%global archivename %{name}-ttf-%{version} %define catalogue %{_sysconfdir}/X11/fontpath.d BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: mkfontscale mkfontdir Epoch: 1 Version: 2.1.5 Release: 12%{?dist} License: OFL-1.1-RFN URL: https://github.com/liberationfonts/liberation-fonts %global fontlicenses LICENSE %global fontdocs AUTHORS ChangeLog README.md TODO %global fontdocsex %{fontlicenses} %global common_description %{expand: The Liberation Fonts are intended to be replacements for the 3 most commonly\ used fonts on Microsoft systems: Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New.} %global fontpkgheaderall %{expand: Obsoletes: %{name} < %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} } %global fontfamily1 Liberation Sans %global fontsummary1 Sans-serif fonts to replace commonly used Microsoft Arial %global fontpkgheader1 %{expand: Obsoletes: %{name}-common < %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: %{name}-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} } %global fonts1 LiberationSans*.ttf %global fontconfs1 %{SOURCE2} %global fontdescription1 %{expand: This package provides Sans-serif TrueType fonts that replace commonly used Microsoft Arial. %{common_description} } %global fontfamily2 Liberation Serif %global fontsummary2 Serif fonts to replace commonly used Microsoft Times New Roman %global fontpkgheader2 %{expand: Obsoletes: %{name}-common < %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: %{name}-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} } %global fonts2 LiberationSerif*.ttf %global fontconfs2 %{SOURCE3} %global fontdescription2 %{expand: This package provides Serif TrueType fonts that replace commonly used Microsoft Times New Roman. %{common_description} } %global fontfamily3 Liberation Mono %global fontsummary3 Monospace fonts to replace commonly used Microsoft Courier New %global fontpkgheader3 %{expand: Obsoletes: %{name}-common < %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: %{name}-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} } %global fonts3 LiberationMono*.ttf %global fontconfs3 %{SOURCE4} %global fontdescription3 %{expand: This package provides Monospace TrueType fonts that replace commonly used Microsoft Courier New. %{common_description} } Source2: 59-%{fontpkgname1}.conf Source3: 59-%{fontpkgname2}.conf Source4: 59-%{fontpkgname3}.conf Name: liberation-fonts Summary: Fonts to replace commonly used Microsoft Windows fonts Source0: %{url}/files/7261482/%{archivename}.tar.gz %description %wordwrap -v common_description %fontpkg -a %fontmetapkg %prep %autosetup -n %{archivename} %build %fontbuild -a %install %fontinstall # fonts .ttf # catalogue install -m 0755 -d %{buildroot}%{catalogue} install -m 0755 -d %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_templatedir} \ %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_confdir} %fontinstall -z 1 mkfontscale %{buildroot}%{fontdir1} mkfontdir %{buildroot}%{fontdir1} ln -sf $(realpath --relative-to=%{buildroot}%{catalogue} %{buildroot}%{_fontbasedir})/%{fontpkgname1} %{buildroot}%{catalogue}/%{fontpkgname1} install -m 0644 -p %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_templatedir}/59-%{fontpkgname1}.conf ln -sf $(realpath --relative-to=%{_fontconfig_confdir} %{_fontconfig_templatedir})/59-%{fontpkgname1}.conf %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_confdir}/59-%{fontpkgname1}.conf %fontinstall -z 2 mkfontscale %{buildroot}%{fontdir2} mkfontdir %{buildroot}%{fontdir2} ln -sf $(realpath --relative-to=%{buildroot}%{catalogue} %{buildroot}%{_fontbasedir})/%{fontpkgname2} %{buildroot}%{catalogue}/%{fontpkgname2} install -m 0644 -p %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_templatedir}/59-%{fontpkgname2}.conf ln -sf $(realpath --relative-to=%{_fontconfig_confdir} %{_fontconfig_templatedir})/59-%{fontpkgname2}.conf %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_confdir}/59-%{fontpkgname2}.conf %fontinstall -z 3 mkfontscale %{buildroot}%{fontdir3} mkfontdir %{buildroot}%{fontdir3} ln -sf $(realpath --relative-to=%{buildroot}%{catalogue} %{buildroot}%{_fontbasedir})/%{fontpkgname3} %{buildroot}%{catalogue}/%{fontpkgname3} install -m 0644 -p %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_templatedir}/59-%{fontpkgname3}.conf ln -sf $(realpath --relative-to=%{_fontconfig_confdir} %{_fontconfig_templatedir})/59-%{fontpkgname3}.conf %{buildroot}%{_fontconfig_confdir}/59-%{fontpkgname3}.conf %check %fontcheck -a %fontfiles -z 1 %{catalogue}/%{fontpkgname1} %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{fontdir1}/fonts.dir %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{fontdir1}/fonts.scale %ghost %attr(644, root, root) %{fontdir1}/.uuid %fontfiles -z 2 %{catalogue}/%{fontpkgname2} %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{fontdir2}/fonts.dir %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{fontdir2}/fonts.scale %ghost %attr(644, root, root) %{fontdir2}/.uuid %fontfiles -z 3 %{catalogue}/%{fontpkgname3} %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{fontdir3}/fonts.dir %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{fontdir3}/fonts.scale %ghost %attr(644, root, root) %{fontdir3}/.uuid %changelog * Thu Jul 18 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.1.5-12 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jun 19 2024 Parag Nemade - 1:2.1.5-11 - Fix upgrade path for liberation-fonts binary rpm Thanks to Akira for his fix in fonts-rpm-macros * Mon Jun 17 2024 Parag Nemade - 1:2.1.5-10 - Convert SPEC to new fonts packaging guidelines - Use binary fonts to build packages instead source sfd files this will drop the need of BR:fonttools and fontforge packages * Thu Jan 25 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.1.5-9 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jan 21 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.1.5-8 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Sep 25 2023 Akira TAGOH - 1:2.1.5-7 - Add a rule to use Liberation Sans as a fallback of ArialMT. Resolves: rhbz#1490184 * Mon Aug 21 2023 Parag Nemade - 1:2.1.5-6 - Migrate to SPDX license expression * Thu Jul 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.1.5-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.1.5-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.1.5-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.1.5-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Oct 06 2021 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.1.5-1 - New release of liberation-fonts 2.1.5 * Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.1.4-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild * Mon May 31 2021 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.1.4-1 - New release of liberation-fonts 2.1.4 * Thu Mar 04 2021 Peter Hutterer 1:2.1.3-2 - Require mkfontscale and mkfontdir directly, not xorg-x11-font-utils (#1933539) * Mon Mar 01 2021 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.1.3-1 - New release of liberation-fonts 2.1.3 - Resolves:rh#1464310 : Tilded G not works with Liberation Sans and Serif * Tue Feb 02 2021 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.1.2-1 - New release of liberation-fonts 2.1.2 * Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.1.0-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.1.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Feb 10 2020 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.1.0-1 - New release of liberation-fonts 2.1.0 * Wed Jan 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.00.5-8 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Jan 13 2020 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.00.5-7 - update .uuid file permission in ghost macro * Fri Sep 13 2019 Jens Petersen - 1:2.00.5-6 - base package now pulls in subpackages (#1748803) - improve descriptions * Thu Jul 25 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.00.5-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Jul 1 2019 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.00.5-4 - Updated CI test * Mon Jun 24 2019 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.00.5-3 - Remove Obsoletes and Provides for liberation-narrow-fonts (#1707712) - Splitted the font family(mono, sans and serif) into diferrent root font directories * Mon Apr 15 2019 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.00.5-2 - Added CI Test * Wed Mar 6 2019 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.00.5-1 - New release of liberation-fonts 2.00.5 * Tue Dec 11 2018 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.00.4-1 - Resolves:rh#1490184 - ArialMT fonts should be replaced by Liberation Sans (instead of default "Dejavu Sans" "Book") - Update to 2.00.4 * Thu Aug 16 2018 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.00.3-2 - Updated License from Liberation to OFL * Wed Jul 25 2018 Vishal Vijayraghavan - 1:2.00.3-1 - Updated the BuildRequires to python3 and using latest build - Changed the upstream URL * Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:2.00.1-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Mar 17 2018 Björn Esser - 1:2.00.1-2 - Add proper Obsoletes/Provides for liberation-narrow-fonts * Wed Mar 14 2018 Parag Nemade - 1:2.00.1-1 - Update to 2.00.1 * Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.07.4-11 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Dec 18 2017 Parag Nemade - 1:1.07.4-10 - Resolves:rh#1526510 - USE_TYPO_METRICS set in Fedora 2X but not set in RHEL7 or in ttf binary release - some spec cleanups * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.07.4-9 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.07.4-8 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.07.4-7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Aug 12 2015 Pravin Satpute - 1:1.07.4-6 - Resolves #1252564: Enabled Meta packages for installing mono, narrow, sans and serif. * Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.07.4-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Oct 15 2014 Richard Hughes - 1:1.07.4-4 - Add a MetaInfo file for the software center; this is a font we want to show. * Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.07.4-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Apr 21 2014 Pravin Satpute - 1:1.07.4-2 - resolved md5sum mismatch issue * Fri Apr 18 2014 Pravin Satpute - 1:1.07.4-1 - Upstream release of 1.07.4 - Restored Liberation Sans Bold 'u' instructions - Resolved #1009650, renames serbian shapes as per AGL - Added new glyph for "imacron" and "g" - Added Correct shape for uni266B in all Liberation variants #1014357 - Resolved Problematic shapes for macedonian alphabet #1013949 * Wed Aug 28 2013 Pravin Satpute - 1:1.07.3-2 - Resolved #715309: Improved Bold 'u' hinting * Fri Aug 23 2013 Pravin Satpute - 1:1.07.3-1 - Upstream release 1.07.3 * Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.07.2-14 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:1.07.2-13 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jan 15 2013 Pravin Satpute - 1:1.07.2-12 - Corrected font conf priority from 30-0 to 59 - building from f18 to rawhide * Fri Dec 07 2012 Pravin Satpute - 1:1.07.2-11 - Decided to defer Liberation 2.0 feature in Fedora 18. - Reverting to Liberation 1.07.2. - Using 11 release to match with Liberation Sans Narrow * Wed Nov 21 2012 Pravin Satpute - 2.00.1-4 - Improved spec file * Tue Nov 20 2012 Pravin Satpute - 2.00.1-3 - Resolved bug 878305 * Tue Nov 20 2012 Pravin Satpute - 2.00.1-2 - Resolved issues of md5sum * Thu Oct 04 2012 Pravin Satpute - 2.00.1-1 - Upstream release of 2.00.1 version * Wed Sep 12 2012 Pravin Satpute - 2.00.0-2 - Removed fontconf files of 59 priority, now only has 30-0 alias file * Thu Jul 26 2012 Pravin Satpute - 2.00.0-1 - First upstream release with OFL license - Added conf files with 59 priority * Tue Jun 26 2012 Pravin Satpute - 1.07.2-6 - Resolves bug 835182 * Tue Jun 26 2012 Pravin Satpute - 1.07.2-5 - Resolves bug 835182 * Thu May 10 2012 Pravin Satpute - 1.07.2-4 - Resolves bug 799384 * Sat Feb 18 2012 Pravin Satpute - 1.07.2-3 - Resolved bug 714191 * Mon Feb 13 2012 Pravin Satpute - 1.07.2-2 - Resolved #715309 * Thu Feb 09 2012 Pravin Satpute - 1.07.2-1 - Upstream release 1.07.2 * Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.07.1-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Dec 21 2011 Pravin Satpute - 1.07.1-3 - Resolved bug 753572, removed hint of cent sign * Fri Oct 14 2011 Pravin Satpute - 1.07.1-2 - Resolved bug 657849, added support in Sans and Serif * Wed Sep 21 2011 Pravin Satpute - 1.07.1-1 - Upstream Release 1.07.1 - Resolved bug 738264, 729989 * Mon May 30 2011 Pravin Satpute - 1.07.0-1 - Upstream Release 1.07.0 - Resolved bug 659214, 708330, 707973 * Thu Feb 24 2011 Pravin Satpute - - bug 659214: added bulgarian characters * Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Oct 13 2010 Pravin Satpute - - bug 642493: use consistent ttf names * Tue Oct 12 2010 Pravin Satpute - - Building from sources - Applying Monospace font patch bug 620273 * Thu Jul 22 2010 Pravin Satpute - - Upstream New Release - Added New Family Narrow * Wed Jun 16 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Updated Source URL to FedoraHosted and repackaged. * Mon May 10 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Updated from upstream. - Fixed correct Romanian glyphs in Liberation Fonts. (rhbz#440992) * Fri May 07 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Updated package URL and source URL. * Thu May 06 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Updated from upstream. - Cleaned up points and auto-instructed hinting of 'u', 'v', 'w', 'y'. (rhbz#463036) * Wed May 05 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Made 0x00A2 cent sign be coressed in Sans Narrow. * Wed May 05 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Updated from upstream. - Resolves: rhbz#474522 - Incorrect cent sign glyph (U+00A2) in Sans and Mono style in Liberation fonts. * Wed Apr 28 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - rhbz#510174: Corrected version number of all SFD files. - Corrected license exceptions to GPLv2. - Updated README file. * Tue Apr 27 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Updated source from upstream. - Introduced Sans Narrow by upstream. * Wed Jan 13 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Removed 'Provides liberation-fonts and liberation-fonts-compat by liberation-fonts-common.' * Tue Jan 12 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Rebuilt w/ macro fixes. * Tue Jan 12 2010 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Removed full stop in Summary. - Set default file permission in files. - Provides liberation-fonts and liberation-fonts-compat by liberation-fonts-common. - Macro as much as possible in .spec. * Mon Oct 19 2009 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Rebuilt. * Mon Oct 19 2009 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Resolves: rhbz#525498 - wrongly encoded glyphs after U+10000. * Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 21 2009 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Fixed fontforge scripting of sfd -> ttf generation. - Checked existance of traditionat kern table in Sans and Serif. * Tue Jul 14 2009 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Required fontforge ver 20090408 which supports generation with traditional kern table. (rhbz#503430) * Mon Jul 13 2009 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Updated to upstream - Generate TTFs with traditional kern table via fontforge scripts. (rh#503430) * Mon Jul 06 2009 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Updated to upstream - Reconverted from original TTF with traditional kern table. (rh#503430) * Tue Jun 30 2009 Caius 'kaio' Chance - - Updated to upstream - Reconverted from original TTF with better procedures of data conservation. * Tue May 19 2009 Jens Petersen - 1.04.93-11 - remove redundant obsoletes, provides and conflicts from new subpackages * Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.04.93-10 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Feb 05 2009 Caius Chance - 1.04.93-9.fc11 - Fixed inter-subpackage dependencies with reference of dejavu. * Wed Feb 04 2009 Caius Chance - 1.04.93-8.fc11 - Fixed inter-subpackage dependencies. * Wed Feb 04 2009 Caius Chance - 1.04.93-7.fc11 - Create -compat subpackage as meta-package for installing all font families. * Tue Jan 20 2009 Matthias Clasen - 1.04.93-6.fc11 - Fix busted inter-subpackage dependencies * Tue Jan 20 2009 Caius Chance - 1.04.93-5.fc11 - Resolved: rhbz#477410 - Refined .spec file based on Mailhot's review on rhbz. * Mon Jan 19 2009 Caius Chance - 1.04.93-4.fc11 - Resolves: thbz#477410 - Package renaming for post-1.13 fontpackages macros. * Fri Jan 09 2009 Caius Chance - 1.04.93-3.fc11 - Resolves: rhbz#477410 (Convert to new font packaging guidelines.) * Tue Dec 09 2008 Caius Chance - 1.04.93-2.fc11 - Resolves: rhbz#474522 (Cent sign is not coressed in Sans & Mono.) * Wed Dec 03 2008 Caius Chance - 1.04.93-1.fc11 - Resolves: rhbz#473481 (Blurriness of Greek letter m (U+03BC) in Liberation Sans Regular.) * Thu Jul 17 2008 Caius Chance - 1.04.90-1.fc10 - Resolves: rhbz#258592 (Incorrect glyph points and missing hinting instructions for U+0079, U+03BC, U+0431, U+2010..2012.) * Thu Jul 17 2008 Caius Chance - 1.04-1.fc10 - Resolves: rhbz#455717 (Update sources to version 1.04.) - Improved .spec file. * Thu Jun 12 2008 Caius Chance - 1.04-0.1.beta2.fc10 - Updated source version to 1.04.beta2. - Removed License.txt and COPYING as already included in sources. * Thu Apr 10 2008 Caius Chance - 1.03-1.fc9 - Resolves: rhbz#251890 (Exchanged and incomplete glyphs.) - Repack source tarball and re-align source version number. * Mon Mar 31 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway - 1.02-2 - correct license tag, license explanation added * Tue Mar 25 2008 Caius Chance - 1.02-1.fc9 - Resolves: rhbz#240525 (Alignment mismatch of dot accents.) * Wed Jan 16 2008 Caius Chance - 1.01-1.fc9 - Moved source tarball from cvs to separated storage. * Mon Jan 14 2008 Caius Chance - 1.0-1.fc9 - Resolves: rhbz#428596 (Liberation fonts need to be updated to latest font.) * Wed Nov 28 2007 Caius Chance - 0.2-4.fc9 - Resolves: rhbz#367791 (remove 59-liberation-fonts.conf) * Wed Sep 12 2007 Jens Petersen - 0.2-3.fc8 - add fontdir macro - create fonts.dir and fonts.scale (reported by Mark Alford, #245961) - add catalogue symlink * Wed Sep 12 2007 Jens Petersen - 0.2-2.fc8 - update license field to GPLv2 * Thu Jun 14 2007 Caius Chance 0.2-1.fc8 - Updated new source tarball from upstream: '-3' (version 0.2). * Tue May 15 2007 Matthias Clasen 0.1-9 - Bump revision * Tue May 15 2007 Matthias Clasen 0.1-8 - Change the license tag to "GPL + font exception" * Mon May 14 2007 Matthias Clasen 0.1-7 - Correct the source url * Mon May 14 2007 Matthias Clasen 0.1-6 - Incorporate package review feedback * Fri May 11 2007 Matthias Clasen 0.1-5 - Bring the package in sync with Fedora packaging standards * Wed Apr 25 2007 Meethune Bhowmick 0.1-4 - Require fontconfig package for post and postun * Tue Apr 24 2007 Meethune Bhowmick 0.1-3 - Bump version to fix issue in RHEL4 RHN * Thu Mar 29 2007 Richard Monk 0.1-2rhis - New license file * Thu Mar 29 2007 Richard Monk 0.1-1rhis - Inital packaging