Mock Version: 2.0 Mock Version: 2.0 Mock Version: 2.0 ENTER ['do_with_status'](['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target i686 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/chrony.spec'], chrootPath='/var/lib/mock/1299385-fedora-30-i386-1583837277.215813/root'env={'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\\033]0;\\007"', 'PS1': ' \\s-\\v\\$ ', 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'}shell=Falselogger=timeout=0uid=1001gid=135user='mockbuild'nspawn_args=['--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11']unshare_net=TrueprintOutput=True) ENTER ['do_with_status'](['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target i686 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/chrony.spec'], chrootPath='/var/lib/mock/1299385-fedora-30-i386-1583837277.215813/root'env={'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\\033]0;\\007"', 'PS1': ' \\s-\\v\\$ ', 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'}shell=Falselogger=timeout=0uid=1001gid=135user='mockbuild'nspawn_args=['--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11']unshare_net=TrueprintOutput=True) Using nspawn with args ['--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11'] Using nspawn with args ['--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11'] Executing command: ['/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn', '-q', '-M', '4e3dc628683c4a91aec85db5e125727d', '-D', '/var/lib/mock/1299385-fedora-30-i386-1583837277.215813/root', '-a', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11', '--console=pipe', '--setenv=TERM=vt100', '--setenv=SHELL=/bin/bash', '--setenv=HOME=/builddir', '--setenv=HOSTNAME=mock', '--setenv=PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', '--setenv=PROMPT_COMMAND=printf "\\033]0;\\007"', '--setenv=PS1= \\s-\\v\\$ ', '--setenv=LANG=en_US.UTF-8', '-u', 'mockbuild', 'bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target i686 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/chrony.spec'] with env {'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\\033]0;\\007"', 'PS1': ' \\s-\\v\\$ ', 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'} and shell False Executing command: ['/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn', '-q', '-M', '4e3dc628683c4a91aec85db5e125727d', '-D', '/var/lib/mock/1299385-fedora-30-i386-1583837277.215813/root', '-a', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11', '--console=pipe', '--setenv=TERM=vt100', '--setenv=SHELL=/bin/bash', '--setenv=HOME=/builddir', '--setenv=HOSTNAME=mock', '--setenv=PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', '--setenv=PROMPT_COMMAND=printf "\\033]0;\\007"', '--setenv=PS1= \\s-\\v\\$ ', '--setenv=LANG=en_US.UTF-8', '-u', 'mockbuild', 'bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target i686 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/chrony.spec'] with env {'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\\033]0;\\007"', 'PS1': ' \\s-\\v\\$ ', 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'} and shell False warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 15: %{version}%{?prerelease}.tar.gz warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 15: %{version}%{?prerelease}.tar.gz warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 16: %{gitver}/chrony-%{gitver}.tar.gz warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 16: %{gitver}/chrony-%{gitver}.tar.gz Building target platforms: i686 Building target platforms: i686 Building for target i686 Building for target i686 Wrote: /builddir/build/SRPMS/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.src.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/SRPMS/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.src.rpm Child return code was: 0 Child return code was: 0 ENTER ['do_with_status'](['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bb --target i686 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/chrony.spec'], chrootPath='/var/lib/mock/1299385-fedora-30-i386-1583837277.215813/root'env={'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\\033]0;\\007"', 'PS1': ' \\s-\\v\\$ ', 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'}shell=Falselogger=timeout=0uid=1001gid=135user='mockbuild'nspawn_args=['--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11']unshare_net=TrueprintOutput=True) ENTER ['do_with_status'](['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bb --target i686 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/chrony.spec'], chrootPath='/var/lib/mock/1299385-fedora-30-i386-1583837277.215813/root'env={'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\\033]0;\\007"', 'PS1': ' \\s-\\v\\$ ', 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'}shell=Falselogger=timeout=0uid=1001gid=135user='mockbuild'nspawn_args=['--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11']unshare_net=TrueprintOutput=True) Using nspawn with args ['--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11'] Using nspawn with args ['--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11'] Executing command: ['/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn', '-q', '-M', 'c946fd60320b4158b99daec0473c29cb', '-D', '/var/lib/mock/1299385-fedora-30-i386-1583837277.215813/root', '-a', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11', '--console=pipe', '--setenv=TERM=vt100', '--setenv=SHELL=/bin/bash', '--setenv=HOME=/builddir', '--setenv=HOSTNAME=mock', '--setenv=PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', '--setenv=PROMPT_COMMAND=printf "\\033]0;\\007"', '--setenv=PS1= \\s-\\v\\$ ', '--setenv=LANG=en_US.UTF-8', '-u', 'mockbuild', 'bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bb --target i686 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/chrony.spec'] with env {'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\\033]0;\\007"', 'PS1': ' \\s-\\v\\$ ', 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'} and shell False Executing command: ['/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn', '-q', '-M', 'c946fd60320b4158b99daec0473c29cb', '-D', '/var/lib/mock/1299385-fedora-30-i386-1583837277.215813/root', '-a', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240', '--capability=cap_ipc_lock', '--bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.fa0qo276:/etc/resolv.conf', '--bind=/dev/loop-control', '--bind=/dev/loop0', '--bind=/dev/loop1', '--bind=/dev/loop2', '--bind=/dev/loop3', '--bind=/dev/loop4', '--bind=/dev/loop5', '--bind=/dev/loop6', '--bind=/dev/loop7', '--bind=/dev/loop8', '--bind=/dev/loop9', '--bind=/dev/loop10', '--bind=/dev/loop11', '--console=pipe', '--setenv=TERM=vt100', '--setenv=SHELL=/bin/bash', '--setenv=HOME=/builddir', '--setenv=HOSTNAME=mock', '--setenv=PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', '--setenv=PROMPT_COMMAND=printf "\\033]0;\\007"', '--setenv=PS1= \\s-\\v\\$ ', '--setenv=LANG=en_US.UTF-8', '-u', 'mockbuild', 'bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bb --target i686 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/chrony.spec'] with env {'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\\033]0;\\007"', 'PS1': ' \\s-\\v\\$ ', 'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'} and shell False warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 15: %{version}%{?prerelease}.tar.gz warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 15: %{version}%{?prerelease}.tar.gz warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 16: %{gitver}/chrony-%{gitver}.tar.gz warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 16: %{gitver}/chrony-%{gitver}.tar.gz Building target platforms: i686 Building target platforms: i686 Building for target i686 Building for target i686 Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.6OxY7t Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.6OxY7t + umask 022 + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + rm -rf chrony-31e6a5 + rm -rf chrony-31e6a5 + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/chrony-31e6a5.tar.bz2 + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/chrony-31e6a5.tar.bz2 + /usr/bin/tar -xof - + /usr/bin/tar -xof - + STATUS=0 + STATUS=0 + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' + cd chrony-31e6a5 + cd chrony-31e6a5 + /usr/bin/gzip -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/clknetsim-09cbc3.tar.gz + /usr/bin/gzip -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/clknetsim-09cbc3.tar.gz + /usr/bin/tar -xof - + /usr/bin/tar -xof - + STATUS=0 + STATUS=0 + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' + /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w . + /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w . + echo 'Patch #2 (chrony-service-helper.patch):' + echo 'Patch #2 (chrony-service-helper.patch):' Patch #2 (chrony-service-helper.patch): Patch #2 (chrony-service-helper.patch): + /usr/bin/patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 -b --suffix .service-helper --fuzz=0 + /usr/bin/patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 -b --suffix .service-helper --fuzz=0 patching file examples/chronyd.service patching file examples/chronyd.service + echo 3.5-20200310git31e6a5 + echo 3.5-20200310git31e6a5 + touch FAQ + touch FAQ + md5sum -c + md5sum -c + grep -v 'OK$' + grep -v 'OK$' + test -n fedora. + test -n fedora. + sed -e 's|^\(pool \)\(\)|\12.fedora.\2|' -e 's|#\(leapsectz\)|\1|' -e 's|#\(keyfile\)|\1|' + sed -e 's|^\(pool \)\(\)|\12.fedora.\2|' -e 's|#\(leapsectz\)|\1|' -e 's|#\(keyfile\)|\1|' + touch -r examples/chrony.conf.example2 chrony.conf + touch -r examples/chrony.conf.example2 chrony.conf + rm -f getdate.c + rm -f getdate.c + mv clknetsim-09cbc3f957fd82112fd981174e95f33973245e89 test/simulation/clknetsim + mv clknetsim-09cbc3f957fd82112fd981174e95f33973245e89 test/simulation/clknetsim + exit 0 + exit 0 Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.mNEb3g Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.mNEb3g + umask 022 + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd chrony-31e6a5 + cd chrony-31e6a5 + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection' + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection' + export CFLAGS + export CFLAGS + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection' + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection' + export CXXFLAGS + export CXXFLAGS + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -I/usr/lib/gfortran/modules' + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -I/usr/lib/gfortran/modules' + export FFLAGS + export FFLAGS + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -I/usr/lib/gfortran/modules' + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -I/usr/lib/gfortran/modules' + export FCFLAGS + export FCFLAGS + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' + export LDFLAGS + export LDFLAGS + '[' 1 = 1 ']' + '[' 1 = 1 ']' +++ dirname ./configure +++ dirname ./configure ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub + '[' 1 = 1 ']' + '[' 1 = 1 ']' + '[' x '!=' 'x-Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' ']' + '[' x '!=' 'x-Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' ']' ++ find . -name ++ find . -name ++ date -d '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00' +%s ++ date -d '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00' +%s + ./configure --build=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --host=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --enable-debug --enable-ntp-signd --enable-scfilter --docdir=/usr/share/doc --with-ntp-era=0 --with-user=chrony --with-hwclockfile=/etc/adjtime --with-sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail + ./configure --build=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --host=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --enable-debug --enable-ntp-signd --enable-scfilter --docdir=/usr/share/doc --with-ntp-era=0 --with-user=chrony --with-hwclockfile=/etc/adjtime --with-sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail Unrecognized option : --build=i686-redhat-linux-gnu Unrecognized option : --build=i686-redhat-linux-gnu Unrecognized option : --host=i686-redhat-linux-gnu Unrecognized option : --host=i686-redhat-linux-gnu Unrecognized option : --program-prefix= Unrecognized option : --program-prefix= Unrecognized option : --disable-dependency-tracking Unrecognized option : --disable-dependency-tracking Unrecognized option : --datadir=/usr/share Unrecognized option : --datadir=/usr/share Unrecognized option : --includedir=/usr/include Unrecognized option : --includedir=/usr/include Unrecognized option : --libdir=/usr/lib Unrecognized option : --libdir=/usr/lib Unrecognized option : --libexecdir=/usr/libexec Unrecognized option : --libexecdir=/usr/libexec Unrecognized option : --sharedstatedir=/var/lib Unrecognized option : --sharedstatedir=/var/lib Unrecognized option : --infodir=/usr/share/info Unrecognized option : --infodir=/usr/share/info Configuring for Linux-i686 Configuring for Linux-i686 Checking for gcc : Yes Checking for gcc : Yes Checking for pkg-config : Yes Checking for pkg-config : Yes Checking for 64-bit time_t : No Checking for 64-bit time_t : No Checking for math : No Checking for math : No Checking for math in -lm : Yes Checking for math in -lm : Yes Checking for struct in_pktinfo : Yes Checking for struct in_pktinfo : Yes Checking for IPv6 support : Yes Checking for IPv6 support : Yes Checking for struct in6_pktinfo : No Checking for struct in6_pktinfo : No Checking for struct in6_pktinfo with _GNU_SOURCE : Yes Checking for struct in6_pktinfo with _GNU_SOURCE : Yes Checking for clock_gettime() : Yes Checking for clock_gettime() : Yes Checking for getaddrinfo() : Yes Checking for getaddrinfo() : Yes Checking for pthread : Yes Checking for pthread : Yes Checking for arc4random_buf() : No Checking for arc4random_buf() : No Checking for getrandom() : Yes Checking for getrandom() : Yes Checking for recvmmsg() : Yes Checking for recvmmsg() : Yes Checking for SW/HW timestamping : Yes Checking for SW/HW timestamping : Yes Checking for other timestamping options : Yes Checking for other timestamping options : Yes Checking for : Yes Checking for : Yes Checking for PPSAPI : Yes Checking for PPSAPI : Yes Checking for libcap : Yes Checking for libcap : Yes Checking for seccomp : Yes Checking for seccomp : Yes Checking for : Yes Checking for : Yes Checking for : Yes Checking for : Yes Checking for pthread_setschedparam() : Yes Checking for pthread_setschedparam() : Yes Checking for mlockall() : Yes Checking for mlockall() : Yes Checking for setrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, ...) : Yes Checking for setrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, ...) : Yes Checking for editline : Yes Checking for editline : Yes Checking for nettle : Yes Checking for nettle : Yes Checking for CMAC in nettle : No Checking for CMAC in nettle : No Checking for gnutls : Yes Checking for gnutls : Yes Checking for SIV in nettle : No Checking for SIV in nettle : No Features : +CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP +SCFILTER +SIGND +ASYNCDNS +NTS +READLINE +SECHASH +IPV6 +DEBUG Features : +CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP +SCFILTER +SIGND +ASYNCDNS +NTS +READLINE +SECHASH +IPV6 +DEBUG Creating Makefile Creating Makefile Creating doc/Makefile Creating doc/Makefile Creating test/unit/Makefile Creating test/unit/Makefile + make -j2 + make -j2 bison -o getdate.c getdate.y bison -o getdate.c getdate.y gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -c array.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -c array.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -c cmdparse.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -c cmdparse.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -c conf.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -c conf.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables 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-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -c siv_nettle.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -c client.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 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refclock_sock.o nameserv_async.o hwclock.o ntp_io_linux.o privops.o rtc_linux.o hash_nettle.o nts_ke_client.o nts_ke_server.o nts_ke_session.o nts_ntp_auth.o nts_ntp_client.o nts_ntp_server.o siv_nettle.o -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -lm -lnettle -lgnutls -lcap -lseccomp gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -o chronyd array.o cmdparse.o conf.o local.o logging.o main.o memory.o reference.o regress.o rtc.o samplefilt.o sched.o socket.o sources.o sourcestats.o stubs.o smooth.o sys.o sys_null.o tempcomp.o util.o sys_generic.o sys_linux.o sys_timex.o sys_posix.o cmdmon.o manual.o pktlength.o ntp_auth.o ntp_core.o ntp_ext.o ntp_io.o ntp_sources.o ntp_signd.o addrfilt.o clientlog.o keys.o nameserv.o refclock.o refclock_phc.o refclock_pps.o refclock_shm.o refclock_sock.o nameserv_async.o hwclock.o ntp_io_linux.o privops.o rtc_linux.o hash_nettle.o nts_ke_client.o nts_ke_server.o nts_ke_session.o nts_ntp_auth.o nts_ntp_client.o nts_ntp_server.o siv_nettle.o -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -lm -lnettle -lgnutls -lcap -lseccomp gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -o chronyc array.o client.o cmdparse.o getdate.o memory.o nameserv.o pktlength.o socket.o util.o hash_nettle.o -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -lm -lnettle -lgnutls -ledit gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -o chronyc array.o client.o cmdparse.o getdate.o memory.o nameserv.o pktlength.o socket.o util.o hash_nettle.o -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -lm -lnettle -lgnutls -ledit + exit 0 + exit 0 Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.15jONE Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.15jONE + umask 022 + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + '[' /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 '!=' / ']' + '[' /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 '!=' / ']' + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 ++ dirname /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 ++ dirname /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT + mkdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 + mkdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 + cd chrony-31e6a5 + cd chrony-31e6a5 + make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 + make install DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 [ -d 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s%\@CHRONYRUNDIR\@%/var/run/chrony%g; s%\@CHRONYVARDIR\@%/var/lib/chrony%g;" < > asciidoctor -b manpage -o chronyc.adoc asciidoctor -b manpage -o chronyc.adoc sed -e "s%\@SYSCONFDIR\@%/etc%g; s%\@BINDIR\@%/usr/bin%g; s%\@SBINDIR\@%/usr/sbin%g; s%\@CHRONY_VERSION\@%3.5-20200310git31e6a5%g; s%\@DEFAULT_HWCLOCK_FILE\@%/etc/adjtime%g; s%\@DEFAULT_PID_FILE\@%/var/run/chrony/; s%\@DEFAULT_RTC_DEVICE\@%/dev/rtc%g; s%\@DEFAULT_USER\@%chrony%g; s%\@CHRONYRUNDIR\@%/var/run/chrony%g; s%\@CHRONYVARDIR\@%/var/lib/chrony%g;" < > sed -e "s%\@SYSCONFDIR\@%/etc%g; s%\@BINDIR\@%/usr/bin%g; s%\@SBINDIR\@%/usr/sbin%g; s%\@CHRONY_VERSION\@%3.5-20200310git31e6a5%g; s%\@DEFAULT_HWCLOCK_FILE\@%/etc/adjtime%g; s%\@DEFAULT_PID_FILE\@%/var/run/chrony/; s%\@DEFAULT_RTC_DEVICE\@%/dev/rtc%g; s%\@DEFAULT_USER\@%chrony%g; s%\@CHRONYRUNDIR\@%/var/run/chrony%g; s%\@CHRONYVARDIR\@%/var/lib/chrony%g;" < > asciidoctor -b manpage -o chronyd.adoc asciidoctor -b manpage -o chronyd.adoc sed -e "s%\@SYSCONFDIR\@%/etc%g; s%\@BINDIR\@%/usr/bin%g; s%\@SBINDIR\@%/usr/sbin%g; s%\@CHRONY_VERSION\@%3.5-20200310git31e6a5%g; s%\@DEFAULT_HWCLOCK_FILE\@%/etc/adjtime%g; s%\@DEFAULT_PID_FILE\@%/var/run/chrony/; s%\@DEFAULT_RTC_DEVICE\@%/dev/rtc%g; s%\@DEFAULT_USER\@%chrony%g; s%\@CHRONYRUNDIR\@%/var/run/chrony%g; s%\@CHRONYVARDIR\@%/var/lib/chrony%g;" < > sed -e "s%\@SYSCONFDIR\@%/etc%g; s%\@BINDIR\@%/usr/bin%g; s%\@SBINDIR\@%/usr/sbin%g; s%\@CHRONY_VERSION\@%3.5-20200310git31e6a5%g; s%\@DEFAULT_HWCLOCK_FILE\@%/etc/adjtime%g; s%\@DEFAULT_PID_FILE\@%/var/run/chrony/; s%\@DEFAULT_RTC_DEVICE\@%/dev/rtc%g; s%\@DEFAULT_USER\@%chrony%g; s%\@CHRONYRUNDIR\@%/var/run/chrony%g; s%\@CHRONYVARDIR\@%/var/lib/chrony%g;" < > [ -d /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man1 ] || mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man1 [ -d /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man1 ] || mkdir -p 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/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man1/chronyc.1 chmod 644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man1/chronyc.1 chmod 644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man1/chronyc.1 cp /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man8/chronyd.8 cp /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man8/chronyd.8 chmod 644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man8/chronyd.8 chmod 644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man8/chronyd.8 cp /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man5/chrony.conf.5 cp /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man5/chrony.conf.5 chmod 644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man5/chrony.conf.5 chmod 644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/man/man5/chrony.conf.5 make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5/doc' make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5/doc' + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/sysconfig /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/logrotate.d + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/sysconfig /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/logrotate.d + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/var/lib/chrony /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/var/log/chrony + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/var/lib/chrony /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/var/log/chrony + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/dhcp/dhclient.d + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/dhcp/dhclient.d + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/libexec + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/libexec + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/system /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/ntp-units.d + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/system /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/ntp-units.d + install -m 644 -p chrony.conf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/chrony.conf + install -m 644 -p chrony.conf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/chrony.conf + install -m 640 -p examples/chrony.keys.example /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/chrony.keys + install -m 640 -p examples/chrony.keys.example /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/chrony.keys + install -m 755 -p /builddir/build/SOURCES/chrony.dhclient /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/dhcp/dhclient.d/ + install -m 755 -p /builddir/build/SOURCES/chrony.dhclient /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/dhcp/dhclient.d/ + install -m 644 -p examples/chrony.logrotate /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/logrotate.d/chrony + install -m 644 -p examples/chrony.logrotate /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/etc/logrotate.d/chrony + install -m 644 -p examples/chronyd.service /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service + install -m 644 -p examples/chronyd.service /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service + install -m 755 -p examples/chrony.nm-dispatcher /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/20-chrony + install -m 755 -p examples/chrony.nm-dispatcher /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/20-chrony + install -m 644 -p examples/chrony-wait.service /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/system/chrony-wait.service + install -m 644 -p examples/chrony-wait.service /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/system/chrony-wait.service + install -m 644 -p /builddir/build/SOURCES/chrony-dnssrv@.service /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/system/chrony-dnssrv@.service + install -m 644 -p /builddir/build/SOURCES/chrony-dnssrv@.service /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/system/chrony-dnssrv@.service + install -m 644 -p /builddir/build/SOURCES/chrony-dnssrv@.timer /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/system/chrony-dnssrv@.timer + install -m 644 -p /builddir/build/SOURCES/chrony-dnssrv@.timer /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/lib/systemd/system/chrony-dnssrv@.timer + install -m 755 -p /builddir/build/SOURCES/chrony.helper /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/libexec/chrony-helper + install -m 755 -p /builddir/build/SOURCES/chrony.helper /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/libexec/chrony-helper + cat + cat + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/var/lib/chrony/drift /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/var/lib/chrony/rtc + touch /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/var/lib/chrony/drift /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/var/lib/chrony/rtc + echo chronyd.service + echo chronyd.service + /usr/lib/rpm/ -j2 --strict-build-id -m -i --build-id-seed 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 --unique-debug-suffix -3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 --unique-debug-src-base chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 --run-dwz --dwz-low-mem-die-limit 10000000 --dwz-max-die-limit 50000000 -S debugsourcefiles.list /builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5 + /usr/lib/rpm/ -j2 --strict-build-id -m -i --build-id-seed 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 --unique-debug-suffix -3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 --unique-debug-src-base chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 --run-dwz --dwz-low-mem-die-limit 10000000 --dwz-max-die-limit 50000000 -S debugsourcefiles.list /builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5 explicitly decompress any DWARF compressed ELF sections in /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/bin/chronyc explicitly decompress any DWARF compressed ELF sections in /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/bin/chronyc explicitly decompress any DWARF compressed ELF sections in /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/sbin/chronyd explicitly decompress any DWARF compressed ELF sections in /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/sbin/chronyd extracting debug info from /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/bin/chronyc extracting debug info from /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/bin/chronyc extracting debug info from /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/sbin/chronyd extracting debug info from /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/sbin/chronyd /usr/lib/rpm/sepdebugcrcfix: Updated 2 CRC32s, 0 CRC32s did match. /usr/lib/rpm/sepdebugcrcfix: Updated 2 CRC32s, 0 CRC32s did match. 2511 blocks 2511 blocks + /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot + /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot + /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-ldconfig + /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-ldconfig + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive /usr/bin/strip + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive /usr/bin/strip + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile /usr/bin/python 1 0 + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile /usr/bin/python 1 0 + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-hardlink + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-hardlink + /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-mangle-shebangs + /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-mangle-shebangs mangling shebang in /usr/lib/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/20-chrony from /bin/sh to #!/usr/bin/sh mangling shebang in /usr/lib/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/20-chrony from /bin/sh to #!/usr/bin/sh mangling shebang in /usr/libexec/chrony-helper from /bin/bash to #!/usr/bin/bash mangling shebang in /usr/libexec/chrony-helper from /bin/bash to #!/usr/bin/bash mangling shebang in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.d/ from /bin/bash to #!/usr/bin/bash mangling shebang in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.d/ from /bin/bash to #!/usr/bin/bash Executing(%check): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.lcUNw7 Executing(%check): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.lcUNw7 + umask 022 + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd chrony-31e6a5 + cd chrony-31e6a5 + export CLKNETSIM_RANDOM_SEED=24502 + export CLKNETSIM_RANDOM_SEED=24502 + CLKNETSIM_RANDOM_SEED=24502 + CLKNETSIM_RANDOM_SEED=24502 + make -j2 -C test/simulation/clknetsim + make -j2 -C test/simulation/clknetsim make: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5/test/simulation/clknetsim' make: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5/test/simulation/clknetsim' cc -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o client.o client.c cc -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o client.o client.c g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o server.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o server.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o clock.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o clock.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o node.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o node.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o generator.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o generator.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o network.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o network.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o stats.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o stats.o cc -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -shared -o client.o -ldl -lm cc -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -shared -o client.o -ldl -lm g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -o clknetsim server.o clock.o node.o generator.o network.o stats.o g++ -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -o clknetsim server.o clock.o node.o generator.o network.o stats.o make: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5/test/simulation/clknetsim' make: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5/test/simulation/clknetsim' + make quickcheck + make quickcheck make -C test/unit check make -C test/unit check make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5/test/unit' make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5/test/unit' gcc -I../.. -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -c addrfilt.c gcc -I../.. -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -c addrfilt.c gcc -I../.. -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -c test.c gcc -I../.. -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -c test.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -o addrfilt.test addrfilt.o test.o ../../array.o ../../cmdparse.o ../../conf.o ../../local.o ../../logging.o ../../memory.o ../../reference.o ../../regress.o ../../rtc.o ../../samplefilt.o ../../sched.o ../../socket.o ../../sources.o ../../sourcestats.o ../../stubs.o ../../smooth.o ../../sys.o ../../sys_null.o ../../tempcomp.o ../../util.o ../../sys_generic.o ../../sys_linux.o ../../sys_timex.o ../../sys_posix.o ../../cmdmon.o ../../manual.o ../../pktlength.o ../../ntp_auth.o ../../ntp_core.o ../../ntp_ext.o ../../ntp_io.o ../../ntp_sources.o ../../ntp_signd.o ../../clientlog.o ../../keys.o ../../nameserv.o ../../refclock.o ../../refclock_phc.o ../../refclock_pps.o ../../refclock_shm.o ../../refclock_sock.o ../../nameserv_async.o ../../hwclock.o ../../ntp_io_linux.o ../../privops.o ../../rtc_linux.o ../../hash_nettle.o ../../nts_ke_client.o ../../nts_ke_server.o ../../nts_ke_session.o ../../nts_ntp_auth.o ../../nts_ntp_client.o ../../nts_ntp_server.o ../../siv_nettle.o -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -lm -lnettle -lgnutls -lcap -lseccomp gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -o addrfilt.test addrfilt.o test.o ../../array.o ../../cmdparse.o ../../conf.o ../../local.o ../../logging.o ../../memory.o ../../reference.o ../../regress.o ../../rtc.o ../../samplefilt.o ../../sched.o ../../socket.o ../../sources.o ../../sourcestats.o ../../stubs.o ../../smooth.o ../../sys.o ../../sys_null.o ../../tempcomp.o ../../util.o 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-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -c clientlog.c gcc -I../.. -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -c clientlog.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 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../../siv_nettle.o -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -lm -lnettle -lgnutls -lcap -lseccomp gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -o sources.test sources.o test.o ../../array.o ../../cmdparse.o ../../conf.o ../../local.o ../../logging.o ../../memory.o ../../reference.o ../../regress.o ../../rtc.o ../../samplefilt.o ../../sched.o ../../socket.o ../../sourcestats.o ../../stubs.o ../../smooth.o ../../sys.o ../../sys_null.o ../../tempcomp.o ../../util.o ../../sys_generic.o ../../sys_linux.o ../../sys_timex.o ../../sys_posix.o ../../cmdmon.o ../../manual.o ../../pktlength.o ../../ntp_auth.o ../../ntp_core.o ../../ntp_ext.o ../../ntp_io.o ../../ntp_sources.o ../../ntp_signd.o ../../addrfilt.o ../../clientlog.o ../../keys.o ../../nameserv.o ../../refclock.o ../../refclock_phc.o ../../refclock_pps.o ../../refclock_shm.o ../../refclock_sock.o ../../nameserv_async.o ../../hwclock.o ../../ntp_io_linux.o ../../privops.o ../../rtc_linux.o ../../hash_nettle.o ../../nts_ke_client.o ../../nts_ke_server.o ../../nts_ke_session.o ../../nts_ntp_auth.o ../../nts_ntp_client.o ../../nts_ntp_server.o ../../siv_nettle.o -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -lm -lnettle -lgnutls -lcap -lseccomp gcc -I../.. -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -c util.c gcc -I../.. -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -c util.c gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -o util.test util.o test.o ../../array.o ../../cmdparse.o ../../conf.o ../../local.o ../../logging.o ../../memory.o ../../reference.o ../../regress.o ../../rtc.o ../../samplefilt.o ../../sched.o ../../socket.o ../../sources.o ../../sourcestats.o ../../stubs.o ../../smooth.o ../../sys.o ../../sys_null.o ../../tempcomp.o ../../sys_generic.o ../../sys_linux.o ../../sys_timex.o ../../sys_posix.o ../../cmdmon.o ../../manual.o ../../pktlength.o ../../ntp_auth.o ../../ntp_core.o ../../ntp_ext.o ../../ntp_io.o ../../ntp_sources.o ../../ntp_signd.o ../../addrfilt.o ../../clientlog.o ../../keys.o ../../nameserv.o ../../refclock.o ../../refclock_phc.o ../../refclock_pps.o ../../refclock_shm.o ../../refclock_sock.o ../../nameserv_async.o ../../hwclock.o ../../ntp_io_linux.o ../../privops.o ../../rtc_linux.o ../../hash_nettle.o ../../nts_ke_client.o ../../nts_ke_server.o ../../nts_ke_session.o ../../nts_ntp_auth.o ../../nts_ntp_client.o ../../nts_ntp_server.o ../../siv_nettle.o -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -lm -lnettle -lgnutls -lcap -lseccomp gcc -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall -pthread -o util.test util.o test.o ../../array.o ../../cmdparse.o ../../conf.o ../../local.o ../../logging.o ../../memory.o ../../reference.o ../../regress.o ../../rtc.o ../../samplefilt.o ../../sched.o ../../socket.o ../../sources.o ../../sourcestats.o ../../stubs.o ../../smooth.o ../../sys.o ../../sys_null.o ../../tempcomp.o ../../sys_generic.o ../../sys_linux.o ../../sys_timex.o ../../sys_posix.o ../../cmdmon.o ../../manual.o ../../pktlength.o ../../ntp_auth.o ../../ntp_core.o ../../ntp_ext.o ../../ntp_io.o ../../ntp_sources.o ../../ntp_signd.o ../../addrfilt.o ../../clientlog.o ../../keys.o ../../nameserv.o ../../refclock.o ../../refclock_phc.o ../../refclock_pps.o ../../refclock_shm.o ../../refclock_sock.o ../../nameserv_async.o ../../hwclock.o ../../ntp_io_linux.o ../../privops.o ../../rtc_linux.o ../../hash_nettle.o ../../nts_ke_client.o ../../nts_ke_server.o ../../nts_ke_session.o ../../nts_ntp_auth.o ../../nts_ntp_client.o ../../nts_ntp_server.o ../../siv_nettle.o -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -lm -lnettle -lgnutls -lcap -lseccomp Testing addrfilt PASS Testing addrfilt PASS Testing clientlog PASS Testing clientlog PASS Testing cmac SKIP (on line 57) Testing cmac SKIP (on line 57) Testing hash PASS Testing hash PASS Testing hwclock PASS Testing hwclock PASS Testing keys PASS Testing keys PASS Testing ntp_core PASS Testing ntp_core PASS Testing ntp_ext PASS Testing ntp_ext PASS Testing ntp_sources PASS Testing ntp_sources PASS Testing nts_ke_client PASS Testing nts_ke_client PASS Testing nts_ke_server PASS Testing nts_ke_server PASS Testing nts_ke_session PASS Testing nts_ke_session PASS Testing nts_ntp_auth PASS Testing nts_ntp_auth PASS Testing nts_ntp_client PASS Testing nts_ntp_client PASS Testing nts_ntp_server PASS Testing nts_ntp_server PASS Testing regress PASS Testing regress PASS Testing samplefilt PASS Testing samplefilt PASS Testing siv PASS Testing siv PASS Testing smooth PASS Testing smooth PASS Testing sources PASS Testing sources PASS Testing util PASS Testing util PASS make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5/test/unit' make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/chrony-31e6a5/test/unit' cd test/simulation && ./run cd test/simulation && ./run 001-defaults Testing default test settings: 001-defaults Testing default test settings: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK PASS PASS 002-largenetwork Testing large network: 002-largenetwork Testing large network: network with 4*3 servers and 5 clients: network with 4*3 servers and 5 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_start=2000 client_start=2000 clients=5 clients=5 max_sync_time=2300 max_sync_time=2300 min_sync_time=2100 min_sync_time=2100 server_strata=3 server_strata=3 servers=4 servers=4 time_rms_limit=5e-4 time_rms_limit=5e-4 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 6: OK starting node 6: OK starting node 7: OK starting node 7: OK starting node 8: OK starting node 8: OK starting node 9: OK starting node 9: OK starting node 10: OK starting node 10: OK starting node 11: OK starting node 11: OK starting node 12: OK starting node 12: OK starting node 13: OK starting node 13: OK starting node 14: OK starting node 14: OK starting node 15: OK starting node 15: OK starting node 16: OK starting node 16: OK starting node 17: OK starting node 17: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK node 5: OK node 5: OK node 6: OK node 6: OK node 7: OK node 7: OK node 8: OK node 8: OK node 9: OK node 9: OK node 10: OK node 10: OK node 11: OK node 11: OK node 12: OK node 12: OK node 13: OK node 13: OK node 14: OK node 14: OK node 15: OK node 15: OK node 16: OK node 16: OK node 17: OK node 17: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.62e+01 6.62e+01 1.14e-03 1.14e-03 OK node 1: 6.62e+01 6.62e+01 1.14e-03 1.14e-03 OK node 2: 6.68e+01 6.68e+01 4.39e-04 4.39e-04 OK node 2: 6.68e+01 6.68e+01 4.39e-04 4.39e-04 OK node 3: 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 1.97e-03 1.97e-03 OK node 3: 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 1.97e-03 1.97e-03 OK node 4: 6.61e+01 6.61e+01 1.59e-03 1.59e-03 OK node 4: 6.61e+01 6.61e+01 1.59e-03 1.59e-03 OK node 5: 3.28e+01 3.28e+01 3.23e-04 4.40e-05 OK node 5: 3.28e+01 3.28e+01 3.23e-04 4.40e-05 OK node 6: 3.17e+01 3.17e+01 1.40e-03 1.40e-03 OK node 6: 3.17e+01 3.17e+01 1.40e-03 1.40e-03 OK node 7: 3.19e+01 3.19e+01 4.35e-04 1.24e-04 OK node 7: 3.19e+01 3.19e+01 4.35e-04 1.24e-04 OK node 8: 3.28e+01 3.28e+01 2.03e-04 1.38e-04 OK node 8: 3.28e+01 3.28e+01 2.03e-04 1.38e-04 OK node 9: 2.82e+01 2.82e+01 2.74e-04 2.74e-04 OK node 9: 2.82e+01 2.82e+01 2.74e-04 2.74e-04 OK node 10: 2.93e+01 2.93e+01 1.39e-03 1.39e-03 OK node 10: 2.93e+01 2.93e+01 1.39e-03 1.39e-03 OK node 11: 2.89e+01 2.89e+01 2.29e-03 2.29e-03 OK node 11: 2.89e+01 2.89e+01 2.29e-03 2.29e-03 OK node 12: 2.99e+01 2.99e+01 1.57e-03 1.57e-03 OK node 12: 2.99e+01 2.99e+01 1.57e-03 1.57e-03 OK node 13: 5.57e+01 5.57e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 13: 5.57e+01 5.57e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 14: 4.84e+01 4.84e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 14: 4.84e+01 4.84e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 15: 5.10e+01 5.10e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 15: 5.10e+01 5.10e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 16: 5.53e+01 5.53e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 16: 5.53e+01 5.53e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 17: 5.56e+01 5.56e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 17: 5.56e+01 5.56e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 13: 2135 1.77e-04 3.29e-07 1.20e-04 5.36e-08 OK node 13: 2135 1.77e-04 3.29e-07 1.20e-04 5.36e-08 OK node 14: 2135 3.22e-04 5.23e-07 1.76e-04 1.37e-07 OK node 14: 2135 3.22e-04 5.23e-07 1.76e-04 1.37e-07 OK node 15: 2134 3.21e-04 8.96e-07 1.89e-04 1.18e-07 OK node 15: 2134 3.21e-04 8.96e-07 1.89e-04 1.18e-07 OK node 16: 2135 3.40e-04 8.32e-07 1.63e-04 9.71e-08 OK node 16: 2135 3.40e-04 8.32e-07 1.63e-04 9.71e-08 OK node 17: 2135 1.32e-04 1.03e-06 5.85e-05 1.12e-07 OK node 17: 2135 1.32e-04 1.03e-06 5.85e-05 1.12e-07 OK PASS PASS 003-largefreqoffset Testing large frequency offset: 003-largefreqoffset Testing large frequency offset: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: freq_offset=-5e-2 freq_offset=-5e-2 max_sync_time=1000 max_sync_time=1000 time_offset=6.5 time_offset=6.5 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.52e+02 2.52e+02 6.37e+01 6.37e+01 OK node 1: 2.52e+02 2.52e+02 6.37e+01 6.37e+01 OK node 2: 2.52e+02 2.52e+02 6.37e+01 6.37e+01 OK node 2: 2.52e+02 2.52e+02 6.37e+01 6.37e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 144 3.23e-04 9.77e-07 1.46e-04 1.95e-07 OK node 2: 144 3.23e-04 9.77e-07 1.46e-04 1.95e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: freq_offset=-5e-3 freq_offset=-5e-3 max_sync_time=1000 max_sync_time=1000 time_offset=0.65 time_offset=0.65 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.44e+02 2.44e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 2.44e+02 2.44e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.44e+02 2.44e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.44e+02 2.44e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 3.55e-04 1.18e-06 1.41e-04 2.10e-07 OK node 2: 131 3.55e-04 1.18e-06 1.41e-04 2.10e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: freq_offset=5e-3 freq_offset=5e-3 max_sync_time=1000 max_sync_time=1000 time_offset=-0.65 time_offset=-0.65 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.91e+02 1.91e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 1.91e+02 1.91e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 1.91e+02 1.91e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 1.91e+02 1.91e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 2.08e-04 2.16e-06 1.10e-04 2.37e-07 OK node 2: 130 2.08e-04 2.16e-06 1.10e-04 2.37e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: freq_offset=5e-2 freq_offset=5e-2 max_sync_time=1000 max_sync_time=1000 time_offset=-6.5 time_offset=-6.5 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.14e+01 6.14e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.14e+01 6.14e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.14e+01 6.14e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.14e+01 6.14e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 128 2.51e-04 1.77e-07 1.31e-04 5.98e-08 OK node 2: 128 2.51e-04 1.77e-07 1.31e-04 5.98e-08 OK PASS PASS 004-largetimeoffset Testing large time offset: 004-largetimeoffset Testing large time offset: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: max_sync_time=1400 max_sync_time=1400 min_sync_time=1300 min_sync_time=1300 time_offset=-1e2 time_offset=-1e2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.69e+02 2.69e+02 5.91e+01 5.91e+01 OK node 1: 2.69e+02 2.69e+02 5.91e+01 5.91e+01 OK node 2: 2.69e+02 2.69e+02 5.91e+01 5.91e+01 OK node 2: 2.69e+02 2.69e+02 5.91e+01 5.91e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 1330 2.93e-04 4.02e-07 1.44e-04 1.09e-07 OK node 2: 1330 2.93e-04 4.02e-07 1.44e-04 1.09e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: max_sync_time=1400 max_sync_time=1400 min_sync_time=1300 min_sync_time=1300 time_offset=1e2 time_offset=1e2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.61e+02 2.61e+02 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 OK node 1: 2.61e+02 2.61e+02 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 OK node 2: 2.61e+02 2.61e+02 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 OK node 2: 2.61e+02 2.61e+02 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 1330 2.04e-04 7.47e-07 1.03e-04 1.43e-07 OK node 2: 1330 2.04e-04 7.47e-07 1.03e-04 1.43e-07 OK PASS PASS 005-externalstep Testing external time step: 005-externalstep Testing external time step: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_step=(* -1e2 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 150)) client_step=(* -1e2 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 150)) max_sync_time=1550 max_sync_time=1550 min_sync_time=1500 min_sync_time=1500 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.07e+02 2.07e+02 5.91e+01 5.91e+01 OK node 1: 2.07e+02 2.07e+02 5.91e+01 5.91e+01 OK node 2: 2.07e+02 2.07e+02 5.91e+01 5.91e+01 OK node 2: 2.07e+02 2.07e+02 5.91e+01 5.91e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 1523 2.75e-04 9.33e-06 1.69e-04 4.49e-07 OK node 2: 1523 2.75e-04 9.33e-06 1.69e-04 4.49e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_step=(* 1e2 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 150)) client_step=(* 1e2 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 150)) max_sync_time=1550 max_sync_time=1550 min_sync_time=1500 min_sync_time=1500 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.41e+02 2.41e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.41e+02 2.41e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.41e+02 2.41e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.41e+02 2.41e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 1523 2.44e-04 1.49e-06 1.09e-04 2.35e-07 OK node 2: 1523 2.44e-04 1.49e-06 1.09e-04 2.35e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_step=(* -1e8 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 5000)) client_step=(* -1e8 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 5000)) max_sync_time=6200 max_sync_time=6200 min_sync_time=5120 min_sync_time=5120 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5207 1.07e-04 5.69e-07 7.38e-05 6.51e-08 OK node 2: 5207 1.07e-04 5.69e-07 7.38e-05 6.51e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_step=(* -1e5 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 5000)) client_step=(* -1e5 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 5000)) max_sync_time=6200 max_sync_time=6200 min_sync_time=5120 min_sync_time=5120 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5207 1.07e-04 5.68e-07 7.38e-05 6.50e-08 OK node 2: 5207 1.07e-04 5.68e-07 7.38e-05 6.50e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_step=(* 1e5 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 5000)) client_step=(* 1e5 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 5000)) max_sync_time=6200 max_sync_time=6200 min_sync_time=5120 min_sync_time=5120 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5207 1.07e-04 5.69e-07 7.38e-05 6.50e-08 OK node 2: 5207 1.07e-04 5.69e-07 7.38e-05 6.50e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_step=(* 1e8 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 5000)) client_step=(* 1e8 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 5000)) max_sync_time=6200 max_sync_time=6200 min_sync_time=5120 min_sync_time=5120 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 1.55e+02 1.55e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5207 1.07e-04 5.71e-07 7.38e-05 6.52e-08 OK node 2: 5207 1.07e-04 5.71e-07 7.38e-05 6.52e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_step=(* -1e4 (equal 0.1 (% (sum 1.0) 500) 0)) client_step=(* -1e4 (equal 0.1 (% (sum 1.0) 500) 0)) time_max_limit=2e4 time_max_limit=2e4 time_rms_limit=8e3 time_rms_limit=8e3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 1.00e+04 2.85e-06 5.58e+03 4.93e-07 OK node 2: 131 1.00e+04 2.85e-06 5.58e+03 4.93e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_conf=makestep 1 -1 client_step=(* 1e4 (equal 0.1 (% (sum 1.0) 500) 0)) client_step=(* 1e4 (equal 0.1 (% (sum 1.0) 500) 0)) time_max_limit=2e4 time_max_limit=2e4 time_rms_limit=8e3 time_rms_limit=8e3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 1.00e+04 2.85e-06 5.58e+03 4.94e-07 OK node 2: 131 1.00e+04 2.85e-06 5.58e+03 4.94e-07 OK PASS PASS 006-largejitter Testing large jitter: 006-largejitter Testing large jitter: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: freq_max_limit=2e-1 freq_max_limit=2e-1 freq_rms_limit=5e-3 freq_rms_limit=5e-3 jitter=1e-1 jitter=1e-1 time_max_limit=5e-1 time_max_limit=5e-1 time_offset=1e0 time_offset=1e0 time_rms_limit=1e-1 time_rms_limit=1e-1 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.25e+02 2.25e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 1: 2.25e+02 2.25e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 2: 2.25e+02 2.25e+02 6.41e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 2: 2.25e+02 2.25e+02 6.41e+01 6.42e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 137 4.24e-02 2.11e-03 1.40e-02 1.50e-04 OK node 2: 137 4.24e-02 2.11e-03 1.40e-02 1.50e-04 OK PASS PASS 007-largewander Testing large wander: 007-largewander Testing large wander: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: freq_max_limit=5e-3 freq_max_limit=5e-3 freq_rms_limit=1e-4 freq_rms_limit=1e-4 time_max_limit=5e-3 time_max_limit=5e-3 time_rms_limit=1e-3 time_rms_limit=1e-3 wander=1e-7 wander=1e-7 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.50e+01 6.50e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.50e+01 6.50e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.50e+01 6.50e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.50e+01 6.50e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 7.05e-04 8.97e-05 1.73e-04 3.32e-06 OK node 2: 131 7.05e-04 8.97e-05 1.73e-04 3.32e-06 OK PASS PASS 008-ntpera Testing NTP eras: 008-ntpera Testing NTP eras: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK SKIP SKIP 009-sourceselection Testing source selection: 009-sourceselection Testing source selection: network with 5*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 5*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-3 base_delay=1e-3 falsetickers=1 falsetickers=1 servers=5 servers=5 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 6: OK starting node 6: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK node 5: OK node 5: OK node 6: OK node 6: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 6: OK node 6: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.19e+02 2.19e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.19e+02 2.19e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 3: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 3: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 4: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 5: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 5: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 6: 5.19e+01 5.19e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 6: 5.19e+01 5.19e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 6: 133 3.56e-04 4.77e-06 2.02e-04 3.28e-07 OK node 6: 133 3.56e-04 4.77e-06 2.02e-04 3.28e-07 OK network with 5*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 5*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-3 base_delay=1e-3 falsetickers=2 falsetickers=2 servers=5 servers=5 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 6: OK starting node 6: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK node 5: OK node 5: OK node 6: OK node 6: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 6: OK node 6: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.19e+02 2.19e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.19e+02 2.19e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 3: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 3: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 4: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 5: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 5: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 6: 5.19e+01 5.19e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 6: 5.19e+01 5.19e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 6: 133 3.29e-04 4.33e-06 1.97e-04 3.16e-07 OK node 6: 133 3.29e-04 4.33e-06 1.97e-04 3.16e-07 OK network with 5*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 5*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-3 base_delay=1e-3 falsetickers=3 falsetickers=3 servers=5 servers=5 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 6: OK starting node 6: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK node 5: OK node 5: OK node 6: OK node 6: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.43e+02 2.43e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.43e+02 2.43e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 2.40e+02 2.40e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 2.40e+02 2.40e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 5: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 OK node 5: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 OK node 6: 5.15e+01 5.15e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 6: 5.15e+01 5.15e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 6: BAD node 6: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 6: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 6: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 5*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 5*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-3 base_delay=1e-3 falsetickers=4 falsetickers=4 servers=5 servers=5 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 6: OK starting node 6: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK node 5: OK node 5: OK node 6: OK node 6: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.43e+02 2.43e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.43e+02 2.43e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 2.40e+02 2.40e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 2.40e+02 2.40e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 5: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 OK node 5: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 OK node 6: 5.15e+01 5.15e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 6: 5.15e+01 5.15e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 6: BAD node 6: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 6: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 6: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-3 (equal 0.1 to 2) (equal 0.1 to 3)) base_delay=(+ 1e-3 (equal 0.1 to 2) (equal 0.1 to 3)) servers=3 servers=3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 4: OK node 4: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 4: 134 4.37e-04 1.30e-06 2.23e-04 1.67e-07 OK node 4: 134 4.37e-04 1.30e-06 2.23e-04 1.67e-07 OK PASS PASS 010-multrecv Testing multiple received packets: 010-multrecv Testing multiple received packets: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 limit=50000 limit=50000 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 8.07e-05 2.14e-06 2.57e-05 1.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 8.07e-05 2.14e-06 2.57e-05 1.07e-07 OK PASS PASS 011-asymjitter Testing asymmetric jitter: 011-asymjitter Testing asymmetric jitter: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: jitter=5e-4 jitter=5e-4 jitter_asymmetry=0.47 jitter_asymmetry=0.47 limit=100000 limit=100000 max_sync_time=2000 max_sync_time=2000 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 4.05e+02 4.05e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 4.05e+02 4.05e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 4.05e+02 4.05e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 4.05e+02 4.05e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 196 2.75e-04 6.93e-06 6.33e-05 2.11e-07 OK node 2: 196 2.75e-04 6.93e-06 6.33e-05 2.11e-07 OK PASS PASS 012-daemonts Testing daemon timestamping: 012-daemonts Testing daemon timestamping: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK PASS PASS 013-nameserv Testing name resolving: 013-nameserv Testing name resolving: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: dns=1 dns=1 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK PASS PASS 101-poll Testing minpoll/maxpoll options: 101-poll Testing minpoll/maxpoll options: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=2.2 client_max_min_out_interval=2.2 client_min_mean_out_interval=1.98 client_min_mean_out_interval=1.98 client_server_options=minpoll 1 maxpoll 1 client_server_options=minpoll 1 maxpoll 1 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=20 limit=20 max_sync_time=5 max_sync_time=5 min_sync_time=4 min_sync_time=4 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.02e+00 2.02e+00 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 1: 2.02e+00 2.02e+00 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 2: 2.02e+00 2.02e+00 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 2: 2.02e+00 2.02e+00 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5 1.55e-06 7.66e-07 7.59e-07 3.50e-07 OK node 2: 5 1.55e-06 7.66e-07 7.59e-07 3.50e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=4.4 client_max_min_out_interval=4.4 client_min_mean_out_interval=3.96 client_min_mean_out_interval=3.96 client_server_options=minpoll 2 maxpoll 2 client_server_options=minpoll 2 maxpoll 2 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=40 limit=40 max_sync_time=9 max_sync_time=9 min_sync_time=8 min_sync_time=8 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 4.04e+00 4.04e+00 4.00e+00 4.00e+00 OK node 1: 4.04e+00 4.04e+00 4.00e+00 4.00e+00 OK node 2: 4.04e+00 4.04e+00 4.00e+00 4.00e+00 OK node 2: 4.04e+00 4.04e+00 4.00e+00 4.00e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 9 1.27e-06 2.02e-07 7.68e-07 1.11e-07 OK node 2: 9 1.27e-06 2.02e-07 7.68e-07 1.11e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=8.8 client_max_min_out_interval=8.8 client_min_mean_out_interval=7.92 client_min_mean_out_interval=7.92 client_server_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 3 client_server_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 3 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=80 limit=80 max_sync_time=17 max_sync_time=17 min_sync_time=16 min_sync_time=16 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 8.08e+00 8.08e+00 8.00e+00 8.00e+00 OK node 1: 8.08e+00 8.08e+00 8.00e+00 8.00e+00 OK node 2: 8.08e+00 8.08e+00 8.00e+00 8.00e+00 OK node 2: 8.08e+00 8.08e+00 8.00e+00 8.00e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 17 9.53e-07 8.79e-08 6.86e-07 5.34e-08 OK node 2: 17 9.53e-07 8.79e-08 6.86e-07 5.34e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=17.6 client_max_min_out_interval=17.6 client_min_mean_out_interval=15.84 client_min_mean_out_interval=15.84 client_server_options=minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 client_server_options=minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=160 limit=160 max_sync_time=34 max_sync_time=34 min_sync_time=32 min_sync_time=32 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK node 1: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK node 2: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK node 2: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 33 4.94e-07 6.66e-08 2.69e-07 2.33e-08 OK node 2: 33 4.94e-07 6.66e-08 2.69e-07 2.33e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=35.2 client_max_min_out_interval=35.2 client_min_mean_out_interval=31.68 client_min_mean_out_interval=31.68 client_server_options=minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_server_options=minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=320 limit=320 max_sync_time=68 max_sync_time=68 min_sync_time=64 min_sync_time=64 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 3.23e+01 3.23e+01 3.20e+01 3.20e+01 OK node 1: 3.23e+01 3.23e+01 3.20e+01 3.20e+01 OK node 2: 3.23e+01 3.23e+01 3.20e+01 3.20e+01 OK node 2: 3.23e+01 3.23e+01 3.20e+01 3.20e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 65 1.46e-06 6.90e-08 6.23e-07 2.69e-08 OK node 2: 65 1.46e-06 6.90e-08 6.23e-07 2.69e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=70.4 client_max_min_out_interval=70.4 client_min_mean_out_interval=63.36 client_min_mean_out_interval=63.36 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=640 limit=640 max_sync_time=135 max_sync_time=135 min_sync_time=128 min_sync_time=128 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 6.77e-07 2.23e-08 4.13e-07 8.32e-09 OK node 2: 130 6.77e-07 2.23e-08 4.13e-07 8.32e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=140.8 client_max_min_out_interval=140.8 client_min_mean_out_interval=126.72 client_min_mean_out_interval=126.72 client_server_options=minpoll 7 maxpoll 7 client_server_options=minpoll 7 maxpoll 7 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=1280 limit=1280 max_sync_time=269 max_sync_time=269 min_sync_time=256 min_sync_time=256 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.29e+02 1.29e+02 1.28e+02 1.28e+02 OK node 1: 1.29e+02 1.29e+02 1.28e+02 1.28e+02 OK node 2: 1.29e+02 1.29e+02 1.28e+02 1.28e+02 OK node 2: 1.29e+02 1.29e+02 1.28e+02 1.28e+02 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 259 1.28e-06 1.13e-08 4.55e-07 4.18e-09 OK node 2: 259 1.28e-06 1.13e-08 4.55e-07 4.18e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=281.6 client_max_min_out_interval=281.6 client_min_mean_out_interval=253.44 client_min_mean_out_interval=253.44 client_server_options=minpoll 8 maxpoll 8 client_server_options=minpoll 8 maxpoll 8 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=2560 limit=2560 max_sync_time=538 max_sync_time=538 min_sync_time=512 min_sync_time=512 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.59e+02 2.59e+02 2.56e+02 2.56e+02 OK node 1: 2.59e+02 2.59e+02 2.56e+02 2.56e+02 OK node 2: 2.59e+02 2.59e+02 2.56e+02 2.56e+02 OK node 2: 2.59e+02 2.59e+02 2.56e+02 2.56e+02 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 517 7.76e-07 4.08e-09 4.49e-07 1.55e-09 OK node 2: 517 7.76e-07 4.08e-09 4.49e-07 1.55e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=563.2 client_max_min_out_interval=563.2 client_min_mean_out_interval=506.88 client_min_mean_out_interval=506.88 client_server_options=minpoll 9 maxpoll 9 client_server_options=minpoll 9 maxpoll 9 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=5120 limit=5120 max_sync_time=1076 max_sync_time=1076 min_sync_time=1024 min_sync_time=1024 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 5.17e+02 5.17e+02 5.12e+02 5.12e+02 OK node 1: 5.17e+02 5.17e+02 5.12e+02 5.12e+02 OK node 2: 5.17e+02 5.17e+02 5.12e+02 5.12e+02 OK node 2: 5.17e+02 5.17e+02 5.12e+02 5.12e+02 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 1034 1.02e-06 1.75e-09 3.72e-07 7.63e-10 OK node 2: 1034 1.02e-06 1.75e-09 3.72e-07 7.63e-10 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=1126.4 client_max_min_out_interval=1126.4 client_min_mean_out_interval=1013.76 client_min_mean_out_interval=1013.76 client_server_options=minpoll 10 maxpoll 10 client_server_options=minpoll 10 maxpoll 10 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=10240 limit=10240 max_sync_time=2151 max_sync_time=2151 min_sync_time=2048 min_sync_time=2048 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.03e+03 1.03e+03 1.02e+03 1.02e+03 OK node 1: 1.03e+03 1.03e+03 1.02e+03 1.02e+03 OK node 2: 1.03e+03 1.03e+03 1.02e+03 1.02e+03 OK node 2: 1.03e+03 1.03e+03 1.02e+03 1.02e+03 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 2068 7.52e-07 6.97e-10 3.29e-07 3.62e-10 OK node 2: 2068 7.52e-07 6.97e-10 3.29e-07 3.62e-10 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=2252.8 client_max_min_out_interval=2252.8 client_min_mean_out_interval=2027.52 client_min_mean_out_interval=2027.52 client_server_options=minpoll 11 maxpoll 11 client_server_options=minpoll 11 maxpoll 11 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=20480 limit=20480 max_sync_time=4301 max_sync_time=4301 min_sync_time=4096 min_sync_time=4096 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.07e+03 2.07e+03 2.05e+03 2.05e+03 OK node 1: 2.07e+03 2.07e+03 2.05e+03 2.05e+03 OK node 2: 2.07e+03 2.07e+03 2.05e+03 2.05e+03 OK node 2: 2.07e+03 2.07e+03 2.05e+03 2.05e+03 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 4135 6.30e-07 3.46e-10 3.19e-07 1.48e-10 OK node 2: 4135 6.30e-07 3.46e-10 3.19e-07 1.48e-10 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=4505.6 client_max_min_out_interval=4505.6 client_min_mean_out_interval=4055.04 client_min_mean_out_interval=4055.04 client_server_options=minpoll 12 maxpoll 12 client_server_options=minpoll 12 maxpoll 12 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=40960 limit=40960 max_sync_time=8602 max_sync_time=8602 min_sync_time=8192 min_sync_time=8192 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 4.14e+03 4.14e+03 4.10e+03 4.10e+03 OK node 1: 4.14e+03 4.14e+03 4.10e+03 4.10e+03 OK node 2: 4.14e+03 4.14e+03 4.10e+03 4.10e+03 OK node 2: 4.14e+03 4.14e+03 4.10e+03 4.10e+03 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 8269 1.07e-06 3.10e-10 4.62e-07 1.14e-10 OK node 2: 8269 1.07e-06 3.10e-10 4.62e-07 1.14e-10 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=9011.2 client_max_min_out_interval=9011.2 client_min_mean_out_interval=8110.08 client_min_mean_out_interval=8110.08 client_server_options=minpoll 13 maxpoll 13 client_server_options=minpoll 13 maxpoll 13 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=81920 limit=81920 max_sync_time=17204 max_sync_time=17204 min_sync_time=16384 min_sync_time=16384 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 8.28e+03 8.28e+03 8.20e+03 8.20e+03 OK node 1: 8.28e+03 8.28e+03 8.20e+03 8.20e+03 OK node 2: 8.28e+03 8.28e+03 8.20e+03 8.20e+03 OK node 2: 8.28e+03 8.28e+03 8.20e+03 8.20e+03 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 16537 9.14e-07 2.40e-10 3.43e-07 6.55e-11 OK node 2: 16537 9.14e-07 2.40e-10 3.43e-07 6.55e-11 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 client_max_min_out_interval=18022.4 client_max_min_out_interval=18022.4 client_min_mean_out_interval=16220.2 client_min_mean_out_interval=16220.2 client_server_options=minpoll 14 maxpoll 14 client_server_options=minpoll 14 maxpoll 14 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_max_limit=1e-5 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 freq_rms_limit=5e-6 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=163840 limit=163840 max_sync_time=34407 max_sync_time=34407 min_sync_time=32768 min_sync_time=32768 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.66e+04 1.66e+04 1.64e+04 1.64e+04 OK node 1: 1.66e+04 1.66e+04 1.64e+04 1.64e+04 OK node 2: 1.66e+04 1.66e+04 1.64e+04 1.64e+04 OK node 2: 1.66e+04 1.66e+04 1.64e+04 1.64e+04 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 33074 1.42e-06 1.03e-07 6.80e-07 2.93e-10 OK node 2: 33074 1.42e-06 1.03e-07 6.80e-07 2.93e-10 OK PASS PASS 102-iburst Testing iburst option: 102-iburst Testing iburst option: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 driftfile tmp/drift client_conf=makestep 1e-2 1 driftfile tmp/drift client_server_options=iburst client_server_options=iburst max_sync_time=6 max_sync_time=6 min_sync_time=4 min_sync_time=4 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.35e+02 2.35e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 1: 2.35e+02 2.35e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 2: 2.35e+02 2.35e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 2: 2.35e+02 2.35e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5 3.21e-04 3.93e-05 1.47e-04 6.41e-07 OK node 2: 5 3.21e-04 3.93e-05 1.47e-04 6.41e-07 OK PASS PASS 103-initstepslew Testing initstepslew directive: 103-initstepslew Testing initstepslew directive: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=initstepslew 5 client_conf=initstepslew 5 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 limit=100 limit=100 max_sync_time=35 max_sync_time=35 min_sync_time=6 min_sync_time=6 time_offset=-2.0 time_offset=-2.0 time_rms_limit=1e-3 time_rms_limit=1e-3 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.72e+01 1.72e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 1: 1.72e+01 1.72e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.72e+01 1.72e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.72e+01 1.72e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 29 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 29 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=initstepslew 5 client_conf=initstepslew 5 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 limit=100 limit=100 max_sync_time=35 max_sync_time=35 min_sync_time=6 min_sync_time=6 time_offset=-0.2 time_offset=-0.2 time_rms_limit=1e-3 time_rms_limit=1e-3 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.76e+01 1.76e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 1: 1.76e+01 1.76e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.76e+01 1.76e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.76e+01 1.76e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 7 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 7 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=initstepslew 5 client_conf=initstepslew 5 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 limit=100 limit=100 max_sync_time=35 max_sync_time=35 min_sync_time=6 min_sync_time=6 time_offset=0.2 time_offset=0.2 time_rms_limit=1e-3 time_rms_limit=1e-3 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 1: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 7 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 7 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=initstepslew 5 client_conf=initstepslew 5 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 limit=100 limit=100 max_sync_time=35 max_sync_time=35 min_sync_time=6 min_sync_time=6 time_offset=2.0 time_offset=2.0 time_rms_limit=1e-3 time_rms_limit=1e-3 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.82e+01 1.82e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 1: 1.82e+01 1.82e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.82e+01 1.82e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.82e+01 1.82e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 29 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 29 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=initstepslew 5 client_conf=initstepslew 5 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 limit=100 limit=100 max_sync_time=5 max_sync_time=5 min_sync_time=5 min_sync_time=5 time_offset=-1e8 time_offset=-1e8 time_rms_limit=1e-3 time_rms_limit=1e-3 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 1: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5 4.95e-05 0.00e+00 4.95e-05 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 5 4.95e-05 0.00e+00 4.95e-05 0.00e+00 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=initstepslew 5 client_conf=initstepslew 5 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 limit=100 limit=100 max_sync_time=5 max_sync_time=5 min_sync_time=5 min_sync_time=5 time_offset=-1e2 time_offset=-1e2 time_rms_limit=1e-3 time_rms_limit=1e-3 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 1: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 5 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=initstepslew 5 client_conf=initstepslew 5 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 limit=100 limit=100 max_sync_time=5 max_sync_time=5 min_sync_time=5 min_sync_time=5 time_offset=1e2 time_offset=1e2 time_rms_limit=1e-3 time_rms_limit=1e-3 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 1: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 5 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=initstepslew 5 client_conf=initstepslew 5 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 limit=100 limit=100 max_sync_time=5 max_sync_time=5 min_sync_time=5 min_sync_time=5 time_offset=1e8 time_offset=1e8 time_rms_limit=1e-3 time_rms_limit=1e-3 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 1: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 1.77e+01 1.77e+01 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 5 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK PASS PASS 104-driftfile Testing driftfile directive: 104-driftfile Testing driftfile directive: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_offset=-5e-2 freq_offset=-5e-2 limit=10 limit=10 max_sync_time=1 max_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 servers=0 servers=0 time_offset=0.0 time_offset=0.0 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: inf inf inf inf OK node 1: inf inf inf inf OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 1: 1 1.53e-11 1.53e-12 9.97e-12 1.53e-12 OK node 1: 1 1.53e-11 1.53e-12 9.97e-12 1.53e-12 OK network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_offset=-5e-4 freq_offset=-5e-4 limit=10 limit=10 max_sync_time=1 max_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 servers=0 servers=0 time_offset=0.0 time_offset=0.0 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: inf inf inf inf OK node 1: inf inf inf inf OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 1: 1 2.99e-11 2.99e-12 1.95e-11 2.99e-12 OK node 1: 1 2.99e-11 2.99e-12 1.95e-11 2.99e-12 OK network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_offset=-5e-6 freq_offset=-5e-6 limit=10 limit=10 max_sync_time=1 max_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 servers=0 servers=0 time_offset=0.0 time_offset=0.0 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: inf inf inf inf OK node 1: inf inf inf inf OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 1: 1 9.74e-11 9.74e-12 6.36e-11 9.74e-12 OK node 1: 1 9.74e-11 9.74e-12 6.36e-11 9.74e-12 OK network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_offset=5e-6 freq_offset=5e-6 limit=10 limit=10 max_sync_time=1 max_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 servers=0 servers=0 time_offset=0.0 time_offset=0.0 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: inf inf inf inf OK node 1: inf inf inf inf OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 1: 1 5.52e-11 5.52e-12 3.60e-11 5.52e-12 OK node 1: 1 5.52e-11 5.52e-12 3.60e-11 5.52e-12 OK network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_offset=5e-4 freq_offset=5e-4 limit=10 limit=10 max_sync_time=1 max_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 servers=0 servers=0 time_offset=0.0 time_offset=0.0 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: inf inf inf inf OK node 1: inf inf inf inf OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 1: 1 1.24e-10 1.24e-11 8.10e-11 1.24e-11 OK node 1: 1 1.24e-10 1.24e-11 8.10e-11 1.24e-11 OK network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_offset=5e-2 freq_offset=5e-2 limit=10 limit=10 max_sync_time=1 max_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 servers=0 servers=0 time_offset=0.0 time_offset=0.0 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: inf inf inf inf OK node 1: inf inf inf inf OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 1: 1 1.22e-10 1.22e-11 7.97e-11 1.22e-11 OK node 1: 1 1.22e-10 1.22e-11 7.97e-11 1.22e-11 OK PASS PASS 105-ntpauth Testing NTP authentication: 105-ntpauth Testing NTP authentication: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 3 key 1 client_server_options=version 3 key 1 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 3 key 2 client_server_options=version 3 key 2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 3 key 3 client_server_options=version 3 key 3 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 3 key 4 client_server_options=version 3 key 4 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 3 key 5 client_server_options=version 3 key 5 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 3 key 6 client_server_options=version 3 key 6 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 3 key 7 client_server_options=version 3 key 7 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 3 key 8 client_server_options=version 3 key 8 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 3 key 9 client_server_options=version 3 key 9 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 4 key 1 client_server_options=version 4 key 1 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 4 key 2 client_server_options=version 4 key 2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 4 key 3 client_server_options=version 4 key 3 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 4 key 4 client_server_options=version 4 key 4 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 4 key 5 client_server_options=version 4 key 5 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 4 key 6 client_server_options=version 4 key 6 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 4 key 7 client_server_options=version 4 key 7 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 4 key 8 client_server_options=version 4 key 8 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 1: 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 2: inf 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 OK node 2: inf 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: inf inf inf inf OK node 1: inf inf inf inf OK node 2: inf inf inf inf OK node 2: inf inf inf inf OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_lpeer_options=version 3 key 1 client_lpeer_options=version 3 key 1 client_rpeer_options=version 3 key 1 client_rpeer_options=version 3 key 1 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_lpeer_options=version 3 key 9 client_lpeer_options=version 3 key 9 client_rpeer_options=version 3 key 9 client_rpeer_options=version 3 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_lpeer_options=version 3 key 1 client_lpeer_options=version 3 key 1 client_rpeer_options=version 4 key 1 client_rpeer_options=version 4 key 1 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_lpeer_options=version 3 key 9 client_lpeer_options=version 3 key 9 client_rpeer_options=version 4 key 9 client_rpeer_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_lpeer_options=version 4 key 1 client_lpeer_options=version 4 key 1 client_rpeer_options=version 3 key 1 client_rpeer_options=version 3 key 1 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_lpeer_options=version 4 key 9 client_lpeer_options=version 4 key 9 client_rpeer_options=version 3 key 9 client_rpeer_options=version 3 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_lpeer_options=version 4 key 1 client_lpeer_options=version 4 key 1 client_rpeer_options=version 4 key 1 client_rpeer_options=version 4 key 1 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_lpeer_options=version 4 key 9 client_lpeer_options=version 4 key 9 client_rpeer_options=version 4 key 9 client_rpeer_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 2: 132 1.45e-04 1.40e-07 7.55e-05 4.59e-08 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK node 3: 279 1.05e-04 2.24e-06 5.76e-05 1.72e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) base_delay=1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)) client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_conf=keyfile tmp/client.keys client_lpeer_options=key 1 client_lpeer_options=key 1 client_rpeer_options=key 2 client_rpeer_options=key 2 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 client_server_options=version 4 key 9 clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys server_conf=keyfile tmp/server.keys starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 5.35e-05 2.33e-07 2.57e-05 4.28e-08 OK node 2: 131 5.35e-05 2.33e-07 2.57e-05 4.28e-08 OK node 3: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.83e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 3: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.83e-01 1.00e-04 BAD PASS PASS 106-refclock Testing SHM refclock: 106-refclock Testing SHM refclock: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=tracking chronyc_conf=tracking chronyc_start=70 chronyc_start=70 client_conf=refclock SHM 0 stratum 3 delay 1e-3 refid GPS client_conf=refclock SHM 0 stratum 3 delay 1e-3 refid GPS limit=1000 limit=1000 max_sync_time=70 max_sync_time=70 min_sync_time=45 min_sync_time=45 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 servers=0 servers=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 1: 49 5.30e-05 1.35e-05 1.39e-05 9.72e-07 OK node 1: 49 5.30e-05 1.35e-05 1.39e-05 9.72e-07 OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=tracking chronyc_conf=tracking chronyc_start=70 chronyc_start=70 client_conf=refclock PHC /dev/ptp0 stratum 3 delay 1e-3 refid GPS client_conf=refclock PHC /dev/ptp0 stratum 3 delay 1e-3 refid GPS limit=1000 limit=1000 max_sync_time=70 max_sync_time=70 min_sync_time=45 min_sync_time=45 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 servers=0 servers=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 1: 49 5.75e-05 3.95e-06 1.47e-05 5.56e-07 OK node 1: 49 5.75e-05 3.95e-06 1.47e-05 5.56e-07 OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK PASS PASS 107-allowdeny Testing allow/deny directives: 107-allowdeny Testing allow/deny directives: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny server_conf=deny starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny all server_conf=deny all starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny server_conf=deny starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny 192.168.123 server_conf=deny 192.168.123 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny server_conf=deny starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny all allow server_conf=deny all allow starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 1: 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK node 2: inf 7.80e+01 inf 6.42e+01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 501 1.50e-01 1.00e-04 1.36e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny all allow server_conf=deny all allow starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 6.26e-05 2.10e-06 3.70e-05 8.99e-07 OK node 2: 131 6.26e-05 2.10e-06 3.70e-05 8.99e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny all allow all server_conf=deny all allow all starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 6.26e-05 2.10e-06 3.70e-05 8.99e-07 OK node 2: 131 6.26e-05 2.10e-06 3.70e-05 8.99e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny all allow 192.168.123 server_conf=deny all allow 192.168.123 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 6.26e-05 2.10e-06 3.70e-05 8.99e-07 OK node 2: 131 6.26e-05 2.10e-06 3.70e-05 8.99e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny all allow 192.168.123/24 server_conf=deny all allow 192.168.123/24 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 6.26e-05 2.10e-06 3.70e-05 8.99e-07 OK node 2: 131 6.26e-05 2.10e-06 3.70e-05 8.99e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: limit=500 limit=500 server_conf=deny server_conf=deny starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 6.26e-05 2.10e-06 3.70e-05 8.99e-07 OK node 2: 131 6.26e-05 2.10e-06 3.70e-05 8.99e-07 OK PASS PASS 108-peer Testing NTP peers: 108-peer Testing NTP peers: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay= (+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1) (equal 0.1 (min (% time 2000) 1000) 1000)) (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)(equal 0.1 (max (% time 2000) 1000) 1000))) base_delay= (+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1) (equal 0.1 (min (% time 2000) 1000) 1000)) (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)(equal 0.1 (max (% time 2000) 1000) 1000))) client_peer_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_peer_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=1000 max_sync_time=1000 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 1.00e-04 3.06e-05 4.02e-05 7.31e-07 OK node 2: 132 1.00e-04 3.06e-05 4.02e-05 7.31e-07 OK node 3: 279 7.37e-05 1.60e-05 3.28e-05 3.15e-07 OK node 3: 279 7.37e-05 1.60e-05 3.28e-05 3.15e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_lpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 6 client_lpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 6 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 6 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 clients=2 clients=2 limit=4000 limit=4000 max_sync_time=400 max_sync_time=400 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 3.53e-05 2.21e-07 1.68e-05 6.55e-08 OK node 2: 132 3.53e-05 2.21e-07 1.68e-05 6.55e-08 OK node 3: 189 8.51e-05 2.23e-06 4.80e-05 2.37e-07 OK node 3: 189 8.51e-05 2.23e-06 4.80e-05 2.37e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_lpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 3 client_lpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 3 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 clients=2 clients=2 limit=4500 limit=4500 max_sync_time=450 max_sync_time=450 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 2.54e-05 2.91e-07 1.20e-05 6.07e-08 OK node 2: 132 2.54e-05 2.91e-07 1.20e-05 6.07e-08 OK node 3: 346 9.23e-05 2.96e-05 2.28e-05 7.24e-07 OK node 3: 346 9.23e-05 2.96e-05 2.28e-05 7.24e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_lpeer_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_lpeer_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 3 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 3 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 clients=2 clients=2 limit=4500 limit=4500 max_sync_time=450 max_sync_time=450 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 7.75e-05 3.46e-07 3.23e-05 8.86e-08 OK node 2: 132 7.75e-05 3.46e-07 3.23e-05 8.86e-08 OK node 3: 266 7.58e-05 6.80e-07 2.92e-05 1.76e-07 OK node 3: 266 7.58e-05 6.80e-07 2.92e-05 1.76e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_lpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 6 client_lpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 6 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 clients=2 clients=2 limit=4500 limit=4500 max_sync_time=450 max_sync_time=450 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 2.73e-05 2.94e-07 1.82e-05 6.57e-08 OK node 2: 132 2.73e-05 2.94e-07 1.82e-05 6.57e-08 OK node 3: 346 1.55e-04 3.31e-05 3.76e-05 1.38e-06 OK node 3: 346 1.55e-04 3.31e-05 3.76e-05 1.38e-06 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_lpeer_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_lpeer_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 6 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 clients=2 clients=2 limit=4500 limit=4500 max_sync_time=450 max_sync_time=450 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 6.89e-05 8.93e-07 1.99e-05 1.66e-07 OK node 2: 131 6.89e-05 8.93e-07 1.99e-05 1.66e-07 OK node 3: 259 1.59e-04 5.11e-06 5.00e-05 4.91e-07 OK node 3: 259 1.59e-04 5.11e-06 5.00e-05 4.91e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_lpeer_options=minpoll -2 maxpoll -2 client_lpeer_options=minpoll -2 maxpoll -2 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 2 maxpoll 2 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 2 maxpoll 2 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 clients=2 clients=2 limit=2200 limit=2200 max_sync_time=220 max_sync_time=220 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 4.71e-05 1.33e-06 1.10e-05 1.91e-07 OK node 2: 132 4.71e-05 1.33e-06 1.10e-05 1.91e-07 OK node 3: 144 5.13e-05 5.55e-06 1.55e-05 5.15e-07 OK node 3: 144 5.13e-05 5.55e-06 1.55e-05 5.15e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_lpeer_options=minpoll 2 maxpoll 2 client_lpeer_options=minpoll 2 maxpoll 2 client_rpeer_options=minpoll -2 maxpoll -2 client_rpeer_options=minpoll -2 maxpoll -2 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 clients=2 clients=2 limit=2200 limit=2200 max_sync_time=220 max_sync_time=220 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 1.22e-04 1.36e-06 3.35e-05 2.82e-07 OK node 2: 132 1.22e-04 1.36e-06 3.35e-05 2.82e-07 OK node 3: 144 1.73e-04 2.92e-05 3.91e-05 1.98e-06 OK node 3: 144 1.73e-04 2.92e-05 3.91e-05 1.98e-06 OK PASS PASS 109-makestep Testing makestep directive: 109-makestep Testing makestep directive: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 0 -1 corrtimeratio 1e10 client_conf=makestep 0 -1 corrtimeratio 1e10 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 3.24e-04 5.61e-07 1.24e-04 1.00e-07 OK node 2: 130 3.24e-04 5.61e-07 1.24e-04 1.00e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 2 1 client_conf=makestep 2 1 jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 limit=200 limit=200 max_sync_time=150 max_sync_time=150 min_sync_time=130 min_sync_time=130 time_offset=-1.0 time_offset=-1.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 6.30e+01 6.30e+01 OK node 1: 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 6.30e+01 6.30e+01 OK node 2: 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 6.30e+01 6.30e+01 OK node 2: 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 6.30e+01 6.30e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 142 6.62e-06 9.16e-08 6.42e-06 3.65e-08 OK node 2: 142 6.62e-06 9.16e-08 6.42e-06 3.65e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 2 1 client_conf=makestep 2 1 jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 limit=200 limit=200 max_sync_time=150 max_sync_time=150 min_sync_time=130 min_sync_time=130 time_offset=-0.1 time_offset=-0.1 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 6.63e-06 2.22e-07 6.37e-06 8.28e-08 OK node 2: 131 6.63e-06 2.22e-07 6.37e-06 8.28e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 2 1 client_conf=makestep 2 1 jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 limit=200 limit=200 max_sync_time=150 max_sync_time=150 min_sync_time=130 min_sync_time=130 time_offset=0.1 time_offset=0.1 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 6.63e-06 2.26e-07 6.37e-06 8.42e-08 OK node 2: 131 6.63e-06 2.26e-07 6.37e-06 8.42e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 2 1 client_conf=makestep 2 1 jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 limit=200 limit=200 max_sync_time=150 max_sync_time=150 min_sync_time=130 min_sync_time=130 time_offset=1.0 time_offset=1.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 OK node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 142 6.64e-06 9.10e-08 6.45e-06 3.19e-08 OK node 2: 142 6.64e-06 9.10e-08 6.45e-06 3.19e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 2 1 client_conf=makestep 2 1 jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 limit=200 limit=200 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_offset=-1e8 time_offset=-1e8 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 6.38e-06 2.17e-07 6.13e-06 7.36e-08 OK node 2: 130 6.38e-06 2.17e-07 6.13e-06 7.36e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 2 1 client_conf=makestep 2 1 jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 limit=200 limit=200 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_offset=-1e2 time_offset=-1e2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 6.63e-06 2.32e-07 6.36e-06 7.89e-08 OK node 2: 130 6.63e-06 2.32e-07 6.36e-06 7.89e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 2 1 client_conf=makestep 2 1 jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 limit=200 limit=200 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_offset=1e2 time_offset=1e2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 6.64e-06 2.32e-07 6.36e-06 7.89e-08 OK node 2: 130 6.64e-06 2.32e-07 6.36e-06 7.89e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=makestep 2 1 client_conf=makestep 2 1 jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 limit=200 limit=200 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_offset=1e8 time_offset=1e8 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 6.66e-06 2.30e-07 6.37e-06 7.82e-08 OK node 2: 130 6.66e-06 2.30e-07 6.37e-06 7.82e-08 OK PASS PASS 110-chronyc Testing chronyc: 110-chronyc Testing chronyc: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=activity tracking sources sourcestats manual list smoothing waitsync rtcdata chronyc_conf=activity tracking sources sourcestats manual list smoothing waitsync rtcdata client_conf= refclock SHM 0 noselect smoothtime 400 0.001 leaponly client_conf= refclock SHM 0 noselect smoothtime 400 0.001 leaponly refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 3: OK node 3: OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=tracking chronyc_conf=tracking client_conf= refclock SHM 0 noselect smoothtime 400 0.001 leaponly client_conf= refclock SHM 0 noselect smoothtime 400 0.001 leaponly dns=1 dns=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 3: OK node 3: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=accheck chronyc_conf=accheck chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=add peer minpoll 2 maxpoll 6 chronyc_conf=add peer minpoll 2 maxpoll 6 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=add server minpoll 6 maxpoll 10 iburst burst key 1 maxdelay 1e-3 maxdelayratio 10.0 maxdelaydevratio 10.0 mindelay 1e-4 asymmetry 0.5 offset 1e-5 minsamples 6 maxsamples 6 filter 3 offline auto_offline prefer noselect trust require xleave polltarget 20 port 123 presend 7 minstratum 3 version 4 chronyc_conf=add server minpoll 6 maxpoll 10 iburst burst key 1 maxdelay 1e-3 maxdelayratio 10.0 maxdelaydevratio 10.0 mindelay 1e-4 asymmetry 0.5 offset 1e-5 minsamples 6 maxsamples 6 filter 3 offline auto_offline prefer noselect trust require xleave polltarget 20 port 123 presend 7 minstratum 3 version 4 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=add server node1.net1.clk chronyc_conf=add server node1.net1.clk chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=allow chronyc_conf=allow chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=allow 1.2 chronyc_conf=allow 1.2 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=allow 3.4.5 chronyc_conf=allow 3.4.5 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=allow 6.7.8/22 chronyc_conf=allow 6.7.8/22 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=allow chronyc_conf=allow chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=allow 2001:db8::/32 chronyc_conf=allow 2001:db8::/32 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=allow 0/0 chronyc_conf=allow 0/0 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=allow ::/0 chronyc_conf=allow ::/0 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=allow chronyc_conf=allow chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=allow all 10/24 chronyc_conf=allow all 10/24 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=burst 5/10 chronyc_conf=burst 5/10 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=burst 3/5 chronyc_conf=burst 3/5 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=burst 1/2 chronyc_conf=burst 1/2 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=clients chronyc_conf=clients chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=cmdaccheck chronyc_conf=cmdaccheck chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=cmdallow chronyc_conf=cmdallow chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=cmdallow all chronyc_conf=cmdallow all chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=cmddeny chronyc_conf=cmddeny chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=cmddeny all chronyc_conf=cmddeny all chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=cyclelogs chronyc_conf=cyclelogs chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=delete chronyc_conf=delete chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=delete ID#0000000001 chronyc_conf=delete ID#0000000001 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=deny chronyc_conf=deny chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=deny all chronyc_conf=deny all chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=dfreq 1.0e-3 chronyc_conf=dfreq 1.0e-3 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=doffset -1.0 chronyc_conf=doffset -1.0 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=dump chronyc_conf=dump chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=local stratum 5 distance 1.0 orphan chronyc_conf=local stratum 5 distance 1.0 orphan chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=local off chronyc_conf=local off chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=makestep 10.0 3 chronyc_conf=makestep 10.0 3 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=makestep chronyc_conf=makestep chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=manual delete 0 chronyc_conf=manual delete 0 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=manual off chronyc_conf=manual off chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=manual on chronyc_conf=manual on chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=manual reset chronyc_conf=manual reset chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=maxdelay 1e-2 chronyc_conf=maxdelay 1e-2 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=maxdelaydevratio 5.0 chronyc_conf=maxdelaydevratio 5.0 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=maxdelayratio 3.0 chronyc_conf=maxdelayratio 3.0 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=maxpoll 5 chronyc_conf=maxpoll 5 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=maxupdateskew 10.0 chronyc_conf=maxupdateskew 10.0 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=minpoll 3 chronyc_conf=minpoll 3 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=minstratum 1 chronyc_conf=minstratum 1 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=minstratum ID#0000000001 1 chronyc_conf=minstratum ID#0000000001 1 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=ntpdata chronyc_conf=ntpdata chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=offline chronyc_conf=offline chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=offline chronyc_conf=offline chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=offline chronyc_conf=offline chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=online chronyc_conf=online chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=online chronyc_conf=online chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=onoffline chronyc_conf=onoffline chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=polltarget 10 chronyc_conf=polltarget 10 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=refresh chronyc_conf=refresh chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=rekey chronyc_conf=rekey chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=reselect chronyc_conf=reselect chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=reselectdist 1e-3 chronyc_conf=reselectdist 1e-3 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=settime 16:30 chronyc_conf=settime 16:30 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=settime 16:30:05 chronyc_conf=settime 16:30:05 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=settime Nov 21, 2015 16:30:05 chronyc_conf=settime Nov 21, 2015 16:30:05 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=serverstats chronyc_conf=serverstats chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=shutdown chronyc_conf=shutdown chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=smoothtime reset chronyc_conf=smoothtime reset chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=smoothtime activate chronyc_conf=smoothtime activate chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=trimrtc chronyc_conf=trimrtc chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=writertc chronyc_conf=writertc chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=dns -n dns +n dns -4 dns -6 dns -46 timeout 200 retries 1 keygen keygen 10 MD5 128 keygen 11 MD5 40 help quit nosuchcommand chronyc_conf=dns -n dns +n dns -4 dns -6 dns -46 timeout 200 retries 1 keygen keygen 10 MD5 128 keygen 11 MD5 40 help quit nosuchcommand chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=keygen 10 NOSUCHTYPE 128 help chronyc_conf=keygen 10 NOSUCHTYPE 128 help chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=keygen 5 MD5 chronyc_conf=keygen 5 MD5 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=keygen 5 SHA1 chronyc_conf=keygen 5 SHA1 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=keygen 5 SHA256 chronyc_conf=keygen 5 SHA256 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=keygen 5 SHA384 chronyc_conf=keygen 5 SHA384 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*0 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=keygen 5 SHA512 chronyc_conf=keygen 5 SHA512 chronyc_start=0 chronyc_start=0 dns=1 dns=1 limit=1 limit=1 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 server_strata=0 server_strata=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 2: OK node 2: OK PASS PASS 111-knownclient Testing reply to client configured as server: 111-knownclient Testing reply to client configured as server: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=acquisitionport 123 client_conf=acquisitionport 123 server_conf=server noselect acquisitionport 123 server_conf=server noselect acquisitionport 123 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking port numbers in packet log: checking port numbers in packet log: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.99e-04 3.06e-06 1.30e-04 2.00e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.99e-04 3.06e-06 1.30e-04 2.00e-07 OK PASS PASS 112-port Testing port and acquisitionport directives: 112-port Testing port and acquisitionport directives: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK checking port numbers in packet log: checking port numbers in packet log: node 1: BAD node 1: BAD node 2: OK node 2: OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=acquisitionport 123 client_conf=acquisitionport 123 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking port numbers in packet log: checking port numbers in packet log: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: server_conf=port 0 server_conf=port 0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking port numbers in packet log: checking port numbers in packet log: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 1: 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 2: inf 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 OK node 2: inf 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: server_conf=acquisitionport 123 port 0 server_conf=acquisitionport 123 port 0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking port numbers in packet log: checking port numbers in packet log: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 1: 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 inf OK node 2: inf 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 OK node 2: inf 4.31e+02 inf 6.42e+01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=acquisitionport 0 client_conf=acquisitionport 0 client_server_options=port 124 client_server_options=port 124 server_conf=port 124 acquisitionport 123 server_conf=port 124 acquisitionport 123 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK checking port numbers in packet log: checking port numbers in packet log: node 1: BAD node 1: BAD node 2: BAD node 2: BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=acquisitionport 123 client_conf=acquisitionport 123 client_server_options=port 124 client_server_options=port 124 server_conf=port 124 acquisitionport 123 server_conf=port 124 acquisitionport 123 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK checking port numbers in packet log: checking port numbers in packet log: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: BAD node 2: BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=acquisitionport 124 client_conf=acquisitionport 124 client_server_options=port 124 client_server_options=port 124 server_conf=port 124 acquisitionport 123 server_conf=port 124 acquisitionport 123 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK node 2: 131 2.55e-04 2.10e-06 1.14e-04 2.07e-07 OK checking port numbers in packet log: checking port numbers in packet log: node 1: BAD node 1: BAD node 2: BAD node 2: BAD PASS PASS 113-leapsecond Testing leap second: 113-leapsecond Testing leap second: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=leapsecmode system client_conf=leapsecmode system client_start=7200 client_start=7200 limit=345600 limit=345600 max_sync_time=172800 max_sync_time=172800 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.18e+02 6.18e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 1: 6.18e+02 6.18e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 6.18e+02 6.18e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 6.18e+02 6.18e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 172799 3.01e-04 2.14e-06 8.37e-05 1.27e-07 OK node 2: 172799 3.01e-04 2.14e-06 8.37e-05 1.27e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=leapsecmode step client_conf=leapsecmode step client_start=7200 client_start=7200 limit=345600 limit=345600 max_sync_time=172800 max_sync_time=172800 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.18e+02 6.18e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 1: 6.18e+02 6.18e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 6.18e+02 6.18e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 6.18e+02 6.18e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 172799 3.01e-04 2.14e-06 8.37e-05 1.27e-07 OK node 2: 172799 3.01e-04 2.14e-06 8.37e-05 1.27e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=leapsecmode slew client_conf=leapsecmode slew client_start=7200 client_start=7200 limit=345600 limit=345600 max_sync_time=172812 max_sync_time=172812 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.57e+02 6.57e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 1: 6.57e+02 6.57e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 6.57e+02 6.57e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 6.57e+02 6.57e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 172811 3.16e-04 4.75e-06 1.03e-04 1.71e-07 OK node 2: 172811 3.16e-04 4.75e-06 1.03e-04 1.71e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 delay 1e-3 client_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 delay 1e-3 client_server_options=trust client_server_options=trust client_start=7200 client_start=7200 limit=345600 limit=345600 max_sync_time=172812 max_sync_time=172812 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.53e+02 6.53e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 1: 6.53e+02 6.53e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 6.53e+02 6.53e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 6.53e+02 6.53e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 172799 3.48e-04 8.58e-06 1.00e-04 2.09e-07 OK node 2: 172799 3.48e-04 8.58e-06 1.00e-04 2.09e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=leapsecmode system client_conf=leapsecmode system client_start=7200 client_start=7200 limit=345600 limit=345600 max_sync_time=240000 max_sync_time=240000 min_sync_time=230000 min_sync_time=230000 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC leapsecmode slew smoothtime 400 0.001 server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC leapsecmode slew smoothtime 400 0.001 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.51e+02 2.51e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 1: 2.51e+02 2.51e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 2.51e+02 2.51e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 2.51e+02 2.51e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 234630 3.72e-04 5.09e-06 1.04e-04 1.80e-07 OK node 2: 234630 3.72e-04 5.09e-06 1.04e-04 1.80e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=leapsecmode system client_conf=leapsecmode system client_start=7200 client_start=7200 limit=345600 limit=345600 max_sync_time=240000 max_sync_time=240000 min_sync_time=230000 min_sync_time=230000 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) refclock_offset=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 172800) 172800)) server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC leapsecmode slew smoothtime 400 0.001 leaponly server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 10 poll 10 leapsectz right/UTC leapsecmode slew smoothtime 400 0.001 leaponly starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.56e+02 2.56e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 1: 2.56e+02 2.56e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 2.56e+02 2.56e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK node 2: 2.56e+02 2.56e+02 6.39e+01 6.39e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 234587 3.80e-04 2.32e-06 1.01e-04 1.68e-07 OK node 2: 234587 3.80e-04 2.32e-06 1.01e-04 1.68e-07 OK PASS PASS 114-presend Testing presend option: 114-presend Testing presend option: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=maxdistance 10 client_conf=maxdistance 10 client_server_options=presend 6 maxdelay 16 client_server_options=presend 6 maxdelay 16 max_sync_time=260 max_sync_time=260 min_sync_time=136 min_sync_time=136 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.48e+02 1.48e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 1: 1.48e+02 1.48e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 2: 1.48e+02 1.48e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 2: 1.48e+02 1.48e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 138 2.02e-04 1.19e-06 9.73e-05 1.63e-07 OK node 2: 138 2.02e-04 1.19e-06 9.73e-05 1.63e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=5 base_delay=5 client_conf=maxdistance 10 client_conf=maxdistance 10 client_server_options=presend 6 maxdelay 16 client_server_options=presend 6 maxdelay 16 max_sync_time=260 max_sync_time=260 min_sync_time=136 min_sync_time=136 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.54e+02 1.54e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 1: 1.54e+02 1.54e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 2: 1.54e+02 1.54e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK node 2: 1.54e+02 1.54e+02 2.00e+00 2.00e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 168 3.76e-04 1.84e-06 1.55e-04 2.21e-07 OK node 2: 168 3.76e-04 1.84e-06 1.55e-04 2.21e-07 OK PASS PASS 115-cmdmontime Testing cmdmon timestamps: 115-cmdmontime Testing cmdmon timestamps: SKIP SKIP 116-minsources Testing minsources directive: 116-minsources Testing minsources directive: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=minsources 3 client_conf=minsources 3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.46e+02 2.46e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 2.46e+02 2.46e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.46e+02 2.46e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.46e+02 2.46e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=minsources 3 client_conf=minsources 3 servers=3 servers=3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.66e+02 2.66e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 1: 2.66e+02 2.66e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 2: 2.58e+02 2.58e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.58e+02 2.58e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.52e+02 2.52e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.52e+02 2.52e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 8.48e+01 8.48e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 4: 8.48e+01 8.48e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 4: OK node 4: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 4: 132 2.78e-04 2.03e-06 1.18e-04 2.00e-07 OK node 4: 132 2.78e-04 2.03e-06 1.18e-04 2.00e-07 OK PASS PASS 117-fallbackdrift Testing fallback drift: 117-fallbackdrift Testing fallback drift: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (min time 4250) 4250)) base_delay=(* -1.0 (equal 0.1 (min time 4250) 4250)) client_conf=fallbackdrift 6 10 client_conf=fallbackdrift 6 10 client_server_options=minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 client_server_options=minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 freq_max_limit=2e-4 freq_max_limit=2e-4 freq_offset=(* 1e-4 (sine 1000)) freq_offset=(* 1e-4 (sine 1000)) freq_rms_limit=1e-4 freq_rms_limit=1e-4 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=100000 limit=100000 max_sync_time=4500 max_sync_time=4500 time_max_limit=1e0 time_max_limit=1e0 time_offset=10 time_offset=10 time_rms_limit=1e0 time_rms_limit=1e0 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 4049 3.52e-02 1.14e-04 1.50e-02 7.07e-05 OK node 2: 4049 3.52e-02 1.14e-04 1.50e-02 7.07e-05 OK PASS PASS 118-maxdelay Testing maxdelay options: 118-maxdelay Testing maxdelay options: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-5 base_delay=1e-5 client_server_options=maxpoll 6 maxdelay 3e-5 maxdelayratio 2.0 maxdelaydevratio 2.0 client_server_options=maxpoll 6 maxdelay 3e-5 maxdelayratio 2.0 maxdelaydevratio 2.0 freq_offset=(sum 1e-10) freq_offset=(sum 1e-10) jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 max_sync_time=2000 max_sync_time=2000 time_rms_limit=2e-4 time_rms_limit=2e-4 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 905 1.64e-04 4.67e-06 6.80e-05 3.27e-07 OK node 2: 905 1.64e-04 4.67e-06 6.80e-05 3.27e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-5 base_delay=1e-5 client_server_options=maxpoll 6 maxdelay 2e-5 client_server_options=maxpoll 6 maxdelay 2e-5 freq_offset=(sum 1e-10) freq_offset=(sum 1e-10) jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 max_sync_time=2000 max_sync_time=2000 time_rms_limit=2e-4 time_rms_limit=2e-4 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 10001 1.05e-01 1.00e-06 1.02e-01 6.43e-07 BAD node 2: 10001 1.05e-01 1.00e-06 1.02e-01 6.43e-07 BAD PASS PASS 119-smoothtime Testing smoothtime option: 119-smoothtime Testing smoothtime option: network with 1*2 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*2 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: max_sync_time=800 max_sync_time=800 min_sync_time=600 min_sync_time=600 server_conf=smoothtime 400 0.001 server_conf=smoothtime 400 0.001 server_server_options=minpoll 8 server_server_options=minpoll 8 server_strata=2 server_strata=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 3: 649 1.63e-04 2.55e-06 5.65e-05 2.26e-07 OK node 3: 649 1.63e-04 2.55e-06 5.65e-05 2.26e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=corrtimeratio 100 client_conf=corrtimeratio 100 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 max_sync_time=9000 max_sync_time=9000 min_sync_time=8000 min_sync_time=8000 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_offset=(* 10.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 1000) 1000)) refclock_offset=(* 10.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 1000) 1000)) server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 4 poll 6 smoothtime 2000 1 maxjitter 10.0 server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 4 poll 6 smoothtime 2000 1 maxjitter 10.0 server_step=(* -10.0 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 1)) server_step=(* -10.0 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 1)) time_offset=-10 time_offset=-10 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 8387 8.12e-05 1.44e-07 5.58e-05 5.69e-08 OK node 2: 8387 8.12e-05 1.44e-07 5.58e-05 5.69e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=corrtimeratio 100 client_conf=corrtimeratio 100 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 xleave maxdelay 1e-1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 xleave maxdelay 1e-1 max_sync_time=9000 max_sync_time=9000 min_sync_time=8000 min_sync_time=8000 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_offset=(* 10.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 1000) 1000)) refclock_offset=(* 10.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 1000) 1000)) server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 4 poll 6 smoothtime 2000 1 maxjitter 10.0 server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 4 poll 6 smoothtime 2000 1 maxjitter 10.0 server_step=(* -10.0 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 1)) server_step=(* -10.0 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 1)) time_offset=-10 time_offset=-10 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 8473 5.08e-05 8.65e-08 3.49e-05 5.49e-08 OK node 2: 8473 5.08e-05 8.65e-08 3.49e-05 5.49e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=corrtimeratio 100 client_conf=corrtimeratio 100 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-2 freq_max_limit=1e-2 freq_rms_limit=2e-3 freq_rms_limit=2e-3 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_offset=(* 10.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 1000) 1000)) refclock_offset=(* 10.0 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 1000) 1000)) server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 4 poll 6 smoothtime 2000 1 maxjitter 10.0 server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 4 poll 6 smoothtime 2000 1 maxjitter 10.0 server_step=(* -10.0 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 1)) server_step=(* -10.0 (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 1)) time_max_limit=11 time_max_limit=11 time_offset=-10 time_offset=-10 time_rms_limit=11 time_rms_limit=11 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 1.00e+01 2.70e-03 5.97e+00 1.35e-03 OK node 2: 131 1.00e+01 2.70e-03 5.97e+00 1.35e-03 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=corrtimeratio 100 client_conf=corrtimeratio 100 client_server_options=minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 client_server_options=minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 freq_max_limit=1e-6 freq_max_limit=1e-6 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 max_sync_time=40 max_sync_time=40 min_sync_time=30 min_sync_time=30 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_jitter=1e-9 refclock_offset=(* 1e-1 (triangle 1000) (+ -1.0 (pulse 1000 10000))) refclock_offset=(* 1e-1 (triangle 1000) (+ -1.0 (pulse 1000 10000))) server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 4 poll 6 minsamples 4 maxsamples 4 smoothtime 1e4 1e-6 server_conf=refclock SHM 0 dpoll 4 poll 6 minsamples 4 maxsamples 4 smoothtime 1e4 1e-6 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=0.1 time_offset=0.1 time_rms_limit=5e-6 time_rms_limit=5e-6 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK node 1: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK node 2: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK node 2: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 34 1.61e-06 3.94e-08 2.04e-07 2.47e-09 OK node 2: 34 1.61e-06 3.94e-08 2.04e-07 2.47e-09 OK PASS PASS 120-selectoptions Testing source selection options: 120-selectoptions Testing source selection options: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=0.6 base_delay=0.6 client_server_conf= server server server trust client_server_conf= server server server trust falsetickers=2 falsetickers=2 servers=3 servers=3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 4: OK node 4: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.75e+02 2.75e+02 6.53e+01 6.53e+01 OK node 1: 2.75e+02 2.75e+02 6.53e+01 6.53e+01 OK node 2: 2.75e+02 2.75e+02 6.53e+01 6.53e+01 OK node 2: 2.75e+02 2.75e+02 6.53e+01 6.53e+01 OK node 3: 2.75e+02 2.75e+02 6.54e+01 6.54e+01 OK node 3: 2.75e+02 2.75e+02 6.54e+01 6.54e+01 OK node 4: 9.01e+01 9.01e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 4: 9.01e+01 9.01e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 4: 135 3.36e-04 4.64e-06 1.65e-04 3.68e-07 OK node 4: 135 3.36e-04 4.64e-06 1.65e-04 3.68e-07 OK network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=0.6 base_delay=0.6 client_server_conf= server server server prefer client_server_conf= server server server prefer falsetickers=2 falsetickers=2 servers=3 servers=3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 4: OK node 4: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.03e+02 2.03e+02 6.54e+01 6.54e+01 OK node 1: 2.03e+02 2.03e+02 6.54e+01 6.54e+01 OK node 2: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.53e+01 6.53e+01 OK node 2: 2.74e+02 2.74e+02 6.53e+01 6.53e+01 OK node 3: 1.51e+02 1.51e+02 6.53e+01 6.53e+01 OK node 3: 1.51e+02 1.51e+02 6.53e+01 6.53e+01 OK node 4: 6.56e+01 6.56e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 4: 6.56e+01 6.56e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 4: 10001 1.00e+00 1.72e-06 1.00e+00 1.86e-07 BAD node 4: 10001 1.00e+00 1.72e-06 1.00e+00 1.86e-07 BAD network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1.1 base_delay=1.1 client_server_conf= server server server prefer client_server_conf= server server server prefer falsetickers=2 falsetickers=2 servers=3 servers=3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 4: OK node 4: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.75e+02 2.75e+02 6.63e+01 6.63e+01 OK node 1: 2.75e+02 2.75e+02 6.63e+01 6.63e+01 OK node 2: 2.76e+02 2.76e+02 6.63e+01 6.63e+01 OK node 2: 2.76e+02 2.76e+02 6.63e+01 6.63e+01 OK node 3: 2.75e+02 2.75e+02 6.64e+01 6.64e+01 OK node 3: 2.75e+02 2.75e+02 6.64e+01 6.64e+01 OK node 4: 9.04e+01 9.04e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 4: 9.04e+01 9.04e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 4: 138 1.75e-04 4.68e-06 8.38e-05 3.14e-07 OK node 4: 138 1.75e-04 4.68e-06 8.38e-05 3.14e-07 OK network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_conf= server server server require client_server_conf= server server server require falsetickers=1 falsetickers=1 servers=3 servers=3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 4: OK node 4: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.66e+02 2.66e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 1: 2.66e+02 2.66e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 2: 2.58e+02 2.58e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.58e+02 2.58e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.52e+02 2.52e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.52e+02 2.52e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 8.48e+01 8.48e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 4: 8.48e+01 8.48e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 4: 132 2.55e-04 2.52e-06 1.02e-04 2.96e-07 OK node 4: 132 2.55e-04 2.52e-06 1.02e-04 2.96e-07 OK network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_conf= server require server server client_server_conf= server require server server falsetickers=1 falsetickers=1 servers=3 servers=3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.45e+02 2.45e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.45e+02 2.45e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.37e+02 2.37e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.37e+02 2.37e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 3: 2.47e+02 2.47e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.47e+02 2.47e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 8.15e+01 8.15e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 4: 8.15e+01 8.15e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 4: BAD node 4: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 4: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 4: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.73e-01 1.00e-04 BAD PASS PASS 121-orphan Testing orphan option: 121-orphan Testing orphan option: network with 1*3 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*3 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=tracking chronyc_conf=tracking chronyc_start=700 chronyc_start=700 client_start=140 client_start=140 max_sync_time=900 max_sync_time=900 server_conf=local stratum 5 orphan server server server server_conf=local stratum 5 orphan server server server server_strata=3 server_strata=3 time_rms_limit=5e-4 time_rms_limit=5e-4 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 5: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 4: OK node 4: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 4: 271 1.19e-04 1.33e-06 6.51e-05 2.13e-07 OK node 4: 271 1.19e-04 1.33e-06 6.51e-05 2.13e-07 OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 5: OK node 5: OK PASS PASS 122-xleave Testing interleaved mode: 122-xleave Testing interleaved mode: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf= logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_conf= logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_server_options=xleave client_server_options=xleave starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.66e+02 2.66e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 2.66e+02 2.66e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.66e+02 2.66e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.66e+02 2.66e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 132 4.64e-04 5.32e-06 2.15e-04 4.00e-07 OK node 2: 132 4.64e-04 5.32e-06 2.15e-04 4.00e-07 OK checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 4B [DKH] [DKH]$": checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 4B [DKH] [DKH]$": measurements.log: 2 OK measurements.log: 2 OK checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 4I [DKH] [DKH]$": checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 4I [DKH] [DKH]$": measurements.log: 35 OK measurements.log: 35 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_conf= logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_conf= logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_lpeer_options=xleave minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_lpeer_options=xleave minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_rpeer_options=minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_server_options=xleave client_server_options=xleave clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.83e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.83e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 3: 131 1.57e-04 1.29e-06 7.81e-05 1.54e-07 OK node 3: 131 1.57e-04 1.29e-06 7.81e-05 1.54e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_conf= logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_conf= logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_lpeer_options=xleave minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_lpeer_options=xleave minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_rpeer_options=xleave minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 client_rpeer_options=xleave minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 client_server_options=xleave client_server_options=xleave clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 275 2.12e-04 3.58e-06 6.10e-05 3.21e-07 OK node 2: 275 2.12e-04 3.58e-06 6.10e-05 3.21e-07 OK node 3: 131 2.03e-04 3.43e-07 4.96e-05 6.72e-08 OK node 3: 131 2.03e-04 3.43e-07 4.96e-05 6.72e-08 OK checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1B [DKH] [DKH]$": checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1B [DKH] [DKH]$": measurements.log: 0 OK measurements.log: 0 OK checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1I [DKH] [DKH]$": checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1I [DKH] [DKH]$": measurements.log: 278 OK measurements.log: 278 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_conf= logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_conf= logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_lpeer_options=xleave minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_lpeer_options=xleave minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_rpeer_options=xleave minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_rpeer_options=xleave minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_server_options=xleave client_server_options=xleave clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 269 1.22e-04 3.58e-06 4.91e-05 2.71e-07 OK node 2: 269 1.22e-04 3.58e-06 4.91e-05 2.71e-07 OK node 3: 131 9.97e-05 1.16e-06 4.90e-05 8.28e-08 OK node 3: 131 9.97e-05 1.16e-06 4.90e-05 8.28e-08 OK checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1B [DKH] [DKH]$": checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1B [DKH] [DKH]$": measurements.log: 0 OK measurements.log: 0 OK checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1I [DKH] [DKH]$": checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1I [DKH] [DKH]$": measurements.log: 304 OK measurements.log: 304 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay=(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_conf= logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_conf= logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_lpeer_options=xleave minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_lpeer_options=xleave minpoll 5 maxpoll 5 client_rpeer_options=xleave minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_rpeer_options=xleave minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=xleave client_server_options=xleave clients=2 clients=2 max_sync_time=500 max_sync_time=500 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 342 3.76e-04 2.18e-05 6.22e-05 1.15e-06 OK node 2: 342 3.76e-04 2.18e-05 6.22e-05 1.15e-06 OK node 3: 131 1.34e-04 1.54e-06 5.74e-05 1.64e-07 OK node 3: 131 1.34e-04 1.54e-06 5.74e-05 1.64e-07 OK checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1B [DKH] [DKH]$": checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1B [DKH] [DKH]$": measurements.log: 127 OK measurements.log: 127 OK checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1I [DKH] [DKH]$": checking number of messages "111 111 1111.* 1I [DKH] [DKH]$": measurements.log: 25 OK measurements.log: 25 OK PASS PASS 123-mindelay Testing mindelay and asymmetry options: 123-mindelay Testing mindelay and asymmetry options: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_options=mindelay 2e-4 asymmetry 0.499 client_server_options=mindelay 2e-4 asymmetry 0.499 jitter_asymmetry=0.499 jitter_asymmetry=0.499 time_rms_limit=1e-6 time_rms_limit=1e-6 wander=1e-12 wander=1e-12 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.38e+02 2.38e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 1: 2.38e+02 2.38e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.38e+02 2.38e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.38e+02 2.38e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 7.88e-07 7.85e-09 5.03e-07 8.12e-10 OK node 2: 131 7.88e-07 7.85e-09 5.03e-07 8.12e-10 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_options=mindelay 1e-4 asymmetry 0.499 client_server_options=mindelay 1e-4 asymmetry 0.499 jitter_asymmetry=0.499 jitter_asymmetry=0.499 time_rms_limit=1e-6 time_rms_limit=1e-6 wander=1e-12 wander=1e-12 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 5.06e-05 8.98e-09 5.03e-05 7.63e-10 BAD node 2: 131 5.06e-05 8.98e-09 5.03e-05 7.63e-10 BAD network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_options=mindelay 2e-4 asymmetry 0.0 client_server_options=mindelay 2e-4 asymmetry 0.0 jitter_asymmetry=0.499 jitter_asymmetry=0.499 time_rms_limit=1e-6 time_rms_limit=1e-6 wander=1e-12 wander=1e-12 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 1.87e-04 1.92e-06 5.44e-05 2.07e-07 BAD node 2: 131 1.87e-04 1.92e-06 5.44e-05 2.07e-07 BAD PASS PASS 124-tai Testing tai option: 124-tai Testing tai option: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf= refclock SHM 0 dpoll 0 poll 0 tai leapsectz right/UTC leapsecmode ignore maxchange 1e-3 1 0 client_conf= refclock SHM 0 dpoll 0 poll 0 tai leapsectz right/UTC leapsecmode ignore maxchange 1e-3 1 0 limit=1200 limit=1200 max_sync_time=15 max_sync_time=15 min_sync_time=2 min_sync_time=2 refclock_jitter=1e-6 refclock_jitter=1e-6 refclock_offset=(+ -34 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 600) 600)) refclock_offset=(+ -34 (equal 0.1 (max (sum 1.0) 600) 600)) servers=0 servers=0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 1: 9 1.10e-05 4.58e-06 5.18e-07 1.94e-07 OK node 1: 9 1.10e-05 4.58e-06 5.18e-07 1.94e-07 OK network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 0*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf= refclock SHM 0 dpoll 0 poll 0 tai leapsectz right/UTC makestep 1 1 maxchange 1e-3 1 0 client_conf= refclock SHM 0 dpoll 0 poll 0 tai leapsectz right/UTC makestep 1 1 maxchange 1e-3 1 0 limit=1200 limit=1200 max_sync_time=15 max_sync_time=15 min_sync_time=2 min_sync_time=2 refclock_jitter=1e-6 refclock_jitter=1e-6 refclock_offset=(+ -34) refclock_offset=(+ -34) servers=0 servers=0 time_offset=-1000 time_offset=-1000 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 1: OK node 1: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 1: 4 1.22e-06 6.23e-07 3.08e-07 6.17e-08 OK node 1: 4 1.22e-06 6.23e-07 3.08e-07 6.17e-08 OK PASS PASS 125-packetloss Testing packet loss: 125-packetloss Testing packet loss: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay= (+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.33 (uniform) 1.0)) (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay= (+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.33 (uniform) 1.0)) (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_peer_options=maxpoll 8 client_peer_options=maxpoll 8 client_server_options=maxpoll 8 client_server_options=maxpoll 8 clients=2 clients=2 jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 limit=20000 limit=20000 max_sync_time=10000 max_sync_time=10000 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 261 8.70e-05 8.10e-07 3.49e-05 1.09e-07 OK node 2: 261 8.70e-05 8.10e-07 3.49e-05 1.09e-07 OK node 3: 833 2.30e-04 9.53e-07 7.08e-05 1.76e-07 OK node 3: 833 2.30e-04 9.53e-07 7.08e-05 1.76e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 2 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay= (+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.33 (uniform) 1.0)) (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) base_delay= (+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.33 (uniform) 1.0)) (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1))) client_peer_options=maxpoll 8 xleave client_peer_options=maxpoll 8 xleave client_server_options=maxpoll 8 xleave client_server_options=maxpoll 8 xleave clients=2 clients=2 jitter=1e-5 jitter=1e-5 limit=20000 limit=20000 max_sync_time=10000 max_sync_time=10000 peers=2 peers=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 713 1.24e-04 1.94e-06 4.41e-05 1.64e-07 OK node 2: 713 1.24e-04 1.94e-06 4.41e-05 1.64e-07 OK node 3: 2851 1.21e-04 5.23e-07 6.02e-05 8.74e-08 OK node 3: 2851 1.21e-04 5.23e-07 6.02e-05 8.74e-08 OK PASS PASS 126-burst Testing burst option: 126-burst Testing burst option: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay= (+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1) (equal 0.1 (min (% (sum 1) 4) 1) 1))) base_delay= (+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1) (equal 0.1 (min (% (sum 1) 4) 1) 1))) client_max_min_out_interval=2.2 client_max_min_out_interval=2.2 client_min_mean_out_interval=150.0 client_min_mean_out_interval=150.0 client_server_options=burst polltarget 1 client_server_options=burst polltarget 1 max_sync_time=730 max_sync_time=730 min_sync_time=700 min_sync_time=700 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 7.81e+02 7.81e+02 2.58e+02 2.58e+02 OK node 1: 7.81e+02 7.81e+02 2.58e+02 2.58e+02 OK node 2: 7.81e+02 1.87e+02 2.58e+02 2.00e+00 OK node 2: 7.81e+02 1.87e+02 2.58e+02 2.00e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 715 2.26e-04 3.87e-06 8.30e-05 3.11e-07 OK node 2: 715 2.26e-04 3.87e-06 8.30e-05 3.11e-07 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay= (+ 1e-4 (* 0.15 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1) (equal 0.1 (min (sum 1) 7) 7) (equal 0.7 (uniform) 0.0))) base_delay= (+ 1e-4 (* 0.15 (equal 0.1 from 2) (equal 0.1 to 1) (equal 0.1 (min (sum 1) 7) 7) (equal 0.7 (uniform) 0.0))) client_max_min_out_interval=2.2 client_max_min_out_interval=2.2 client_min_mean_out_interval=150.0 client_min_mean_out_interval=150.0 client_server_options=burst polltarget 1 client_server_options=burst polltarget 1 max_sync_time=730 max_sync_time=730 min_sync_time=700 min_sync_time=700 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 3.53e+02 3.53e+02 2.02e+00 2.02e+00 OK node 1: 3.53e+02 3.53e+02 2.02e+00 2.02e+00 OK node 2: 3.53e+02 3.53e+02 2.02e+00 2.15e+00 OK node 2: 3.53e+02 3.53e+02 2.02e+00 2.15e+00 OK PASS PASS 127-filter Testing filter option: 127-filter Testing filter option: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_max_min_out_interval=16.1 client_max_min_out_interval=16.1 client_min_mean_out_interval=15.9 client_min_mean_out_interval=15.9 client_server_options=minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 filter 15 client_server_options=minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 filter 15 max_sync_time=720 max_sync_time=720 min_sync_time=710 min_sync_time=710 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK node 1: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK node 2: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK node 2: 1.62e+01 1.62e+01 1.60e+01 1.60e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 714 7.69e-05 3.86e-06 2.43e-05 2.13e-07 OK node 2: 714 7.69e-05 3.86e-06 2.43e-05 2.13e-07 OK PASS PASS 128-nocontrol Testing -x option: 128-nocontrol Testing -x option: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: chronyc_conf=tracking chronyc_conf=tracking chronyc_start=300 chronyc_start=300 client_chronyd_options=-x client_chronyd_options=-x freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_max_limit=1e-9 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 max_sync_time=0 max_sync_time=0 min_sync_time=0 min_sync_time=0 time_max_limit=1e-6 time_max_limit=1e-6 time_offset=0.0 time_offset=0.0 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 2.73e+02 2.73e+02 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 2.65e+02 2.65e+02 2.35e+01 2.35e+01 OK node 2: 2.65e+02 2.65e+02 2.35e+01 2.35e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 0 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 0 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 OK checking chronyc output: checking chronyc output: node 3: OK node 3: OK PASS PASS 129-reload Testing -r option: 129-reload Testing -r option: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_chronyd_options=-r client_chronyd_options=-r client_conf=dumpdir tmp maxupdateskew 10000 client_conf=dumpdir tmp maxupdateskew 10000 limit=100 limit=100 max_sync_time=104 max_sync_time=104 min_sync_time=100 min_sync_time=100 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_chronyd_options=-r client_chronyd_options=-r client_conf=dumpdir tmp maxupdateskew 10000 client_conf=dumpdir tmp maxupdateskew 10000 client_start=100 client_start=100 limit=1000 limit=1000 max_sync_time=104 max_sync_time=104 min_sync_time=100 min_sync_time=100 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 102 1.14e-04 3.39e-06 3.94e-05 7.22e-07 OK node 2: 102 1.14e-04 3.39e-06 3.94e-05 7.22e-07 OK PASS PASS 130-quit Testing -q/-Q option: 130-quit Testing -q/-Q option: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_chronyd_options=-q client_chronyd_options=-q client_server_options=iburst client_server_options=iburst freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 max_sync_time=10 max_sync_time=10 min_sync_time=5 min_sync_time=5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.02e+00 2.02e+00 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 1: 2.02e+00 2.02e+00 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 2.02e+00 2.02e+00 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK node 2: 2.02e+00 2.02e+00 2.01e+00 2.01e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 5 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 4.94e-05 0.00e+00 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_chronyd_options=-q client_chronyd_options=-q client_server_options=iburst maxsamples 1 client_server_options=iburst maxsamples 1 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 max_sync_time=1 max_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 1 8.81e-05 0.00e+00 8.81e-05 0.00e+00 OK node 2: 1 8.81e-05 0.00e+00 8.81e-05 0.00e+00 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_chronyd_options=-Q client_chronyd_options=-Q client_server_options=iburst maxsamples 1 client_server_options=iburst maxsamples 1 freq_offset=0.0 freq_offset=0.0 max_sync_time=1 max_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 min_sync_time=1 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 10001 1.00e-01 0.00e+00 1.00e-01 0.00e+00 BAD node 2: 10001 1.00e-01 0.00e+00 1.00e-01 0.00e+00 BAD PASS PASS 131-maxchange Testing maxchange directive: 131-maxchange Testing maxchange directive: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=maxchange 0.1 1 3 client_conf=maxchange 0.1 1 3 client_step=(* (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 300)) client_step=(* (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 300)) max_sync_time=5000 max_sync_time=5000 time_offset=2 time_offset=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.50e+01 6.50e+01 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 OK node 1: 6.50e+01 6.50e+01 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 OK node 2: 6.50e+01 6.50e+01 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 OK node 2: 6.50e+01 6.50e+01 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 10001 9.99e-01 1.09e-07 9.99e-01 3.67e-08 BAD node 2: 10001 9.99e-01 1.09e-07 9.99e-01 3.67e-08 BAD checking number of messages "seconds exceeds.*ignored": checking number of messages "seconds exceeds.*ignored": node 2: 3 OK node 2: 3 OK checking number of messages "seconds exceeds.*exiting": checking number of messages "seconds exceeds.*exiting": node 2: 1 OK node 2: 1 OK PASS PASS 132-logchange Testing logchange directive: 132-logchange Testing logchange directive: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=logchange 0.1 client_conf=logchange 0.1 client_server_options=maxsamples 6 client_server_options=maxsamples 6 client_step=(* (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 300)) client_step=(* (equal 0.1 (sum 1.0) 300)) max_sync_time=700 max_sync_time=700 min_sync_time=590 min_sync_time=590 time_offset=2 time_offset=2 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 653 1.17e-04 3.74e-06 3.84e-05 5.55e-07 OK node 2: 653 1.17e-04 3.74e-06 3.84e-05 5.55e-07 OK checking number of messages "clock wrong by": checking number of messages "clock wrong by": node 2: 6 OK node 2: 6 OK PASS PASS 133-hwtimestamp Testing hwtimestamp directive: 133-hwtimestamp Testing hwtimestamp directive: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_chronyd_options=-d client_chronyd_options=-d client_conf=hwtimestamp eth0 client_conf=hwtimestamp eth0 client_server_options=minpoll 0 maxpoll 0 minsamples 32 xleave client_server_options=minpoll 0 maxpoll 0 minsamples 32 xleave limit=200 limit=200 max_sync_time=20 max_sync_time=20 min_sync_time=4 min_sync_time=4 refclock_jitter=1e-8 refclock_jitter=1e-8 refclock_offset=10.0 refclock_offset=10.0 server_conf=hwtimestamp eth0 server_conf=hwtimestamp eth0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5 1.41e-05 8.25e-06 6.21e-06 1.24e-06 OK node 2: 5 1.41e-05 8.25e-06 6.21e-06 1.24e-06 OK checking number of messages "HW clock samples": checking number of messages "HW clock samples": node 2: 197 OK node 2: 197 OK checking number of messages "HW clock reset": checking number of messages "HW clock reset": node 2: 0 OK node 2: 0 OK checking number of messages "Received message.*tss=KH": checking number of messages "Received message.*tss=KH": node 2: 198 OK node 2: 198 OK checking number of messages "Received error.*message.*tss=KH": checking number of messages "Received error.*message.*tss=KH": node 2: 198 OK node 2: 198 OK checking number of messages "Updated RX timestamp.*tss=1": checking number of messages "Updated RX timestamp.*tss=1": node 2: 1 OK node 2: 1 OK checking number of messages "Updated RX timestamp.*tss=2": checking number of messages "Updated RX timestamp.*tss=2": node 2: 197 OK node 2: 197 OK checking number of messages "update_tx_timestamp.*Updated": checking number of messages "update_tx_timestamp.*Updated": node 2: 96 OK node 2: 96 OK checking number of messages "update_tx_timestamp.*Unacceptable": checking number of messages "update_tx_timestamp.*Unacceptable": node 2: 101 OK node 2: 101 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_chronyd_options=-d client_chronyd_options=-d client_conf=hwtimestamp eth0 acquisitionport 123 client_conf=hwtimestamp eth0 acquisitionport 123 client_server_options=minpoll 0 maxpoll 0 minsamples 32 xleave client_server_options=minpoll 0 maxpoll 0 minsamples 32 xleave limit=200 limit=200 max_sync_time=20 max_sync_time=20 min_sync_time=4 min_sync_time=4 refclock_jitter=1e-8 refclock_jitter=1e-8 refclock_offset=10.0 refclock_offset=10.0 server_conf=hwtimestamp eth0 server_conf=hwtimestamp eth0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 5 1.41e-05 8.25e-06 6.21e-06 1.24e-06 OK node 2: 5 1.41e-05 8.25e-06 6.21e-06 1.24e-06 OK checking number of messages "HW clock samples": checking number of messages "HW clock samples": node 2: 197 OK node 2: 197 OK checking number of messages "HW clock reset": checking number of messages "HW clock reset": node 2: 0 OK node 2: 0 OK checking number of messages "Received message.*tss=KH": checking number of messages "Received message.*tss=KH": node 2: 198 OK node 2: 198 OK checking number of messages "Received error.*message.*tss=KH": checking number of messages "Received error.*message.*tss=KH": node 2: 198 OK node 2: 198 OK checking number of messages "Updated RX timestamp.*tss=1": checking number of messages "Updated RX timestamp.*tss=1": node 2: 1 OK node 2: 1 OK checking number of messages "Updated RX timestamp.*tss=2": checking number of messages "Updated RX timestamp.*tss=2": node 2: 197 OK node 2: 197 OK checking number of messages "update_tx_timestamp.*Updated": checking number of messages "update_tx_timestamp.*Updated": node 2: 96 OK node 2: 96 OK checking number of messages "update_tx_timestamp.*Unacceptable": checking number of messages "update_tx_timestamp.*Unacceptable": node 2: 101 OK node 2: 101 OK PASS PASS 134-log Testing log directive: 134-log Testing log directive: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=refclock PHC /dev/ptp0 dpoll 4 poll 6 noselect logbanner 10 logdir tmp log tracking rawmeasurements measurements statistics rtc refclocks tempcomp tempcomp tmp/tempcomp 64 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 client_conf=refclock PHC /dev/ptp0 dpoll 4 poll 6 noselect logbanner 10 logdir tmp log tracking rawmeasurements measurements statistics rtc refclocks tempcomp tempcomp tmp/tempcomp 64 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 client_server_options=maxpoll 6 client_server_options=maxpoll 6 refclock_jitter=1e-4 refclock_jitter=1e-4 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 1: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK node 2: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.40e+01 6.40e+01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 9.06e-05 5.44e-06 2.97e-05 3.40e-07 OK node 2: 131 9.06e-05 5.44e-06 2.97e-05 3.40e-07 OK checking number of messages "=============": checking number of messages "=============": tracking.log: 32 OK tracking.log: 32 OK measurements.log: 32 OK measurements.log: 32 OK tempcomp.log: 32 OK tempcomp.log: 32 OK checking number of messages "20.*192\.168\.123\.1": checking number of messages "20.*192\.168\.123\.1": tracking.log: 153 OK tracking.log: 153 OK measurements.log: 155 OK measurements.log: 155 OK statistics.log: 153 OK statistics.log: 153 OK checking number of messages "20.*PHC0": checking number of messages "20.*PHC0": statistics.log: 154 OK statistics.log: 154 OK checking number of messages "20.*PHC0": checking number of messages "20.*PHC0": refclocks.log: 781 OK refclocks.log: 781 OK checking number of messages "20.* 0\.0000": checking number of messages "20.* 0\.0000": tempcomp.log: 157 OK tempcomp.log: 157 OK PASS PASS 135-ratelimit Testing ratelimit directive: 135-ratelimit Testing ratelimit directive: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 3 client_server_options=minpoll 3 maxpoll 3 min_sync_time=16 min_sync_time=16 server_conf=ratelimit interval 6 burst 2 leak 4 server_conf=ratelimit interval 6 burst 2 leak 4 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 8.08e+00 5.17e+01 8.00e+00 8.01e+00 OK node 1: 8.08e+00 5.17e+01 8.00e+00 8.01e+00 OK node 2: 5.17e+01 8.08e+00 8.01e+00 8.00e+00 OK node 2: 5.17e+01 8.08e+00 8.01e+00 8.00e+00 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 34 2.46e-04 6.96e-06 2.72e-05 3.86e-07 OK node 2: 34 2.46e-04 6.96e-06 2.72e-05 3.86e-07 OK checking number of messages " 2 1 ": checking number of messages " 2 1 ": log.packets: 1238 OK log.packets: 1238 OK checking number of messages " 1 2 ": checking number of messages " 1 2 ": log.packets: 194 OK log.packets: 194 OK PASS PASS 136-broadcast Testing broadcast directive: 136-broadcast Testing broadcast directive: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_options=offline client_server_options=offline server_conf=broadcast 64 server_conf=broadcast 64 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: inf 6.46e+01 inf 6.40e+01 BAD node 1: inf 6.46e+01 inf 6.40e+01 BAD node 2: 6.46e+01 inf 6.40e+01 inf BAD node 2: 6.46e+01 inf 6.40e+01 inf BAD checking number of messages " 1 2 ": checking number of messages " 1 2 ": log.packets: 154 OK log.packets: 154 OK PASS PASS 137-pool Testing pool directive: 137-pool Testing pool directive: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=logdir tmp log measurements client_conf=logdir tmp log measurements client_server_conf=pool nodes-1-2-3.net1.clk client_server_conf=pool nodes-1-2-3.net1.clk limit=500 limit=500 servers=3 servers=3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 4: OK node 4: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.48e+01 6.48e+01 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 1: 6.48e+01 6.48e+01 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 2: 6.45e+01 6.45e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 6.45e+01 6.45e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 1.98e+01 1.98e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 4: 1.98e+01 1.98e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 4: 132 7.07e-05 2.03e-06 3.16e-05 9.18e-07 OK node 4: 132 7.07e-05 2.03e-06 3.16e-05 9.18e-07 OK checking number of messages "20.*": checking number of messages "20.*": measurements.log: 8 OK measurements.log: 8 OK checking number of messages "20.*": checking number of messages "20.*": measurements.log: 8 OK measurements.log: 8 OK checking number of messages "20.*": checking number of messages "20.*": measurements.log: 8 OK measurements.log: 8 OK network with 6*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 6*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=logdir tmp log measurements client_conf=logdir tmp log measurements client_server_conf=pool nodes-1-2-3-4-5-6.net1.clk minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_conf=pool nodes-1-2-3-4-5-6.net1.clk minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 limit=500 limit=500 servers=6 servers=6 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 6: OK starting node 6: OK starting node 7: OK starting node 7: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK node 5: OK node 5: OK node 6: OK node 6: OK node 7: OK node 7: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 7: OK node 7: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 6.49e+01 6.49e+01 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 OK node 1: 6.49e+01 6.49e+01 6.44e+01 6.44e+01 OK node 2: inf inf inf inf OK node 2: inf inf inf inf OK node 3: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 3: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 4: inf inf inf inf OK node 4: inf inf inf inf OK node 5: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 5: 6.46e+01 6.46e+01 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 6: 6.48e+01 6.48e+01 6.45e+01 6.45e+01 OK node 6: 6.48e+01 6.48e+01 6.45e+01 6.45e+01 OK node 7: 1.47e+01 1.47e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 7: 1.47e+01 1.47e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 7: 133 8.85e-05 6.93e-06 4.35e-05 1.61e-06 OK node 7: 133 8.85e-05 6.93e-06 4.35e-05 1.61e-06 OK checking number of messages "20.*192.168.123.*": checking number of messages "20.*192.168.123.*": measurements.log: 32 OK measurements.log: 32 OK network with 6*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 6*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf=logdir tmp log measurements client_conf=logdir tmp log measurements client_server_conf=pool nodes-1-2-3-4-5-6.net1.clk maxsources 2 minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_conf=pool nodes-1-2-3-4-5-6.net1.clk maxsources 2 minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 limit=500 limit=500 servers=6 servers=6 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 5: OK starting node 6: OK starting node 6: OK starting node 7: OK starting node 7: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK node 5: OK node 5: OK node 6: OK node 6: OK node 7: OK node 7: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 7: OK node 7: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: inf inf inf inf OK node 1: inf inf inf inf OK node 2: inf inf inf inf OK node 2: inf inf inf inf OK node 3: inf inf inf inf OK node 3: inf inf inf inf OK node 4: inf inf inf inf OK node 4: inf inf inf inf OK node 5: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 OK node 5: 6.47e+01 6.47e+01 6.43e+01 6.43e+01 OK node 6: 6.45e+01 6.45e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 6: 6.45e+01 6.45e+01 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 7: 3.02e+01 3.02e+01 2.04e-01 2.04e-01 OK node 7: 3.02e+01 3.02e+01 2.04e-01 2.04e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 7: 194 8.09e-05 1.04e-06 4.01e-05 4.92e-07 OK node 7: 194 8.09e-05 1.04e-06 4.01e-05 4.92e-07 OK checking number of messages "20.*192.168.123.*": checking number of messages "20.*192.168.123.*": measurements.log: 16 OK measurements.log: 16 OK PASS PASS 138-syncloop Testing loop prevention: 138-syncloop Testing loop prevention: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_conf= server server logdir tmp/logdir2 log measurements allow client_server_conf= server server logdir tmp/logdir2 log measurements allow server_conf= server server logdir tmp/logdir1 log measurements server_conf= server server logdir tmp/logdir1 log measurements starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 3.73e-04 1.36e-06 1.76e-04 2.02e-07 OK node 2: 131 3.73e-04 1.36e-06 1.76e-04 2.02e-07 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 111 1110": checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 111 1110": logdir1/measurements.log: 41 OK logdir1/measurements.log: 41 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\.2.* 111 111 1110": checking number of messages "20.*123\.2.* 111 111 1110": logdir1/measurements.log: 39 OK logdir1/measurements.log: 39 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\...* 111 111 1111": checking number of messages "20.*123\...* 111 111 1111": logdir1/measurements.log: 0 OK logdir1/measurements.log: 0 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 111 1111": checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 111 1111": logdir2/measurements.log: 37 OK logdir2/measurements.log: 37 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 111 1110": checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 111 1110": logdir2/measurements.log: 0 OK logdir2/measurements.log: 0 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\.2.* 111 111 1110": checking number of messages "20.*123\.2.* 111 111 1110": logdir2/measurements.log: 39 OK logdir2/measurements.log: 39 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\.2.* 111 111 1111": checking number of messages "20.*123\.2.* 111 111 1111": logdir1/measurements.log: 0 OK logdir1/measurements.log: 0 OK PASS PASS 139-nts Testing NTP authentication with NTS: 139-nts Testing NTP authentication with NTS: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf= nosystemcert ntstrustedcerts tmp/server.crt logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_conf= nosystemcert ntstrustedcerts tmp/server.crt logdir tmp log rawmeasurements client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 nts client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 nts dns=1 dns=1 max_sync_time=400 max_sync_time=400 server_conf= ntsserverkey tmp/server.key ntsservercert tmp/server.crt ntsprocesses 0 ntsrotate 64 server_conf= ntsserverkey tmp/server.key ntsservercert tmp/server.crt ntsprocesses 0 ntsrotate 64 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 389 2.03e-04 6.14e-06 6.54e-05 4.35e-07 OK node 2: 389 2.03e-04 6.14e-06 6.54e-05 4.35e-07 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 111 1111": checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 111 1111": measurements.log: 92 OK measurements.log: 92 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 001 0000": checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 001 0000": measurements.log: 31 OK measurements.log: 31 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_conf= nosystemcert ntstrustedcerts tmp/server.crt logdir tmp log rawmeasurements ntsrefresh 120 client_conf= nosystemcert ntstrustedcerts tmp/server.crt logdir tmp log rawmeasurements ntsrefresh 120 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 nts client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 nts dns=1 dns=1 max_sync_time=400 max_sync_time=400 server_conf= ntsserverkey tmp/server.key ntsservercert tmp/server.crt ntsprocesses 0 ntsrotate 64 server_conf= ntsserverkey tmp/server.key ntsservercert tmp/server.crt ntsprocesses 0 ntsrotate 64 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 261 2.90e-04 3.62e-06 5.50e-05 3.19e-07 OK node 2: 261 2.90e-04 3.62e-06 5.50e-05 3.19e-07 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 111 1111": checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 111 1111": measurements.log: 102 OK measurements.log: 102 OK checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 001 0000": checking number of messages "20.*123\.1.* 111 001 0000": measurements.log: 0 OK measurements.log: 0 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 nts client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 nts dns=1 dns=1 max_sync_time=400 max_sync_time=400 server_conf= ntsserverkey tmp/server.key ntsservercert tmp/server.crt ntsprocesses 0 ntsrotate 64 server_conf= ntsserverkey tmp/server.key ntsservercert tmp/server.crt ntsprocesses 0 ntsrotate 64 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 2: BAD node 2: BAD checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.80e-01 1.00e-04 BAD node 2: 10001 1.10e+00 1.00e-04 6.80e-01 1.00e-04 BAD PASS PASS 201-freqaccumulation Testing frequency accumulation: 201-freqaccumulation Testing frequency accumulation: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=-5e-2 freq_offset=-5e-2 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 135 4.88e-07 6.42e-09 3.71e-07 6.42e-09 OK node 2: 135 4.88e-07 6.42e-09 3.71e-07 6.42e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=-5e-2 freq_offset=-5e-2 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 137 4.57e-07 2.87e-09 4.02e-07 2.87e-09 OK node 2: 137 4.57e-07 2.87e-09 4.02e-07 2.87e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=-5e-2 freq_offset=-5e-2 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 137 4.99e-07 3.51e-09 4.32e-07 3.51e-09 OK node 2: 137 4.99e-07 3.51e-09 4.32e-07 3.51e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=-5e-2 freq_offset=-5e-2 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 138 5.16e-08 1.93e-09 2.63e-08 1.93e-09 OK node 2: 138 5.16e-08 1.93e-09 2.63e-08 1.93e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=-5e-4 freq_offset=-5e-4 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 129 2.78e-07 5.39e-09 1.84e-07 5.39e-09 OK node 2: 129 2.78e-07 5.39e-09 1.84e-07 5.39e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=-5e-4 freq_offset=-5e-4 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 6.29e-07 6.59e-10 6.16e-07 6.59e-10 OK node 2: 130 6.29e-07 6.59e-10 6.16e-07 6.59e-10 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=-5e-4 freq_offset=-5e-4 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 5.64e-07 9.33e-10 5.46e-07 9.33e-10 OK node 2: 130 5.64e-07 9.33e-10 5.46e-07 9.33e-10 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=-5e-4 freq_offset=-5e-4 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 4.17e-07 2.49e-09 3.69e-07 2.49e-09 OK node 2: 131 4.17e-07 2.49e-09 3.69e-07 2.49e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=5e-4 freq_offset=5e-4 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 129 4.43e-07 5.22e-09 3.47e-07 5.22e-09 OK node 2: 129 4.43e-07 5.22e-09 3.47e-07 5.22e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=5e-4 freq_offset=5e-4 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 6.29e-07 6.54e-10 6.16e-07 6.54e-10 OK node 2: 130 6.29e-07 6.54e-10 6.16e-07 6.54e-10 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=5e-4 freq_offset=5e-4 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 130 5.74e-07 1.23e-09 5.50e-07 1.23e-09 OK node 2: 130 5.74e-07 1.23e-09 5.50e-07 1.23e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=5e-4 freq_offset=5e-4 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 131 4.82e-07 3.23e-09 4.21e-07 3.23e-09 OK node 2: 131 4.82e-07 3.23e-09 4.21e-07 3.23e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=5e-2 freq_offset=5e-2 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 123 1.57e-06 1.21e-08 1.35e-06 1.21e-08 OK node 2: 123 1.57e-06 1.21e-08 1.35e-06 1.21e-08 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=5e-2 freq_offset=5e-2 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 124 2.24e-07 3.32e-09 1.64e-07 3.32e-09 OK node 2: 124 2.24e-07 3.32e-09 1.64e-07 3.32e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=5e-2 freq_offset=5e-2 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 124 4.50e-07 4.79e-09 3.60e-07 4.79e-09 OK node 2: 124 4.50e-07 4.79e-09 3.60e-07 4.79e-09 OK network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 1*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: base_delay=1e-6 base_delay=1e-6 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_conf=driftfile tmp/drift makestep 1 1 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 client_server_options=minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_max_limit=1e-7 freq_offset=5e-2 freq_offset=5e-2 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 freq_rms_limit=1e-7 jitter=1e-6 jitter=1e-6 limit=180 limit=180 max_sync_time=140 max_sync_time=140 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_max_limit=1e-5 time_offset=100.0 time_offset=100.0 time_rms_limit=1e-5 time_rms_limit=1e-5 wander=0.0 wander=0.0 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 2: 125 1.15e-06 4.02e-09 1.07e-06 4.02e-09 OK node 2: 125 1.15e-06 4.02e-09 1.07e-06 4.02e-09 OK PASS PASS 202-prefer Testing prefer option: 202-prefer Testing prefer option: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: network with 3*1 servers and 1 clients: non-default settings: non-default settings: client_server_conf= server server server prefer client_server_conf= server server server prefer servers=3 servers=3 starting node 1: OK starting node 1: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 2: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 3: OK starting node 4: OK starting node 4: OK running simulation: OK running simulation: OK checking chronyd exit: checking chronyd exit: node 1: OK node 1: OK node 2: OK node 2: OK node 3: OK node 3: OK node 4: OK node 4: OK checking source selection: checking source selection: node 4: OK node 4: OK checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: checking mean/min incoming/outgoing packet interval: node 1: 2.66e+02 2.66e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 1: 2.66e+02 2.66e+02 6.42e+01 6.42e+01 OK node 2: 2.58e+02 2.58e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 2: 2.58e+02 2.58e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.52e+02 2.52e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 3: 2.52e+02 2.52e+02 6.41e+01 6.41e+01 OK node 4: 8.48e+01 8.48e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK node 4: 8.48e+01 8.48e+01 2.00e-01 2.00e-01 OK checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: checking clock sync time, max/rms time/freq error: node 4: 132 1.92e-04 1.16e-06 9.11e-05 1.90e-07 OK node 4: 132 1.92e-04 1.16e-06 9.11e-05 1.90e-07 OK PASS PASS SUMMARY: SUMMARY: TOTAL 54 TOTAL 54 PASSED 52 PASSED 52 FAILED 0 () () FAILED 0 () () SKIPPED 2 (008-ntpera 115-cmdmontime) SKIPPED 2 (008-ntpera 115-cmdmontime) cd test/system && ./run cd test/system && ./run 001-minimal SKIP (not root) 001-minimal SKIP (not root) 002-extended SKIP (not root) 002-extended SKIP (not root) 003-memlock SKIP (not root) 003-memlock SKIP (not root) 004-priority SKIP (not root) 004-priority SKIP (not root) 005-scfilter SKIP (not root) 005-scfilter SKIP (not root) 006-privdrop SKIP (not root) 006-privdrop SKIP (not root) 007-cmdmon SKIP (not root) 007-cmdmon SKIP (not root) 100-clockupdate SKIP (destructive test) 100-clockupdate SKIP (destructive test) 101-rtc SKIP (destructive test) 101-rtc SKIP (destructive test) 102-hwtimestamp SKIP (destructive test) 102-hwtimestamp SKIP (destructive test) 103-refclock SKIP (destructive test) 103-refclock SKIP (destructive test) 104-systemdirs SKIP (destructive test) 104-systemdirs SKIP (destructive test) SUMMARY: SUMMARY: TOTAL 12 TOTAL 12 PASSED 0 PASSED 0 FAILED 0 () FAILED 0 () SKIPPED 12 (001-minimal 002-extended 003-memlock 004-priority 005-scfilter 006-privdrop 007-cmdmon 100-clockupdate 101-rtc 102-hwtimestamp 103-refclock 104-systemdirs) SKIPPED 12 (001-minimal 002-extended 003-memlock 004-priority 005-scfilter 006-privdrop 007-cmdmon 100-clockupdate 101-rtc 102-hwtimestamp 103-refclock 104-systemdirs) + exit 0 + exit 0 Processing files: chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686 Processing files: chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686 Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.OkxnqZ Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.OkxnqZ + umask 022 + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd chrony-31e6a5 + cd chrony-31e6a5 + DOCDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc/chrony + DOCDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc/chrony + export LC_ALL=C + export LC_ALL=C + LC_ALL=C + LC_ALL=C + export DOCDIR + export DOCDIR + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc/chrony + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc/chrony + cp -pr FAQ /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc/chrony + cp -pr FAQ /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc/chrony + cp -pr NEWS /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc/chrony + cp -pr NEWS /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc/chrony + cp -pr README /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc/chrony + cp -pr README /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/doc/chrony + exit 0 + exit 0 Executing(%license): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.QoJnlR Executing(%license): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.QoJnlR + umask 022 + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd chrony-31e6a5 + cd chrony-31e6a5 + LICENSEDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/licenses/chrony + LICENSEDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/licenses/chrony + export LC_ALL=C + export LC_ALL=C + LC_ALL=C + LC_ALL=C + export LICENSEDIR + export LICENSEDIR + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/licenses/chrony + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/licenses/chrony + cp -pr COPYING /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/licenses/chrony + cp -pr COPYING /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386/usr/share/licenses/chrony + exit 0 + exit 0 Provides: chrony = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 chrony(x86-32) = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 config(chrony) = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 Provides: chrony = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 chrony(x86-32) = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 config(chrony) = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh /bin/sh /bin/sh Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh /bin/sh /bin/sh Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Requires(pre): /bin/sh shadow-utils Requires(pre): /bin/sh shadow-utils Requires(post): /bin/sh systemd Requires(post): /bin/sh systemd Requires(preun): /bin/sh systemd Requires(preun): /bin/sh systemd Requires(postun): /bin/sh systemd Requires(postun): /bin/sh systemd Requires: /usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/sh rtld(GNU_HASH) Requires: /usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/sh rtld(GNU_HASH) Conflicts: NetworkManager < 1.20 Conflicts: NetworkManager < 1.20 Suggests: ntp-refclock Suggests: ntp-refclock Processing files: chrony-debugsource-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686 Processing files: chrony-debugsource-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686 Provides: chrony-debugsource = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 chrony-debugsource(x86-32) = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 Provides: chrony-debugsource = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 chrony-debugsource(x86-32) = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Processing files: chrony-debuginfo-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686 Processing files: chrony-debuginfo-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686 Provides: chrony-debuginfo = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 chrony-debuginfo(x86-32) = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 debuginfo(build-id) = 5178781770beacbe0c1ab131e619026f7c393a49 debuginfo(build-id) = 546bf81967d0b8677c0977309b18b3381d25bbf4 Provides: chrony-debuginfo = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 chrony-debuginfo(x86-32) = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 debuginfo(build-id) = 5178781770beacbe0c1ab131e619026f7c393a49 debuginfo(build-id) = 546bf81967d0b8677c0977309b18b3381d25bbf4 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Recommends: chrony-debugsource(x86-32) = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 Recommends: chrony-debugsource(x86-32) = 3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30 Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/chrony-debugsource-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/chrony-debugsource-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/chrony-debuginfo-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/chrony-debuginfo-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i686.rpm Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.GUB5KL Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.GUB5KL + umask 022 + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd chrony-31e6a5 + cd chrony-31e6a5 + /usr/bin/rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 + /usr/bin/rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/chrony-3.5-300.20200310git31e6a5.fc30.i386 + exit 0 + exit 0 Child return code was: 0 Child return code was: 0