# vim: syntax=spec # git_dir_name returns repository name derived from remote Git repository URL Name: libdecsync # pc_version gets the version number from the package config file Version: 2.0.1 # Basic description of the package Summary: library for DecSync # This can be useful later for adding downstream patches Release: 0%{?dist} # License. We assume GPLv2+ here. License: GPLv2+ # Home page of the project. Can also point to the public Git repository page. URL: https://github.com/39aldo39/libdecsync # Detailed information about the source Git repository and the source commit # for the created rpm package VCS: git+https://github.com/theotheroracle/libdecsync.git#2b35e26a807913024bd9f6e4dd7b206bdd4c0750: # git_dir_pack macro places the repository content (the source files) into a tarball # and returns its filename. The tarball will be used to build the rpm. Source: libdecsync-.tar.gz # This is a list of packages required for building the program. BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless BuildRequires: ncurses-compat-libs # More detailed description of the package %description libdecsync is a multiplatform library for synchronizing using DecSync. # The following four sections already describe the rpm build process itself. # prep will extract the tarball defined as Source above and descend into it. %prep %setup -q -n libdecsync- # This will copy the files generated by the `make` command above into # the installable rpm package. %install make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} libdir=%_libdir # This lists all the files that are included in the rpm package and that # are going to be installed into target system where the rpm is installed. %files %_includedir/libdecsync.h %_includedir/libdecsync_api.h %_libdir/libdecsync.so %_datadir/pkgconfig/decsync.pc # Finally, changes from the latest release of your application are generated from # your project's Git history. It will be empty until you make first annotated Git tag. %changelog * Wed Jun 02 2021 Bit 1.9.0-0 Added rpkg build support