Name: pbench-server Version: 1.0.0 Release: 108g965b7c51c Summary: The pbench server bits License: GPLv3+ URL: Source0: pbench-server-%{version}.tar.gz Buildarch: noarch Requires: python3 python3-devel cronie tar xz util-linux-core # policycoreutils for semanage and restorecon - used in pbench-server-activate-create-results-dir Requires: policycoreutils %if 0%{?rhel} != 7 Requires: policycoreutils-python-utils Requires: libselinux-python3 %else Requires: policycoreutils-python Requires: python3-libselinux %endif Requires: npm Requires: python3-click python3-dateutil python3-elasticsearch python3-flask # The following are not available as RPMs in RHEL9, so we'll pick them up # through `pip3 install'. # # Requires: python3-alembic python3-aniso8601 python3-boto3 # Requires: python3-email-validator python3-flask-cors # Requires: python3-flask-httpauth # Requires: python3-flask-migrate python3-flask-restful python3-flask-sqlalchemy # Requires: python3-Bcrypt-Flask flask-jwt-extended # Requires: python3-sqlalchemy-utils Requires: python3-gunicorn python3-humanize python3-psycopg2 python3-requests # Requires: pyesbulk>=2.0.1 PyJwt # Not available Requires: python3-sqlalchemy # The following are indirect dependencies -- dependencies of dependencies that # we currently install via pip -- we require them here so that they will # already be satisfied during the pip install. (certifi is required by # elasticsearch; bcrypt by Bcrypt-Flask; and greenlet by sqlalchemy.) If/when # the packages requiring these are installed via RPM, these requirements should # no longer be necessary. Requires: python3-certifi python3-bcrypt python3-greenlet # installdir has to agree with the definition of install-dir in # pbench-server.cfg, but we can't go out and pluck it from there, # because we don't know where the config file is. Note that we omit # the initial / - it is added in every use below. IMO, that's more # readable since it appears in the middle of the path in all cases, # *except* in the files section (and one instance in the post # and postun sections). %define installdir opt/pbench-server %define static html/static %define __python python3 %description The pbench server scripts. %prep %setup %build %pre getent group pbench > /dev/null || groupadd pbench getent passwd pbench > /dev/null || useradd -g pbench -d /home/pbench -c "Pbench user" pbench %install rm -rf %{buildroot} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{installdir} cp -a ./server/* %{buildroot}/%{installdir} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{installdir}/%{static} cp -a ./web-server/* %{buildroot}/%{installdir}/%{static} # for the npm install below mv %{buildroot}/%{installdir}/%{static}/package.json %{buildroot}/%{installdir} %post # Install python dependencies as pbench user into user's site-packages # First, get an up-to-date pip3: the one installed through the python3 package # is not always capable of dealing with the options that we pass it below. # N.B. We redirect both stdout and stderr into the log here. python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip 2>&1 > /%{installdir}/pip3-install.log # The newly installed pip3 should be able to deal with the following. # N.B. We redirect both stdout and stderr into the log here but append the output to # the already existing file. su pbench -c "python3 -m pip --no-cache-dir install --user --no-warn-script-location -r /%{installdir}/requirements.txt" >> /%{installdir}/pip3-install.log 2>&1 # The `site` package is Python magic; it runs automatically when Python starts, # and builds `sys.path`. # # For our purposes, this includes looking in the per-user site library and # adding the site-packages paths plus adding directories captured in *.pth # files it finds in the "user site" directory. # # The following line captures our install path `/${installdir}/lib` in our own # pbench.pth file for `site` to find when the pbench user runs Python. # # That `pbench.pth` file needs to be in the right place, and the command # 'python3 -m site --user-site` gives us the proper location. The `su pbench` # ensures that this is run as "pbench" and therefore gives us the proper # path where `pbench.pth` will be found, without making arbitrary assumptions # about `site` package behavior. # # Now, when the pbench user runs Python, without any PYTHONPATH environment # variable, the normal Python startup will include both the pbench user's # site-library paths, and /opt/pbench-server/lib. su pbench -c "echo /%{installdir}/lib > \$(python3 -m site --user-site)/pbench.pth" # install node.js modules under /{installdir} cd /%{installdir} rm -rf node_modules echo 'package-lock=false' >> .npmrc npm install # this only handles v0.3 # AFAIK, we don't need all the other modules that package.json includes. jslist="node_modules/d3/d3.min.js node_modules/d3-queue/build/d3-queue.min.js node_modules/save-svg-as-png/lib/saveSvgAsPng.js" # Copy them to the appropriate directory for v0.3. That # directory should exist already because of the `cp -a' # of the web-server stuff above, but add an explicit # mkdir just in case, although it should be a no-op. mkdir -p /%{installdir}/%{static}/js/v0.3 for x in ${jslist} ;do cp $x /%{installdir}/%{static}/js/v0.3 done # Finally, make sure the installation directory is entirely owned # by the pbench user. chown -R pbench.pbench /%{installdir} %preun rm -rf \ "$(python3 -m site --user-site)/pbench.pth" \ /%{installdir}/node_modules \ /%{installdir}/.npmrc \ /%{installdir}/package-lock.json \ /%{installdir}/pip3-install.log \ /%{installdir}/%{static}/js/v0.3/d3.min.js \ /%{installdir}/%{static}/js/v0.3/d3-queue.min.js \ /%{installdir}/%{static}/js/v0.3/saveSvgAsPng.js %postun # if uninstalling, rather than updating, remove everything if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ;then crontab=/%{installdir}/lib/crontab/crontab if [ -f $crontab ] ;then crontab -u pbench -r fi fi %posttrans %files %defattr(644, pbench, pbench, 755) /%{installdir} %attr(755, pbench, pbench) /%{installdir}/bin %attr(644, pbench, pbench) /%{installdir}/bin/ %doc /%{installdir}/lib/pbench/server/s3backup/README %doc /%{installdir}/lib/pbench/common/AUTHORS.log_formatter %doc /%{installdir}/lib/pbench/common/LICENSE.log_formatter %license /%{installdir}/%{static}/css/v0.3/LICENSE.TXT %license /%{installdir}/%{static}/js/v0.3/LICENSE.TXT