use appropriately styled icons on Sailfish OS (martin.kolman) - Run unit tests with Python 3 (martin.kolman) - Add unit test for the MapLayers class (martin.kolman) - Fix a typo and add a nite (martin.kolman) - Layer timeout should be either float or None (martin.kolman) - Merge branch 'master-move_layer_classes_to_core' (martin.kolman) - PEP 8 & docs for map layer classes (martin.kolman) - Move layer definition classes to core (martin.kolman) * Thu Dec 01 2016 Martin Kolman - 0.53.3-1 - Add OSM Scout Server layers (martin.kolman) - Some PEP8 for gprof2dot.py (martin.kolman) - Some PEP8 for modrana.py (martin.kolman) - Update bundled urllib3 to 1.19 (martin.kolman) - Change thread count options a bit (martin.kolman) - Expose automatic thread download count in the Qt 5 GUI (martin.kolman) - Use default thread count from constants (martin.kolman) - Fix platform detection on Sailfish OS (martin.kolman) - Add a more comprehensive test for the Point class (martin.kolman) - Refactor config handling code & config handling unit tests (martin.kolman) - Redirect all log messages to stdout when running tests (martin.kolman) - Prevent & from breaking Pango (martin.kolman) - Merge branch 'master' of github.com:M4rtinK/modrana (martin.kolman) - Check if the default map and user config files are valid (martin.kolman) - Merge pull request #137 from DerDakon/preset-OpenRailwayMap (martin.kolman) - add OpenRailwayMap overlays (eike) - Bump map config file revision (martin.kolman) - Add an "overlay" suffix to the OpenFireMap label (martin.kolman) - Merge pull request #136 from DerDakon/preset-OpenFireMap (martin.kolman) - add OpenFireMap to map presets (kde) - Bump map config file revision (martin.kolman) - Remove OSM prefixes for OpenStreetMap layer names (martin.kolman) - Update URLs for OpenTopoMap, Hike & Bike and Land/Hill Shading layers (martin.kolman) - PEP8 for the routing module (martin.kolman) - Show what failed when routing fails (martin.kolman) - Initial Monav Light offline routing support (martin.kolman) - Fix imports (martin.kolman) - More PEP8 and a little cleanup (martin.kolman) - Add a shutdown signal (martin.kolman) - Add a script for pretty human readable changelog generation (martin.kolman) * Sun Oct 11 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.53.2-1 - Handle no results for saved overlay configs (martin.kolman) - Hack around Android/Qt Resource import weirdness in bundled urllib3 (martin.kolman) * Sat Oct 10 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.53.1-1 - Don't instantiate tile elements until layer list is loaded (martin.kolman) - Fix a typo (martin.kolman) - Add Thunderforest map layers (martin.kolman) - Handle inheritence in the 2.5 property setter implementation (martin.kolman) - Use milliseconds for internal timeout specifications consistently (martin.kolman) - Make sure the timeout is an integer (martin.kolman) - Improve a docstring (martin.kolman) - Create folder for store if it does not exist yet (martin.kolman) - Update the bundled copy of urllib3 to 1.11 (martin.kolman) - Cleanup the PinchMap file a bit (martin.kolman) - Handle the unlikely case of a lookup db and store db mismatch (martin.kolman) - Don't wrap sqlite tile lookup in str() before detection (martin.kolman) - Improve debugging output when listing stores for a tile loading request (martin.kolman) - Use store name not full path for discovered storage db connections (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to enable tile storage debugging from the Qt 5 GUI (martin.kolman) - Reword debugging message triggers for tiles (martin.kolman) - Add a log message for enabling/disabling of tile loading debugging (martin.kolman) - Don't sleep when shutting down modRana (martin.kolman) - Log how long store closing at shutdown took (martin.kolman) - Move elapsed time string generation to utils (martin.kolman) - Add information about elapsed time to relevant tile loading debugging messages (martin.kolman) - cleanup unused imports in storeTiles (martin.kolman) - Add more tile loading debugging messages (martin.kolman) - Remove old tile storage testing code (martin.kolman) - Remove some leftover debugging messages (martin.kolman) - Implement __repr__ for the file based and sqlite tile stores (martin.kolman) - Use the tile-storage module for tile storage (martin.kolman) - Initial implementation (martin.kolman) - Add the backports folder to the Python import path (martin.kolman) - Add 'core/tile_storage/' from commit 'b41f83a698e46700468e46b52b45266451eea368' (martin.kolman) - Refactor the AppendOnlyWay class (martin.kolman) - Make the polyline decoding method public and switch to underscores (martin.kolman) - Refactor the Way class (martin.kolman) - Refactor TurnByTurnPoint (martin.kolman) - Forward command like arguments in startup scripts (martin.kolman) - Fix generic pc startup script (martin.kolman) - Add an initial ultra rudimentary unit test for the Point class (martin.kolman) - Refactor the POI database to a separate module (martin.kolman) - Reword the "POI added" message a bit (martin.kolman) - Add function for parsing coordinates in the geo:latitude,longitude format (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to get POI category by name (martin.kolman) - Add the poi list-categories subcommand (martin.kolman) - Add initial poi handling subcommand (martin.kolman) - The database index might not always be an integer (martin.kolman) - Refactor and cleanup the menu module a bit (martin.kolman) - Display Japanese and long strings correctly in notifications (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to measure the size of wrapped text (martin.kolman) - Correctly display Japanese on POI markers (martin.kolman) - Small search result drawing refactoring (martin.kolman) - Big Point class usage cleanup and improvements (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to send messages from the main modRana class (martin.kolman) - Log the "no message handler" error (martin.kolman) - Rename the check target to test target (martin.kolman) - Small Point module/class refactoring (martin.kolman) - Turn point lat, lon and elevation to proper properties (martin.kolman) - Add basic unit testing infrastructure (martin.kolman) - Use correct values when generating quad keys (martin.kolman) * Tue Jun 16 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.52.10-1 - Make sure the background bubble stays visible on Sailfish OS (martin.kolman) - Add long-click menu with a "route here" button (martin.kolman) - Set start and destination by a function (martin.kolman) - Add functions for enabling and disabling the routing UI (martin.kolman) - Make it possible to set marker name when appending it (martin.kolman) - Move the pinch and mouse areas under them tile grid (martin.kolman) - Make pan detection HiDPI aware (martin.kolman) - Don't trigger the long-click signal if a pan is in progress (martin.kolman) - Clarify Python 3 support (martin.kolman) - Round position change when panning during pinch zoom (martin.kolman) - Refactor the map marker implementation (martin.kolman) - Add support for long-click detection to the PinchMap element (martin.kolman) - Use rWin.lastGoodPos when computing distance to search results (martin.kolman) * Wed May 27 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.52.9-1 - Make sure that version.txt is present in sourcedir (martin.kolman) * Mon May 25 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.52.8-1 - Create a version.txt file when making the tarball (martin.kolman) * Tue May 19 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.52.7-1 - Only show the keep-screen-on toggle when it does something (martin.kolman) * Sat May 16 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.52.6-1 - More Sailfish Harbour packaging fixes (martin.kolman) * Wed May 13 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.52.5-1 - Remove python3-base dependency on Sailfish OS (martin.kolman) * Wed May 13 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.52.4-1 - Sailfish packaging fixes (martin.kolman) * Tue Apr 21 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.52.3-1 - Fix the Sailfish QML mangling script (martin.kolman) * Wed Apr 01 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.52.2-1 - Initial package