Name: mblaze Version: 1.2 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: Unix utilities to deal with Maildir License: CC0 and MIT URL: Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: sed Requires: less Suggests: %{name}-contrib %package contrib Summary: Additional utilities for mblaze BuildArch: noarch Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: /usr/bin/awk # mopenall Requires: /usr/bin/xdg-open # mencrypt, mgpg, msign, mverify Requires: /usr/bin/gpg2 # mp7m, mverify Requires: /usr/bin/openssl # mvi Requires: /usr/bin/tput # msearch Enhances: mairix notmuch maildir-utils Suggests: mairix notmuch maildir-utils %description The mblaze message system is a set of Unix utilities for processing and interacting with mail messages which are stored in maildir folders. %description contrib A few scripts and hacks that are not officially supported or subject to any robustness, portability or stability criteria. Use at your own risk. %prep %autosetup %build %make_build %install %make_install PREFIX="/usr" rm -f _files contrib/_files make -qp | awk ' BEGIN { FS = " = " } ($1 == "ALL" || $1 == "SCRIPT") { split($2, a, " ") for (i in a) { print "%{_bindir}/" a[i] } } $0 ~ "# Implicit Rules" { exit } ' >> _files ls -1 man | sed -e 's:^:%%{_mandir}/man*/:' -e 's:$:*:' >> _files pushd contrib for i in *; do case "$i" in _*) ;; *.md) echo "%%doc contrib/$i" >> _files ;; *.1) install -p -D -m0644 "$i" %{?buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1 echo "%%{_mandir}/man1/${i}*" >> _files ;; *) install -p -D -m0755 "$i" %{?buildroot}%{_bindir} echo "%%{_bindir}/$i" >> _files ;; esac done install -D -m0644 -t %{?buildroot}%{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions _mblaze echo "%%{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions/_mblaze" >> _files popd %files -f _files %license COPYING %doc README filter.example mlesskey.example # These are symlinks generated in `make install` %{_bindir}/mbnc %{_bindir}/mfwd %{_bindir}/mrep %{_bindir}/mrefile %files contrib -f contrib/_files %{nil} # all in contrib/_files %changelog * Wed Nov 29 2023 Thomas Schneider - 1.2-2 - Fix zsh completion install - Create dependency chain between base and contrib package * Tue May 10 2022 Thomas Schneider - 1.2-1 - Initial packaging