%define srcname lcdf-typetools
%define srcver 2.108
%define tl_version 2019
%define shortname texlive
%define source_date 20190127
%define epoch_fc 7
# macros from the texlive-base package
%{!?_texdir: %global _texdir %{_datadir}/%{shortname}}
%{!?_texmf_var: %global _texmf_var %{_var}/lib/texmf}
%global etc_fmtutil_cnf %{_sysconfdir}/texlive/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
%global usr_fmtutil_cnf %{_texdir}/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
%global fmtutil_cnf_d %{_texdir}/fmtutil.cnf.d
# don't export private perl modules
%global __provides_exclude %{?__provides_exclude:%__provides_exclude|}^perl\\(
%global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}^perl\\((LatexIndent.*|PDF::Reuse.*|Pedigree.*|TeXLive.*|Tk::path_tre)\\)
# We do not want exec perms changing.
%global __brp_mangle_shebangs_exclude ^$
Name: texlive-lcdftypetools
Epoch: 8
#Version: %{source_date}
Version: %{srcver}
Release: 1%{?dist}
Group: Applications/Publishing
#Group: Utilities/Printing
License: GPL
Vendor: Little Cambridgeport Design Factory
#URL: http://tug.org/texlive/
URL: https://www.lcdf.org/type/
#Summary: A bundle of outline font manipulation tools
Summary: Programs to manipulate OpenType and multiple-master fonts
Source: https://www.lcdf.org/type/%{srcname}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRequires: autoconf
BuildRequires: automake
BuildRequires: gcc gcc-c++
BuildRequires: intltool
BuildRequires: texlive-kpathsea-lib-devel
Requires: texlive-tetex
Requires: texlive-base
Requires: texlive-kpathsea-bin
Requires: tex-kpathsea
Requires: tex-glyphlist
Obsoletes: texlive-lcdftypetools-bin <= 7:20170520
#Provides: tex-lcdftypetools = %{tl_version}
Provides: tex-lcdftypetools = %{epoch_fc}:%{source_date}-%{release}
# This is a mistake in the texlive package. Will be fixed in next major TL update.
Provides: lcdf-typetools = %{epoch_fc}:%{source_date}-%{release}
Provides: texlive-lcdftypetools-bin = %{epoch_fc}:%{source_date}-%{release}
Provides: tex-lcdftypetools-bin = %{epoch_fc}:%{source_date}-%{release}
This package contains four tools for working with OpenType fonts:
cfftot1 allows you to translate Compact Font Format (CFF) or
PostScript-flavored OpenType fonts into PostScript
Type 1 font format
otfinfo reports information about OpenType fonts, such as the
features they support and the contents of their ``size''
optical size option
otftotfm allows you to create TeX font metrics and encodings for
using OpenType fonts
t1dotlessj creates a Type 1 font with a single character --
the dotless j corresponding to the specified design
t1lint checks a Type 1 font for correctness (preliminary)
t1reencode reencodes a Type 1 font, replacing its internal encoding with
one you specify
t1testpage creates a PostScript test page for a specified
font file (preliminary)
ttftotype42 creates a Type 42 wrapper for a TrueType or TrueType-flavored
OpenType font.
The package now includes programs for working with multiple-master
fonts formerly distributed as mminstance. These tools allow you to
use multiple-master fonts with programs that require single-master
fonts (afm2tfm, ps2pk, fontinst, etc.). Both programs work fine with
fonts that contain intermediate masters (e.g., Adobe Jenson MM and
Adobe Kepler MM).
mmafm creates an AFM (Adobe font metric) file corresponding to
a single instance of a multiple-master font. It reads
(and therefore requires) the AMFM and AFM files
distributed with the font.
mmpfb creates a normal, single-master font program that looks
like an instance of a multiple-master font. It reads
the multiple-master font program in PFA or PFB format.
%autosetup -p1 -n "%{srcname}-%{srcver}"
autoreconf -vfi
%{make_install} INSTALL_ROOT="%{buildroot}"
%license COPYING
* Wed Sep 25 2019 Tomasz Tomasik - 8:2.108-1
- Initial packaging