# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright and license --- # # File: etc/tapper.spec.in # # Copyright 🄯 2014, 2016—2017, 2019—2022 Van de Bugger. # # This file is part of Tapper. # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any # medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file # is offered as-is, without any warranty. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: FSFAP # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright and license --- # In OpenSuse documentation files are expected to be in `/usr/share/doc/packages/${name}`, while # `make` by default installs documents to `/usr/share/doc/${name}`. `rpmbuild` fails because it # can't find files it expected location. # # I would expect OpenSuse's `$configure` macro passes `--docdir` option to `configure` command, # bit it does not. Let's fix it: # %if 0%{?suse_version} %global configure %{configure} --docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name} %endif %{lua: --[[-- Some platform do not have `pandoc` and build fails. Let's disable man pages and metainfo on these platforms to avoid build failure. TODO: Use vdb.lua here. --]]-- function defined( name ) return rpm.expand( "%{?" .. name .. ":1}" ) == "1" end function say( format, ... ) io.stderr:write( string.format( format, ... ) .. "\n" ) end function die( format, ... ) say( format, ... ) error( "oops" ) end function spec( text ) print( rpm.expand( text ) ) end function rpm_version( required ) if _rpm_version_ == nil then local program = rpm.expand( "%{_bindir}/rpm" ) local output = rpm.expand( "%( " .. program .. " --version )" ) if output == "" then die( "Can't find version of '%s' program.", program ) end local version = string.match( output, "^RPM version ([-0-9a-z.]+)$" ) -- RPM version could be like `4.0.16` or `4.1.0-alpha1`. if version == nil then die( "Can't parse '%s' program output: '%s'", program, output ) end _rpm_version_ = version end return rpm.vercmp( _rpm_version_, required ) >= 0 end function gets( name, default ) return defined( name ) and rpm.expand( "%{" .. name .. "}" ) or default end function getn( name ) return tonumber( gets( name, "0" ) ) end arch = gets( "_arch" ) centos = getn( "centos" ) eln = getn( "eln" ) epel = getn( "epel" ) euler = getn( "openEuler" ) fedora = getn( "fedora" ) mageia = getn( "mageia" ) mandriva = getn( "omvver" ) rhel = getn( "rhel" ) suse = getn( "suse_version" ) --[[-- platform original macros fixed macros ------------------------------------------------------------- centos-stream+epel-next centos, epel, rhel centos + epel centos-stream centos, rhel centos epel epel, rhel epel openeuler-22.03 euler=2 euler fedora fedora fedora fedora-eln eln, rhel eln mageia mageia=8 mageia mageia-cauldron mageia=9 mageia openmandriva-cooker mandriva=22090000 mandriva openmandriva-rolling mandriva=22012000 mandriva opensuse-leap suse=1500 suse opensuse-tumbleweed suse=1599 suse rhel rhel rhel ------------------------------------------------------------- --]]-- if centos > 0 or epel > 0 or eln > 0 then rhel = 0 end appstream = not ( -- appstream is not available in: centos == 8 and epel == 0 or -- sentos-stream-8 euler == 2 or -- openeuler-22.03 rhel == 8 -- rhel-8 ) pandoc = not ( -- pandoc is not available in: centos == 9 and epel == 0 or -- centos-stream-9 eln > 0 and arch ~= "i386" or -- fedora-eln, but not i386 euler == 2 or -- openeuler-22.03 mageia > 0 and mageia <= 9 or -- mageia-8 and mageia-cauldron (9) mandriva > 0 or -- openmandriva-{cooker,rolling} rhel == 9 or -- rhel-9 suse == 1599 and arch == "i386" -- opensuse-tumbleweed-i586 ) -- metainfo requires both tools, appstream and pandoc. spec( ( appstream and pandoc and "%bcond_without" or "%bcond_with" ) .. " " .. "metainfo\n" ) spec( ( pandoc and "%bcond_without" or "%bcond_with" ) .. " " .. "man\n" ) if mandriva > 0 then rpm.define( "__perl %{_bindir}/perl" ) end if suse > 0 then rpm.define( "_metainfodir %{_datadir}/metainfo" ) end } %global appid io.sourceforge.kbd-tapper %global ver 0.7.1 %global rel 0.vdb.2 Name: tapper Version: %{ver} Release: %{rel}%{?dist} Summary: Keyboard layout switcher for X Window System and Wayland License: GPLv3+ URL: https://kbd-tapper.sourceforge.io/ Source0: https://sourceforge.net/projects/kbd-tapper/files/0.7.1/%{name}-%{ver}-%{rel}.tar.gz # Fedora packaging guidelines say dependency on coreutils, gzip, shadow-utils should not be # declared. BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: gcc-c++ >= 4.8 # Need -std=c++11. BuildRequires: m4 BuildRequires: %{__perl} # Perl package name varies: either `perl-interpreter` or `perl-base`. # Let's require `perl` executable to avoid conditional constructs. BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: perl(open) BuildRequires: perl(strict) BuildRequires: perl(utf8) BuildRequires: perl(warnings) BuildRequires: perl(Getopt::Long) BuildRequires: perl(Path::Tiny) BuildRequires: perl(Pod::Usage) BuildRequires: perl(Try::Tiny) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4) >= 2.54 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(giomm-2.4) >= 2.54 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcap) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libevdev) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libinput) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libudev) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(x11) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xtst) %if %{with man} BuildRequires: pandoc %endif %if %{with metainfo} BuildRequires: pandoc BuildRequires: perl(HTML::Entities) BuildRequires: perl(JSON) BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/appstreamcli # AppStream package name varies: either `appstream` or `AppStream` (openSUSE). # Let's require `appstreamcli` executable to avoid conditional constructs. %endif %{lua: --[[-- In fedora-37, fedora-rawhide and fedora-eln "input" group is created by systemd. "input" group is required to run `make check`: missed "input" group will cause few test failures. --]]-- if fedora >= 37 or eln > 0 then print( "BuildRequires: systemd\n" ) end } Requires: %{lua: if rpm_version( '4.13.0' ) then --[[-- Version expressions were introduced in RPM 4.13.0. Parenthesis are mandatory: otherwise it will be interpreted as three unrelated requirements. --]]-- print( "( gnome-shell-extension-agism if gnome-shell )" ) else print( "gnome-shell-extension-agism" ) end } %{lua: print( -- Weak dependencies were introduced in RPM 4.12.0. ( rpm_version( '4.12.0' ) and "Recommends:" or "Requires:" ) .. " " .. "dconf-editor" ) } %description Tapper is a keyboard layout switcher for X Window System and Wayland. Tapper runs in background, when an assigned key is tapped, Tapper activates the corresponding keyboard layout. Tapper unique feature is using modifier keys for activating keyboard layouts without losing modifier's functionality. %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{ver}-%{rel} %{__mkdir} _build %{__ln_s} ../conf''igure _build/conf''igure # rpmlint complains "configure-without-libdir-spec". Let's hide configure from rpmlint. %build cd _build # `make install` will run `chown`/`chgrp`/`setcap` on tapper and fail, because this operation # requires root privileges. `CHOWN=true` replaces `chgrp` with `true` command which ignores all # arguments and completes successfully. %{configure} \ --%{?with_man:enable}%{!?with_man:disable}-man \ --%{?with_metainfo:enable}%{!?with_metainfo:disable}-metainfo \ --disable-author-testing \ --disable-rpm \ --disable-html \ --disable-dependency-tracking \ --with-glib \ --with-libcap \ --with-libevdev \ --with-libinput \ --with-x \ --srcdir=.. \ userunitdir=%{_userunitdir} \ CHOWN=true CHGRP=true SETCAP=true %{make_build} %install cd _build %{make_install} %if 0%{?fedora} %{__rm} %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/LICENSE.md %{__rm} %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/FSFAP.md %{__rm} %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/GPL-3.0.md %endif %check cd _build # Non-UTF-8 locale may cause exception when printing non-ASCII characters. LANG=C.UTF-8 %{__make} check %files %defattr( -, root, root, - ) %caps(cap_setuid,cap_setgid=p) %{_bindir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/applications/%{appid}.desktop %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/%{appid}.gschema.xml %dir %{_docdir}/%{name} %doc %{_docdir}/%{name}/* %{?with_man:%{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1.gz} %if %{with metainfo} %{_metainfodir}/%{appid}.metainfo.xml %endif %if 0%{?fedora} %license LICENSE.md %license LICENSES/FSFAP.md %license LICENSES/GPL-3.0.md %endif %changelog * Thu Dec 15 2022 Van de Bugger - 0.7.1-0.vdb.2 - opensuse-leap-15.4 and openeuler-22.03 platforms enabled. * Thu Dec 15 2022 Van de Bugger - 0.7.1-0.vdb.1 - Tapper v0.7.1. - tapper executable does not use set-user-id bit, capabilities set instead. - metainfo file packed. * Sat Oct 01 2022 Van de Bugger - 0.7.0-0.vdb.1 - Tapper v0.7.0. - fedora-eln (but not fedora-eln-i386): disabled man due to lack of pandoc. - Instead of requiring OS-dependent Perl package, OS-independent Perl executable is required. - gnome-shell-extension-agism is required, if gnome-shell is installed. - dconf-editor is recommended. * Tue Jun 14 2022 Van de Bugger - 0.6.3-0.vdb.1 - Tapper v0.6.3. - Man page is disabled on epel-9 due to lack of pandoc. * Sat Jun 04 2022 Van de Bugger - 0.6.2-0.vdb.1 - Tapper v0.6.2. - 0.6.1-0.vdb.1 contains debug build. Fixed. * Thu Jun 02 2022 Van de Bugger - 0.6.1-0.vdb.1 - Tapper v0.6.1. * Wed Jun 01 2022 Van de Bugger - 0.6.0-0.vdb.1 - Tapper v0.6.0. * Sun Jan 03 2021 Van de Bugger - 0.5.0-0.vdb.1 - Tapper v0.5.0. - Testing is enabled. - Mageia RPM built without man page, since pandoc is not available. * Wed May 06 2020 Van de Bugger - 0.4.4-0.vdb.1 - Updated to 0.4.4. * Tue Mar 10 2020 Van de Bugger - 0.4.3-0.vdb.1 - Updated to 0.4.3. * Wed Nov 13 2019 Van de Bugger - 0.4.2-0.vdb.2 - Workarounded build problem on OpenSuse. - giomm-2.4 >= 2.54 required. - license is Fedora-specific macro. * Wed Aug 14 2019 Van de Bugger - 0.4.2-0.vdb.1 - Updated to 0.4.2. * Tue Aug 06 2019 Van de Bugger - 0.4.1-0.vdb.1 - Updated to 0.4.1. * Mon Jul 29 2019 Van de Bugger - 0.4.0-0.vdb.1 - Updated to 0.4.0. - rpm macros used instead of plain commands. - Appropriate BuildRequires tags added. - BuildRequires tags use pkgconfig instead of devel rpms. - Full Source0 specified. - License files installed into licenses directory. * Fri Mar 10 2017 Van de Bugger - 0.3.1-1.vdb - Updated to 0.3.1. * Thu Jan 19 2017 Van de Bugger - 0.3.0-1.vdb - Updated to 0.3.0. - New dependencies added: gcc-c++ 4.8, glib2-devel, json-glib-devel. * Fri Dec 02 2016 Van de Bugger - 0.2.2-1.vdb - Updated to 0.2.2. * Sun Jan 31 2016 Van de Bugger - 0.2.1-1.vdb - Updated to 0.2.1. - Pandoc added to build requirements (its required to build man page). - configure run with --enable-man option. - CPPFLAGS dropped — it is not required any more because debug log is not enabled by default. - Man page added to the package. * Sat Jan 16 2016 Van de Bugger - 0.2-1.vdb - Updated to 0.2. - Dropped dependency on glib2 (because of dropped Gnome support). - Updated description. - configure run with --disable-rpm --disable-html options. - configure run with --libdir option to make rpmlint happy. - clean action dropped accordingly to Fedora guidelines. * Wed Jul 23 2014 Van de Bugger - 0.1-1.vdb - Initial revision. # end of file #