Name:           pbench-server
Version:        0.69.5
Release:        1g90314ee7c
Summary:        The pbench server bits

License:        GPLv3+
Source0:        pbench-server-%{version}.tar.gz
Buildarch:      noarch

%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
# need python3 - install scl to get it
# scl-utils is in the main repo, but the scl python3
# collection du jour is in the scl repo which
# is assumed to have been added already with:
#    yum install yum-utils
#    yum-config-manager --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms
# we can't do that in the spec file, because of the yum lock,
# so they have to be done beforehand.
Requires: scl-utils, rh-python36
Requires: python3 python3-devel gcc

# policycoreutils for semanage and restorecon - used in pbench-server-activate-create-results-dir
Requires:       policycoreutils
%if 0%{?rhel} != 7
Requires: policycoreutils-python-utils
Requires: policycoreutils-python

Requires: npm

# installdir has to agree with the definition of install-dir in
# pbench-server.cfg, but we can't go out and pluck it from there,
# because we don't know where the config file is. Note that we omit
# the initial / - it is added in every use below.  IMO, that's more
# readable since it appears in the middle of the path in all cases,
# *except* in the %files section (and one instance in the %post
# and %postun sections).

%define installdir opt/pbench-server
%define static html/static

%define __python python3

The pbench server scripts.




rm -rf %{buildroot}

mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{installdir}
cp -a ./server/* %{buildroot}/%{installdir}

mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{installdir}/%{static}
cp -a ./web-server/* %{buildroot}/%{installdir}/%{static}

# for the npm install below
mv %{buildroot}/%{installdir}/%{static}/package.json %{buildroot}/%{installdir}

# Install python dependencies
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
# install python3-elasticsearch
echo "scl enable rh-python36 'pip install elasticsearch1 boto3 ujson'"
scl enable rh-python36 'pip install elasticsearch1 boto3 ujson'
echo "pip3 install -r /%{installdir}/requirements.txt"
pip3 install -r /%{installdir}/requirements.txt

# install node.js modules under /%{installdir}
cd /%{installdir}
rm -rf node_modules
npm install

# this only handles v0.3
# AFAIK, we don't need all the other modules that package.json includes.

# Copy them to the appropriate directory for v0.3. That
# directory should exist already because of the `cp -a'
# of the web-server stuff above, but add an explicit
# mkdir just in case, although it should be a no-op.
mkdir -p /%{installdir}/%{static}/js/v0.3
for x in ${jslist} ;do
    cp $x /%{installdir}/%{static}/js/v0.3

# Finally, make sure the installation directory is entirely owned
# by the pbench user.
chown -R pbench.pbench /%{installdir}


# if uninstalling, rather than updating, remove everything
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ;then
    if [ -f $crontab ] ;then
        crontab -u pbench -r
    rm -rf /%{installdir}


%defattr(644, pbench, pbench, 755)





%defattr(755, pbench, pbench, 755)

%defattr(644, pbench, pbench, 755)
