Warning: Permanently added '2620:52:3:1:dead:beef:cafe:c191' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.

You can reproduce this build on your computer by running:

  sudo dnf install copr-rpmbuild
  /usr/bin/copr-rpmbuild --verbose --drop-resultdir --task-url https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/backend/get-build-task/8368560-fedora-39-x86_64 --chroot fedora-39-x86_64

Version: 1.2
PID: 10012
Logging PID: 10013
{'allow_user_ssh': False,
 'appstream': False,
 'background': True,
 'build_id': 8368560,
 'buildroot_pkgs': [],
 'chroot': 'fedora-39-x86_64',
 'enable_net': False,
 'fedora_review': False,
 'git_hash': '4e52c07d0dade696c4a5e3cc985c1f21cb8b2805',
 'git_repo': 'https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/git/torsava/automatic-obsoletes:pr:7/gcovr',
 'isolation': 'default',
 'memory_reqs': 2048,
 'package_name': 'gcovr',
 'package_version': '8.2-3',
 'project_dirname': 'automatic-obsoletes:pr:7',
 'project_name': 'automatic-obsoletes',
 'project_owner': 'torsava',
 'repo_priority': None,
 'repos': [{'baseurl': 'https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/torsava/automatic-obsoletes/fedora-39-x86_64/',
            'id': 'copr_base',
            'name': 'Copr repository',
            'priority': None}],
 'sandbox': 'torsava/automatic-obsoletes--https://src.fedoraproject.org/user/romaingeissler1a',
 'source_json': {},
 'source_type': None,
 'ssh_public_keys': None,
 'storage': None,
 'submitter': 'https://src.fedoraproject.org/user/romaingeissler1a',
 'tags': [],
 'task_id': '8368560-fedora-39-x86_64',
 'timeout': 18000,
 'uses_devel_repo': False,
 'with_opts': [],
 'without_opts': []}

Running: git clone https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/git/torsava/automatic-obsoletes:pr:7/gcovr /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-shga_3j1/gcovr --depth 500 --no-single-branch --recursive

cmd: ['git', 'clone', 'https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/git/torsava/automatic-obsoletes:pr:7/gcovr', '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-shga_3j1/gcovr', '--depth', '500', '--no-single-branch', '--recursive']
cwd: .
rc: 0
stderr: Cloning into '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-shga_3j1/gcovr'...

Running: git checkout 4e52c07d0dade696c4a5e3cc985c1f21cb8b2805 --

cmd: ['git', 'checkout', '4e52c07d0dade696c4a5e3cc985c1f21cb8b2805', '--']
cwd: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-shga_3j1/gcovr
rc: 0
stderr: Note: switching to '4e52c07d0dade696c4a5e3cc985c1f21cb8b2805'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 4e52c07 automatic import of gcovr

Running: dist-git-client sources
/usr/bin/tail:   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 3959k  100 3959k    0     0  12.3M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 12.3M
INFO: Reading stdout from command: md5sum gcovr-8.2.tar.gz

/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/main.log: file truncated
Running (timeout=18000): unbuffer mock --spec /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-shga_3j1/gcovr/gcovr.spec --sources /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-shga_3j1/gcovr --resultdir /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results --uniqueext 1733770779.805633 -r /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/configs/child.cfg
INFO: mock.py version 5.9 starting (python version = 3.13.0, NVR = mock-5.9-1.fc41), args: /usr/libexec/mock/mock --spec /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-shga_3j1/gcovr/gcovr.spec --sources /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-shga_3j1/gcovr --resultdir /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results --uniqueext 1733770779.805633 -r /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/configs/child.cfg
Start(bootstrap): init plugins
INFO: tmpfs initialized
INFO: selinux enabled
INFO: chroot_scan: initialized
INFO: compress_logs: initialized
Finish(bootstrap): init plugins
Start: init plugins
INFO: tmpfs initialized
INFO: selinux enabled
INFO: chroot_scan: initialized
INFO: compress_logs: initialized
Finish: init plugins
INFO: Signal handler active
Start: run
INFO: Start(/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-shga_3j1/gcovr/gcovr.spec)  Config(fedora-39-x86_64)
Start: clean chroot
Finish: clean chroot
Mock Version: 5.9
INFO: Mock Version: 5.9
Start(bootstrap): chroot init
INFO: mounting tmpfs at /var/lib/mock/fedora-39-x86_64-bootstrap-1733770779.805633/root.
INFO: calling preinit hooks
INFO: enabled root cache
INFO: enabled package manager cache
Start(bootstrap): cleaning package manager metadata
Finish(bootstrap): cleaning package manager metadata
INFO: Guessed host environment type: unknown
INFO: Using bootstrap image: registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:39
INFO: Pulling image: registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:39
INFO: Copy content of container registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:39 to /var/lib/mock/fedora-39-x86_64-bootstrap-1733770779.805633/root
INFO: Checking that registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:39 image matches host's architecture
INFO: mounting registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:39 with podman image mount
INFO: image registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:39 as /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/05b4c9a8c1fd880e3791357baf4b8e35753437c70fe5449ffa51108d181bea51/merged
INFO: umounting image registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:39 (/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/05b4c9a8c1fd880e3791357baf4b8e35753437c70fe5449ffa51108d181bea51/merged) with podman image umount
INFO: Package manager dnf4 detected and used (fallback)
INFO: Bootstrap image not marked ready
Start(bootstrap): installing dnf tooling
No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: local, spacewalk, versionlock
Copr repository                                  33 MB/s |  14 MB     00:00    
fedora                                           27 MB/s |  89 MB     00:03    
updates                                          42 MB/s |  42 MB     00:01    
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:03 ago on Mon Dec  9 19:00:15 2024.
Package python3-dnf-4.21.1-1.fc39.noarch is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                     Arch      Version               Repository    Size
 python3-dnf-plugins-core    noarch    4.9.0-1.fc39          updates      320 k
Installing dependencies:
 dbus-libs                   x86_64    1:1.14.10-1.fc39      fedora       156 k
 python3-dateutil            noarch    1:2.8.2-13.fc39       copr_base    345 k
 python3-dbus                x86_64    1.3.2-6.fc39          copr_base    147 k
 python3-distro              noarch    1.9.0-3.fc39          copr_base     46 k
 python3-six                 noarch    1.16.0-20.fc39        copr_base     41 k
 python3-systemd             x86_64    235-6.fc39            copr_base    101 k

Transaction Summary
Install  7 Packages

Total download size: 1.1 M
Installed size: 3.6 M
Downloading Packages:
(1/7): python3-distro-1.9.0-3.fc39.noarch.rpm   569 kB/s |  46 kB     00:00    
(2/7): python3-dateutil-2.8.2-13.fc39.noarch.rp 4.0 MB/s | 345 kB     00:00    
(3/7): python3-dbus-1.3.2-6.fc39.x86_64.rpm     1.4 MB/s | 147 kB     00:00    
(4/7): python3-six-1.16.0-20.fc39.noarch.rpm    1.1 MB/s |  41 kB     00:00    
(5/7): python3-systemd-235-6.fc39.x86_64.rpm    1.9 MB/s | 101 kB     00:00    
(6/7): python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.9.0-1.fc39.no 2.8 MB/s | 320 kB     00:00    
(7/7): dbus-libs-1.14.10-1.fc39.x86_64.rpm      677 kB/s | 156 kB     00:00    
Total                                           2.7 MB/s | 1.1 MB     00:00     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                        1/1 
  Installing       : dbus-libs-1:1.14.10-1.fc39.x86_64                      1/7 
  Installing       : python3-dbus-1.3.2-6.fc39.x86_64                       2/7 
  Installing       : python3-systemd-235-6.fc39.x86_64                      3/7 
  Installing       : python3-six-1.16.0-20.fc39.noarch                      4/7 
  Installing       : python3-dateutil-1:2.8.2-13.fc39.noarch                5/7 
  Installing       : python3-distro-1.9.0-3.fc39.noarch                     6/7 
  Installing       : python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.9.0-1.fc39.noarch           7/7 
  Running scriptlet: python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.9.0-1.fc39.noarch           7/7 
  Verifying        : python3-dateutil-1:2.8.2-13.fc39.noarch                1/7 
  Verifying        : python3-dbus-1.3.2-6.fc39.x86_64                       2/7 
  Verifying        : python3-distro-1.9.0-3.fc39.noarch                     3/7 
  Verifying        : python3-six-1.16.0-20.fc39.noarch                      4/7 
  Verifying        : python3-systemd-235-6.fc39.x86_64                      5/7 
  Verifying        : dbus-libs-1:1.14.10-1.fc39.x86_64                      6/7 
  Verifying        : python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.9.0-1.fc39.noarch           7/7 


Finish(bootstrap): installing dnf tooling
Start(bootstrap): creating root cache
Finish(bootstrap): creating root cache
Finish(bootstrap): chroot init
Start: chroot init
INFO: mounting tmpfs at /var/lib/mock/fedora-39-x86_64-1733770779.805633/root.
INFO: calling preinit hooks
INFO: enabled root cache
INFO: enabled package manager cache
Start: cleaning package manager metadata
Finish: cleaning package manager metadata
INFO: enabled HW Info plugin
INFO: Package manager dnf4 detected and used (direct choice)
INFO: Buildroot is handled by package management downloaded with a bootstrap image:
Start: installing minimal buildroot with dnf
No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: local, spacewalk, versionlock
Copr repository                                  48 MB/s |  14 MB     00:00    
fedora                                           25 MB/s |  89 MB     00:03    
updates                                          16 MB/s |  42 MB     00:02    
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:03 ago on Mon Dec  9 19:01:00 2024.
 Problem: package rpm-build-4.19.91-1.fc39.x86_64 from copr_base requires rpm = 4.19.91-1.fc39, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package rpm-4.19.91-1.fc39.x86_64 from copr_base conflicts with redhat-rpm-config < 290-1 provided by redhat-rpm-config-266-1.fc39.noarch from updates
  - cannot install the best candidate for the job
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
WARNING: DNF4 command failed, retrying, attempt #2, sleeping 10s
No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: local, spacewalk, versionlock
Copr repository                                  22 kB/s | 1.5 kB     00:00    
fedora                                          1.1 MB/s |  33 kB     00:00    
updates                                         1.0 MB/s |  29 kB     00:00    
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
 Problem: package rpm-build-4.19.91-1.fc39.x86_64 from copr_base requires rpm = 4.19.91-1.fc39, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package rpm-4.19.91-1.fc39.x86_64 from copr_base conflicts with redhat-rpm-config < 290-1 provided by redhat-rpm-config-266-1.fc39.noarch from updates
  - cannot install the best candidate for the job
WARNING: DNF4 command failed, retrying, attempt #3, sleeping 10s
No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: local, spacewalk, versionlock
Copr repository                                  42 kB/s | 1.5 kB     00:00    
fedora                                          1.2 MB/s |  33 kB     00:00    
updates                                         826 kB/s |  29 kB     00:00    
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
 Problem: package rpm-build-4.19.91-1.fc39.x86_64 from copr_base requires rpm = 4.19.91-1.fc39, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package rpm-4.19.91-1.fc39.x86_64 from copr_base conflicts with redhat-rpm-config < 290-1 provided by redhat-rpm-config-266-1.fc39.noarch from updates
  - cannot install the best candidate for the job
INFO: chroot_scan: 3 files copied to /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/chroot_scan
INFO: /var/lib/mock/fedora-39-x86_64-1733770779.805633/root/var/log/dnf.log
INFO: chroot_scan: creating tarball /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/chroot_scan.tar.gz
/bin/tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
ERROR: Exception(/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-shga_3j1/gcovr/gcovr.spec) Config(fedora-39-x86_64) 1 minutes 57 seconds
INFO: Results and/or logs in: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results
INFO: Cleaning up build root ('cleanup_on_failure=True')
Start: clean chroot
INFO: unmounting tmpfs.
Finish: clean chroot
ERROR: Command failed: 
 # /usr/bin/systemd-nspawn -q -M 857a00011342478eaeab48a3bf055888 -D /var/lib/mock/fedora-39-x86_64-bootstrap-1733770779.805633/root -a --capability=cap_ipc_lock --rlimit=RLIMIT_NOFILE=10240 --capability=cap_ipc_lock --bind=/tmp/mock-resolv.e4o6npjt:/etc/resolv.conf --console=pipe --setenv=TERM=vt100 --setenv=SHELL=/bin/bash --setenv=HOME=/var/lib/mock/fedora-39-x86_64-1733770779.805633/root/installation-homedir --setenv=HOSTNAME=mock --setenv=PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin '--setenv=PROMPT_COMMAND=printf "\033]0;<mock-chroot>\007"' '--setenv=PS1=<mock-chroot> \s-\v\$ ' --setenv=LANG=C.UTF-8 --setenv=LC_MESSAGES=C.UTF-8 --setenv=SYSTEMD_NSPAWN_TMPFS_TMP=0 --setenv=SYSTEMD_SECCOMP=0 --resolv-conf=off /usr/bin/dnf-3 --installroot /var/lib/mock/fedora-39-x86_64-1733770779.805633/root/ --releasever 39 --setopt=deltarpm=False --setopt=allow_vendor_change=yes --allowerasing --disableplugin=local --disableplugin=spacewalk --disableplugin=versionlock install @buildsys-build --setopt=tsflags=nocontexts --setopt=tsflags=nocontexts --setopt=tsflags=nocontexts
No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: local, spacewalk, versionlock
Copr repository                                  42 kB/s | 1.5 kB     00:00    
fedora                                          1.2 MB/s |  33 kB     00:00    
updates                                         826 kB/s |  29 kB     00:00    
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
 Problem: package rpm-build-4.19.91-1.fc39.x86_64 from copr_base requires rpm = 4.19.91-1.fc39, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package rpm-4.19.91-1.fc39.x86_64 from copr_base conflicts with redhat-rpm-config < 290-1 provided by redhat-rpm-config-266-1.fc39.noarch from updates
  - cannot install the best candidate for the job

Copr build error: Build failed