# % global selint_pre_ver rc Summary: Static code analysis tool for SELinux policy source files Name: selint Version: 1.3.0 Release: 1%{?selint_pre_ver:.%{selint_pre_ver}}%{?dist} URL: https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selint License: ASL 2.0 Source0: https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selint/releases/download/v%{version}%{?selint_pre_ver:-%{selint_pre_ver}}/%{name}-%{version}%{?selint_pre_ver:-%{selint_pre_ver}}.tar.gz # git format-patch -N v1.3.0 -- . ':!.github/workflows/main.yml' ':!selint.spec' # i=1; for j in 00*patch; do printf "Patch%02d: %s\n" $i $j; i=$((i+1));done Patch01: 0001-Silence-warning-in-bison-generated-code.patch Patch02: 0002-Drop-dead-stores.patch Patch03: 0003-Declare-file-local-variable-static.patch Patch04: 0004-Drop-duplicate-semicolons.patch Patch05: 0005-Add-missing-fall-through-comment.patch Patch06: 0006-Drop-duplicate-include.patch Patch07: 0007-Update-URLs-after-repository-move.patch Patch08: 0008-Add-check-example-for-W-012.patch Patch09: 0009-Add-new-check-to-warn-about-incorrect-usage-of-audit.patch Patch10: 0010-Warn-on-duplicate-policy-configuration-files.patch Patch11: 0011-Reduce-recursion-in-free_policy_node.patch Patch12: 0012-Support-disable-commands-for-tunable-conditions.patch Patch13: 0013-Support-ifn-def-in-.if-files.patch BuildRequires: autoconf autoconf-archive automake bison check check-devel flex gcc help2man libconfuse libconfuse-devel uthash-devel # pkgconfig Requires: libconfuse %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 Requires: check %endif %description SELint is a program to perform static code analysis on SELinux policy source files. SELint seeks to help policy developers write policy that is more maintainable, readable and secure, and to reduce the time spent debugging challenging policy issues. %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} %autosetup -p 1 %build # autogen.sh autoreconf -fiv -Wall -Wno-portability %if 0%{?rhel} == 7 %{configure} --without-check %else %{configure} %endif %{make_build} %install %{make_install} %check %files %license LICENSE %doc CHANGELOG README %{_bindir}/selint %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selint.conf %{_mandir}/man1/selint.1.gz %license LICENSE %changelog * Mon Dec 19 2022 Vit Mojzis - 1.3.0-1 - v 1.3.0 - Support ifn?def in .if files * Fri Sep 02 2022 Vit Mojzis - 1.2.1-3 - v 1.2.1 * Tue Sep 22 2020 Vit Mojzis - 1.1.0-1 - First build