Name: tmt Version: 1.20.0 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Test Management Tool License: MIT BuildArch: noarch # Build only on arches where libguestfs (needed by testcloud) is available %{?kernel_arches:ExclusiveArch: %{kernel_arches} noarch} %if 0%{?rhel} >= 9 ExcludeArch: %{power64} %endif URL: Source0:{version}/tmt-%{version}.tar.gz %define workdir_root /var/tmp/tmt # Hint for shebang fixer, otherwise uses /usr/bin/python3 # which can be changed by user %if 0%{?rhel} == 8 %global __python3 /usr/bin/python3.6 %endif # Main tmt package requires the Python module Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} == %{version}-%{release} Requires: git-core rsync sshpass %description The tmt Python module and command line tool implement the test metadata specification (L1 and L2) and allows easy test execution. This package contains the command line tool. %?python_enable_dependency_generator %package -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} Summary: Python library for the %{summary} BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-docutils BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-setuptools BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pytest BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-click BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-fmf >= 1.2.0 BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-requests BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-testcloud >= 0.8.1 BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-markdown BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-junit_xml BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-ruamel-yaml # Only needed for rhel-8 (it has python3.6) %if 0%{?rhel} == 8 BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-typing-extensions BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-dataclasses BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-importlib-metadata %endif # Required for tests BuildRequires: rsync %{?python_provide:%python_provide python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name}} %description -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} The tmt Python module and command line tool implement the test metadata specification (L1 and L2) and allows easy test execution. This package contains the Python 3 module. %package provision-container Summary: Container provisioner for the Test Management Tool Obsoletes: tmt-container < 0.17 Requires: tmt == %{version}-%{release} Requires: podman Requires: (ansible or ansible-collection-containers-podman) %description provision-container Dependencies required to run tests in a container environment. %package provision-virtual Summary: Virtual machine provisioner for the Test Management Tool Obsoletes: tmt-testcloud < 0.17 Requires: tmt == %{version}-%{release} Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-testcloud >= 0.8.1 Requires: libvirt-daemon-config-network Requires: openssh-clients Requires: (ansible or ansible-core) # Recommend qemu system emulators for supported arches %if 0%{?fedora} Recommends: qemu-system-aarch64-core Recommends: qemu-system-ppc-core Recommends: qemu-system-s390x-core Recommends: qemu-system-x86-core %endif %description provision-virtual Dependencies required to run tests in a local virtual machine. %package test-convert Summary: Test import and export dependencies Requires: tmt == %{version}-%{release} Requires: make python3-nitrate python3-html2text python3-markdown Requires: python3-bugzilla %description test-convert Additional dependencies needed for test metadata import and export. %package report-html Summary: Report plugin with support for generating web pages Requires: tmt == %{version}-%{release} Requires: python3-jinja2 %description report-html Generate test results in the html format. Quickly review test output thanks to direct links to output logs. %package report-junit Summary: Report plugin with support for generating JUnit output file Requires: tmt == %{version}-%{release} Requires: python3-junit_xml %description report-junit Generate test results in the JUnit format. %package report-polarion Summary: Report plugin with support for generating Polarion test runs Requires: tmt-report-junit >= %{version} %description report-polarion Generate test results in xUnit format for exporting to Polarion. %package all Summary: Extra dependencies for the Test Management Tool Requires: tmt >= %{version} Requires: tmt-provision-container >= %{version} Requires: tmt-provision-virtual >= %{version} Requires: tmt-test-convert >= %{version} Requires: tmt-report-html >= %{version} Requires: tmt-report-junit >= %{version} Requires: tmt-report-polarion >= %{version} %description all All extra dependencies of the Test Management Tool. Install this package to have all available plugins ready for testing. %prep %autosetup %build %py3_build %install %py3_install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1 mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/bash_completion.d/ install -pm 644 tmt.1* %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1 install -pm 644 bin/complete %{buildroot}/etc/bash_completion.d/tmt mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{workdir_root} chmod 1777 %{buildroot}%{workdir_root} %check %{__python3} -m pytest -vv -m 'not web' --ignore=tests/integration %{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc} %files %{_mandir}/man1/* %{_bindir}/%{name} %doc README.rst examples %license LICENSE /etc/bash_completion.d/tmt %files -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{name} %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/ %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}-*.egg-info/ %license LICENSE %dir %{workdir_root} %exclude %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/steps/provision/{,__pycache__/}{podman,testcloud}.* %exclude %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/steps/report/{,__pycache__/}html* %exclude %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/steps/report/{,__pycache__/}junit.* %exclude %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/steps/report/{,__pycache__/}polarion.* %files provision-container %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/steps/provision/{,__pycache__/}podman.* %files provision-virtual %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/steps/provision/{,__pycache__/}testcloud.* %files report-html %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/steps/report/{,__pycache__/}html* %files report-junit %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/steps/report/{,__pycache__/}junit.* %files report-polarion %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/steps/report/{,__pycache__/}polarion.* %files test-convert %license LICENSE %files all %license LICENSE %changelog * Thu Dec 08 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.20.0-1 - Do not prune `html` and `junit` reports - Skip extending fmf context if cli context missing - Connect needs is_ready property as well - Cover with pre-commit Python checks - Do not leak "private" fields into export - Set guest hostname in testcloud provision - Capture provision error when login is used - Support `TMT_WORKDIR_ROOT` environment variable - Support step data definitions carrying CLI options - Adds flake8 coverage for bin/ directory - Prune irrelevant files during the `finish` step - Add junit plugin schema - Support to import empty key from Makefile - Deleting unsed and duplicite part of finish step - Support absolute paths in HTML reports - Capture exceptions when getting `image_url` - Enable verbose output for `provision` & `prepare` - Add support for Artemis v0.0.47 upcoming release - Remove unused variables - Initial support for passing ssh options from cli - Update specification of the `where` multihost key - Add a simple test demonstrating the upgrade testing - Use custom subclass of click.Context for better annotations - Extend the `duration` for tests using containers - Change common class constructors to use keyword arguments only - Make packit build with the next version - Add basic test coverage for `tmt story export` - Fix export of the story `priority` field - Read source from correct directory if ref is used * Wed Nov 09 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.19.0-1 - Protect args in rsync call - Set tree root for the default plan tree as well - Properly set the `tmt` script shebang on `rhel-8` - Use image exists to check for container image - Updates docs with example on `adjust` & `prepare+` - Fix test duration enforcement - Skip missing debuginfo packages in `recommend` - Explicitly document extending the plan environment - Fix ownership of a tmp directory propagated to container - Support fetching remote repo for `shell` discover - Fix default `framework`, remove old execution methods - Add support for Artemis v0.0.46 upcoming release - Handle an fmf fetch error in remote plan clone - Do not truncate `RunError` output in verbose mode - Warn user about data erasing after prepare step - Formalize `data` package passed to the `Result` class - Change order of plugin and guest classes in files - Add `compatible` as a new hardware specification key - Add `tpm` as a new hardware specification key - Move the hardware specification into a separate page - Improve fmf-id processing - Add test for TTY state in test environment - Login after each test using the `--test` parameter - Mention version where important features were added - Handle dist-git-sources for gitlab - Fix getting CentOS via --how virtual - Capture uncaught exceptions when using testcloud - Update the overview of essential classes - When following command line --how, do not iterate over step data - Convert utils' Run unit tests to class-less tests - Enable variable expansion for dynamic references - Support beaker libraries as recommended packages - Add `SpecBasedContainer.to_minimal_spec()` method (#1637) - Enable context based plan parametrization - Coverage for tests defined under `` - Fix `/tests/run/shell` access permission problem - Add step data classes for provisioning and report - Adjust support for the dynamic `ref` evaluation - Add support for dynamic `ref` evaluation - Add a test for fmf id parsing and normalization - Fix NO_COLOR not being honored by executed command output - Moves common command options into one place - Log full chain of exceptions, not just the first cause - Drop deprecated PluginIndex - Add message to failure tags in junit report - Update the pip installation plan - Remove pointless reimport of tmt.base in discover steps - Do not use f-string as a docstring - Fix use of variable before assignment in `Plan.go` - Fix variable redefinition in `discover/` - Fix guest distro detection, do not throw results away - Fix a typo in `cpu.sockets` hardware requirement - Make links relative for report html - Review all uses of `type: ignore` and link relevant issues - Enhance ClickOptionDecorator type to announce identity - Update `/tests/execute/upgrade/override` duration - Review all uses of `Any` and link relevant issues - Annotate all `cast()` calls with respective issues - Move the `Result` class into a separate file - Unblock mypy's follow-import setting - Use set comprehension instead of list-in-set sequence - Use `enumerate()` instead of `range(len())` - Use dict comprehension instead of tuple-in-list-in-dict - Replace two more list comprehensions with generators - Replace GeneralError's "origin" with Python's "raise from" - Fix normalization of the `Plan.context` key - Adds a missing import to polarion plugin - Update all linters to their most recent versions - Define CPU HW components with more granularity - Adjust the support for importing remote plans - Add import plan feature and tests - Add type annotations to `` - Fix test depending on ordering of elements in junit XML - Adds type annotations to `tmt` itself - Remove custom yet same implementation of step's show() - Make sure `repo_copy` is gone before `make srpm` * Mon Oct 10 2022 Petr Šplíchal - 1.18.0-1 - Fix recommended packages handling for rpm-ostree - Add EFI configuration to the `tmt-reboot` script - Fix adjust for precommit test - Fix provision for coreos image - Emit only non-default keys when constructing a test from `execute` - Add flake8 config file for easier integration with IDEs - Multiple scripts for CLI prepare -h shell - Allow mypy to cover the whole tmt.plugins and tmt.steps - Add typing for `steps/execute/` - Fix name & default value of polarion's upload field - Fixes enhancing of environment by local's guest implementation - Ignore plan -n when searching for upgrade path - Document & correct use of class conversion methods - Print fmf tree location when schema unit test fails - Custom results implementation - Refactors internal link handling and storage - Allow mypy to cover whole tmt.steps.prepare - Add typing for `steps/execute/` - Use workdir with safe names without special chars - Adjust support for installing remote packages - Support to install package from URL - Make sure short option '-x' is covered - Add Polarion as a source for test case import - Print path to the used ssh identity - Add typing for `steps/prepare/` - Use generator instead of list comprehension with any/all - Fixes handling of default of --key in connect plugin - Update test data for the debuginfo install test - Add a helper for importing a member from a module - Fix plan schema to allow custom context dimensions - Allow mypy to cover whole - Remove support for the obsoleted `detach` executor - Add typing for `steps/discover/` - Fix importing for pylero - Allow mypy to cover whole tmt.steps.provision - Replace blank "type: ignore" with more specific waivers - Use the `SerializableContainer` for plugins' data - Enhance SerializableContainer with default key value inspection - Moves validation and normalization mixins to utils * Mon Sep 05 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.17.0-1 - Unify Polarion case searching - Error out if reboot timeout is exceeded - Initialize workdir thread-safe - Add support for remote playbooks in prepare - Add plan schema for errata and minute plugins - Correct rhts command names in stories file - Print escaped command suitable for manual debugging - Fix report plugin not getting arguments from fmf file - Less eager to disable nitrate case during export - Move `tag` and `tier` to common core attributes - Use `/bin/bash` instead of `/bin/sh` for execute - Reorder step and their base plugin classes - Fix prepare/multihost docs to match implementation - Teach schema validation tests to peek into other trees - Clarify motivation for creating `id` during export - Add link-polarion option and fix link searching bug - Ignore race in last-run symlink creation - Fix polarion tcmscaseid search - Force order of clean operations - Convert status/clean argument to option - Report enabled plans/tests/stories via option - Hint user if 'tmt init' creates nested root - Require `libvirt-daemon-config-network` as well - Add type annotation for /steps/prepare/ - Encapsulate created file within script's dataclass - Adds normalization layer to base classes based on fmf - Fixes data class used for local guest creation - Fixes Artemis guest data class link - Making tests/full more usable - Add typing for tmt/steps/provision/ - Add typing for tmt/steps/provision/ - Add typing for tmt/steps/provision/ - Remove unused keys parameter from wake() methods - Adds types describing tmt constructs when as stored in raw fmf data - Typing /steps/provision/ - Allow raising an exception on validation errors - Inject logger object to base node classes inheritance - Fixes use of SSH keys in testcloud and connect plugins - Annotate tmt.steps.provision - Ask mypy to show error codes in its messages - Testcloud expects disk and memory to be int - Do not inherit classes from object - Use keyword-only init in base fmf-backed classes - Use decorator to register plugin methods - Demonstrate inheritance on a virtual test example - Add a simple hint how to write user messages - Add typing for `steps/finish/` - Remove unneeded parameters for step load/save (#1428) - Normalize step data to be always stored a list internally - Display test/plan/story name in parametrized schema tests - Allow numbers and booleans to be values of environment - Give a reasonable error for old data format - Add typing for tmt/steps/finish/ - add typing for steps/discover/ - Adds a fmf node validation layer to core classes (Test/Plan/Story) - Add missing keys `role` and `where` to schemas - Extend plan schema with all known step plugin schemas - Correcting rhts aliases & adding rhts opt. - Adds a generic "wait for condition" primitive - Disallow push/pull/execute if guest is unavailable - Rename "default how" step attribute to enhance its visibility - Use textwrap.dedent() to unindent docstrings * Wed Aug 03 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.16.0-1 - Reboot has to check for boot time - Fix path inside pre-commit test - Cut circular dependency of libraries - Update 'Develop' section of contribution docs - Precommit hooks to call tmt * lint - Schema loading helpers - Package schemas in subdirectories too - Implement reboot reconnect timeout configuration - Add missing report specifications/docs - Print result for execute -v - Correct import assumption about script - Ask mypy to check whole package - Fixing the directory name escaping in 'cd' command - Add polarion report plugin - Add schemas for plans - Write extra-nitrate as soon as possible - Retry git clone without --depth=1 if it failed - Support to lint attribute 'id' - Do not apply test command filter in upgrade - Fix typing issues - Refactor location and signature of Phase's go() method - Simplify abort handling - Backwards compatibility for rstrnt-abort - Add type annotations for tmt/ - Add typing for tmt/ - add typing for steps/discover/ - Convert guest implementations to use serializable container for load/save - Detect plugins by entry_point as well - Add typing for `steps/execute/` - Add typing for `tmt/` - Remove duplicated dist-git-source/dist-git-type - Add typing for `steps/report/` - Add typing for `steps/report/` - add typing for steps/report/ - Add typing for steps/report/ - tmt-file-submit is a bash script - Add type annotations for tmt/ - Backwards compatibility for `rstrnt-report-log` - Support conditional requires with `pip` as well - Remove duplicated short option in tmt lint - Adjust the `rstrnt-report-result` implementation - Backwards compatibility for `rstrnt-report-result` - Set the `1777` permision for `/var/tmp/tmt` - Adjust the fix for the `rpm-ostree` intallation - Fix package installation using `rpm-ostree` - Handle empty fmf file as an empty dictionary - Fix distgit testsuite after tmt packaging change * Sat Jul 02 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.15.0-1 - Require fresh testcloud with coreos support - Bad substitution in tmt-reboot - Ignore "certificate verify failed" error when handling retries - Cache content of each loaded environment file - Initial polarion support for test export - Fixes names of Artemis API versions - Convert FmfIdType from TypedDict to a dataclass - Add CoreOS support to the testcloud provision - Run containers with root user - Retry getting environment file - Test import --general is default now - Add typing for steps/finish/ - Enhance tmt.utils.retry_session with timeout support - Adjust the `rpm-ostree` install implementation - Add support for the `rpm-ostree` package manager - Add `environment-file` to possible Plan keys - Avoid Library url conflict if repo doesn't exist - Check changes are pushed before export nitrate - Add typing for - Unbundle template from the report.html plugin - Rename `uuid` to `identifier` to prevent conflicts - Use `must` for all mandatory spec requirements - Fail import for packages starting with minus sign - Adds support for newer Artemis API versions - Disable the extra verbose progress in testcloud - Refactor internal executor scripts - Adds "missing" imports to help IDEs follow objects - Add typing for steps/ - Implement the test `result` attribute - Add typing for plugins/ - Detect legacy relevancy during import as well - Implement the new user story key `priority` - Implement new class `SerializableContainer` - Add schema for stories - Add typing for steps/prepare/ - Add typing for steps/prepare/ - Require fmf >= 1.1.0 (we need validation support) - Package fmf root into the source tarball as well - Add JSON Schema for tests - Exclude namespaced backup in beakerlib - Use --depth=1 when cloning git repos by default - Handle missing nitrate user during export - Removes unused GuestContainer.container_id attribute - Every subpackage must require the main tmt package - Introduce dataclasses as a requirement - Avoid re-using image/instance for different values by testcloud plugin - Add typing for - Except nitrate xmlrpc issues during import - Exclude beakerlib's backup dir from guest.pull() - Increase `duration` for the reboot-related tests - Several release-related tests and docs adjustments * Mon Jun 06 2022 Petr Šplíchal - 1.14.0-1 - Command 'tmt clean' should not run rsync at all - Dist-git-source for Discover (fmf, shell) - Adjust the new `id` key implementation - Add a new core key `id` for unique identifiers - Recommend qemu emulators for other architectures - Copy the whole git repo only if necessary - Reveal hidden errors during `testcloud` booting - Use time for timeout handling in Guest.reconnect() - Split `Guest` class to separate SSH-capable guests - Explicitly set the docs language in the config - Kill the running test when rebooting - Extend the reboot timeout to allow system upgrades - Allow selecting tasks directly from upgrade config - Adjust the new `upgrade` execute plugin - Allow specifying command for reboot - Implement upgrade execute plugin - Buildrequire python3-docutils, append plan adjust - Implement `tmt tests export --nitrate --link-runs` - Detect component from general plan during import - Adjust the support for steps in standalone mode - Add results method to ExecutePlugin - Implement a common ancestor for Action and Plugin - Allow abstractly excluding steps from runs - Correctly handle tests --name '.' shortcut - Rename WorkdirType to WorkdirArgumentType - Fix workdir parameter type for tmt.utils.Common - Allows importing jira issues as link-relates - Enables mypy coverage for empty-ish Python files - Adds type annotations to tmt.templates - Prevent infinite recursion if --id is set - Enable mypy check for Artemis provision plugin - Adjust provision dry mode propagation, add a test - Introduce new _options attribute to Common class - Add specification for remote plans referencing - Bootstrap type annotations - Execute script should not be used with discover - Add the `arch` key to the hardware specification - Fix pip install instructions - Disable network access when building in copr - Ignore list for dist-git-source - Remove the obsoleted `detach` execute method - Fix login during `execute` and `prepare` step - Import from Makefile with missing build target * Mon May 02 2022 Petr Šplíchal - 1.13.0-1 - Add multiarch support to testcloud provision - Consistent summary for test export --nitrate - Allow dry mode for tests export --nitrate - Add a nice provisioning progress to Artemis plugin - Add support for the `where` keyword to `execute` - Adjust support for export of multiple tests - Add support for exporting multiple tests - Basic multihost test for the httpd web server - Update multihost specification with guest groups - Add a provision plugin for Artemis - Fix exclude option in fmf discover - Reduce the number of execute calls for reboot - Add support for reboot in interactive mode * Mon Apr 04 2022 Petr Šplíchal - 1.12.0-1 - Add a command to setup shell completions - Use /tmp instead of /run/user/ if not available - Use separate examples in the test specification - Add more story examples, simplify examples export - Story.example can hold list of strings - Fix traceback when connect plugin is used without hostname. - Adjust disabled shell expansion in - Disable shell expansion in by default - Build `epel9` packages, update install docs - Adjust the full test wrapper and document it - Test which compiles tmt and runs its testsuite - Add --exclude search option - Correct regex for require read from metadata file - Update document for creating virtual environment - Option to export fmf-id from run discover -h fmf - Allow import from restraint's metadata file (#1043) - Do not disable building for power arch on Fedora - Update documentation for plan parametrization - Make .vscode ignored by git - Drops basestring and unicode built-ins from utils - Fix timeout behaviour in testcloud plugin - Fixes possible test of None-ish CWD when running a command - Remove workdir only when its defined - Adjust the new `tmt plan export` feature - New feature: tmt plan export * Wed Mar 02 2022 Petr Šplíchal - 1.11.0-1 - Prevent koji build failures on unsupported arches - Check remote git URL if it is accessible - Implement a generic `requires` for all plugins - Run commands in podman provision via bash - Adjust implementation of the new `order` attribute - Implement the Core attribute `order` - Fix link generation in report.html - Improve step name handling - Enable shared volume mounts in podman provision - Add support for multihost provision and prepare - Adjust the dnf support for rsync install - Add dnf support for rsync install - Update links and refs after migration to `teemtee` - Track output for reboot purposes on per-test basis - Fix test --name '.' used with multiple plans - Tweak test suite (duration, centos:8, datadir) - Use `os.pathsep` to separate `TMT_PLUGINS` paths (#1049) - Document framework:shell exit codes - Add `html2text` to the `convert` pip dependencies * Tue Feb 01 2022 Lukáš Zachar - 1.10.0-1 - Make reboot support a bit more backward compatible - Ensure that workdir has a correct selinux context - Use `centos:stream8` image instead of `centos:8` - Disable X11 forwarding in ssh connections - Fix traceback for login after last report - Use `TMT_TEST_DATA` as location for `rlFileSubmit` - Implement variables for storing logs and artifacts - Adjust rsync installation on read-only distros - Handle rsync installation on read-only distros - Add hardware specification for hostname - Correctly import multiple bugs from Makefile - Remove dependency on the `python3-mock` package - Adjust linting of manual test files - Check Markdown files in tmt lint if `manual=True` - Adjust pulling logs from the guest during finish - Add guest.pull() to the finish step - Update virtualization hints for session connection - Improve error message for empty git repositories - Minor modification of test result specification - Use `where` instead of `on` in the multihost spec - Clarify that `path` is defined from the tree root - Adjust ansible requires for containers preparation - Move the reboot scripts to a read/write directory - Ignore read/only file systems reboot script errors - Require either ansible or ansible-core - Set the `TMT_TREE` variable during test execution - Clarify that 'until' means until and including - Update test debugging examples with --force option - Add `bios.method` to hardware spec - Improve environment variables specification a bit - Adjust the ssh connection multiplexing - Add support for ssh multiplexing * Tue Nov 30 2021 Petr Šplíchal - 1.9.0-1 - Improve testcloud/virtual provider docs - Disable UseDNS, GSSAPI for faster SSH in testcloud - Use `extra-args` attr for ansible-playbook - Fix el7 provision in testcloud user session - Adjust the instructions for migrating from STI - Document how to migrate tests from STI to tmt - Allow to pick objects by --link - Generate ecdsa key in testcloud - Simplify plugin keys handling in wake() and show() - Add support for Beakerlib's rlFileSubmit - Revert requiring exact beakerlib version - Dist git source can contain multiple files - Symlink worktree for discovered shell tests - Read environment variables from options only once - Correctly handle empty environment files - Use distro values from context for dist-git type - Make tests --name to just prune discovered tests - Enable duplicate test names and preserve ordering - Require beakerlib-1.28 for beakerlib tests - Adjust the dist git source discover implementation - Discover tmt tests from sources - Reenable plans/install/docs - Correct the `playbook` attribute in the spec (#948) - Ansible plugin for Finish step - Thread processing of executed commands inside tmt - Adjust `tmt test lint` test for old yaml format - Canonical name for centos-stream in dimension - Remove obsoleted conditionals from the spec file - Use a fresh sphinx when building the readthedocs - Allow to specify session type (system/session) - Package tmt.plugins to store arbitrary plugins - Ignore ssh connection closed during reboot - Improve error message for the missing step name - Document how to integrate tests with other tools - Use the recommended format of the copyright notice - Update notes about the release process - Update the hardware specification with new keys * Thu Sep 30 2021 Lukáš Zachar - 1.8.0-1 - Add support for reboot in a reused provision - Solve the reboot race condition - Adjust the current git remote improvement - Use current git remote for url in fmf-id - Implement option to exit after first failure - Clarify and update spec for the discover step - Adjust the multihost test specification - Add the multihost testing specification - Make run --force behave more expectably - Increase duration for tests using containers - Rename soon-to-be deprecated resultcallback - Remove the minute.obsolete provision plugin - Document how to create a new minor/major release - Explicitly mention '.' as special value for names - Add Github Action for PyPI releases - Improve fetching remote environment files - Adjust the check for rsync before pull and push - Install `rsync` before guest.pull() - Second chapter of the Guide: Under The Hood - Simplify the search for step method options - Produce better errors for unsupported plugins - Add more ignored files, categorize gitignore more - Extend .gitignore with a few more common patterns - Export fields of a case should be checked by lint - Adjust the bugzilla support in test export - Test export can link case to bugzilla - Document the support for `open` key in html report - Allow html report to be opened by plan - Require essential packages for tmt testing - Skip the docs test until the Sphinx issue is fixed * Wed Aug 18 2021 Petr Šplíchal - 1.7.0-1 - Adjust support for exporting test fmf identifiers - Add --fmf-id option for tests export - Fix regression in image listing - Update hardware spec with units and current status - Adjust the reboot support in the internal executor - Add support for reboot to internal executor - Always try to save guest details - Give hints about available report methods - Handle libvirt exceptions correctly - Handle FileNotFoundError when running commands - Adjust framework detection during test import - Detect test framework during test import - Adjust the reboot command test, minor enhancements - Adjust reboot command implementation - Implement the reboot class and subcommand - Adjust the improved login step selection - Login after last done step without --step option - Adjust default shell options implementation a bit - Make multiline shell scripts fail on error - Ensure environment files are within metadata tree - Add pycharm .idea to .gitignore - Ensure environment-file paths are only relative - Adjust the 'environment-file' implementation - Implement the 'environment-file' option - Mention required packages on the Contribute page - Migrate to ruamel.yaml - Adjust tmt lint implementation - Add tmt lint command - Do not expand the process environment variables - Adjust legacy match to cover both rhel and centos - Guess pci/net when libguestfs python is missing - Add timestamp to the tmt debug output - Restart sshd on EL8 to prevent delays after boot - Support systemd-networkd systems without nm too - Testcloud: Use cache='unsafe' for a nice IO boost - Check invalid attributes in plans with lint - Require correct testcloud version in - Adjust the support for plan parametrization - Implement plan parametrization from environment - Deprecation timing, mention vagrant box support - Fix exit code for tmt story lint - Require testcloud with the url guessing support - Use testcloud for image url guessing - Update the RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 install instructions - Accept more ssh keys in the API - Require a full path for local images in testcloud - Adjust the conversion of Makefile types to tags - Convert Type from Beaker Makefile into tags - Make sure pip is available for integration testing - Disable the white space test for container/virtual - Use IdentitiesOnly=yes when key or password is set * Wed Jun 02 2021 Petr Šplíchal - 1.6.0-1 - Adjust the new plugin documentation - Add plugin examples and documentation - Ensure that the discover git reference is a string - Report plugin for JUnit output - Fix issue when raising error for NoneType - Print better error when nitrate testcase not found. - Use `count=True` for multiple flag options - Add option to explicitly use default plan - Adjust debuginfo installation, add test coverage - Use debuginfo-install for installing debuginfos - Update the documentation based on refactoring - Implement tmt story lint - Refactor Node class to Core - Correctly handle spaces in file/directory names - Hand over plan environment during local execution - Do not execute manual test cases - Fix option handling for plugins with common prefix - Propagate options to guests based on the step - Support fetching libraries from a local directory - Add a simple example of a test written in ansible - Pass environment variables to ansible (local) - Pass environment variables to ansible (virtual) - Adjust warning for extra lines in Makefile targets - Add test import warning for run and build targets - Enable a few more pre-commit hooks, sort imports - Give a warning about the obsoleted minute plugin - Clarify adjust dependency on explicit context - Fix the EPEL installation instructions - Adjust the new list options for the minute plugin - New print method, used now in minute plugin - Implement listing available minute images/flavors - Update default option values for verbose and debug - Avoid creating workdir on --help - Do not keep run workdir during testing - Clean up the code style, remove the vagrant plugin * Fri Apr 30 2021 Petr Šplíchal - 1.5.0-1 - Enable and document `pre-commit` and `autopep8` - Reorganize feature stories, fix title duplication - Prepare/install story for package development. - Add package preparation scenarios from Fedora CI - Prepare/install story for released packages - Add new stories related to package preparation - Fix login not working for cloud images - Work around a seccomp podman issue on centos-8 - Tag multihost tests during import from Makefile - Adjust the simple test for ansible prepare - Remove hardcoded ansible_python_interpreter=auto - Fix lint and use it on the tmt repo itself - Obsolete the minute provision plugin - Update the documentation for contributors - Do not assert installed packages for recommend - Show link to the full debug log in the html report - Implement tmt clean command - Require a newer fmf which supports storing data - Allow to specify port in provision.connect - Surround classes and functions with 2 blank lines - Fix order of imports, sort them alphabetically - Update the provision step hardware specification - Fix tmt plan lint for multiple configurations - Add tmt status examples section - Add a context adjust example for the prepare step - Adjust the git suffix stripping for known forges - Strip git suffix from pagure/gitlab/github repos - Enable install plans for pull request testing - Adjust the essential attributes description - Document the essential class attributes - Improve the prepare step documentation - Correctly convert relevancy with the `!=` operator - Print note in report.html if it exists - Add note about error for beakerlib results - Adjust progress bar for the internal executor - Add test progress bar to non-verbose mode - Adjust the attribute linting for tests - Lint attribute names for test - Human friendly names for VMs * Tue Apr 06 2021 Petr Šplíchal - 1.4.0-1 - Create a copy of nitrate testplans for iteration - Check the rsync as the first preparation step - Use an empty worktree if no metadata tree found - Adjust manual test instructions export to nitrate - Export manual test case fields to nitrate - Adjust the worktree implementation and test - Implement shared worktree for the tests - Adjust the improved verdict implementation - Correct the verdict function, align docstring - Print final image name in minute plugin - Adjust the improved plan linting a bit - Improve plan linting - Implement port in Guest, show in verbose mode - Use qemu user mode in the testcloud provision - Support excluding packages during installation - Support enabling/disabling plans and stories - Do not link and remove general plans by default - Improve general plans handling during test export - Match by name prefix in discover.modified-only - Passthrough non-zero exits for beakerlib execution - Adjust the dry mode implementation for tmt init - Implement dry mode for the tmt init command - Do not use the spec release for the pip version - Simplify story, plan and test search methods - Do not use mutable objects as default arguments - Prevent duplicate content in generated docs - Ignore the nitrate migration warning during import - Better summary for new exported tests - Adjust exception handling in the testcloud plugin - Make the testcloud ProvisionError more verbose - Use IPv6 enabled 1MT network by default - Improve debugging of tests using click runner - Fix step selection for --before and --after - Adjust the prepare test and pull/push enhancements - Add prepare/shell test and pull/push enhancements - Test filter on command line overrides config - Improve handling of verbose and debug options - Verify automated test case import from nitrate - Enable copr repo even if no package is provided - Improve documentation of tests, plans and stories - Use fmf to store the newly created nitrate case id - Adjust the hint about increasing the test duration - Add hint to stdout in case of timeout - Catch all exceptions when evaluating --condition - Fix missing overview on the site - Adjust style of the new nitrate integration test - Nitrate integration testsuite with requre - Always enable force mode for display/html report - Improve documentation, clearly show draft stories - Test filter on command line overrides config - Print unofficial attributes in tmt tests show -vv - Adjust dry mode fix for test/plan/story create - Implement dry mode for tmt test/plan/story create - Support NO_COLOR to disable colored output - Add test duration to `results.yaml` - Adjust checking for duplicates during test export - Prevent creating duplicate test cases in Nitrate - Use singular for 'gate' as defined in the spec - Fix gates conversion & drop artifacts - Adjust a bit the shell completion instructions - Describe how to enable shell completions - Extend the duration test to cover positive results - Detect timeout for Beakerlib, use TESTRESULT_STATE - Improve tmt test path linting - Clarify playbook path for ansible prepare plugin - Adjust warning about the invalid disabled step - Only warn on invalid disabled step - Use date-service to get correct instantiation time - Prevent keys mutation when searching plans/stories - Cache fmf_id property - Store relevant bugs during test import - Avoid mutating `keys` default in .tests() - Use the new execute method syntax for tmt tests - Clean up obsolete test metadata * Thu Feb 25 2021 Petr Šplíchal - 1.3.1-1 - Add test for prepare freeze - Make file descriptors non-blocking - Update the specification and stories to use link - Implement the new core attribute 'link' * Tue Feb 23 2021 Petr Šplíchal - 1.3.0-1 - Set timeout on select calls in utils._run() - Show the current tmt version in the debug log - Revert support for the 'el' distro shortcut - Strip whitespace before relevancy comment - Ensure rsync is installed on the guest if needed - Use the default branch in the discover fmf plugin - Suport the 'el' shortcut for the distro context - Implement the 'tmt --version' option [fix #445] - Adjust test create test, fix missing dots - Support creating tests in the current directory - Rename container images, update install docs - Fixup Dockerfiles to build in - Support building mini and full tmt container image - Add a Dockerfile for container with tmt - Fix dependency error messages - Use a better trigger name for source code changes - Add a new 'Check Report' section to examples - Add the --force explanation in the documentation - Extend the test coverage to check for active runs - Add basic test coverage for tmt status - Restore context after processing each run - Correctly handle an undefined step status - Load default plan when no root is present - Implement tmt status command - Define command-line interface for status command - Print library in error message during ref conflict - Adjust the default branch handling for libraries - Handle default branch in Library - Adjust test duration, clean up old test metadata - Improve timeout handling (fix an infinite loop) - Adjust default timeout in the testcloud provision - Remove obsolete unit test coverage for steps - Adjust the filtering support, fix docs building - Allow filtering using custom L1 metadata - Allow filtering with lowercase bool names - Handle exceptions when applying filters and conditions - Share code for filters & conditions, test coverage - Apply filters after applying defaults and conversions - Fix IPv4 parsing when booting minute machine - Remove all hacks for the old cruncher executor - Remove the whole rhts-lint line during test import - Remove the old convert test from unit tests - Adjust contact handling to work with manual tests - Fix contacts without name during tmt test import - Finalize the specification of the 'link' attribute - Add specification of the new core attribute 'link' - Enough of dreaming, let's go to the forest! :) - Update the overview of core classes, minor cleanup - Add missing required packages for pip install - Implement tmt run --follow option for checking log - Extra check for required packages when using yum - Clean up obsolete names in examples and templates - Update the test checking for relevancy conversion - Adjust storing test case id for new nitrate cases - Append nitrate id when exporting instead of rewrite - Skip prereserve check if custom flavor requested - Use special compare operators only if minor given - Adjust support for selecting modified tests - Allow selecting only tests that have changed in git - Remove the duplicate build job from packit config - Verify the old beakerlib functions using Makefile - Enable debug output using the TMT_DEBUG variable * Fri Dec 11 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 1.2.1-1 - Manual state for manual nitrate tests - Define framework for all beakerlib libraries tests - Remove the remaining test case relevancy leftovers * Wed Dec 09 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 1.2-1 - Minor adjustment of the beakerlib test template - Adjust the new test checking the error output - Print errors to stderr - Fix check for selecting plans during tmt run - Update test coverage, fix finish step example - Update spec/stories implementation coverage - Skip import of manual cases with script - Import header and footer from Nitrate - Implement conversion between relevancy and adjust - Support short options for selecting tests & plans - Document the display and html report in the spec - Explain the difference between fmf and tmt - Fix the last missing framework in library tests - Adjust the docs update and title implementation - Implement a new story attribute 'title' (L3) - Small documentation cleanup - Simplify plan setup, move old plans to examples - Store the whole debug log in the top run directory - Add test for pip installability - Add a new plan to cover minimal installation - Move html report plugin into a separate subpackage - Use 'output.txt' filename for the main test output - Update required fmf version in - Improve the css style for the html report - Fix blocking read in - Adjust a bit the improved html report - Improve report-html --open - Implement adjusting metadata based on the context - Adjust the new 'html' report method - New report --how html available - Adjust environment import from Makefile metadata - Import environment from Makefile metadata - Update old beakerlib paths during tmt test import - Adjust a little bit the user story templates - Support libraries stored deep in the repositories - Enable the new coverage stories section in docs - First stories to cover tests coverage mapping - Recommend using login shell in libvirt hints - Use nitrate naming for the manual field export - Export manual attribute to nitrate - Store complete initialized data in metadata.yaml - Merge the improved minute error messages [#425] - Adjust a bit the minute provision error messages - Handle testcloud problem with the images directory - Handle tracebacks in minute provision - Multiple enhancements for package preparation - Gracefully handle invalid library reference * Thu Oct 22 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 1.1-1 - Convert adds extra-summary as well - Simplify test directory copy with enabled symlinks - Select latest minute image only from released images - Allow specifying exact RHEL version using a short name - Preserve symlinks during discover, pull and push - Always run Login plugin even if step is done - Suggest some useful aliases for common use cases - Correct type of Tier attribute in examples - Define basic hardware environment specification - Import manual data for automated tests - Tag tests which can be run under container/virtual - Give hints to install provision plugins [fix #405] - Handle nicely missing library metadata [fix #397] - Update the test data directory name in the spec - Extend duration for tests using virtualization - Use a better name for the test data path method - Provide aggregated test metadata for execution - Send warnings to stderr, introduce a fail() method * Wed Oct 07 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 1.0-1 - Correctly handle framework for new plans and tests - Move adjustments into a single function - Add the executable permission to - Less strict removing sourcing of rhts-environment - Use metadata directory as the default for path - Implement the new L1 attribute 'framework' - Explicitly enable copr_build for pull requests - Handle missing library in existing repository - Update the overall tmt description and examples - Enable builds from master in the main copr repo - Merge packit config for copr builds from master - Use packit repository for copr builds from master - Gracefully handle invalid test output - Build in COPR for master via packit - Add hint about caching the dnf package metadata - Add two hints about easy login for experimenting - Merge debug messages for the minute plugin [#361] - Adjust the minute provision debug messages wording - Use the internal tmt executor by default - Add more debug messages to minute provision - Remove the remaining 'tmt test convert' references - Prevent shebang mangling for detached executor - Merge the minute and install plugin docs [#345] - Adjust the minute and install plugin documentation - Merge the manual test import documentation [#347] - Adjust the manual test documentation wording - Merge rhts-environment source line removal [#344] - Adjust rhts-environment source line removal - Add missing extra-* keys to the test import - Add docs for manual case import - Disable authentication when fetching libraries - Document the install prepare method - Document the minute provision method - Remove sourcing of rhts-environment in - Add minute to supported provision methods of prepare * Mon Sep 07 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.21-1 - Adjust manual test case import from nitrate [#319] - Move the test convert deps into a separate package - Support importing manual test cases from Nitrate - Merge the non-zero exit codes for linting errors - Fix several test export issues [fix #337] - Adjust distro checks, remove the dry parameter - Generalized Guest.details() [fix #310] - Adjust the test coverage for tmt plan/test lint - Update documentation with virtualization tips - Make sure the duration timer is always canceled - Merge the new retry_session functionality [#328] - Exit with non-zero code if linting fails - Merge fix for the double fmf extension [#327] - Prevent koji from trying to build packages on i686 - Retry requests in case of network failure - Avoid double fmf extension when creating plans and stories - Improve the maximum test duration handling - Remove vagrant from tmt-all recommended packages - Detect beakerlib libraries from recommend as well - Simplify packit custom create archive command - Make the httpd test example a bit more interesting - Append dots to fix tmt run --help message summary - Document multiple configs and extending steps * Tue Jul 28 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.20-1 - Move libraries handling into a separate module - Adjust loading variables from YAML files [#316] - Support environment variables from YAML files - Give a nice error for expired kerberos [fix #57] - Merge Guest relocation and documentation [#307] - Describe essential Guest methods in more detail - Update test import story and documentation - Merge extra-task as summary in test export [#304] - Move default plan handling into a single method - Move the Guest class from base to steps.provision - Save root in run.yaml - Document L1 metadata defined in the discover step - Improve Makefile editing during test import - Use extra-task as summary in test export - Mention default methods in the step help message - Handle invalid url when library provided as fmf id - Allow library git clone to fail * Fri Jun 12 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.19-1 - Make the discover step a little bit more secure - Improve basic and verbose output of tmt plan show - Improve default plan handling and more [fix #287] - Adjust the compose check retry in testcloud - Retry Fedora compose check in testcloud [fix #275] - Update development section and library example - Support fetching beakerlib libraries in discover - Add nitrate to the extra requires - Add a workflow-tomorrow integration test example - Add 'duration' into the test results specification * Mon Jun 01 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.18-1 - Add virtual plans for supported provision methods - Implement description in 'tmt plan show' as well - Implement tmt run --remove to remove workdir - Extend the login/step test to cover failed command - Do not fail upon command fail in interactive mode - Implement the internal tmt execute step method - Move all prepare/install tests to tier level 3 - Merge the new manual test specification [#247] - Merge the new L1 attribute 'recommend' [#265] - Adjust the manual test specification and examples - Implement 'recommend' for installing soft requires - State explicitly that execution is finished - Simplify beakerlib template, add test for init - Manual test case specification and examples - Implement exit codes, handle no tests [fix #246] - Merge the interactive shell login command [#258] - Adjust support for shortened 1MT image names - New login command to provide a shell on guest - Add support for shortened 1MT image names - Add support for running tests without defined plan - Ignore save() in the execute step unit test - Update the default run example with fresh output - Show kernel version only in verbose mode * Sat May 23 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.17-1 - Use emulator_path instead of hard-coded qemu path - Improve a bit the --force option description - Use consistent naming for provision subpackages - Add 'mock' to extra requires (needed to make docs) - Move podman and testcloud plugins into subpackages - Enable epel for packit build & testing farm - Move vagrant from requires to recommends (tmt-all) * Mon May 18 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.16-1 - Merge the fix and test for run --force [#245] - Merge the improved display report [#241] - Adjust the display report plugin verbose output - Adjust general plan linking and component check - Clean up the run workdir if --force provided - More verbose modes for report --how display - Link plans, handle missing components in export - Import and listify of contact - Disable Tier 3 tests by default (need bare metal) - Move Tier 0 tests into a separate directory - Merge the new 1minutetip provision plugin [#225] - Adjust the 1minutetip provision plugin - Add support for tmt run --after and --before (#237) - Support string in test component, require and tag (#233) - Add support for installing local rpm packages - Add 1minutetip provision plugin - Implement tmt run --since, --until and --skip (#236) - Merge pull request #234 from psss/testcloud-aliases - Update the last run id at the very end of run - Support short Fedora compose aliases in testcloud - Convert the finish step into dynamic plugins - Convert the report step into dynamic plugins - Convert the execute step into dynamic plugins - Escape package names during installation - Deduplicate inherited keys in test import [fix #8] * Wed Apr 29 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.15-1 - Implement executing the last run using --last - Adjust support for modifying plan templates - Add a way how to edit values in a new template - Explicitly mention supported distros in the docs - Convert provision/prepare into dynamic plugins - Describe difference between --verbose and --debug - Support fmf name references in docs, update spec - Support multiple verbose/debug levels [fix #191] - Remove forgotten 'Core' section from stories - Implement for a full dynamic support - Improve the workdir handling in the Common class * Thu Apr 16 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.14-1 - Workaround yaml key sorting on rhel-8 [fix #207] - Fix test discovery from the execute step scripts - Merge discover step documentation and fixes [#204] - Document the discover step, fix issues, add tests - Simplify the minimal example, adjust tests - Move fmf_id() to Node class, minor adjustments - Allow to print fmf identifier in tmt tests show - Merge manual tests story and examples [#198] - Add a story and examples describing manual tests - Sync more extra-* attributes when exporting [#199] - Enable checks for essential test attributes - Handle require in Dicovery - Store imported metadata in a sane order [fix #86] - Enable Python 3.8 in Travis, update classifiers - Add missing 'require' attribute to the Test class - Fix long environment for [fix #126] - Merge dynamic plugins and wake up support [#186] - Implement dynamic plugins and options [fix #135] - Suggest using 'tmt init' when metadata not found - Merge improved import of tier from tags [#187] - Adjust tier import from test case tags - Merge tmt test export --nitrate --create [#185] - Adjust suppport for creating new nitrate testcases - Allow creation of nitrate cases when exporting - Create tier attribute from multiple Tier tags - Fix to work with RHEL/CentOS 7 as well - Implement wake up for Run, Step and Discover * Wed Apr 01 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.13-1 - Merge the improved test import checks [#179] - Adjust checks for missing metadata - Add checks for missing metadata. - Implement public_git_url() for git url conversion - Define required attributes and duration default * Wed Mar 25 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.12-1 - Import the testcloud module when needed [fix #175] - Update implementation coverage of stories & spec - Discover only enabled tests [fix #170] - Correctly handle missing nitrate module or config - Use raw string for regular expression search * Mon Mar 23 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.11-1 - Merge default images for podman/testcloud [#169] - Do not export empty environment to - Merge vagrant check for running connection [#156] - Adjust vagrant check for running connection - Merge test export into nitrate [#118] - Adjust 'tmt test export --nitrate' implementation - Use fedora as a default image for podman/testcloud - Move testcloud back to the extra requires - Always copy directory tree to the workdir - Add an example with test and plan in a single file - Do not run tests with an empty environment - Check for non-zero status upon yaml syntax errors - Export test cases to nitrate - Merge test import using testinfo.desc [#160] - Adjust test import using testinfo.desc - Use testinfo.desc as source of metadata - Add environment support to the discover step (#145) - Add a new story describing user and system config (#143) - Check if connection is running in Vagrant Provision * Wed Mar 11 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.10-1 - Merge fixed environment support in [#99] - Add container and testcloud to tmt-all requires (#157) - Rename dict_to_shell() to better match content - Make path mandatory in - Handle execution better in - Implement --env for testcloud provisioner - Merge run --environment support for podman [#132] - Fix container destroy, plus some minor adjustments - Use cache 'unsafe' for testcloud (#150) - Add --env option and support in podman provisioner - Warn about missing metadata tree before importing - Move testcloud to base requires, update README (#153) - Destroy container in finish only if there is any - Merge tmt test import --nitrate --disabled [#146] - Adjust the disabled test import implementation - Add an overview of classes (where are we heading) - Import non-disabled tests - Add a 'Provision Options' section, update coverage - Support selecting objects under the current folder - Add a link to details about fmf inheritance - Move requirements under the Install section - Mock testcloud modules to successfully build docs - Include examples of plan inheritance [fix #127] - Update implementation coverage for cli stories - Add testcloud provisioner (#134) - Merge the new story for 'tmt run --latest' [#136] - Move run --latest story under run, fix code block - Fix invalid variable name in the convert example - Use 'skip' instead of 'without', simplify default - Add rerun cli shortcut - Make sure we run finish always - Update the docs making '--name=' necessary (#138) - Clarify environment priority, fix release typo - Add environment specification - Remove copr build job from packit (not necessary) - Use the 'extra-summary' in the output as well - Use 'nitrate' consistently for tcms-related stuff - Prefix all non-specification keys [fix #120] - Show a nice error for an invalid yaml [fix #121] - Move container plan to common provision examples - Remove tmt-all dependency on vagrant-libvirt - Do not use red for import info messages [fix #125] - Show a nice error for weird Makefiles [fix #108] * Mon Feb 24 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.9-1 - Rename the 'test convert' command to 'test import' - Include 'path' when importing virtual test cases - Extract test script from Makefile during convert - Do not import 'fmf-export' tag from nitrate [#119] - Merge the improved component import [#115] - Several adjustments to the component import - Merge the improved requires parsing [#113] - Fix parsing multiple requires from Makefile - Fail nicely if executed without provision (#112) - Make sure the copr command is available in dnf - Fix handling defaults for options, adjust wording - Read 'components' from nitrate when converting - Read requires as list when converting tests - Make it possible to pass script on cmdline - Mention libvirt and rsync in Fedora 30 workaround - Move podman image check and pull under go() - Simple destroy implementation for podman provision - Add Fedora 30 installation instructions [fix #105] - Merge podman support for the provision step [#106] - Several adjustments to the podman implementation - Fix _prepare_shell in podman provisioner - Add podman provisioner - Update the test case relevancy specification (#102) - Move copy_from_guest to provision/ (#75) - Several minor adjustments to the restraint story - Add user story for restraint - Merge different summaries for subpackages [#97] - Remove macro from the tmt-all subpackage summary - Add different summaries for sub-packages - Mention 'fmf-export' tag in the test export story - Merge optional PURPOSE in test convert [#89] - Handle missing duration or nitrate case in convert - Add support for wrap='auto' in utils.format() - Use local fmf repository for the basic plan (#94) - Merge test import documentation updates [#90] - Merge tag, status, pepa & hardware for test import - Several test import adjustments related to #91 - Fix deduplication bug when converting tests - Read more attributes from nitrate when converting - Update examples doc for converting tests - Update execute step examples for shell - Simplify packit configuration using 'fedora-all' (#88) - Optional attributes when converting. - Update execute and report step specification - Add spec for results.yaml and report.yaml (#66) - Add a story for exporting tests into nitrate (#83) - Add the 'require' attribute into the L1 Metadata - Update the Metadata Specification link in README - Improve 'tmt test convert' command implementation * Wed Jan 15 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.8-1 - Do not create bash completion script during build - Require the same version, fix changelog entry - Create fmf for each tcms case when converting. (#78) * Tue Jan 14 2020 Petr Šplíchal - 0.7-1 - Make the package build for epel7 and epel8 - Implement test discover from execute shell script - Disable /plan/helps for running in cruncher (#74) - Do not fail ansible execution on 'stty cols' error - Use a list for storing converted requires - Add Requires to main.fmf when converting tests (#65) - Fix command debug output to join tuples as well. (#77) - Set 80 chars for ansible-playbook on localhost - Use tmt to init tree, extra folder for playbooks - Fix log and error handling in execute - Fail in if there are Missing tests. - Use sudo in prepare step to allow local execution - Fix run_vagrant() to work with shell=True - Use tmt init --template, not --mini|--base|--full (#69) - Add a simple local provision plan to examples - Simplify step selection test, simple local example - Fix conflicting options, revert copr config - Add `--guest` support for the provision step - Depend on git-core and not the full git package (#64) - Use shell=True as a default in utils' run() - Put quotes in `pip install .[*]` in README (#67) - Use parent run context to check for enabled steps - Improve the enabled steps implementation - Add 'mock' to the extra test requires [fix #63] - Add a new story for developing upgrade tests - Update fedora targets for packit - Add vagrant to BuildRequires (needed to run tests) - Add stories for connecting to a provisioned box - Separate the provision step into multiple stories - Fix provision tests to work with older mock (#51) - Install the latest mock module for testing - Default to vagrant provision, use the tree root - Update documentation coverage links - Move new docs to examples, adjust style & content - Add prepare functionality to local provision - Import examples from @psss's talk - Add an argument to ProvisionBase.copy_from_guest (#41) - Remove unused imports, fix crash, shell prepare - Initial prepare and finish steps implementation - Document the vagrant-rsync-back plugin workaround - Fix beakerlib execution, show overall results - Better execute with logs and better - Implement 'tmt init --base' with working examples - Add git to the main package requires - Add tmt & python3-nitrate to the tmt-all requires - Create subpackage 'tmt-all' with all dependencies - Use package_data to package the test runner - Apply requested file mode in create_file() - Run tmt tests local by default, fix provision show - Implement image selection using provision --image - Do not re-raise tmt exceptions in debug mode - Package the runner, dry mode in - Support multiline output in common display methods - Enable command line filtering in - Default discover method has to be 'shell' - Fix to capture all output, log all - Fix broken test/plan/story create, add some tests - Better config handling in ProvisionVagrant. - Implement 'sync-back' and simple VagrantProvision. * Mon Nov 04 2019 Petr Šplíchal - 0.6-1 - List all python packages in the - Initial implementation of the execute step - Vagrant Provider output and provider handling - Relay API methods to instances in provision - Simple localhost provisioner (#28) - Implement shell discover, add a simple example - Fix test path, discover in go(), adjust example - Add for running the tests on guest - Add default config for libvirt to use QEMU session * Tue Oct 29 2019 Petr Šplíchal - 0.5-1 - Implement common --filter and --condition options - Store step data during save() - Common logging methods, improve run() output - Implement common options and parent checking - Sync the whole plan workdir to the guest - Fix inheritance and enable --verbose mode. - Rename the main metadata tree option to --root - Adjust tests to skip provision, fix raw strings - Move example Vagrantfiles to examples - Implement ProvisionVagrant (#20) - Implement tests.yaml creation in discover - Implement 'tmt test export' with yaml support - Support checking parent options, fix plan show -v - Implement common methods status(), read(), write() - Implement run() to easily execute in the workdir - Implement DiscoverPlugin class, require step names - Move workdir handling into the Common class - Common class & filtering tests/plans for execution - Improve step handling, remove global variables - Fix 'tmt init --full' in a clean directory - Better handle defaults and command line options - Do not run systemd plan as it fetches remote repo - Add documentation generated files to gitignore - Get rid of the test attribute inconsistencies - Fix various issues in localhost provisioner skeleton - Update discover step story with example output - Add an example of a shell discover step - Add a simple smoke test story - Add base class for provisioner - Initial implementation of the discover step - Allow creating tmt tree under an existing one - Support multiple configs in - Support and document optional dependencies install - Add an example of multiple configs - Convert step data to list, add execute check - Add --how option to provision command - Move step classes into separate directories - Implement class Run with workdir support - Add a workdir structure example - Separate metadata tree for L2 metadata examples - Add stories covering the Metadata Specification - Enable bash completion feature * Thu Oct 17 2019 Petr Šplíchal - 0.4-1 - Add tests for 'tmt init', allow overwritting - Use plural commands to prevent confusion [fix #10] - Add a link to Packit & Testing Farm documentation - Add a simple develop section to the readme - Split cli stories into multiple files - Cleanup convert example, simplify story example - Implement initialization with creating examples - Implement 'tmt {test,plan,story} show --verbose' - Implement 'tmt story create', add basic templates - Implement 'tmt plan create' plus initial templates - Add a new story for creating plans (enable CI) - Add basic rpm installation stories - Show test steps summary in plan show if provided - Add a Release Test Team installation tests example - Suggest git-like moving forward in tasks - Fix step names in 'tmt plan show' output - Update documentation overview with latest changes - Add story introduction, cleanup generated files - Generate documentation for user stories - Use raw string to prevent invalid escape sequence - Test Management Tool, it's not metadata only - Add a story for core option --debug - Add a story for the mock shortcut [fix #5, fix #6] - Add a story for core option --format - Propose a dream for hands-free debugging - Rename remaining testset occurences to plan - Implement 'tmt plan lint' with initial checks * Thu Oct 10 2019 Petr Šplíchal - 0.3-1 - Fix uncovered story filter logic, show total - Rename testsets to plans, simplify playbooks - Fix basic testset repo, install dependencies - Implement 'tmt init', add the corresponding story - Show overview of available tests, plans, stories - Implement 'tmt story coverage', update coverage - Implement 'tmt story --covered / --uncovered' - Rename testsest to plan to avoid common prefix * Wed Oct 09 2019 Petr Šplíchal - 0.2-1 - Enable Packit building and Testing Farm testing - Provide one-letter versions for select options - Implement 'tmt run --all' to run all test steps - Support command abbreviation, add related stories - Add the Quick Start Guide story to documention - Add coverage options to tmt story ls and show - Initialize metadata tree only when accessed - Remove show functionality from the 'run' command - Implement 'tmt test create' with basic templates - Implement 'tmt test lint' with some basic checks - Add user stories for core options and attributes - Implement 'tmt story show', couple of adjustments - Prevent alphabetical sorting of commands in help - Move unit tests into a separate directory - Align examples with the latest specification - Implement 'tmt show' for test and testset - Implement ls for test, testset and story commands - Add 'tmt test create' command to user stories - Add an initial set of basic tests - Update cli user stories, add api & docs stories - Add a couple of dreams for the bright future :-) * Mon Sep 30 2019 Petr Šplíchal - 0.1-1 - Initial packaging