%global ghdlver 0.37dev %global ghdldate 20200201 %global ghdlcommit 5428d6e8537dbe4b9533a29b5d8124340471cb4c %global ghdlshortcommit %(c=%{ghdlcommit}; echo ${c:0:7}) %global ghdlgitrev %{ghdldate}git%{ghdlshortcommit} %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 %bcond_without mcode %else %bcond_with mcode %endif #workaround for another compiler error #bcond_without llvm #ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64le %ifarch x86_64 ppc64le %bcond_without llvm %else %bcond_with llvm %endif %bcond_with gnatwae %global DATE 20200126 %global gitrev 834af6f1f10cfe4642e6f690f0c7b6dae44de101 %global gcc_version 10.0.1 %global gcc_major 10 # Note, gcc_release must be integer, if you want to add suffixes to # %%{release}, append them after %%{gcc_release} on Release: line. %global gcc_release 0.6 # Hardening slows the compiler way too much. %undefine _hardened_build %if 0%{?fedora} > 27 || 0%{?rhel} > 7 # Until annobin is fixed (#1519165). %undefine _annotated_build %endif %global build_isl 1 Summary: A VHDL simulator, using the GCC technology Name: ghdl Version: %{ghdlver} Release: 14.%{ghdlgitrev}%{?dist} License: GPLv2+ and GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2+ and BSD URL: http://ghdl.free.fr/ # The source for this package was pulled from upstream's vcs. Use the # following commands to generate the tarball: # git clone --depth 1 git://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git gcc-dir.tmp # git --git-dir=gcc-dir.tmp/.git fetch --depth 1 origin %%{gitrev} # git --git-dir=gcc-dir.tmp/.git archive --prefix=%%{name}-%%{version}-%%{DATE}/ %%{gitrev} | xz -9e > %%{name}-%%{version}-%%{DATE}.tar.xz # rm -rf gcc-dir.tmp Source0: gcc-%{gcc_version}-%{DATE}.tar.xz %global isl_version 0.16.1 Patch0: gcc10-hack.patch Patch1: gcc10-i386-libgomp.patch Patch3: gcc10-libgomp-omp_h-multilib.patch Patch4: gcc10-libtool-no-rpath.patch Patch5: gcc10-isl-dl.patch Patch7: gcc10-no-add-needed.patch Patch8: gcc10-foffload-default.patch Patch9: gcc10-Wno-format-security.patch Patch10: gcc10-rh1574936.patch Patch12: gcc10-pr92765-workaround.patch Source100: https://github.com/ghdl/ghdl/archive/%{ghdlcommit}/%{name}-%{ghdlshortcommit}.tar.gz Patch100: ghdl-llvmflags.patch # From: Thomas Sailer # To: ghdl-discuss@gna.org # Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 15:36:00 +0200 # https://gna.org/bugs/index.php?13390 Patch106: ghdl-ppc64abort.patch Requires: gcc BuildRequires: binutils >= 2.31 BuildRequires: zlib-devel, gettext, bison, flex, sharutils BuildRequires: texinfo, texinfo-tex, /usr/bin/pod2man BuildRequires: systemtap-sdt-devel >= 1.3 BuildRequires: gmp-devel >= 4.1.2-8, mpfr-devel >= 2.2.1, libmpc-devel >= 0.8.1 BuildRequires: python2-devel, python3-devel BuildRequires: gcc, gcc-c++ # For VTA guality testing BuildRequires: gdb # Make sure pthread.h doesn't contain __thread tokens # Make sure glibc supports stack protector # Make sure glibc supports DT_GNU_HASH BuildRequires: glibc-devel >= 2.4.90-13 BuildRequires: elfutils-devel >= 0.147 BuildRequires: elfutils-libelf-devel >= 0.147 %if %{build_isl} BuildRequires: isl = %{isl_version} BuildRequires: isl-devel = %{isl_version} %if 0%{?__isa_bits} == 64 Requires: libisl.so.15()(64bit) %else Requires: libisl.so.15 %endif %endif Requires: binutils >= 2.31 Requires: libgcc >= %{gcc_version}-%{gcc_release} BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: gcc-gnat # for x86, we also build the mcode version; if on x86_64, we need some 32bit libraries %if %{with llvm} BuildRequires: libedit-devel BuildRequires: clang BuildRequires: llvm BuildRequires: llvm-devel BuildRequires: llvm-static %endif Requires: ghdl-grt = %{version}-%{release} Provides: bundled(libiberty) # gcc-gnat only available on these: ExclusiveArch: %{GNAT_arches} # the following arches are not supported by the base compiler: ExcludeArch: armv7hl # Make sure we don't use clashing namespaces %global _vendor fedora_ghdl %global _gnu %{nil} %global gcc_target_platform %{_target_platform} # do not strip libgrt.a -- makes debugging tedious otherwise %global __os_install_post %(echo '%{__os_install_post}' | sed -e 's#/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip-static-archive .*##g') %description GHDL is a VHDL simulator, using the GCC technology. VHDL is a language standardized by the IEEE, intended for developing electronic systems. GHDL implements the VHDL language according to the IEEE 1076-1987 or the IEEE 1076-1993 standard. It compiles VHDL files and creates a binary that simulates (or executes) your design. GHDL does not do synthesis: it cannot translate your design into a netlist. Since GHDL is a compiler (i.e., it generates object files), you can call functions or procedures written in a foreign language, such as C, C++, or Ada95. %package grt Summary: GHDL runtime libraries # rhbz #316311 Requires: zlib-devel, libgnat >= 4.3 %description grt This package contains the runtime libraries needed to link ghdl-compiled object files into simulator executables. grt contains the simulator kernel that tracks signal updates and schedules processes. %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 %if %{with mcode} %package mcode Summary: GHDL with mcode backend Requires: ghdl-mcode-grt = %{version}-%{release} %description mcode This package contains the ghdl compiler with the mcode backend. The mcode backend provides for faster compile time at the expense of longer run time. %package mcode-grt Summary: GHDL mcode runtime libraries %description mcode-grt This package contains the runtime libraries needed to link ghdl-mcode-compiled object files into simulator executables. mcode-grt contains the simulator kernel that tracks signal updates and schedules processes. %endif %endif %if %{with llvm} %package llvm Summary: GHDL with LLVM backend Requires: ghdl-llvm-grt = %{version}-%{release} %description llvm This package contains the ghdl compiler with the LLVM backend. The LLVM backend is experimental. %package llvm-grt Summary: GHDL LLVM runtime libraries %description llvm-grt This package contains the runtime libraries needed to link ghdl-llvm-compiled object files into simulator executables. llvm-grt contains the simulator kernel that tracks signal updates and schedules processes. %endif %prep %setup -q -n gcc-%{gcc_version}-%{DATE} -a 100 %patch0 -p0 -b .hack~ %patch1 -p0 -b .i386-libgomp~ %patch3 -p0 -b .libgomp-omp_h-multilib~ %patch4 -p0 -b .libtool-no-rpath~ %if %{build_isl} %patch5 -p0 -b .isl-dl~ %endif %patch7 -p0 -b .no-add-needed~ %patch8 -p0 -b .foffload-default~ %patch9 -p0 -b .Wno-format-security~ %if 0%{?fedora} >= 29 || 0%{?rhel} > 7 %patch10 -p0 -b .rh1574936~ %endif %patch12 -p0 -b .pr92765-workaround~ echo 'Red Hat %{version}-%{gcc_release}' > gcc/DEV-PHASE cp -a libstdc++-v3/config/cpu/i{4,3}86/atomicity.h ./contrib/gcc_update --touch LC_ALL=C sed -i -e 's/\xa0/ /' gcc/doc/options.texi sed -i -e 's/Common Driver Var(flag_report_bug)/& Init(1)/' gcc/common.opt # This test causes fork failures, because it spawns way too many threads rm -f gcc/testsuite/go.test/test/chan/goroutines.go # ghdl mv ghdl-%{ghdlcommit} ghdl %patch100 -p0 -b .llvmflags~ # fix library and include path pushd ghdl sed -i.orig -e 's|\"lib\"|\"%{_lib}\"|' -e 's|\"include\"|\"include/ghdl\"|' src/ghdldrv/ghdlsynth.adb sed -i.orig -e 's|\"lib\"|\"%{_lib}\"|' -e 's|\"include\"|\"include/ghdl\"|' src/ghdldrv/ghdlvpi.adb popd %if %{without gnatwae} perl -i -pe 's,-gnatwae,,' ghdl/dist/gcc/Make-lang.in %endif %if %{with mcode} cp -r ghdl ghdl-mcode pushd ghdl-mcode perl -i -pe 's,^libdirsuffix=.*$,libdirsuffix=%{_lib}/ghdl/mcode,' configure perl -i -pe 's,^libdirreverse=.*$,libdirreverse=../../..,' configure popd %endif %if %{with llvm} cp -r ghdl ghdl-llvm pushd ghdl-llvm perl -i -pe 's,^libdirsuffix=.*$,libdirsuffix=%{_lib}/ghdl/llvm,' configure perl -i -pe 's,^libdirreverse=.*$,libdirreverse=../../..,' configure popd %endif echo 'Red Hat %{version}-%{gcc_release}' > gcc/DEV-PHASE pushd ghdl ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-gcc=.. --enable-libghdl --enable-synth make copy-sources popd %patch106 -p0 -b .ppc64abort %build # build mcode on x86 %if %{with mcode} pushd ghdl-mcode ./configure \ %if %{without gnatwae} --disable-werror \ %endif --prefix=/usr --enable-libghdl --enable-synth make %{?_smp_mflags} popd %endif %if %{with llvm} pushd ghdl-llvm ./configure --prefix=/usr \ %if %{without gnatwae} --disable-werror \ %endif --with-llvm-config=/usr/bin/llvm-config --enable-libghdl --enable-synth make %{?_smp_mflags} LDFLAGS=-Wl,--build-id popd %endif # Undo the broken autoconf change in recent Fedora versions export CONFIG_SITE=NONE CC=gcc CXX=g++ OPT_FLAGS=`echo %{optflags}|sed -e 's/\(-Wp,\)\?-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=[12]//g'` OPT_FLAGS=`echo $OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-m64//g;s/-m32//g;s/-m31//g'` OPT_FLAGS=`echo $OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-mfpmath=sse/-mfpmath=sse -msse2/g'` OPT_FLAGS=`echo $OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/ -pipe / /g'` OPT_FLAGS=`echo $OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-Werror=format-security/-Wformat-security/g'` %ifarch %{ix86} OPT_FLAGS=`echo $OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/-march=i.86//g'` %endif OPT_FLAGS=`echo "$OPT_FLAGS" | sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]\+/ /g'` case "$OPT_FLAGS" in *-fasynchronous-unwind-tables*) sed -i -e 's/-fno-exceptions /-fno-exceptions -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables /' \ libgcc/Makefile.in ;; esac rm -rf obj-%{gcc_target_platform} mkdir obj-%{gcc_target_platform} pushd obj-%{gcc_target_platform} CONFIGURE_OPTS="\ --prefix=%{_prefix} --mandir=%{_mandir} --infodir=%{_infodir} \ --with-bugurl=http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla \ --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-checking=release \ %ifarch ppc64le --enable-targets=powerpcle-linux \ %endif --disable-multilib \ --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions \ --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-linker-build-id --with-gcc-major-version-only \ --with-linker-hash-style=gnu \ --enable-plugin --enable-initfini-array \ %if %{build_isl} --with-isl \ %else --without-isl \ %endif %ifarch %{arm} --disable-sjlj-exceptions \ %endif %ifarch ppc64le --enable-secureplt \ %endif %ifarch ppc64le s390x --with-long-double-128 \ %endif %ifarch ppc64le --with-cpu-32=power8 --with-tune-32=power8 --with-cpu-64=power8 --with-tune-64=power8 \ %endif %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 --enable-cet \ --with-tune=generic \ %endif %if 0%{?rhel} >= 7 %ifarch %{ix86} --with-arch=x86-64 \ %endif %ifarch x86_64 --with-arch_32=x86-64 \ %endif %else %ifarch %{ix86} --with-arch=i686 \ %endif %ifarch x86_64 --with-arch_32=i686 \ %endif %endif %ifarch s390 s390x %if 0%{?rhel} >= 7 %if 0%{?rhel} > 7 --with-arch=zEC12 --with-tune=z13 \ %else --with-arch=z196 --with-tune=zEC12 \ %endif %else %if 0%{?fedora} >= 26 --with-arch=zEC12 --with-tune=z13 \ %else --with-arch=z9-109 --with-tune=z10 \ %endif %endif --enable-decimal-float \ %endif %ifarch armv7hl --with-tune=generic-armv7-a --with-arch=armv7-a \ --with-float=hard --with-fpu=vfpv3-d16 --with-abi=aapcs-linux \ %endif --build=%{gcc_target_platform} \ " CC="$CC" CXX="$CXX" CFLAGS="$OPT_FLAGS" \ CXXFLAGS="`echo " $OPT_FLAGS " | sed 's/ -Wall / /g;s/ -fexceptions / /g' \ | sed 's/ -Wformat-security / -Wformat -Wformat-security /'`" \ XCFLAGS="$OPT_FLAGS" TCFLAGS="$OPT_FLAGS" \ ../configure --enable-bootstrap=no \ --enable-languages=vhdl \ $CONFIGURE_OPTS # workaround for gcc gnat ICE on valid, do not compile trans-chap8 with optimization make || true pushd gcc/vhdl gnatmake -c -aI%{_builddir}/gcc-%{gcc_version}-%{DATE}/gcc/vhdl ortho_gcc-main \ -cargs -g -Wall -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 \ %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 -mtune=generic \ %endif %ifarch ppc64le -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 \ %endif -gnata -gnat05 -gnaty3befhkmr #-gnatwae popd #make %{?_smp_mflags} make popd %install # install mcode on x86 %if %{with mcode} pushd ghdl-mcode make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/ghdl %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/ghdl-mcode popd %endif # install llvm %if %{with llvm} pushd ghdl-llvm make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/ghdl %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/ghdl-llvm popd %endif # install gcc make -C obj-%{gcc_target_platform} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install PBINDIR=`pwd`/obj-%{gcc_target_platform}/gcc/ pushd ghdl make bindir=${PBINDIR} GHDL1_GCC_BIN="--GHDL1=${PBINDIR}/ghdl1" ghdllib make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install popd # Add additional libraries to link ( %if 0%{?fedora} >= 30 echo "-lgnat-9" %else %if 0%{?fedora} >= 28 echo "-lgnat-8" %else %if 0%{?fedora} >= 26 echo "-lgnat-7" %else echo "-lgnat-6" %endif %endif %endif ) >> %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/ghdl/grt.lst # Remove files not to be packaged pushd %{buildroot} rm -f \ .%{_bindir}/{cpp,gcc,gccbug,gcov,gcov-dump,gcov-tool,lto-dump} \ .%{_bindir}/%{gcc_target_platform}-gcc{,-%{gcc_major}} \ .%{_bindir}/{,%{gcc_target_platform}-}gcc-{ar,nm,ranlib} \ .%{_includedir}/mf-runtime.h \ .%{_libdir}/lib{atomic,cc1,gcc_s,gomp,quadmath,ssp}* \ .%{_infodir}/dir \ .%{_infodir}/{cpp,cppinternals,gcc,gccinstall,gccint}.info* \ .%{_infodir}/{libgomp,libquadmath}.info* \ .%{_datadir}/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/{gcc,cpplib}.mo \ .%{_mandir}/man1/{cpp,gcc,gcov,gcov-dump,gcov-tool,lto-dump}.1* \ .%{_mandir}/man7/{fsf-funding,gfdl,gpl}.7* \ .%{_prefix}/lib/libgcc_s.* \ .%{_prefix}/lib/libmudflap.* \ .%{_prefix}/lib/libmudflapth.* \ .%{_prefix}/lib/lib{atomic,gomp,quadmath,ssp}* \ .%{_libdir}/32/libiberty.a # Remove crt/libgcc, as ghdl invokes the native gcc to perform the linking rm -f \ .%{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_major}/*crt* \ .%{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_major}/libgc* \ .%{_libexecdir}/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_major}/{cc1,collect2} \ .%{_libexecdir}/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_major}/*lto* # Remove directory hierarchies not to be packaged rm -rf \ .%{_prefix}/lib/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_major}/{include,include-fixed,plugin,install-tools} \ .%{_libexecdir}/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_major}/install-tools \ .%{_libexecdir}/gcc/%{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_major}/plugin \ popd install -d %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/ghdl mv %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/vpi_user.h %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/ghdl mv %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/ghdlsynth*.h %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/ghdl %if %{_lib} != lib mv %{buildroot}/usr/lib/libghdlvpi.so %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/ mv %{buildroot}/usr/lib/libghdl-*.so %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/ %endif %files %{_bindir}/ghdl %{_infodir}/ghdl.info.* # Need to own directory %{_libexecdir}/gcc even though we only want the # %{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_version} subdirectory %{_libexecdir}/gcc/ %{_mandir}/man1/* %{_includedir}/ghdl/vpi_user.h %{_includedir}/ghdl/ghdlsynth*.h %{_libdir}/libghdl*.so %files grt # Need to own directory %{_libdir}/gcc even though we only want the # %{gcc_target_platform}/%{gcc_version} subdirectory %{_prefix}/lib/gcc/ %{_prefix}/lib/ghdl/ %if %{with mcode} %files mcode %{_bindir}/ghdl-mcode %files mcode-grt %dir %{_libdir}/ghdl %{_libdir}/ghdl/mcode %endif %if %{with llvm} %files llvm %{_bindir}/ghdl-llvm %{_bindir}/ghdl1-llvm %files llvm-grt %dir %{_libdir}/ghdl %{_libdir}/ghdl/llvm %endif %changelog * Sun Feb 02 2020 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-14.20200201git5428d6e - drop unneeded man page * Sat Feb 01 2020 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-13.20200201git5428d6e - updated to new ghdl snapshot * Wed Jan 29 2020 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-12.20200127gita4fdd19 - rebased to gcc 10.0.1 * Wed Jan 29 2020 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-11.20200127gita4fdd19 - updated to new ghdl snapshot * Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.37dev-10.20191224git38c38e7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Dec 28 2019 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-9.20191224git38c38e7 - updated to new ghdl snapshot * Tue Dec 10 2019 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-8.20191206git208f254 - updated to new ghdl snapshot * Sun Dec 01 2019 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-7.20191130git3bd9a18 - updated to new ghdl snapshot - fix library and include path for synth * Thu Nov 21 2019 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-6.20191121git03862a4 - updated to new ghdl snapshot - rebased to gcc 9.2.1 - many cleanups * Sun Nov 03 2019 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-5.20191102git534f39a - updated to new ghdl snapshot * Wed Oct 9 2019 Jerry James - 0.37dev-4.20190923git4ec17bb - Rebuild for mpfr 4 - Drop multilib support for s390x as glibc32 and gcc have done * Tue Sep 24 2019 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-3.20190923git4ec17bb - updated to new ghdl snapshot * Tue Sep 10 2019 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-2.20190907gitcb34680 - updated to new ghdl snapshot * Thu Sep 05 2019 Dan Horák - 0.37dev-1.20190820gitf977ba0 - rebased to 0.37dev - various cleanups and updates * Fri Aug 23 2019 Dan Horák - 0.35dev-5.20190528git3fafb135.0 - enable ppc64le * Thu Jul 25 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.35dev-4.20190528git3fafb135.0 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild * Tue May 28 2019 Thomas Sailer - 0.35dev-3.20190528git3fafb135.0 - update to 0.35dev (20190528git3fafb135) - fix R: libgcc * Mon May 20 2019 Thomas Sailer - 0.35dev-3.20190520git150116d2.0 - update to 0.35dev (20190520git150116d2) - update gcc to 9.1.1 * Wed Apr 24 2019 Björn Esser - 0.35dev-3.20190301gita62344e.0 - Remove hardcoded gzip suffix from GNU info pages * Fri Mar 01 2019 Thomas Sailer - 0.35dev-2.20190301gita62344e.0 - update to 0.35dev (20190301gita62344e) * Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.35dev-2.20190129git3c30e3b.1 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 30 2019 Thomas Sailer - 0.35dev-1.20190129git3c30e3b.1 - update base gcc to 8.2.1 * Tue Jan 29 2019 Thomas Sailer - 0.35dev-1.20190129git3c30e3b.0 - update to 0.35dev (20190129git3c30e3b) * Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.35dev-1.20180520git66bb071.0 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild * Sun May 20 2018 Thomas Sailer - 0.35dev-0.20180520git66bb071.0 - update to 0.35dev (git66bb071) * Thu Mar 15 2018 Thomas Sailer - 0.35dev-0.20180315git0edf0a1.0 - update to 0.35dev (git0edf0a1) * Thu Mar 15 2018 Thomas Sailer - 0.35dev-0.20180311git46c5015.0 - update to 0.34dev (git46c5015) * Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.34dev-1.20170926git685526e.0 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Sep 26 2017 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20170926git685526e.0 - update to 0.34dev (git685526e) * Tue Aug 15 2017 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20170815git0879429a.0 - update to 0.34dev (git0879429a) * Wed Aug 02 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.34dev-2.20170715gitc14fe80.0 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.34dev-1.20170715gitc14fe80.0 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jul 15 2017 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20170715gitc14fe80.0 - update to 0.34dev (gitc14fe80) * Wed Jul 12 2017 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20170712git5783528.0 - update to 0.34dev (git5783528) * Fri Mar 24 2017 Igor Gnatenko - 0.34dev-0.20170302git31f8e7a.1 - Use LLVM 3.9 * Thu Mar 02 2017 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20170302git31f8e7a.0 - update to 0.34dev (git31f8e7a) * Tue Feb 21 2017 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20170221git663ebfd.0 - update to 0.34dev (git663ebfd) * Tue Feb 07 2017 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20170207gitdb4b46e.0 - update to 0.34dev (gitdb4b46e) * Fri Jul 01 2016 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20160702git50d0507.0 - update to 0.34dev (git50d0507) * Thu May 26 2016 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20160503git6ccb80e.0 - update to 0.34dev (git6ccb80e) * Sat Mar 19 2016 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20160318git8e97758.0 - update to 0.34dev (git8e97758) * Thu Mar 17 2016 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20160317gitf1ddf16.0 - update to 0.34dev (gitf1ddf16) * Wed Feb 24 2016 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20160224gitf818155.0 - update to 0.34dev (gitf818155) * Tue Feb 16 2016 Thomas Sailer - 0.34dev-0.20160214gite7adf19.0 - update to 0.34dev (gite7adf19) * Fri Feb 12 2016 Thomas Sailer - 0.33dev-1.20151120gitff4bc5f.1 - build fix * Fri Nov 20 2015 Thomas Sailer - 0.33dev-1.20151120gitff4bc5f.0 - update to 0.33dev (gitff4bc5f) * Mon Nov 9 2015 Thomas Sailer - 0.33dev-0.hg914.0 - update to 0.33dev (hg914) * Fri Oct 30 2015 Thomas Sailer - 0.33dev-0.hg903.0 - update to 0.33dev (hg903) * Mon Oct 19 2015 Thomas Sailer - 0.33dev-0.hg899.0 - update to 0.33dev (hg899) * Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.33dev-1.hg813.0 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jun 04 2015 Thomas Sailer - 0.33dev-0.hg813.0 - update to 0.33dev (hg813) * Sat Mar 14 2015 Thomas Sailer - 0.33dev-0.hg700.0 - update to 0.33dev (hg700) * Thu Mar 12 2015 Thomas Sailer - 0.33dev-0.hg692.0 - update to 0.33dev (hg692) * Wed Mar 11 2015 Thomas Sailer - 0.33dev-0.hg688.0 - update to 0.33dev (hg688) - build mcode backend on x86(-32) - build LLVM backend * Wed Nov 19 2014 Thomas Sailer - 0.32rc1-0.hg484.0 - update to 0.32rc1 (hg484) * Sat Aug 16 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.31-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.31-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild * Tue May 13 2014 Peter Robinson 0.31-4 - Use GNAT_arches rather than an explicit list * Wed Apr 30 2014 Thomas Sailer - 0.31-3 - rebuild for gnat 4.9 * Sat Feb 1 2014 Thomas Sailer - 0.31-2 - update to release 0.31 * Wed Dec 18 2013 Thomas Sailer - 0.31-1 - change to sourceforge repository * Tue Dec 3 2013 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-4.150svn.3 - prevent format-security warning * Mon Aug 5 2013 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-4.150svn.2 - fix FTBFS * Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.29-4.150svn.2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jul 2 2013 Ville Skyttä - 0.29-3.150svn.2 - Compress gcc tarball with xz. * Wed May 1 2013 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-3.150svn.1 - update for gnat 4.8 - texinfo build fix * Fri Feb 1 2013 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-3.150svn.0 - update to svn150 (based on gcc 4.7.2) * Fri Jan 25 2013 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-3.143svn.8 - rebuild for gnat 4.8 * Mon Oct 15 2012 Jon Ciesls - 0.29-3.143svn.7 - Provides: bundled(libiberty) * Wed Jul 25 2012 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-2.143svn.7 - fix siginfo build failure * Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.29-2.143svn.7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild * Mon Jun 11 2012 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-2.143svn.6 - rebuild for grt file times * Thu Jan 5 2012 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-2.143svn.5 - rebuild for gnat 4.7 * Fri Oct 21 2011 Marcela Mašláňová - 0.29-2.143svn.4.2 - rebuild with new gmp without compat lib * Tue Oct 11 2011 Peter Schiffer - 0.29-2.143svn.4.1 - rebuild with new gmp * Tue Feb 22 2011 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-2.143svn.4 - rebuild for gnat 4.6 * Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.29-2.143svn.3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Feb 1 2011 Dan Horák - 0.29-1.143svn.3 - updated the supported arch list - remove the offending space in BR: glibc * Sun Jan 23 2011 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-1.143svn.2 - rebuild * Fri Jul 9 2010 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-1.143svn.1 - update to gnat 4.5 * Thu Jul 8 2010 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-1.143svn.0 - update to svn143 - move license text to grt subpackage * Fri Jan 29 2010 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-1.138svn.0 - update to svn138 * Fri Jan 15 2010 Thomas Sailer - 0.29-1 - update to 0.29 * Wed Dec 30 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.28-0.135svn.0 - update to svn135 * Wed Dec 30 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.28-0.133svn.2 - fix the Process Timeout Chain bugfix * Wed Dec 30 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.28-0.133svn.1 - fix crash when running ./tb --stats * Wed Dec 16 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.28-0.133svn.0 - update to svn133, drop upstreamed patches * Mon Dec 14 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.28-0.131svn.2 - Process Timeout Chain bugfix - --trace-signals memory leak fix * Wed Dec 2 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.28-0.131svn.1 - copy v08 libraries instead of symlink * Wed Dec 2 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.28-0.131svn.0 - update to 0.28/svn131 - symlink v08 libraries to v93 for now * Wed Sep 23 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.28-0.130svn.0 - update to 0.28/svn130 * Sun Sep 20 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.126svn.0 - update to svn126 * Sun Jul 26 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.110svn.8 - this gcc does not understand -mtune=atom * Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.27-0.110svn.7.1 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild * Tue May 26 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.110svn.7 - fix bug in std.textio.read (string) * Thu Apr 2 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.110svn.6 - actually add the patch * Wed Apr 1 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.110svn.5 - make ieee.math_real more standards compliant * Sun Mar 15 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.110svn.4 - gnat version is now 4.4 * Tue Feb 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.27-0.110svn.3.1 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Feb 13 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.110svn.3 - prevent ppc64 abort due to unknown language type * Fri Feb 13 2009 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.110svn.2 - rebuild with ppc64 * Thu Oct 9 2008 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.110svn.1 - rebuild * Tue Oct 7 2008 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.110svn.0 - update to svn110 * Tue Oct 7 2008 Thomas Sailer - 0.27-0.105svn.0 - update to svn105 * Mon Jun 2 2008 Thomas Sailer - 0.26-0.98svn.0 - update to svn98 * Fri May 16 2008 Thomas Sailer - 0.26-0.94svn.7 - update to svn94 * Sun Jan 6 2008 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.89svn.7 - disable Pragma No_Run_Time; it does not seem to make much sense and causes problems with gcc-4.3 * Mon Oct 8 2007 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.89svn.6 - ghdl-grt requires zlib-devel (rhbz 316311) - make it build with makeinfo >= 4.10 * Fri Aug 24 2007 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.89svn.5 - excludearch ppc64 * Fri Aug 24 2007 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.89svn.4 - fix BR * Fri Aug 24 2007 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.89svn.3 - fix license tag * Fri Jan 5 2007 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.89svn.2 - do not try to set user/group during install * Fri Jan 5 2007 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.89svn.1 - back out hunks that cause build failures - un-exclude ppc * Mon Nov 20 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.89svn.0 - update to svn89 * Fri Oct 6 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.73svn.0 - update to svn73 * Thu Oct 5 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.71svn.1 - bump release * Thu Oct 5 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.71svn.0 - update to svn71 * Sun Aug 27 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.25-0.61svn.0 - update to svn61 * Sun Aug 6 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.24-0.60svn.0 - update to svn60 * Tue Jul 11 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.24-0.59svn.2 - rebuild * Mon Jul 10 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.24-0.59svn.1 - add missing manpage * Mon Jul 10 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.24-0.59svn.0 - update to svn59 * Sun Jun 25 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.23-0.58svn.0 - update to svn58 * Tue Jun 20 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.23-0.57svn.0 - update to svn57 * Fri Mar 24 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.22-0.50svn.1 - do not require /lib/libc.so.* on x86_64, this does not work under mock * Wed Mar 22 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.22-0.50svn.0 - update to svn50, to fix x86_64 breakage - move grt (ghdl runtime library) into separate package, to allow parallel install of i386 and x86_64 grt on x86_64 machines, thus making -m32 work - back to using FSF gcc as base compiler sources, using core gcc sources causes segfaults during library compile on x86_64 * Sun Mar 19 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.22-0.49svn.1 - use core gcc as base compiler sources * Thu Mar 16 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.22-0.49svn.0 - update to svn49, using gcc 4.1.0 * Mon Mar 6 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.22-0.40svn.0 - update to svn40, to fix an array bounds checking bug apparently introduced in svn39 * Thu Feb 16 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.22-0.39svn.0 - update to svn39, to fix some constant bugs * Tue Feb 14 2006 Thomas Sailer - 0.22-0.38svn.1 - rebuild with new compiler for FC5 * Wed Dec 21 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.22-0.38svn.0 - update to svn38, to fix a ghw output bug * Sun Dec 18 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.21-1 - update to 0.21 * Thu Dec 15 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.21-0.35svn.1 - update to svn35 for more x86_64 "Ada cannot portably call C vararg functions" fixes - first stab at -m32 library building * Sat Dec 10 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.21-0.33svn.1 - update to svn33, to fix x86_64 issues (real'image, -m32) - rpmbuild option --without mock enables multilib builds * Mon Dec 5 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.21-0.24svn.3 - disable multilib and remove exclude of x86_64 * Thu Dec 1 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.21-0.24svn.2 - Exclude ppc because gcc-gnat is missing - Exclude x86_64 because of mock build issues * Fri Nov 25 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.21-0.24svn.1 - update to SVN rev 24 - remove additional files to fix x86_64 build * Tue Nov 22 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.21-0.23svn.1 - update to SVN rev 23 * Mon Nov 14 2005 Paul Howarth - 0.21-0.21.1 - spec file cosmetic cleanups - incorporate some architecture tweaks from gcc package - remove files we don't want packaged so that we can turn the unpackaged file check back on - use fedora_ghdl as the machine vendor name to avoid namespace clashes with other packages - own {%%{_libdir},%%{_libexecdir}}/gcc directories since this package does not depend on gcc - add buildreq texinfo, needed to make info file - don't include README, which is aimed at building ghdl rather than using it - remove install-tools and munged header files, not needed for ghdl - only run install-info if the info file is installed - patch ghdl.texi to include info dir entry * Fri Nov 11 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.21-0.21 - update to 0.21pre, svn rev 21 - incorporate changes from Paul Howarth * Sat Mar 12 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.18-1 - update to 0.18 * Sat Feb 26 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.17-1 - update to 0.17 * Tue Feb 8 2005 Thomas Sailer - 0.16-1 - Initial build.