## START: Set by rpmautospec ## (rpmautospec version 0.7.3) ## RPMAUTOSPEC: autorelease, autochangelog %define autorelease(e:s:pb:n) %{?-p:0.}%{lua: release_number = 1; base_release_number = tonumber(rpm.expand("%{?-b*}%{!?-b:1}")); print(release_number + base_release_number - 1); }%{?-e:.%{-e*}}%{?-s:.%{-s*}}%{!?-n:%{?dist}} ## END: Set by rpmautospec %global pypi_name opcodes %global pypi_version 0.3.13 # No tags %global commit0 0e37e4f718d0ad2524b9a7c8147bdb78ff09cdd1 %global shortcommit0 %(c=%{commit0}; echo ${c:0:7}) Name: python-%{pypi_name} Version: %{pypi_version} Release: %autorelease Summary: Database of Processor Instructions/Opcodes License: BSD-2-Clause URL: https://github.com/Maratyszcza/Opcodes Source0: %{url}/archive/%{commit0}/%{pypi_name}-%{shortcommit0}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3dist(pytest) %description Opcodes Project The goal of this project is to document instruction sets in a format convenient for tools development. %package -n python3-%{pypi_name} Summary: Database of Processor Instructions/Opcodes Requires: python3dist(setuptools) %description -n python3-%{pypi_name} Opcodes Project The goal of this project is to document instruction sets in a format convenient for tools development. %prep %autosetup -n Opcodes-%{commit0} %generate_buildrequires %pyproject_buildrequires %build %pyproject_wheel %install %pyproject_install %pyproject_save_files %{pypi_name} %check %pyproject_check_import %pytest %files -n python3-%{pypi_name} -f %{pyproject_files} %license license.rst %doc readme.rst %changelog ## START: Generated by rpmautospec * Mon Jul 22 2024 Tom Rix - 0.3.13-1 - Fall back to 0.3.13 * Sun Jul 21 2024 Tom Rix - 0.3.14-2 - And the sources * Sun Jul 21 2024 Tom Rix - 0.3.14-1 - Initial package ## END: Generated by rpmautospec