# File: larsenwork-monoid-fonts.spec # Do the magic: Source1000: vdb.lua %include %{S:1000} %Global Foundry LarsenWork %Global Family Monoid %global ver 0.61 %global rel 0.vdb.17 Version: %{ver} Release: %{rel}%{?dist} URL: https://%{foundry}.com/%{family}/ Source0: https://github.com/%{foundry}/%{family}/archive/%{ver}.tar.gz#/%{family}-%{ver}.tar.gz Source1: %{foundry}-%{family}-fonts.conf Source2: %{name}-build.vdb.py Patch0: %{foundry}-%{family}-fonts-xrange.vdb.patch # There is no xrange function in Python 3.5. # range function exists in both 3.5 and 2.7. BuildRequires: fontforge BuildRequires: fonts-rpm-macros BuildRequires: fonts-srpm-macros BuildRequires: python >= 2.7 # Scripts/build.py explicitly uses python2.7. # Scripts/fontbuilder.py uses dict comprehension which introduced in python 2.7. Requires: filesystem # % {_datadir}/appdata # % {_datadir}/doc Requires: fontpackages-filesystem # % {_datadir}/fonts %global fontorg com.%{foundry} %global fontfamily %{Family} %global fontlicense OFL-1.1 OR MIT %global fontsummary Open source coding font %global fontdescription %{text -- \ %{rem: Description build from pieces taken from .} Monoid is optimized for coding with bitmap-like sharpness at 12px/9pt even on low res displays. Semi-condensed and distinguishable glyphs with short ascenders + descenders, big apertures and supersized operators + punctuation. More than 750 Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, ligature, alternate and Powerline glyphs. This package is built with "Alt $" option and no ligatures. } %global fonts _build/%{Family}-{Regular,Bold,Italic}.ttf %global fontconfs 65-%{family}.conf %global fontdocs Readme.md %global fontcontact van.de.bugger@gmail.com %{rem: Inspite the macro name, it's packager contact, not font author contact. } %fontpkg %prep %setup -q -n %{family}-%{version} %autopatch -p0 %{__cp} %{S:1} ./65-%{family}.conf # Look into fontforge rpm package, find version of Python the fontforge.so is built for. pv=$( \ %{__rpm} -ql fontforge \ | %{__grep} -E -e '^/usr/lib.*/python.*/site-packages/fontforge\.so$' \ | %{__sed} -e 's|^/usr/lib.*/python\(.*\)/site-packages/fontforge\.so$|\1|' \ | head -n 1 \ ) [ -n "$pv" ] || false # Use this python version for running build script. %{__sed} -e 's|^\(#!/usr/bin/python\)$|\1'"$pv"'|' "%{S:2}" > build.py %{__chmod} a+x build.py %build PYTHONPATH="%{_builddir}/%{family}-%{ver}/Scripts:$PYTHONPATH" \ ./build.py ./Source/%{Family}{,-Bold,-Italic}.sfdir %fontbuild %check %fontcheck %install %fontinstall %fontfiles %changelog * Sun Apr 30 2023 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.vdb.17 - SPDX expression used in License. - fontorg and fontcontact macros defined. - F38 rebuild. * Wed Nov 23 2022 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.vdb.16 - F37 rebuild. * Thu May 12 2022 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.vdb.15 - Rebuild for F36. * Sun Nov 7 2021 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.vdb.14 - Rebuild for F35. - vdb.lua updated. * Thu May 6 2021 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.vdb.13 - Rebuild for F34. * Mon Nov 16 2020 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.vdb.12 - Build script reworked to build only one font variant. - Fontconfig file added. - metainfo.xml is generated by Fedora font macros. - m4 is dropped from build requirements. - Ligatures turned off. * Tue Nov 03 2020 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.vdb.11 - Fedora's fontpkg macro used. - Package renamed to larsenwork-monoid-fonts to follow Fedora's guidelines. - F33. * Wed Nov 06 2019 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.vdb.10 - App Id set to com.larsenwork.monoid. - Metainfo file renamed to use App Id instead of plain font name. - Author checks added. * Sat Nov 02 2019 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.vdb.9 - appstream is disabled on OpenSuse and Mageia. * Sun Mar 24 2019 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.8.vdb - vdb.lua updated, _install_D macro used. * Sat Mar 23 2019 Van de Bugger - 0.61-0.7.vdb - Rebuilt for F30. - vdb.lua updated. - NOTE: Release changed in non-backward-compatible way. Sorry. * Wed Jan 16 2019 Van de Bugger - 0.61-6.vdb - vdb.lua updated. * Wed Nov 01 2017 Van de Bugger - 0.61-5.vdb - vdb.lua used. * Fri Dec 02 2016 Van de Bugger — 0.61-4.vdb - Build script patched to work with Python 3.5. - Python interpreter is selected automatically depending on fontforge package. * Thu Jun 30 2016 Van de Bugger - 0.61-3.vdb - RHEL support dropped. - Minor changes ported from other my specs. * Wed Jun 29 2016 Van de Bugger - 0.61-2.vdb - Minor changes in spec file. * Fri Feb 5 2016 Van de Bugger - 0.61-1 - First release.