%global base_name discover %global flatpak_version 0.8.0 # enable snap support (or not) %global snap 0 %global snapd_glib_version 1.39 # enable fwupd support (or not) %global fwupd 1 Name: plasma-discover Summary: KDE and Plasma resources management GUI Version: 5.91.0 Release: 1.1%{?dist} License: BSD-3-Clause AND CC0-1.0 AND GPL-2.0-only AND GPL-2.0-or-later AND GPL-3.0-only AND LGPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-only AND LGPL-3.0-only AND (GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only) AND (LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only) URL: https://invent.kde.org/plasma/discover Source0: https://download.kde.org/%{stable_kf6}/plasma/%{version}/%{base_name}-%{version}.tar.xz ## override some defaults, namely to enable offline updates Source10: discoverrc # downstream patches # Adjust periodic refresh from 1/24hr to 1/12hr # This ensures that it is checked at least once during the work day. # It is double the time that Fedora repos are set to in DNF (6h). Patch200: discover-pk-refresh-timer.patch # Do not distro-upgrade to rawhide # Currently we have no way to distinguish rawhide from the beta releases. # In order to test upgrading to fedora beta releases, such as during Upgrade Test Day, # here we ignore rawhide completely. # This hack should be removed once https://github.com/ximion/appstream/pull/491 lands # and rawhide is marked as 'snapshot' rather than 'development'. Then discover could # handle upgrading to either release type with different toggles. Patch202: distro-upgrade-skip-rawhide.patch ## upstreamable patches BuildRequires: appstream-qt-devel >= 1.0.0~ BuildRequires: flatpak-devel >= %{flatpak_version} BuildRequires: libstemmer-devel BuildRequires: libyaml-devel BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: libxml2-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libmarkdown) %if 0%{?fedora} BuildRequires: rpm-ostree-devel %endif %if 0%{?fwupd} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(fwupd) %endif BuildRequires: extra-cmake-modules BuildRequires: kf6-rpm-macros BuildRequires: cmake(KF6Config) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6CoreAddons) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6DBusAddons) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6I18n) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6KIO) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6KirigamiAddons) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6Notifications) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6Purpose) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6StatusNotifierItem) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6WidgetsAddons) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6Attica) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6Archive) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6KCMUtils) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6Crash) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6Declarative) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6IdleTime) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6NewStuff) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6Kirigami2) BuildRequires: cmake(KF6UserFeedback) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(packagekitqt6) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(phonon4qt6) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt6Concurrent) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt6DBus) >= 5.10.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt6Network) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt6Qml) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt6QuickWidgets) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt6Svg) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt6Test) %ifarch %{qt6_qtwebengine_arches} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt6WebView) %endif BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt6Widgets) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt6Xml) Requires: kf6-kirigami2 Requires: %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} # Enable -packagekit and -flatpak by default # Fedora Kinoite will explicitely exclude -packagekit and -offline-updates Recommends: %{name}-packagekit = %{version}-%{release} Recommends: %{name}-flatpak = %{version}-%{release} %if 0%{?fedora} > 35 Recommends: fedora-appstream-metadata %endif # Enable -offline-updates by default for f34+ %if 0%{?fedora} > 33 Recommends: %{name}-offline-updates = %{version}-%{release} %endif # Require fedora-third-party on Fedora %if 0%{?fedora} Requires: fedora-third-party %endif # handle upgrade path %if ! 0%{?snap} Obsoletes: plasma-discover-snap < %{version}-%{release} %endif %description KDE and Plasma resources management GUI. %package libs Summary: Runtime libraries for %{name} Requires: qt5-qtquickcontrols2%{?_isa} %description libs %{summary}. %package packagekit Summary: Plasma Discover PackageKit support Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: PackageKit %if 0%{?fedora} # Pull in the workstation repositories package Recommends: fedora-workstation-repositories %endif %description packagekit %{summary}. %package notifier Summary: Plasma Discover Update Notifier # -notifier replaces plasma-pk-updates for f34+ %if 0%{?fedora} > 33 Obsoletes: plasma-pk-updates < 0.5 %endif Obsoletes: plasma-discover-updater < 5.6.95 Provides: plasma-discover-updater = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description notifier %{summary}. %package flatpak Summary: Plasma Discover flatpak support Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: flatpak >= %{flatpak_version} Requires: flatpak-libs%{?_isa} >= %{flatpak_version} Requires: (flatpak-kcm if plasma-systemsettings) Supplements: (%{name} and flatpak) %if 0%{?fedora} # Pull in the flathub remote package Recommends: fedora-flathub-remote %endif %description flatpak %{summary}. %if 0%{?snap} %package snap Summary: Plasma Discover snap support BuildRequires: cmake(Snapd) >= %{snapd_glib_version} Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: snapd-qt%{?_isa} >= %{snapd_glib_version} Requires: snapd Supplements: (%{name} and snapd) %description snap %{summary}. %endif %package offline-updates Summary: Plasma Discover Offline updates enablement Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description offline-updates Enable Offline Updates feature by default in %{name}. %if 0%{?fedora} # Only used for Fedora Kinoite %package rpm-ostree Summary: Plasma Discover backend for rpm-ostree support Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Supplements: ((%{name} and rpm-ostree) unless dnf) %description rpm-ostree Plasma Discover backend for rpm-ostree support in %{name}. %endif %prep %autosetup -n %{base_name}-%{version} -p1 %build %cmake_kf6 \ -DPACKAGEKIT_AUTOREMOVE:BOOL=OFF \ %if 0%{?fedora} -DBUILD_RpmOstreeBackend:BOOL=ON %endif %cmake_build %install %cmake_install install -m644 -p -D %{SOURCE10} %{buildroot}%{_kf6_sysconfdir}/xdg/discoverrc ## unpackaged files %if !0%{?snap} rm -fv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/org.kde.discover.snap.desktop %endif %find_lang libdiscover %find_lang kcm_updates %find_lang plasma-discover --with-html %find_lang plasma-discover-notifier cat kcm_updates.lang plasma-discover.lang | sort | uniq -u > discover.lang %check appstream-util validate-relax --nonet %{buildroot}%{_kf6_metainfodir}/org.kde.discover.appdata.xml ||: appstream-util validate-relax --nonet %{buildroot}%{_kf6_metainfodir}/org.kde.discover.flatpak.appdata.xml ||: appstream-util validate-relax --nonet %{buildroot}%{_kf6_metainfodir}/org.kde.discover.packagekit.appdata.xml ||: desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/org.kde.discover.desktop %files -f discover.lang %{_bindir}/plasma-discover %{_bindir}/plasma-discover-update %{_kf6_metainfodir}/org.kde.discover.appdata.xml %{_datadir}/applications/org.kde.discover.desktop %{_datadir}/applications/org.kde.discover.urlhandler.desktop %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/plasmadiscover.* %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/flatpak-discover.* %{_datadir}/kxmlgui5/plasmadiscover/ %if 0%{?snap} %{_libexecdir}/discover/ %endif %{_kf6_datadir}/applications/kcm_updates.desktop %files notifier -f plasma-discover-notifier.lang %{_datadir}/knotifications6/discoverabstractnotifier.notifyrc %{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart/org.kde.discover.notifier.desktop %{_datadir}/applications/org.kde.discover.notifier.desktop %{_libexecdir}/DiscoverNotifier %files libs -f libdiscover.lang %license LICENSES/*.txt %{_kf6_datadir}/qlogging-categories6/discover.categories %dir %{_libdir}/plasma-discover/ %{_libdir}/plasma-discover/libDiscoverNotifiers.so %{_libdir}/plasma-discover/libDiscoverCommon.so %dir %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover %dir %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover-notifier/ %if 0%{?fwupd} %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover/fwupd-backend.so %endif %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover/kns-backend.so %dir %{_datadir}/libdiscover %dir %{_datadir}/libdiscover/categories %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/plasma/kcms/systemsettings/kcm_updates.so %files packagekit %{_kf6_metainfodir}/org.kde.discover.packagekit.appdata.xml %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover-notifier/DiscoverPackageKitNotifier.so %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover/packagekit-backend.so %{_datadir}/libdiscover/categories/packagekit-backend-categories.xml %files flatpak %{_datadir}/applications/org.kde.discover-flatpak.desktop %{_kf6_metainfodir}/org.kde.discover.flatpak.appdata.xml %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover-notifier/FlatpakNotifier.so %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover/flatpak-backend.so %{_datadir}/libdiscover/categories/flatpak-backend-categories.xml %if 0%{?snap} %files snap %dir %{_libexecdir}/discover/ %{_libexecdir}/discover/SnapMacaroonDialog %{_kf6_libexecdir}/kauth/libsnap_helper %{_kf6_metainfodir}/org.kde.discover.snap.appdata.xml %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover/snap-backend.so %{_datadir}/dbus-1/system.d/org.kde.discover.libsnapclient.conf %{_datadir}/dbus-1/system-services/org.kde.discover.libsnapclient.service %{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/org.kde.discover.libsnapclient.policy %{_kf6_datadir}/applications/org.kde.discover.snap.desktop %endif %files offline-updates %{_kf6_sysconfdir}/xdg/discoverrc %if 0%{?fedora} %files rpm-ostree %{_datadir}/libdiscover/categories/rpm-ostree-backend-categories.xml %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover/rpm-ostree-backend.so %{_kf6_qtplugindir}/discover-notifier/rpm-ostree-notifier.so %endif %changelog * Thu Dec 21 2023 Marc Deop i Argemí - 5.91.0-1 - 5.91.0 * Sun Dec 03 2023 Justin Zobel - 5.90.0-1 - Update to 5.90.0 * Sun Nov 26 2023 Alessandro Astone - 5.27.80-2 - Enable packagekit autoremove * Sat Nov 18 2023 Alessandro Astone - 5.27.80-1 - 5.27.80 * Tue Oct 24 2023 Steve Cossette - 5.27.9-1 - 5.27.9 * Wed Oct 18 2023 Alessandro Astone - 5.27.8-2 - Update force refresh patch from upstream * Tue Sep 12 2023 justin.zobel@gmail.com - 5.27.8-1 - 5.27.8 * Thu Aug 24 2023 Alessandro Astone - 5.27.7-2 - Backport distro upgrade * Tue Aug 01 2023 Marc Deop i Argemí - 5.27.7-1 - 5.27.7 * Mon Jul 24 2023 Timothée Ravier - 5.27.6-3 - Enable the rpm-ostree backend only on Fedora (used in Fedora Kinoite). Move the "Operating System" category definition to the rpm-ostree backend. * Fri Jul 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.27.6-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jun 25 2023 Marc Deop i Argemí - 5.27.6-1 - 5.27.6 * Sat May 13 2023 Adam Williamson - 5.27.5-2 - Backport MR #548 to fix error message on start with fwupd 1.9.1 * Wed May 10 2023 Marc Deop i Argemí - 5.27.5-1 - 5.27.5 * Mon May 01 2023 Neal Gompa - 5.27.4-3 - Add dependencies for fedora-third-party components * Sun Apr 09 2023 Alessandro Astone - 5.27.4-2 - Backport patch to fix fwupd updates * Tue Apr 04 2023 Marc Deop i Argemí - 5.27.4-1 - 5.27.4 * Wed Mar 22 2023 Alessandro Astone - 5.27.3-2 - Backport patch to fix updating whithin 5min of login * Tue Mar 14 2023 Marc Deop i Argemí - 5.27.3-1 - 5.27.3 * Tue Feb 28 2023 Marc Deop i Argemí - 5.27.2-1 - 5.27.2 * Thu Feb 23 2023 Adam Williamson - 5.27.1-2 - Backport MR #486 to fix fwupd problem (#2173022) * Tue Feb 21 2023 Marc Deop i Argemí - 5.27.1-1 - 5.27.1 * Thu Feb 09 2023 Marc Deop - 5.27.0-1 - 5.27.0 * Tue Jan 24 2023 Marc Deop - 5.26.90-3 - -flatpak to install flatpak-kcm if plasma-systemsettings is installed * Fri Jan 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.26.90-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 19 2023 Marc Deop - 5.26.90-1 - 5.26.90 * Thu Jan 05 2023 Justin Zobel - 5.26.5-1 - Update to 5.26.5 * Tue Nov 29 2022 Marc Deop - 5.26.4-1 - 5.26.4 * Wed Nov 09 2022 Marc Deop - 5.26.3-1 - 5.26.3 * Tue Nov 01 2022 Adam Williamson - 5.26.2-3 - Bump to do F37 build on correct side tag * Tue Nov 01 2022 Adam Williamson - 5.26.2-2 - Backport MR #404 to fix update notifications (#2139092) * Wed Oct 26 2022 Marc Deop - 5.26.2-1 - 5.26.2 * Tue Oct 18 2022 Marc Deop - 5.26.1-1 - 5.26.1 * Thu Oct 06 2022 Marc Deop - 5.26.0-1 - 5.26.0 * Wed Sep 21 2022 Marc Deop marcdeop@fedoraproject.org - 5.25.90-2 - Add patch to support systems without a Qt WebView * Sat Sep 17 2022 Marc Deop - 5.25.90-1 - 5.25.90 * Wed Sep 07 2022 Marc Deop - 5.25.5-1 - 5.25.5 * Wed Aug 03 2022 Justin Zobel - 5.25.4-1 - Update to 5.25.4 * Fri Jul 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.25.3-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 12 2022 Marc Deop - 5.25.3-1 - 5.25.3 * Tue Jun 28 2022 Marc Deop - 5.25.2-1 - 5.25.2 * Fri Jun 24 2022 Timothée Ravier - 5.25.1-2 - Recommend fedora-appstream-metadata * Tue Jun 21 2022 Marc Deop - 5.25.1-1 - 5.25.1 * Thu Jun 09 2022 Marc Deop - 5.25.0-1 - 5.25.0 * Fri May 20 2022 Marc Deop - 5.24.90-1 - 5.24.90 * Tue May 03 2022 Marc Deop - 5.24.5-1 - 5.24.5 * Thu Mar 31 2022 Justin Zobel - 5.24.4-1 - Update to 5.24.4 * Tue Mar 08 2022 Marc Deop - 5.24.3-1 - 5.24.3 * Tue Feb 22 2022 Rex Dieter - - * Tue Feb 22 2022 Rex Dieter - 5.24.2-1 - 5.24.2 * Tue Feb 15 2022 Marc Deop - 5.24.1-1 - 5.24.1 * Fri Feb 11 2022 Marc Deop - 5.24.0-2 - Rebuild due to tarball re-spin * Thu Feb 03 2022 Marc Deop - 5.24.0-1 - 5.24.0 * Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.23.90-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 13 2022 Marc Deop - 5.23.90-1 - 5.23.90 * Tue Jan 04 2022 Marc Deop - 5.23.5-1 - 5.23.5 * Wed Dec 29 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.23.4-2 - disable do-not-use-system-appstream-cache.patch, no workie with newer appstream-0.15.1+ * Tue Dec 14 2021 Marc Deop - 5.23.4-1 - 5.23.4 * Mon Nov 29 2021 Timothée Ravier - - Stronger checks to install rpm-ostree backend only on Kinoite * Fri Nov 12 2021 Marc Deop - - * Wed Nov 10 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.23.3-1 - 5.23.3 * Tue Oct 26 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.23.2-1 - 5.23.2 * Thu Oct 21 2021 Adam Williamson - 5.23.1-1 - 5.23.1 - Backport a necessary commit upstream missed (to make PK sources checkable) - Backport MR #192 to make PK sources list less bouncy (#2011774) * Thu Oct 21 2021 Adam Williamson - 5.23.0-4 - Update some backported patches to final merged versions - Backport MR #192 to make PackageKit source list less bouncy (#2011774) * Tue Oct 19 2021 Adam Williamson - 5.23.0-3 - Don't use system appstream cache (#2011322) * Mon Oct 18 2021 Adam Williamson - 5.23.0-2 - Backport several upstream fixes for various source state issues: Flatpak: show correct remote state, fix deleting disabled remotes (#2011291) Redraw checkbox correctly when enabling/disabling fwupd remotes (#2011333) * Thu Oct 07 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.23.0-1 - 5.23.0 * Wed Oct 06 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.22.90-3 - backport fixes from 5.23 branch * Sat Sep 18 2021 Marc Deop - 5.22.90-2 - Remove patch as it's applied upstream already (#2000577) * Fri Sep 17 2021 Marc Deop - 5.22.90-1 - 5.22.90 * Thu Sep 02 2021 Jonathan Wakely - 5.22.5-2 - Fix typo in restart message (#2000577) * Tue Aug 31 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.22.5-1 - 5.22.5 * Fri Aug 27 2021 Timothée Ravier - 5.22.4-2 - Add rpm-ostree backend * Wed Jul 28 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.22.4-1 - 5.22.4 * Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.22.3-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Jul 12 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.22.3-1 - 5.22.3 * Tue Jun 22 2021 Jan Grulich - - * Tue Jun 22 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.22.2-1 - 5.22.2 * Fri Jun 18 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.22.1-2 - -packagekit: add versioned dep on main pkg * Tue Jun 15 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.22.1-1 - 5.22.1 * Mon Jun 14 2021 Alessandro Astone - 5.22.0-2 - Use XDG discoverrc to enable offline updates by default * Sun Jun 06 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.22.0-1 - 5.22.0 * Tue May 04 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.21.5-1 - 5.21.5 * Fri Apr 16 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.21.4-2 - plasma-discover doesnt refresh metadata (#1903294) * Tue Apr 06 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.21.4-1 - 5.21.4 * Tue Mar 16 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.21.3-1 - 5.21.3 * Thu Mar 11 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.21.2-3 - CVE-2021-28117 * Mon Mar 08 2021 Timothée Ravier - 5.21.2-2 - Have PackageKit backend requires PackageKit for all branches Recommend flatpak backend for all branches Move PackageKit appdata to sub package * Tue Mar 02 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.21.2-1 - 5.21.2 * Fri Feb 26 2021 Timothée Ravier - 5.21.1-2 - Split PackageKit backend into a sub-package for Fedora Kinoite * Tue Feb 23 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.21.1-1 - 5.21.1 * Mon Feb 22 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.21.0-2 - -offline-updates: put env snippet in the right place * Thu Feb 11 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.21.0-1 - 5.21.0 * Wed Feb 10 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.20.90-4 - backport upstream fixes * Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.20.90-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Jan 22 2021 Rex Dieter - 5.20.90-2 - BR: KUserFeedback * Thu Jan 21 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.20.90-1 - 5.20.90 (beta) * Tue Jan 5 16:03:29 CET 2021 Jan Grulich - 5.20.5-1 - 5.20.5 * Tue Dec 1 09:42:56 CET 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.20.4-1 - 5.20.4 * Mon Nov 30 2020 Rex Dieter - 5.20.3-3 - Recommends: -flatpak (f34+) * Mon Nov 30 2020 Rex Dieter - 5.20.3-2 - make env file match name of env variable PK_OFFLINE_UPDATE) * Wed Nov 11 08:22:38 CET 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.20.3-1 - 5.20.3 * Thu Nov 05 2020 Rex Dieter - 5.20.2-3 - -notifier: depend on main instead of just -libs - -notifier: Obsoletes: plasma-pk-updates (f34+) - Recommands: -offline-updates (f34+) * Thu Nov 05 2020 Rex Dieter - 5.20.2-2 - .spec cleanup - update URL - offline-updates subpkg, to opt-in to the feature * Tue Oct 27 14:21:58 CET 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.20.2-1 - 5.20.2 * Tue Oct 20 15:27:56 CEST 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.20.1-1 - 5.20.1 * Sun Oct 11 19:50:02 CEST 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.20.0-1 - 5.20.0 * Fri Sep 18 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.19.90-1 - 5.19.90 * Tue Sep 01 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.19.5-1 - 5.19.5 * Tue Jul 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.19.4-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 28 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.19.4-1 - 5.19.4 * Tue Jul 07 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.19.3-1 - 5.19.3 * Tue Jun 23 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.19.2-1 - 5.19.2 * Wed Jun 17 2020 Martin Kyral - 5.19.1-1 - 5.19.1 * Tue Jun 9 2020 Martin Kyral - 5.19.0-1 - 5.19.0 * Fri May 15 2020 Martin Kyral - 5.18.90-1 - 5.18.90 * Tue May 05 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.18.5-1 - 5.18.5 * Sat Apr 04 2020 Rex Dieter - - * Tue Mar 31 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.18.4-1 - 5.18.4 * Tue Mar 10 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.18.3-1 - 5.18.3 * Tue Feb 25 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.18.2-1 - 5.18.2 * Tue Feb 18 2020 Rex Dieter - 5.18.1-2 - Recommends: PackageKit * Tue Feb 18 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.18.1-1 - 5.18.1 - enable fwupd,markdown support * Tue Feb 11 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.18.0-1 - 5.18.0 * Thu Jan 30 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.17.90-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 16 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.17.90-1 - 5.17.90 * Wed Jan 08 2020 Jan Grulich - 5.17.5-1 - 5.17.5 * Thu Dec 05 2019 Jan Grulich - 5.17.4-1 - 5.17.4 * Wed Nov 13 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.17.3-1 - 5.17.3 * Wed Oct 30 2019 Jan Grulich - 5.17.2-1 - 5.17.2 * Wed Oct 23 2019 Jan Grulich - 5.17.1-1 - 5.17.1 * Thu Oct 10 2019 Jan Grulich - 5.17.0-1 - 5.17.0 * Fri Sep 20 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.16.90-1 - 5.16.90 * Wed Sep 11 2019 Rex Dieter 5.16.5-2 - handle upgrade path if -snap is not enabled - re-enable -snap support * Fri Sep 06 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.16.5-1 - 5.16.5 * Tue Jul 30 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.16.4-1 - 5.16.4 * Fri Jul 26 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.16.3-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 10 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.16.3-1 - 5.16.3 * Wed Jun 26 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.16.2-1 - 5.16.2 * Tue Jun 18 2019 Rex Dieter - 5.16.1-1 - 5.16.1 - temporarily disable snap support on f31+ * Tue Jun 11 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.16.0-1 - 5.16.0 * Thu May 16 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.15.90-1 - 5.15.90 * Thu May 09 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.15.5-1 - 5.15.5 * Wed Apr 03 2019 Rex Dieter - 5.15.4-1 - 5.15.4 * Tue Mar 12 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.15.3-1 - 5.15.3 * Tue Feb 26 2019 Rex Dieter - 5.15.2-1 - 5.15.2 * Tue Feb 19 2019 Rex Dieter - 5.15.1-1 - 5.15.1 * Wed Feb 13 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.15.0-1 - 5.15.0 * Sat Feb 02 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.14.90-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jan 20 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.14.90-1 - 5.14.90 * Tue Nov 27 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.14.4-1 - 5.14.4 * Thu Nov 08 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.14.3-1 - 5.14.3 * Wed Oct 24 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.14.2-1 - 5.14.2 * Tue Oct 16 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.14.1-1 - 5.14.1 * Fri Oct 05 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.14.0-1 - 5.14.0 * Fri Sep 14 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.13.90-1 - 5.13.90 * Tue Sep 04 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.13.5-1 - 5.13.5 * Thu Aug 02 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.13.4-1 - 5.13.4 * Fri Jul 20 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.13.3-4 - use %%_qt5_qmldir * Wed Jul 11 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.13.3-1 - 5.13.3 * Mon Jul 09 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.13.2-1 - 5.13.2 * Tue Jun 19 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.13.1-1 - 5.13.1 * Mon Jun 18 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.13.0-3 - bump deps - use Supplements - %%check: validate apddata consistently * Tue Jun 12 2018 Neal Gompa - 5.13.0-2 - Enable snap backend and build as subpackage - Use rich supplements for flatpak backend subpackage - Fix file lists to completely separate flatpak and snap backend plugins * Sat Jun 09 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.13.0-1 - 5.13.0 * Mon May 21 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.12.90-1 - 5.12.90 * Sun May 20 2018 Rex Dieter - - pull in upstream fix * Thu May 17 2018 Rex Dieter - - - +appdata validation * Wed May 16 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.12.5-2 - pull in upstream fixes * Tue May 01 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.12.5-1 - 5.12.5 * Tue May 01 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.12.4-2 - cleanup * Tue Mar 27 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.12.4-1 - 5.12.4 * Tue Mar 06 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.12.3-1 - 5.12.3 * Wed Feb 21 2018 Jan Grulich - 5.12.2-1 - 5.12.2 * Tue Feb 13 2018 Jan Grulich - 5.12.1-1 - 5.12.1 * Fri Feb 09 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.12.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Feb 02 2018 Jan Grulich - 5.12.0-1 - 5.12.0 * Thu Jan 18 2018 Igor Gnatenko - 5.11.95-3 - Remove obsolete scriptlets * Tue Jan 16 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.11.95-2 - -flatpak subpkg - drop -muon references (Obsoletes mostly) * Mon Jan 15 2018 Jan Grulich - 5.11.95-1 - 5.11.95 * Tue Jan 02 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.11.5-1 - 5.11.5 * Thu Nov 30 2017 Martin Kyral - 5.11.4-1 - 5.11.4 * Wed Nov 08 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.11.3-1 - 5.11.3 * Wed Oct 25 2017 Martin Kyral - 5.11.2-1 - 5.11.2 * Tue Oct 17 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.11.1-1 - 5.11.1 * Wed Oct 11 2017 Martin Kyral - 5.11.0-1 - 5.11.0 * Thu Aug 24 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.5-1 - 5.10.5 * Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.10.4-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.10.4-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jul 22 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.4-1 - 5.10.4 * Fri Jul 07 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.3-2 - make kf5-kirigami2 dep versioned - pull in upstream fixes * Tue Jun 27 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.3-1 - 5.10.3 * Thu Jun 15 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.2-1 - 5.10.2 * Thu Jun 15 2017 Jan Grulich - 5.10.1-2 - Require flatpak to be present for flatpak backend * Tue Jun 06 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.1-1 - 5.10.1 * Wed May 31 2017 Jan Grulich - 5.10.0-1 - 5.10.0 * Wed Apr 26 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.9.5-1 - 5.9.5 * Thu Mar 23 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.9.4-1 - 5.9.4 * Sat Mar 04 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.9.3-2 - rebuild * Wed Mar 01 2017 Jan Grulich - 5.9.3-1 - 5.9.3 * Tue Feb 21 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.8.6-1 - 5.8.6 * Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.8.5-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Dec 28 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.5-1 - 5.8.5 * Wed Nov 23 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.4-2 - pull in upstream fixes * Tue Nov 22 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.4-1 - 5.8.4 * Mon Nov 14 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.3-2 - pull in upstream fixes (appstream FTBFS #1392571) * Tue Nov 01 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.3-1 - 5.8.3 * Tue Oct 18 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.2-1 - 5.8.2 * Tue Oct 11 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.1-1 - 5.8.1 * Sat Oct 01 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.0-2 - bump appstream dep * Thu Sep 29 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.0-1 - 5.8.0 * Fri Sep 23 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.95-2 - (Build)Requires: kf5-kirigami * Thu Sep 22 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.95-1 - 5.7.95 * Sat Sep 17 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.5-2 - rebuild (appstream) * Tue Sep 13 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.5-1 - 5.7.5 * Tue Aug 23 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.4-1 - 5.7.4 * Tue Aug 02 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.3-1 - 5.7.3 * Mon Jul 25 2016 Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.7.2-2 - Add missing Requires for qtquick controls * Tue Jul 19 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.2-1 - 5.7.2 * Tue Jul 12 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-1 - 5.7.1 * Thu Jun 30 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.0-1 - 5.7.0 * Sat Jun 25 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.95-1 - 5.6.95, -updater => -notifier * Tue Jun 14 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.5-1 - 5.6.5 * Sat May 14 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.4-1 - 5.6.4 * Mon Apr 18 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.2-2 - bindir/muon-discover symlink * Wed Apr 13 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.2-1 - 5.6.2 * Sat Apr 09 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.1-2 - License: GPLv2 or GPLv3 (KDE e.V) - remove some commented/unused items from .spec - expand comment why updater applet is disabled by default * Fri Apr 08 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.1-1 - 5.6.1 * Sat Mar 05 2016 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.95-1 - Plasma 5.5.95 * Tue Mar 01 2016 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.5-1 - Plasma 5.5.5 * Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.5.4-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 27 2016 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.4-1 - Plasma 5.5.4 * Thu Jan 07 2016 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.3-1 - Plasma 5.5.3 * Thu Dec 31 2015 Rex Dieter - 5.5.2-1 - 5.5.2 * Tue Dec 29 2015 Rex Dieter - 5.5.1-2 - update description, summary, url - -updater: disable updater plasmoid by default * Fri Dec 18 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.1-1 - Plasma 5.5.1 * Sun Dec 13 2015 Rex Dieter 5.5.0-2 - rebuild (appstream) * Thu Dec 03 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.0-1 - Plasma 5.5.0 * Wed Nov 25 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.4.95-1 - Plasma 5.4.95 * Thu Nov 05 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.4.3-1 - Plasma 5.4.3 * Tue Nov 03 2015 Rex Dieter 5.4.2-5 - more upstream fixes * Thu Oct 29 2015 Rex Dieter 5.4.2-4 - rebuild (PackageKit-Qt) * Thu Oct 29 2015 Rex Dieter 5.4.2-3 - -libs: (explicitly) Requires: PackageKit * Wed Oct 28 2015 Rex Dieter 5.4.2-2 - backport fix package removal (kde#354415) * Fri Oct 02 2015 Rex Dieter - 5.4.2-1 - 5.4.2 * Tue Sep 29 2015 Rex Dieter 5.4.1-2 - pull in upstream fixes (notably discover .desktop rename) * Wed Sep 09 2015 Rex Dieter - 5.4.1-1 - 5.4.1 * Sat Jun 27 2015 Rex Dieter 5.3.2-1 - 5.3.2 * Sat Jun 27 2015 Rex Dieter 5.3.1-5 - rebuild (appstream) * Sat Jun 27 2015 Rex Dieter 5.3.1-4 - rebuild (appstream) * Wed Jun 17 2015 Rex Dieter 5.3.1-3 - BR: kf5-kiconthemes-devel kf5-kio-devel kf5-kitemviews-devel * Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.3.1-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild * Sun May 31 2015 Daniel Vrátil 5.3.1-1 - Plasma 5.3.1 * Sun May 03 2015 Rex Dieter 5.3.0-1 - 5.3.0 * Mon Apr 20 2015 Rex Dieter 5.2.2-2 - -discover, -updater, -libs subpkgs (w/ main metapackage) * Mon Apr 20 2015 Rex Dieter 5.2.2-1 - 5.2.2, %%license COPYING * Tue Mar 17 2015 Rex Dieter 5.2.1-3 - fix .desktop validation errors * Mon Mar 16 2015 Rex Dieter 5.2.1-2 - cleanup for review * Mon Mar 16 2015 Elia Devito 5.2.1-1 - Initial SPEC file