%global commit 47bd718ad1d72fdf842cf244b9a9d9d8cda1f200 %global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7}) %global gitdate 20220214 Name: emawp Version: 3.0.0 Release: 3.git%{gitdate}%{?dist} Summary: EMAWP allows operating on MERA-400 AWP (high-precision arithmetics) numbers License: GPLv2+ URL: https://github.com/jakubfi/emawp Source0: https://github.com/jakubfi/emawp/archive/%{commit}/%{name}-%{shortcommit}.tar.gz BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: cmake >= 3.0.0 Requires: libemawp %description EMAWP allows operating on MERA-400 AWP (high-precision arithmetics) numbers: 32-bit integers 48-bit floating point numbers Package consists of emawp - commandline tool for doing floating point conversions and operations %package -n libemawp Summary: Floating point conversions and operations library for em400 emulator License: GPLv2+ %description -n libemawp Package consists of libemawp %package -n libemawp-devel Summary: Floating point conversions and operations library for em400 emulator License: GPLv2+ %description -n libemawp-devel Package consists of libemawp development headers %prep %autosetup -n %{name}-%{commit} %build %cmake %cmake_build %install %cmake_install %files -n emawp %{_bindir}/emawp %files -n libemawp %{_libdir}/libemawp.so %{_libdir}/libemawp.so.3.0 %files -n libemawp-devel %{_includedir}/emawp.h %{_libdir}/cmake/emawp/*.cmake %changelog * Mon Feb 14 2022 Paweł Marciniak - 3.0.0-3.git20220214 - install library RUNTIME (for windows) - add build actions * Sun Feb 13 2022 Paweł Marciniak - 3.0.0-3.git20220213 - CMake fixes * Sat Dec 11 2021 Paweł Marciniak - 3.0.0-2 - Split into seperate packages * Sat Dec 4 2021 Paweł Marciniak - 3.0.0-1 - Initial build