# File: rpm_specfiles/coprall-1.4.2-1.spec # Adds desktop, icon files Name: ddcutil Version: 1.4.2 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Query and update monitor settings License: GPLv2 # Note: Using rockowitz.github.io instead of www.ddcutil.com does not resolve problem # that fedora-review reports Name or Service not known URL: http://www.ddcutil.com Source: http://www.ddcutil.com/tarballs/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz # Alternative architectures build successfully in Koji, but are generally untested # How best to handle? ExcludeArch: s390x # builds successfully in Koji, but makes makes no sense given S390 hardware # ExcludeArch: ppc64le # builds successfully in Koji, untested # ExcludeArch: ppc64 # builds successfully in Koji, tested # ExcludeArch: ppc # builds successfully in Koji, untested # %%{echo:fedora_version is %%{?fedora_version}, } # %%{echo:suse_version is %%{?suse_version}, } # %%{echo:fedora is %%{?fedora}, } # %%{echo:suse is %%{?suse}, } # %%{echo:dist is %%{dist}, } BuildRequires: automake >= 1.13.4 BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.50 BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0) >= 2.32 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libdrm) >= 2.4.16 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libkmod) %if 0%{?fedora} BuildRequires: libi2c-devel >= 4.0 %endif %if 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: libi2c0-devel >= 4.0 BuildRequires: libkmod-devel %endif BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libudev) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libusb-1.0) >= 1.0.15 # BuildRequires: pkgconfig(python3) >= 3.4 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xrandr) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(zlib) # OpenSUSE 13.1, 13.2 requires i2c-tools for header file linux/i2c-dev.h BuildRequires: i2c-tools Requires(pre): shadow-utils Requires: i2c-tools %description Query and change monitor settings ddcutil communicates with monitors implementing MCCS (Monitor Control Command Set), using either the DDC/CI protocol on the I2C bus or as a Human Interface Device on USB. In general, anything that can be controlled using a monitor's on-screen display can be controlled by this program. Examples include changing a monitor's input source and adjusting its brightness. %package -n libddcutil4 Summary: Shared library to query and update monitor settings Group: System Environment/Libraries %description -n libddcutil4 Shared library version of ddcutil, exposing a C API. ddcutil communicates with monitors implementing MCCS (Monitor Control Command Set), using either the DDC/CI protocol on the I2C bus or as a Human Interface Device on USB. %package -n libddcutil-devel Summary: Development files for libddcutil Group: System/Libraries Requires: libddcutil4 >= %{version} %description -n libddcutil-devel Header files for libddcutil # belt and suspenders: %global _hardened_build 1 %prep %setup -q rpm --version rpmbuild --version %build %configure --enable-lib=yes %make_build V=1 %check %install %make_install # # Package ddcutil # %files %doc AUTHORS NEWS.md README.md CHANGELOG.md %license COPYING %{_datadir}/%{name} # %%dir %%{_datadir}/%%{name} # %%dir %%{_datadir}/%%{name}/data # %%{_datadir}/%%{name}/data/*rules # %%{_datadir}/%%{name}/data/90-nvidia-i2c.conf %{_mandir}/man1/ddcutil.1* %{_bindir}/ddcutil %{_prefix}/lib/udev/rules.d/60-ddcutil.rules %{_prefix}/lib/modules-load.d/ddcutil.conf # For future appstream: # %%{_datadir}/applications/ddcutil.desktop # %%{_datadir}/icons # %%{_datadir}/pixmaps/ddcutil.png # %%{_datadir}/metainfo/ddcutil.appdata.xml # # Package libddcutil # %files -n libddcutil4 %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/libddcutil.so.* %{_prefix}/lib/modules-load.d/libddcutil.conf %doc README.md AUTHORS NEWS.md CHANGELOG.md %license COPYING # # Package libddcutil-devel # %files -n libddcutil-devel %defattr(-,root,root) %{_includedir}/ddcutil_types.h %{_includedir}/ddcutil_status_codes.h %{_includedir}/ddcutil_macros.h %{_includedir}/ddcutil_c_api.h %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/ddcutil.pc # %%{_datadir}/pkgconfig/ddcutil.pc %{_libdir}/libddcutil.so %dir %{_libdir}/cmake %dir %{_libdir}/cmake/%{name} %{_libdir}/cmake/%{name}/FindDDCUtil.cmake %doc README.md AUTHORS NEWS.md CHANGELOG.md %license COPYING %changelog * Mon Feb 20 2023 Sanford Rockowitz 1.4.2-1 - Release 1.4.2 * Mon Jan 16 2023 Sanford Rockowitz 1.4.1-1 - Release 1.4.1 * Mon Jan 09 2023 Sanford Rockowitz 1.4.0-1 - Release 1.4.0 * Fri Jul 22 2022 Sanford Rockowitz 1.3.0-1 - Release 1.3.0 * Thu Jan 27 2022 Sanford Rockowitz 1.2.2-1 - Release 1.2.2 * Thu Dec 02 2021 Sanford Rockowitz 1.2.1-1 - Release 1.2.1 * Thu Mar 25 2021 Sanford Rockowitz 1.1.0-1 - Release 1.1.0 * Sun Feb 07 2021 Sanford Rockowitz 1.0.1-1 - Release 1.0.1 * Wed Feb 03 2021 Sanford Rockowitz 1.0.0-1 - Release 1.0.0 - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes * Sat Jun 13 2020 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.9-1 - Release 0.9.9 - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes * Mon Oct 28 2019 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.9-1 - Release 0.9.8 - Minor enhancements and bug fixes - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes. * Tue Sep 03 2019 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.7-1 - Release 0.9.7 - Minor enhancements and bug fixes - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes. * Sun Aug 04 2019 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.6-1 - Release 0.9.6 - Minor enhancements and bug fixes - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes. * Sun Feb 24 2019 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.5-1 - Release 0.9.5 - Minor enhancements and bug fixes - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes. * Tue Dec 25 2018 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.4-1 - Release 0.9.4 - Minor bug fixes - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes. * Sun Nov 25 2018 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.4-1 - Release 0.9.4 - Minor enhancements and bug fixes - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes. * Sat Nov 24 2018 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.3-1 - Release 0.9.3 - Minor enhancements and bug fixes - Internal changes for future support of user supplied feature definitions. - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes. * Sat Sep 01 2018 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.2-1 - Release 0.9.2 - Minor enhancements and bug fixes - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes for details. * Sun May 27 2018 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.1-1 - Release 0.9.1 - Minor bug fix - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes for details. * Sun May 13 2018 Sanford Rockowitz 0.9.0-1 - Release 0.9.0 - Minor enhancements and bug fixes. - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes for details. * Fri Jan 19 2018 Sanford Rockowitz 0.8.6-1 - Release 0.8.6 - Changed "Recommends: i2c-tools" to "Requires: i2c-tools" - Minor enhancements and bug fixes. - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes for details. * Wed Nov 29 2017 Sanford Rockowitz 0.8.5-1 - Release 0.8.5 - Spec file cleanup - Architecture s390x is execluded since this utility makes no sense in that environment. - Minor enhancements and bug fixes, particularly for 32 bit environments. - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes for details. * Thu Nov 16 2017 Sanford Rockowitz 0.8.4-1 - Minor enhancements and bug fixes. - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes * Sat Jul 22 2017 Sanford Rockowitz 0.8.4-1 - Changes to conform to Fedora packaging standards - Minor enhancements and bug fixes. - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes * Sat May 20 2017 Sanford Rockowitz 0.8.3-1 - Changes for Fedora packaging * Wed May 17 2017 Sanford Rockowitz 0.8.2-1 - Minor enchancements to diagnostics in the environment and interrogate commands - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes * Sat May 06 2017 Sanford Rockowitz 0.8.1-1 - Fixes a segfault that can occur when scanning for USB connected monitors. - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes * Mon May 01 2017 Sanford Rockowitz 0.8.0-1 - Added options --async and --nodetect to improve performance - By default, setvcp and loadvcp read the VCP value after the value has been set, to confirm that the monitor has made the change requested. - Command "getvcp --terse" now reports VCP settings in a form that is easily machine readable. - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes * Sun Mar 05 2017 Sanford Rockowitz 0.7.3-1 - For a complete list of changes and bug fixes for this and earlier releases, see http://www.ddcutil.com/release_notes