# This specfile is licensed under: # # Copyright (C) 2022 Maxwell G # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # License text: https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT.html %bcond libdnf5 %[0%{?fedora} >= 38] Name: fedrq Version: 0.7.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: A tool to query the Fedora and EPEL repositories # - code is GPL-2.0-or-later # - the data and config files in fedrq/data are UNLICENSEed # - Embeded repo defs are MIT. # - PSF-2.0 code copied from Cpython 3.11 for older Python versions License: GPL-2.0-or-later AND Unlicense AND MIT AND PSF-2.0 URL: https://fedrq.gtmx.me %global furl https://git.sr.ht/~gotmax23/fedrq Source0: %{furl}/refs/download/v%{version}/fedrq-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: %{furl}/refs/download/v%{version}/fedrq-%{version}.tar.gz.asc Source2: https://meta.sr.ht/~gotmax23.pgp BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: tomcli+tomlkit BuildRequires: python3-devel # Test deps BuildRequires: createrepo_c BuildRequires: distribution-gpg-keys BuildRequires: python3-argcomplete BuildRequires: python3-dnf %if %{with libdnf5} BuildRequires: python3-libdnf5 BuildRequires: python3-rpm %endif # Manpage BuildRequires: scdoc Requires: (python3-dnf or (python3-libdnf5 and python3-rpm)) Suggests: python3-dnf Requires: distribution-gpg-keys Recommends: fedora-repos-rawhide Recommends: python3-argcomplete # fedrq config --dump Recommends: python3-tomli-w %description fedrq is a tool to query the Fedora and EPEL repositories. %prep %gpgverify -d0 -s1 -k2 %autosetup -p1 # See the comments in pyproject.toml tomcli-set pyproject.toml del tool.flit.external-data tomcli-set pyproject.toml list build-system.requires "flit_core >=3.2,<4" %generate_buildrequires %pyproject_buildrequires -x test %build %py3_shebang_fix contrib/api_examples/*.py %pyproject_wheel scdoc fedrq.1 scdoc fedrq.5 register-python-argcomplete --shell bash fedrq >fedrq.bash register-python-argcomplete --shell fish fedrq >fedrq.fish %install %pyproject_install %pyproject_save_files fedrq install -Dpm 0644 fedrq.1 -t %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/ install -Dpm 0644 fedrq.5 -t %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man5/ install -Dpm 0644 fedrq.bash %{buildroot}%{bash_completions_dir}/fedrq install -Dpm 0644 fedrq.fish %{buildroot}%{fish_completions_dir}/fedrq.fish %check FEDRQ_BACKEND=dnf %pytest -v -m "not no_rpm_mock" %if %{with libdnf5} FEDRQ_BACKEND=libdnf5 %pytest -v -m "not no_rpm_mock" %endif %files -f %{pyproject_files} # Licenses are included in the wheel %license LICENSES/*.txt %doc README.md CONTRIBUTING.md NEWS.md contrib/api_examples %{_bindir}/fedrq* %{bash_completions_dir}/fedrq %{fish_completions_dir}/fedrq.fish %{_mandir}/man1/fedrq.1* %{_mandir}/man5/fedrq.5* %changelog * Wed May 31 2023 Maxwell G - 0.7.1-1 - Update to 0.7.1. * Mon May 29 2023 Maxwell G - 0.7.0-1 - Update to 0.7.0. * Sat Apr 8 2023 Maxwell G - 0.6.0-1 - Update to 0.6.0. * Wed Mar 22 2023 Maxwell G - 0.5.0-1 - Initial import (rhbz#2179593)