%define desktop_vendor planetccrma Summary: LinuxSampler GUI front-end Name: qsampler Version: 0.5.6 Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPL Group: Applications/Multimedia URL: http://qsampler.sourceforge.net/qsampler-index.html Source0: http://download.linuxsampler.org/packages/qsampler-%{version}%{?build_svn:-svn%{svnrev}}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) Requires: linuxsampler Requires: hicolor-icon-theme Packager: Fernando Lopez-Lezcano Distribution: Planet CCRMA Vendor: Planet CCRMA BuildRequires: qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-linguist qt5-qtx11extras-devel BuildRequires: libgig-devel liblscp-devel desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: libtool automake autoconf %description QSampler is a LinuxSampler GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt3 toolkit using Qt Designer. At the moment it just wraps as a client reference interface for the LinuxSampler Control Protocol (LSCP). %prep %setup -q if [ -f Makefile.svn ]; then make -f Makefile.svn; fi %build ./autogen.sh %configure --enable-debug # fix location of include file find . -type f -exec grep '' {} \; \ -exec perl -p -i -e "s|||g" {} \; find . -type f -exec grep '\"gig.h\"' {} \; \ -exec perl -p -i -e "s|\"gig.h\"|\"libgig/gig.h\"|g" {} \; %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} %install %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %{__make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications %clean %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc %{_bindir}/qsampler %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/qsampler.png %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/qsampler.svg %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/32x32/mimetypes/application-x-qsampler-session.png %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/mimetypes/application-x-qsampler-session.svg %{_datadir}/mime/packages/qsampler.xml %{_datadir}/metainfo/qsampler.appdata.xml %exclude %{_datadir}/applications/qsampler.desktop %{_mandir}/man1/qsampler.1.gz %{_mandir}/man1/qsampler.fr.1.gz %{_datadir}/qsampler/translations/qsampler_cs.qm %{_datadir}/qsampler/translations/qsampler_ru.qm %{_datadir}/qsampler/translations/qsampler_fr.qm %changelog * Thu Jun 18 2020 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.5.6-1 - update to 0.5.6 * Mon May 20 2019 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.5.5-1 - update to 0.5.5 - remove patch0, no longer needed - add new files to lists * Fri Jul 1 2016 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.4.0-1 - update to latest for fc24 build - add patch to build with new gcc (from Debian) * Fri Dec 12 2014 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.2.3-1 - update to latest version for fc21 build - fix location of include file, add new files to list * Wed May 30 2012 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.2.2-2.svn527 - update to latest svn for fc17 build * Thu Sep 16 2010 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.2.2-2.svn507 - update to latest svn for Fedora 13, fixes segfault on startup * Wed May 19 2010 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - add patch to link with -lX11 for fc13/gcc4.4.4 * Sat Nov 7 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.2.2-1 - updated to 0.2.2 * Tue Jul 8 2008 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.2.1-1 - updated to 0.2.1 - add qmake to the path (otherwise the default is named qmake-qt4 and is not found) * Wed Nov 14 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.1.5-1 - updated to version 0.1.5 - updated desktop categories, ignore original desktop file * Tue Jul 3 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.1.4-1 - updated to 0.1.4 * Wed Dec 6 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.1.3-2 - build for fc6, spec file tweaks * Sun Jul 30 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.1.3-2 - built with libgig support * Tue Jun 20 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.1.3-1 - updated to 0.1.3 - added Planet CCRMA categories to desktop file, moved icon to proper freedesktop location * Wed Jun 29 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.1.2-1 - updated to 0.1.2 * Thu May 26 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.1.0-1 - updated to 0.1.0, made explicit dependency on linuxsampler - added menu entry * Thu Jan 20 2005 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano 0.0.4-1 - initial build.