%global owner ojuba-org Name: hijra Summary: Hijri Islamic Calendar Summary(ar): التّقويم الهجري الإسلامي URL: http://ojuba.org Version: 0.4.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Source0: https://github.com/%{owner}/%{name}/archive/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz License: WAQFv2 BuildArch: noarch Requires: python Requires: pygobject3 >= 3.0.2 BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: python2-devel BuildRequires: python-setuptools %description Hijra provides Hijri/Islamic Calendar routines and utils in python. %description -l ar يقدّم هجرة أدوات التّقويم الهجري الإسلامي في بيثون. %package -n hijri Summary: Hijri Terminal Summary(ar): هجري الطّرفية BuildArch: noarch %description -n hijri Using all Hijra operations in terminal. %description -n hijri -l ar جميع خصائص برنامج هجرة في الطّرفية. %package -n python-hijra Summary: Hijri functions for python Summary(ar): وظائف هجرة لبيثون BuildArch: noarch Requires: python Requires: setuptool %description -n python-hijra Hijri Islamic Calendar converting functions, an enhanced algorithm designed by Muayyad Saleh Alsadi, it can be used to implement apps, gdesklets or karamba ..etc %description -n python-hijra -l ar الوظائف التّحويلية للتّقويم الهجري الإسلامي بخوارزمية مُحسّنة مُصمّمة بواسطة مؤيّد صالح السّعدي، يُمكن استخدامها و غرسها في أدوات سطح المكتب مثل كارامبا .. و غيره. %package applet Summary: Hijri Tray Applet Summary(ar): بريمج هجرة لصينية النّظام BuildArch: noarch Requires: python Requires: pygtk2 Requires: notify-python Requires: desktop-notification-daemon Requires: python-hijra Requires: desktop-file-utils %description applet Hijri Tray Applet for GNOME (also works with KDE) That uses Hijra Algorithm provided by python-hijra. %description applet -l ar بريمج هجرة لصينية النّظام لجنوم (ويعمل أيضًا بكدي) باستعمال خوارزمية هجرة من python-hijra. %package -n gnome-shell-extension-hijra Summary: Hijri Gnome-shell extension Summary(ar): امتداد هجرة لجنوم شل BuildArch: noarch Requires: hijra-applet %description -n gnome-shell-extension-hijra Hijri Tray Applet as GNOME shell extension. %description -n gnome-shell-extension-hijra -l ar بريمج صينية النّظام هجرة كامتداد جنوم شل. %prep %autosetup -n %{name}-%{version} %build # No thing to Build. %install %{__python2} setup.py install \ --root=%{buildroot} \ --optimize=2 mkdir %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/HijriTerminal/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/ install -m 755 terminal/hijri %{buildroot}/%{_bindir} install -m 755 terminal/هجري %{buildroot}/%{_bindir} install -m 644 hijra.py %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/HijriTerminal/hijri.py install -m 644 HijriCal.py %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/HijriTerminal/ install -m 644 terminal/hijri.1.gz %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1 %files -n hijri %license waqf2-ar.pdf %{_datadir}/HijriTerminal %{_bindir}/hijri %{_bindir}/هجري %{_mandir}/*/hijri.* %files -n python-hijra %license waqf2-ar.pdf %{_datadir}/doc/hijra-python/* %{python2_sitelib}/* %files applet %license waqf2-ar.pdf %doc readme-ar.html %{_bindir}/HijriApplet %{_datadir}/hijra/* /etc/xdg/autostart/* %files -n gnome-shell-extension-hijra %{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/HijriApplet@ojuba.org/* %changelog * Wed Feb 1 2017 Mosaab Alzoubi - 0.4.1-1 - Support running under Wayland - Fix Hijri errors - Fix Python Gi warnings * Mon Jan 30 2017 Mosaab Alzoubi - 0.4-1 - Update to 0.4 - New way to Github * Thu Jul 23 2015 Mosaab Alzoubi - 0.3.2-2 - General Revision - Use %%license - Remove old Group tag - Add man pages - Add Arabic Summaries and Descriptions * Fri Feb 28 2014 Mosaab Alzoubi - 0.3.2-1 - Disable notify. * Sat Feb 15 2014 Mosaab Alzoubi - 0.3.1-1 - Almasa Hijri program included into Hijra. - Full Rivision. - Fixes. * Sat Jun 2 2012 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.2.2-1 - port to gtk3, webkit3 * Fri Jan 13 2012 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.2.1-1 - update for gnome 3.2 support * Mon Jul 20 2009 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.2.0-1 - gnome 3 support * Sat Feb 14 2009 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.18-1 - use dbus so that only one applet is running * Sat Jan 31 2009 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.17-1 - reformatting the license * Sat Jan 24 2009 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.16-1 - include an initial English translaion of the license * Thu Jan 22 2009 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.15-1 - don't show then hide if --hidden is passed * Wed Jan 21 2009 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.14-1 - get colors from theme - highlight week end * Sat Jan 3 2009 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.13-1 - add tooltips * Wed Dec 31 2008 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.12-1 - fix 31 Dec bug * Sat Dec 20 2008 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.11-2 - add noarch * Fri Dec 19 2008 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.11-1 - Auto detect direction from pango * Sun Aug 03 2008 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.10-1 - Auto update date - Fix consistency bug * Tue Jul 22 2008 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.9-1 - Auto update date * Sat Jun 28 2008 Muayyad Saleh AlSadi - 0.1.8-1 - Initial packing