Name: slade Version: 3.1.13 Release: 3%{?dist} Summary: Doom editor License: gpl2 URL: #Source0: SLADE-3.1.13.tar.gz Source0: BuildRequires: gcc-c++, cmake, freeglut-devel, bzip2-devel, libcurl-devel, fluidsynth-devel BuildRequires: freeimage-devel, ftgl-devel, glew-devel, gstreamer1-devel BuildRequires: gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel, libmodplug, SFML-devel, lua-devel, fmt-devel BuildRequires: gtk3-devel, wxGTK3-devel, wxGTK3-gl, wxGTK3-media, wxGTK3-webview Requires: freeglut, fluidsynth, freeimage, ftgl, libGLEW, gstreamer1-plugins-base, libmodplug Requires: SFML, lua, fmt, gtk3, wxGTK3, wxGTK3-gl, wxGTK3-media, wxGTK3-webview %description SLADE3 is a modern editor for Doom-engine based games and source ports. It has the ability to view, modify, and write many different game-specific formats, and even convert between some of them, or from/to other generic formats such as PNG. SLADE3 can be considered a successor to both SLumpEd and SLADE - it combines the features of both, to create an all-in-one editor. Why does it keep the name of what was previously just a map editor? Because it fits :) %prep #autosetup -n SLADE-%{version} %autosetup -n SLADE-stable cd dist cmake .. -DNO_WEBVIEW=ON make %install cd dist %make_install %files /usr/local/bin/slade /usr/local/share/applications/net.mancubus.SLADE.desktop /usr/local/share/icons/net.mancubus.SLADE.png /usr/local/share/metainfo/net.mancubus.SLADE.metainfo.xml /usr/local/share/slade3/slade.pk3 #license add-license-file-here #doc add-docs-here %changelog * Tue Mar 29 2022 Andrew Schott 3.1.13-3 - Fixed packaging error involving libglew * Tue Mar 29 2022 Andrew Schott 3.1.13-1 - Initial spec file. - Due to src bugs, using git stable repo for this releas