# NOTE: This specfile is generated from upstream at https://github.com/rhinstaller/lorax # NOTE: Please submit changes as a pull request %define debug_package %{nil} Name: lorax Version: 35.5 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: Tool for creating the anaconda install images License: GPLv2+ URL: https://github.com/weldr/lorax # To generate Source0 do: # git clone https://github.com/weldr/lorax # git checkout -b archive-branch lorax-%%{version}-%%{release} # tito build --tgz Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Patch1: lorax-35.5-grub2-fonts.patch BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: systemd-rpm-macros Requires: lorax-templates Requires: cpio Requires: device-mapper Requires: dosfstools Requires: e2fsprogs Requires: findutils Requires: gawk Requires: xorriso Requires: glib2 Requires: glibc Requires: glibc-common Requires: gzip Requires: isomd5sum Requires: module-init-tools Requires: parted Requires: squashfs-tools >= 4.2 Requires: util-linux Requires: xz-lzma-compat Requires: xz Requires: pigz Requires: pbzip2 Requires: dracut >= 030 Requires: kpartx Requires: psmisc # Python modules Requires: libselinux-python3 Requires: python3-mako Requires: python3-kickstart >= 3.19 Requires: python3-dnf >= 3.2.0 Requires: python3-librepo Requires: python3-pycdlib %if 0%{?fedora} # Fedora specific deps %ifarch x86_64 Requires: hfsplus-tools %endif %endif %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 Requires: syslinux >= 6.03-1 Requires: syslinux-nonlinux >= 6.03-1 %endif %ifarch ppc64le Requires: grub2 Requires: grub2-tools %endif %ifarch s390 s390x Requires: openssh Requires: s390utils >= 2.15.0-2 %endif %ifarch %{arm} Requires: uboot-tools %endif # Moved image-minimizer tool to lorax Provides: appliance-tools-minimizer = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: appliance-tools-minimizer < 007.7-3 %description Lorax is a tool for creating the anaconda install images. It also includes livemedia-creator which is used to create bootable livemedia, including live isos and disk images. It can use libvirtd for the install, or Anaconda's image install feature. %package docs Summary: Lorax html documentation Requires: lorax = %{version}-%{release} %description docs Includes the full html documentation for lorax, livemedia-creator, and the pylorax library. %package lmc-virt Summary: livemedia-creator libvirt dependencies Requires: lorax = %{version}-%{release} Requires: qemu # Fedora edk2 builds currently only support these arches %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 %{arm} aarch64 Requires: edk2-ovmf %endif Recommends: qemu-kvm %description lmc-virt Additional dependencies required by livemedia-creator when using it with qemu. %package lmc-novirt Summary: livemedia-creator no-virt dependencies Requires: lorax = %{version}-%{release} Requires: anaconda-core Requires: anaconda-tui Requires: anaconda-install-env-deps Requires: system-logos Requires: python3-psutil %description lmc-novirt Additional dependencies required by livemedia-creator when using it with --no-virt to run Anaconda. %package templates-generic Summary: Generic build templates for lorax and livemedia-creator Requires: lorax = %{version}-%{release} Provides: lorax-templates = %{version}-%{release} %description templates-generic Lorax templates for creating the boot.iso and live isos are placed in /usr/share/lorax/templates.d/99-generic %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} %patch1 -p1 %build %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT mandir=%{_mandir} install %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %license COPYING %doc AUTHORS %doc docs/lorax.rst docs/livemedia-creator.rst docs/product-images.rst %doc docs/*ks %{python3_sitelib}/pylorax %{python3_sitelib}/*.egg-info %{_sbindir}/lorax %{_sbindir}/mkefiboot %{_sbindir}/livemedia-creator %{_sbindir}/mkksiso %{_bindir}/image-minimizer %dir %{_sysconfdir}/lorax %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/lorax/lorax.conf %dir %{_datadir}/lorax %{_mandir}/man1/lorax.1* %{_mandir}/man1/livemedia-creator.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mkksiso.1* %{_tmpfilesdir}/lorax.conf %files docs %doc docs/html/* %files lmc-virt %files lmc-novirt %files templates-generic %dir %{_datadir}/lorax/templates.d %{_datadir}/lorax/templates.d/* %changelog * Thu Jul 08 2021 Kevin Fenzi - 35.5-2 - Add downstream patch to fix grub2 fonts location. * Fri Jun 11 2021 Brian C. Lane 35.5-1 - pylorax: Fix mksparse ftruncate size handling (bcl@redhat.com) * Thu Jun 10 2021 Brian C. Lane 35.4-1 - livemedia-creator: Check for mkfs.hfsplus (bcl@redhat.com) - Drop retired icfg (zbyszek@in.waw.pl) * Tue May 25 2021 Brian C. Lane 35.3-1 - Add a context manager for dracut (bcl@redhat.com) Resolves: rhbz#1962975 - Remove unneeded aajohan-comfortaa-fonts (bcl@redhat.com) * Wed May 05 2021 Brian C. Lane 35.2-1 - runtime-cleanup: Use branding package name instead of product.name (bcl@redhat.com) - treebuilder: Add branding package to template variables (bcl@redhat.com) - livemedia-creator: Use inst.ks on cmdline for virt (bcl@redhat.com) - docs: Remove composer-cli.1 (bcl@redhat.com) * Mon Apr 26 2021 Brian C. Lane 35.1-1 - New lorax documentation - 35.1 (bcl@redhat.com) - Makefile: Use podman as a user for testing and docs (bcl@redhat.com) - composer-cli: Remove all traces of composer-cli (bcl@redhat.com) - livemedia-creator: Add rhgb to live iso cmdline (#1943312) (bcl@redhat.com) - tests: Fix pocketlint use of removed pylint messages (bcl@redhat.com) - Disable X11 forwarding from installation environment. (vslavik@redhat.com) - Remove display-related packages (vslavik@redhat.com) - Drop trying to install reiserfs-utils (kevin@scrye.com) - test: Fix URL to bots testmap (martin@piware.de) - Change khmeros-base-fonts to khmer-os-system-fonts. (pnemade@fedoraproject.org) - Fix output path in docs (vslavik@redhat.com) - runtime-cleanup: don't wipe /usr/bin/report-cli (#1937550) (awilliam@redhat.com) - xorg-x11-font-utils is now four packages, remove all of them (peter.hutterer@who-t.net) - xorg-x11-server-utils was split up in Fedora 34, so adjust templates (kevin@scrye.com) * Wed Mar 03 2021 Brian C. Lane 35.0-1 - New lorax documentation - 35.0 (bcl@redhat.com) - Makefile: Add test-in-podman and docs-in-podman build targets (bcl@redhat.com) - isolinux.cfg: Rename the 'vesa' menu entry to 'basic' (bcl@redhat.com) - composer-cli: Add support for start-ostree --url URL (bcl@redhat.com) * Wed Mar 03 2021 Brian C. Lane - New lorax documentation - 35.0 (bcl@redhat.com) - Makefile: Add test-in-podman and docs-in-podman build targets (bcl@redhat.com) - isolinux.cfg: Rename the 'vesa' menu entry to 'basic' (bcl@redhat.com) - composer-cli: Add support for start-ostree --url URL (bcl@redhat.com) * Mon Feb 15 2021 Brian C. Lane 34.9-1 - Use inst.rescue to trigger rescue mode (awilliam@redhat.com) Resolves: rhbz#1928318 * Mon Feb 08 2021 Brian C. Lane 34.8-1 - Use image dependencies metapackage (vslavik@redhat.com) - tests: Include the fedora-updates repo when testing boot.iso building (bcl@redhat.com) * Wed Jan 20 2021 Brian C. Lane 34.7-1 - live/x86.tmpl: Copy livecd-iso-to-disk script, if installed (david.ward@ll.mit.edu) - templates: Copy license files from the correct path (david.ward@ll.mit.edu) - test: Fix vm.install for non-LVM cloud images (martin@piware.de) * Wed Dec 16 2020 Brian C. Lane 34.6-1 - Remove LD_PRELOAD libgomp.so.1 from lmc --no-virt (bcl@redhat.com) - Add POSTIN scriptlet error to the log monitor list (bcl@redhat.com) - Improve lmc no-virt error handling (bcl@redhat.com) - lorax.spec: Drop GConf2 requirement (bcl@redhat.com) * Mon Nov 30 2020 Brian C. Lane 34.5-1 - Don't remove libldap_r libraries during runtime-cleanup.tmpl (spichugi@redhat.com) - Do not use '--loglevel' option when running Anaconda (vtrefny@redhat.com) - Makefile: quiet rsync use in testing (bcl@redhat.com) - Switch to using GitHub Actions instead of Travis CI (bcl@redhat.com) * Mon Nov 02 2020 Brian C. Lane 34.4-1 - Update the default release version to 34 (bcl@redhat.com) - Remove mdmonitor service from boot.iso (bcl@redhat.com) - Switch to using upstream mk-s390image for s390 cdboot.img creation (bcl@redhat.com) - sshd_config: Apply suggested changes (bcl@redhat.com) - lorax.spec: Add BuildRequires on systemd-rpm-macros for tmpfilesdir macro (bcl@redhat.com) * Wed Oct 07 2020 Brian C. Lane 34.3-1 - composer: Fix open file warnings (bcl@redhat.com) - ltmpl: Fix deprecated escape in docstring (bcl@redhat.com) - tests: Fix open file warning in test_execWithRedirect (bcl@redhat.com) - Cleanup imgutil open files and processes (bcl@redhat.com) - tests: Remove test_del_execReadlines (bcl@redhat.com) - Fix unclosed files (bcl@redhat.com) - test: Use Python dev mode during testing (bcl@redhat.com) - tests: Update composer-cli blueprint server tests (bcl@redhat.com) - runtime-cleanup: Delete .pyc files (bcl@redhat.com) - New lorax documentation - 34.3 (bcl@redhat.com) - doc: Add Blueprint documentation and example to composer-cli.rst (bcl@redhat.com) - docs: Update docs for lorax-composer removal (bcl@redhat.com) - tests: Remove unused lorax-composer tests (bcl@redhat.com) - Remove lorax-composer, it has been replaced by osbuild-composer (bcl@redhat.com) * Tue Sep 29 2020 Brian C. Lane 34.2-1 - runtime-cleanup: Remove ncurses package (bcl@redhat.com) * Mon Sep 14 2020 Brian C. Lane 34.1-1 - Fix broken single-item tuples in a few places (awilliam@redhat.com) - Drop dpaa2 firmware on non-aarch64 arches (awilliam@redhat.com) - Drop firmware for Mellanox Spectrum (awilliam@redhat.com) - runtime-cleanup: big refresh of stale things (awilliam@redhat.com) * Tue Sep 08 2020 Brian C. Lane 34.0-1 - New lorax documentation - 34.0 (bcl@redhat.com) - runtime-cleanup: strip a bunch of unnecessary firmwares (awilliam@redhat.com) - runtime-install: specify polkit-gnome to avoid lxpolkit and GTK2 (awilliam@redhat.com) - runtime-install: exclude gnome-firmware and sigrok-firmware (awilliam@redhat.com) - runtime-cleanup: Drop video playback acceleration drivers (awilliam@redhat.com) - runtime-install: don't install notification-daemon (awilliam@redhat.com)