%global pony_stable_version %(ls %{_sourcedir} | egrep -o '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' || cat ../../VERSION) %global release_version 1 %ifarch x86_64 %global arch_build_args arch=x86-64 %endif Name: pony-stable Version: %{pony_stable_version} Release: %{release_version}%{?dist} Packager: Pony Core Team Summary: Dependency manager for the pony programming language. # For a breakdown of the licensing, see PACKAGE-LICENSING License: BSD URL: https://github.com/ponylang/pony-stable Source0: https://github.com/ponylang/pony-stable/archive/%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: ponyc BuildRequires: make %description Dependency manager for the pony programming language. https://github.com/ponylang/pony-stable Pony is an open-source, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high performance programming language http://www.ponylang.io %global debug_package %{nil} %prep %setup %build make %{?arch_build_args} prefix=%{_prefix} %{?_smp_mflags} test %install make install %{?arch_build_args} prefix=%{_prefix} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %{_prefix}/bin/stable %changelog * Fri Jun 1 2018 Dipin Hora 0.1.2-1 - Initial version of spec file