# Status: active # Tag: Effect # Type: Plugin, LADSPA # Category: Audio Summary: A collection of LADSPA plugins for third order Ambisonics. Name: HOA3-plugins Version: 0.3.0 Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPL URL: http://kokkinizita.linuxaudio.org/linuxaudio/ ExclusiveArch: x86_64 aarch64 Vendor: Audinux Distribution: Audinux Source0: https://kokkinizita.linuxaudio.org/linuxaudio/downloads/HOA3-plugins-%{version}.tar.bz2 BuildRequires: gcc gcc-c++ BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: ladspa-devel %description Sources for HOA3-plugins. %package -n ladspa-hoa3-plugins Summary: A collection of LADSPA plugins for third order Ambisonics %description -n ladspa-hoa3-plugins Hoa3-plugins is a collection of LADSPA plugins for third order Ambisonics. All plugins use the 'Ambix' format: SN3D gains and ACN channel ordering, except where noted. Processing in plugins having control inputs is fully 'dezippered'. All plugins are 'in-place safe' and can be used in Ardour. Note that azimuth and Z-rotation control inputs assume that a positive azimuth is to the right hand side. This is done because most plugin hosts would create GUI controls assuming that a positive value is to the right for a slider or clockwise for a rotary control. %prep %autosetup # Force Fedora's optflags sed -i 's|-O2|%{optflags}|' source/Makefile %build pushd source %make_build PREFIX=%{_prefix} popd %install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ladspa pushd source %make_install BINDIR=%{_libdir}/ladspa popd %files -n ladspa-hoa3-plugins %doc AUTHORS README* %license COPYING %{_libdir}/ladspa/* %changelog * Mon Jul 26 2021 Yann Collette - 0.3.0-1 - initial spec file