Name: morse-simulator Version: 1.4 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: Multi-OpenRobot Simulation Engine License: BSD URL: Source0: BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: python3 BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-numpy Requires: python3 Requires: python3-numpy Requires: blender %description List of morse features: * Versatile simulator for generic mobile robots simulation (single or multi robots), * Realistic and dynamic environments (interaction with other agents like humans or objects), * Based on well known and widely adopted open source projects (Blender for 3D rendering + UI, Bullet for physics simulation, dedicated robotic middlewares for communications + robot hardware support), * Seamless workflow: since the simulator rely on Blender for both modeling and the real time 3D engine, creating and modifying a simulated scene is straightforward. * Entirely scriptable in Python, * Adaptable to various level of simulation realism (for instance the simulation of exteroceptive sensors like cameras or a direct access to higher level representations of the world, like labeled artifacts), * Currently compatible with ROS, YARP and the LAAS OpenRobots robotics frameworks, * Easy to integrate to other environments via a simple socket interface, * Fully open source, BSD license. %prep %setup -q -n morse-texture_service %build mkdir cmake-make pushd cmake-make %cmake .. %make_build popd %install pushd cmake-make %make_install popd %files -f cmake-make/install_manifest.txt %{_datadir}/morse/* %{python3_sitearch}/morse/* %{python3_sitearch}/pymorse/* %changelog * Sat Dec 22 2018 Rafael Bailon-Ruiz - 1.4-2 - Texture service enabled version * Mon Aug 06 2018 Rafael Bailon-Ruiz - 1.4-1 - Initial package