# Global variables for github repository %global commit0 8ae2fc7544259525027ee4496e7fa0c7527f71e7 %global gittag0 master %global shortcommit0 %(c=%{commit0}; echo ${c:0:7}) Name: stone-phaser Version: 0.1.2 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: A classic analog phaser effect URL: https://github.com/jpcima/stone-phaser License: BSL-1.0 Vendor: Audinux Distribution: Audinux # ./stone-phaser-source.sh <tag> # ./stone-phaser-source.sh v0.1.2 Source0: stone-phaser.tar.gz Source1: stone-phaser-source.sh BuildRequires: gcc gcc-c++ BuildRequires: jack-audio-connection-kit-devel BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel BuildRequires: freetype-devel BuildRequires: libX11-devel libXft-devel BuildRequires: fltk-devel fltk-fluid BuildRequires: cairo-devel libpng-devel %description A classic analog phaser effect This is an analog phaser with similarity to the Small Stone. It has a color switch, which makes the phasing stronger when on, and adds some feedback controls. A stereo variant of the phaser is included. This effect is supported on MOD devices. %package -n ladspa-stone-phaser Summary: stone-phaser LADSPA plugin %description -n ladspa-stone-phaser A classic analog phaser effect This is an analog phaser with similarity to the Small Stone. It has a color switch, which makes the phasing stronger when on, and adds some feedback controls. A stereo variant of the phaser is included. This effect is supported on MOD devices. stone-phaser LADSPA plugin %package -n vst-stone-phaser Summary: stone-phaser VST plugin %description -n vst-stone-phaser A classic analog phaser effect This is an analog phaser with similarity to the Small Stone. It has a color switch, which makes the phasing stronger when on, and adds some feedback controls. A stereo variant of the phaser is included. This effect is supported on MOD devices. stone-phaser VST plugin %package -n lv2-stone-phaser Summary: stone-phaser LV2 plugin %description -n lv2-stone-phaser A classic analog phaser effect This is an analog phaser with similarity to the Small Stone. It has a color switch, which makes the phasing stronger when on, and adds some feedback controls. A stereo variant of the phaser is included. This effect is supported on MOD devices. stone-phaser LV2 plugin %prep %autosetup -n stone-phaser %ifarch aarch64 sed -i -e "s/-msse2//g" dpf/Makefile.base.mk sed -i -e "s/-msse//g" dpf/Makefile.base.mk %endif %build %set_build_flags %if 0%{?fedora} >= 38 export CXXFLAGS="-include cstdint $CXXFLAGS" %endif %make_build PREFIX=/usr LIBDIR=%{_libdir} SKIP_STRIPPING=true %install %make_install PREFIX=/usr LIBDIR=%{_libdir} SKIP_STRIPPING=true %files %doc README.md %license LICENSE %files -n lv2-stone-phaser %{_libdir}/lv2/* %files -n vst-stone-phaser %{_libdir}/vst/* %files -n ladspa-stone-phaser %{_libdir}/ladspa/* %changelog * Mon Oct 19 2020 Yann Collette <ycollette.nospam@free.fr> - 0.1.2-2 - fix debug build * Fri Oct 11 2019 Yann Collette <ycollette.nospam@free.fr> - 0.1.2-1 - Initial spec file