[2020-01-13 13:13:07,098][ INFO][PID:12644] Setting up builder: [2020-01-13 13:13:07,129][ INFO][PID:12644] BUILDER CMD: /bin/rpm -q copr-rpmbuild [2020-01-13 13:13:07,689][ INFO][PID:12644] BUILDER CMD: /usr/bin/test -f /etc/mock/epel-8-x86_64.cfg [2020-01-13 13:13:07,964][ INFO][PID:12644] Start build: BuildJob [2020-01-13 13:13:07,966][ INFO][PID:12644] marking build dir with build_id, [2020-01-13 13:13:07,967][ INFO][PID:12644] BUILDER CMD: copr-rpmbuild --verbose --drop-resultdir --build-id 1143944 --chroot epel-8-x86_64 --detached [2020-01-13 13:13:08,637][ INFO][PID:12644] Attaching to live build log: /usr/bin/tail -F -n +0 --pid=6114 /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/main.log [2020-01-13 13:13:09,058][ INFO][PID:12644] Compressing /var/lib/copr/public_html/results/mon/el8-security/epel-8-x86_64/01143944-medusa/builder-live.log by gzip [2020-01-13 13:13:09,323][ INFO][PID:12644] rsyncing of mockbuilder@* started for job: BuildJob [2020-01-13 13:13:09,585][ INFO][PID:12644] rsyncing finished. [2020-01-13 13:13:09,586][ ERROR][PID:12644] Failed to download data from builder due to rsync error, see the rsync log file for details. [2020-01-13 13:13:09,587][ ERROR][PID:12644] Failed to download data from builder due to rsync error, see the rsync log file for details. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/copr/backend/daemons/worker.py", line 213, in do_job mr.check_build_success() # raises if build didn't succeed File "/usr/share/copr/backend/mockremote/__init__.py", line 317, in check_build_success raise MockRemoteError("Build {} failed".format(self.job)) backend.exceptions.MockRemoteError: Build BuildJob failed During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/copr/backend/mockremote/__init__.py", line 321, in download_results self.builder.download_results(self.job.results_dir) File "/usr/share/copr/backend/mockremote/builder.py", line 163, in download_results self.rsync_call(self.resultdir, target_path) File "/usr/share/copr/backend/mockremote/builder.py", line 160, in rsync_call raise BuilderError(err_msg) backend.exceptions.BuilderError: Failed to download data from builder due to rsync error, see the rsync log file for details.