# SPEC file for compiling a native version of XIVLauncher for rpm-based distros # This file has a lot of extra comments, mostly to keep track of what I've learned. # # Here's a few docs I've found very helpful: # http://ftp.rpm.org/max-rpm/s1-rpm-inside-macros.html # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html-single/RPM_Guide/index.html # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/RPMMacros/ # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/license-field/ # COMPATABILITY # I've tested on the following distros. It will at least install, launch, and log in, although I haven't installed # or played FFXIV on all of them. # Fedora - 35 and 36 # OpenSuse - Leap 15.3 and 15.4, and Tumbleweed # Rocky Linux 9 - Requires out-of-tree packages. Get here: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/rankyn/xl-deps-el9/ # Version File Source # I've put it here because I need it declared before it's used in some definitions. And it's Source2 because I'm # not going to renumber them. Source2: _version # DEFINITIONS # Repo tags are now pulled from the _version file, so it only has to be changed in one place. # This is why sources were declared above. %define xlname %(awk 'NR==1 {print; exit}' < %{SOURCE2} ) %define xlversion %(awk 'NR==3 {print; exit}' < %{SOURCE2} ) %define xlrelease %(awk 'NR==4 {print; exit}' < %{SOURCE2} ) %define hash %(awk 'NR==5 {print; exit}' < %{SOURCE2} ) %define DownstreamTag %{xlversion}-%{xlrelease} Name: %{xlname} Version: %{xlversion} Release: %{xlrelease}%{?dist} Epoch: 1 Summary: Custom Launcher for the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV (Native RPM package) Group: Applications/Games License: GPL-3.0-only URL: https://github.com/rankynbass/XIVLauncher4rpm Source0: XIVLauncher-RB-%{xlversion}.tar.gz Source1: XIVLauncher4rpm-rb-v%{DownstreamTag}.tar.gz # These package names are from the fedora / redhat repos. Other rpm distros might # have different names for these. # (x or y) has been used where fedora and opensuse have different package names (fedora-pkg or opensuse-pkg). BuildRequires: dotnet-sdk-8.0 Requires: aria2 Requires: (SDL2 or libSDL2-2_0-0) Requires: (libsecret or libsecret-1-0) Requires: (libattr or libattr1) Requires: fontconfig Requires: lcms2 Requires: (libXcursor or libXcursor1) Requires: (libXrandr or libXrandr2) Requires: (libXdamage or libXdamage1) Requires: (libXi or libXi6) Requires: (gettext or gettext-runtime) Requires: (freetype or libfreetype6) Requires: (mesa-libGLU or libGLU1) Requires: (libSM or libSM6) Requires: (libgcc or libgcc_s1) Requires: (libpcap or libpcap1) Requires: (libFAudio or libFAudio0) Requires: desktop-file-utils Requires: jxrlib Provides: %{xlname} # There isn't any linux / rpm debug info available with the source git %global debug_package %{nil} # Turn off binary stripping, otherwise the binary breaks. %global __os_install_post %{nil} # Turn off build_id links to prevent conflict with main XIVLauncher package. %define _build_id_links none # Binaries will be deposited into this directory. Macro'd for convenience. %define launcher %{_builddir}/XIVLauncher %description Third-party launcher for the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. This is a native build for fedora 36 and several other rpm based distos. ### PREP SECTION # Be aware that rpmbuild DOES NOT download sources from urls. It expects the source files to be in the %%{_sourcedir} directory. # Run the script .copr/getsources.sh to download tarballs to the appropriate locations. %prep # Set some short names for convenience. %define repo0 XIVLauncher-RB %define repo1 XIVLauncher4rpm # Unpack source0. -n tells the macro the name of the folder. %setup -n %{repo0} # Now unpack the files from the second source into a folder. -T to prevent source0 from unpacking. # -b 1 tells it to unpack source1, and -n tells it the name of the folder. %setup -T -b 1 -n %{repo1} ### BUILD SECTION %build # We need to pass two extra -p switches to dotnet publish. The first sets the version of wine to download, and the second sets # the build hash and prevents the compiler from trying to do a git describe to create or find one. This eliminates git as a # build requirement (and dirty hack of doing git init) and drastically speeds up the compile. cd %{_builddir}/%{repo0} cd %{_builddir}/%{repo0}/src/XIVLauncher.Core dotnet publish -r linux-x64 --sc -o "%{_builddir}/%{repo1}" --configuration Release -p:Version=%{xlversion} -p:BuildHash="%{hash}" cp ../../misc/linux_distrib/512.png %{_builddir}/%{repo1}/xivlauncher.png cp ../../misc/header.png %{_builddir}/%{repo1}/xivlogo.png cd %{_builddir}/%{repo1} ### INSTALL SECTION %install install -d "%{buildroot}/usr/bin" install -d "%{buildroot}/opt/xivlauncher-rb" install -d "%{buildroot}/usr/share/doc/xivlauncher-rb" install -d "%{buildroot}/usr/share/applications" install -D -m 644 "%{_builddir}/%{repo1}/xivlauncher.png" "%{buildroot}/usr/share/pixmaps/xivlauncher-rb.png" cp -r "%{_builddir}/%{repo1}"/* "%{buildroot}/opt/xivlauncher-rb" cp %{buildroot}/opt/xivlauncher-rb/COPYING %{buildroot}/usr/share/doc/xivlauncher-rb/COPYING cd %{buildroot} ln -sr "opt/xivlauncher-rb/xivlauncher.sh" "usr/bin/xivlauncher-rb" ln -sr "opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.desktop" "usr/share/applications/XIVLauncher-RB.desktop" %pre %post echo -e "Modified SSL settings are no longer needed, so you can run" echo -e "/opt/xivlauncher/XIVLauncher.Core directly if you choose." echo -e "/usr/bin/xivlauncher-rb is still provided." %preun %postun if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then echo -e "Reminder: Removing this package does not remove your ~/.xlcore folder or" echo -e "uninstall the FFXIV game files. There may also be xivlauncher-*.sh scripts in" echo -e "~/.local/bin and XIVLauncher-*.desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications" echo -e "that you will have to remove manually from older versions of this package.\n" fi ### FILES SECTION %files /usr/bin/xivlauncher-rb /usr/share/applications/XIVLauncher-RB.desktop /usr/share/pixmaps/xivlauncher-rb.png /opt/xivlauncher-rb/CHANGELOG.md /opt/xivlauncher-rb/COPYING /opt/xivlauncher-rb/libcimgui.so /opt/xivlauncher-rb/libskeychain.so /opt/xivlauncher-rb/libsteam_api64.so /opt/xivlauncher-rb/README.md /opt/xivlauncher-rb/xivlauncher.sh /opt/xivlauncher-rb/xivlauncher.png /opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.Common.pdb /opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.Common.Unix.pdb /opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.Common.Unix.xml /opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.Common.Windows.pdb /opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.Common.Windows.xml /opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.Common.xml /opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.Core /opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.Core.pdb /opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.Core.xml /opt/xivlauncher-rb/XIVLauncher.desktop /opt/xivlauncher-rb/xivlogo.png %license /usr/share/doc/xivlauncher-rb/COPYING %changelog # See CHANGELOG.md