%global srcname pysteps %if 0%{?rhel} == 7 %define python3_vers python36 %else %define python3_vers python3 %endif Name: python-pysteps Version: 1.5.0 Release: 3 Summary: weather radar data processing License: BSD 3-Clause URL: https://pysteps.github.io/ Source0: %pypi_source BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-devel BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-setuptools BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-wheel BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-numpy BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-Cython BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-numpy BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-scipy BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-matplotlib BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-h5py BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-netcdf4 BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-jsonschema BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-opencv BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-pillow BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-pip BuildRequires: %{python3_vers}-pyproj %description Pysteps is an open-source and community-driven Python library for probabilistic precipitation nowcasting, i.e. short-term ensemble prediction systems. %package -n %{python3_vers}-pysteps Summary: weather radar data processing Requires: %{python3_vers}-numpy Requires: %{python3_vers}-scipy Requires: %{python3_vers}-matplotlib Requires: %{python3_vers}-h5py Requires: %{python3_vers}-netcdf4 Requires: %{python3_vers}-jsonschema Requires: %{python3_vers}-opencv Requires: %{python3_vers}-pillow Requires: %{python3_vers}-pyproj %description -n %{python3_vers}-pysteps Pysteps is an open-source and community-driven Python library for probabilistic precipitation nowcasting, i.e. short-term ensemble prediction systems. %prep %autosetup -n %{srcname}-%{version} %build %py3_build %install %py3_install %check #TODO: needs example data #https://pysteps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/example_data.html #https://github.com/pySTEPS/pysteps-data #{__python3} setup.py test %files -n %{python3_vers}-pysteps %{python3_sitearch}/* %changelog * Tue Sep 27 2022 Daniele Branchini - 1.5.0-3 - Added explicit python3-pip dependency for f36 * Fri Sep 17 2021 Daniele Branchini - 1.5.0-2 - Added explicit python3-wheel dependency for f34 * Mon Aug 23 2021 Emanuele Di Giacomo - 1.5.0-1 - Add new ensemble nowcast model: Lagrangian INtegro-Difference equation model with Autoregression (LINDA) by Pulkkinen et al. (2021) [#221] - Implement the local Lagrangian approach for probabilistic nowcasting by Germann and Zawadzki (2004) [#207] - Refactor the utils.interpolate module [#210] - Implement the max_num_features keyword argument for all methods in the pysteps.feature module [#225] - Fix a bug in utils.spectral.rapsd function causing negative frequency for evenly-sized images [#211] - Fix coordinates of the bounding box in io.importers.import_mrms_grib [#222] * Thu Jan 21 2021 Emanuele Di Giacomo - 1.4.1-1 - Major refactoring of the pysteps.visualization module [#199] - Fix incompatibility that appeared with scipy>=1.6 [#203] - Fix bug introduced in v1.4.0 concerning the usage of the netcdf exporter in pysteps.nowcasts.steps.forecast [#200] - Fix bug in pysteps.utils.cleansing.decluster [#194] * Thu Dec 24 2020 Emanuele Di Giacomo - 1.4.0-1 - Introducing the thunderstorm detection and tracking (DATing) modules [#178] - Introducing the RainFARM (Rebora et al. 2006) module for downscaling precipitation fields [#173] - Introducing the pysteps importers plugins [#174] - Improving the semi-lagrangian extrapolation method [#176] [#191] - Improving pysteps netCDF exporter [#175] - Implementing a more general importer for ODIM-compliant data sources [#171] [#172] - Improving plotting of basemaps [#177] [#180] [#192] * Tue Sep 01 2020 Emanuele Di Giacomo - 1.3.2-1.simc.20200901.gitb5aa2fe - Custom version (waiting for https://github.com/pySTEPS/pysteps/issues/171 fix) * Thu Jun 18 2020 Daniele Branchini - 1.3.1-1 - Initial package