%global forgeurl https://github.com/SimonN/LixD/ Name: lix Version: 0.10.7 Release: 0.5%{?dist} Summary: A single and multiplaer puzzle game inspired by Lemmings Group: Games and Entertainment # CC0-1.0 for everything, expect "Bitstream Vera and Public Domain" for dejavu-sans fonts License: CC0-1.0 AND (Bitstream Vera and Public Domain) URL: https://www.lixgame.com/ # Add -i -v for detailed information %forgemeta Source: %{forgesource} Source1: lix-dub-deps-local-0.10-20230402.tar.xz # TODO: Add explicit versioning Source2: https://www.lixgame.com/dow/lix-music.zip BuildRequires: ldc dub BuildRequires: pkgconf-pkg-config BuildRequires: enet-devel BuildRequires: allegro5-devel allegro5-addon-acodec-devel allegro5-addon-audio-devel allegro5-addon-image-devel allegro5-addon-ttf-devel # dub uses git client to determine version of dependencies in local cache BuildRequires: git Recommends: lix-music = %{version}-%{release} %description Lix is a puzzle game inspired by Lemmings. Lix is free and open source. Assign skills to guide the lix through over 700 singleplayer puzzles. Design your own levels with the included editor. Attack and defend in real-time multiplayer for 2 to 8 players: Who can save the most lix? %package music Summary: Music for Lix - a single and multiplaer puzzle game inspired by Lemmings # CC0-1.0 for menulix.ogg and minim-mobius/, CC-BY-4.0 for rubix/ License: CC0-1.0 AND CC-BY-4.0 %description music Music for Lix - a single and multiplaer puzzle game inspired by Lemmings. %prep %setup -q -n LixD-%{version} tar xJf %{SOURCE1} unzip %{SOURCE2} %build export DFLAGS="%{_d_optflags}" export DUB_DEPS_LOCAL_PATH=$(pwd)/dub-deps-local dub add-path "$DUB_DEPS_LOCAL_PATH" dub build --nodeps --cache=local -f -b releaseXDG dub remove-path "$DUB_DEPS_LOCAL_PATH" # Needed? #dub clean-caches %install install -Dm 0755 bin/%{name} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{name} install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name} # TODO: can system font be used? cp -ar data/ images/ levels/ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name} cp -ar music/ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name} install -Dm 0644 doc/lix.6 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man6/lix.6 install -Dm 0644 data/images/lix_logo.svg %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/com.lixgame.Lix.svg install -Dm 0644 data/desktop/com.lixgame.Lix.metainfo.xml %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/metainfo/com.lixgame.Lix-metainfo.xml install -Dm 0644 data/desktop/com.lixgame.Lix.desktop %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/com.lixgame.Lix.desktop %files %doc README.md doc/cmdargs.txt doc/history.txt doc/levmaint.txt doc/thanks.txt %license doc/copying.txt %{_bindir}/lix %{_datadir}/lix/data %{_datadir}/lix/images %{_datadir}/lix/levels %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/com.lixgame.Lix.svg %{_datadir}/applications/com.lixgame.Lix.desktop %{_datadir}/metainfo/com.lixgame.Lix-metainfo.xml %{_mandir}/man6/lix.6* %files music %{_datadir}/lix/music %changelog * Sun Apr 02 2023 Marcin Zajaczkowski 0.10.7-0.5 - improve version rule for "Recommends" - remove superfluous "clean" section (as suggested by linter) * Sun Apr 02 2023 Marcin Zajaczkowski 0.10.7-0.4 - generate debuginfo packages * Sun Apr 02 2023 Marcin Zajaczkowski 0.10.7-0.3 - recommended music subpackage - remove duplicated svg icon (3,6MB) * Sun Apr 02 2023 Marcin Zajaczkowski 0.10.7-0.2 - local (offline) dub dependencies * Sat Mar 25 2023 Marcin Zajaczkowski 0.10.7-0.1 - initial package (loosely based on the SUSE version)