# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT %global archive_name %{lua:t=string.gsub(rpm.expand("%{fonts_family}"), "[%p%s]+", "");print(t)} %global project_name %{archive_name} %global source_version 1.0 %global source_release 8 %global source_url https://scripts.sil.org/ApparatusSIL %global default_fonts_foundry SIL %global default_fonts_license OFL %global default_fonts_licenses OFL.txt %global default_fonts_docs *.txt %global default_fonts_docs_exclude %{default_fonts_licenses} %global fonts_family Apparatus SIL %global fonts_summary Apparatus SIL, a font family for rendering Greek & Hebrew biblical texts %global fonts_fonts *.ttf *.TTF %global fonts_experimental_confs 60-%{fonts_name}.xml %global fonts_description %{expand: The Apparatus SIL font family was designed to provide most of the symbols needed to reproduce the textual apparatus found in major editions of Greek & Hebrew biblical texts. It is based on SIL Charis, a font family designed for optimum clarity and compactness when printed at small point sizes. This assures that both Charis SIL and Apparatus SIL can be used together in documents with a consistency of style. Most lines of text in the apparatus can be reproduced by combining the Greek and Hebrew font families, transliteration (using a font such as Charis SIL), and the Apparatus SIL font.} %auto_init %auto_pkg %sourcelist https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/render_download.php?format=file&media_id=AppSIL%{version}.zip&filename=%{archive_name}.zip#/%{archive_name}.zip 60-%{fonts_name}.xml %auto_sources %prep %auto_prep %setup -q -c -T unzip -j -q %{_sourcedir}/%{archive_name}.zip install -m 644 %{_sourcedir}/*xml . %linuxtext *.txt %build %auto_build %install %auto_install %check %auto_check %auto_files %changelog %auto_changelog