# Global variables for github repository %global commit0 afc66be1441d0119b5c8ff6e612b0e83e87610d2 %global gittag0 master %global shortcommit0 %(c=%{commit0}; echo ${c:0:7}) %global debug_package %{nil} %define __waf ./waf Summary: PSI LV2 Plugins Name: psi-plugins-doc Version: 0.0.1 Release: 2%{?dist} License: GPL Group: Applications/Multimedia URL: https://github.com/ycollet/psi-plugins Source0: https://github.com/ycollet/psi-plugins/archive/%{commit0}.tar.gz#/psi-plugins-%{shortcommit0}.tar.gz BuildRequires: gcc gcc-c++ BuildRequires: lv2-devel BuildRequires: python BuildRequires: fltk-devel BuildRequires: fltk-fluid BuildRequires: non-ntk-devel BuildRequires: non-ntk-fluid BuildRequires: jack-audio-connection-kit-devel BuildRequires: liblo-devel %description psi-plugins is a small collection of LV2 plugins ideal for (but not limited to) electronic music. %package -n lv2-midi_gate-psi Summary: PSI Plugins / Midi Gate LV2 plugin Group: Applications/Multimedia %description -n lv2-midi_gate-psi This is a stereo gate MIDI based on the example LV2 midi gate plugin by Dave Robillard %package -n lv2-midi_rnd-psi Summary: PSI Plugins / Midi Rnd LV2 plugin Group: Applications/Multimedia %description -n lv2-midi_rnd-psi midi_rnd is a simple MIDI random note generator for the inspirationally bereft. It receives incoming note messages and returns a randomized note of the same velocity with the parameters defined by octave range and scale. The generated note is produced relative to the incoming key. An attempt to map Note Off midi messages to previously recevied note on messages is made but is only reliable for sequential input. As a result some NoteOn messages may be left hanging. %package -n lv2-sidechain_gate-psi Summary: PSI Plugins / Sidechain Gate LV2 plugin Group: Applications/Multimedia %description -n lv2-sidechain_gate-psi This is a stereo gate with optional sidechain input based on the Gate plugin by Steve Harris. %package -n lv2-super_welle Summary: PSI Plugins / Super Welle LV2 plugin Group: Applications/Multimedia %description -n lv2-super_welle super_welle is a 2x16 oscillator virtual analog synthesizer. Originally it started out as an experiment in simulating the super saw of the Roland JP8000/JP8080 but has since widened is scope. %prep %setup -qn psi-plugins-%{commit0} %build %{__waf} configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir} %{__waf} build %install %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %{__waf} -j1 install --destdir=%{buildroot} %clean %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %files %doc LICENSE README.md #midi_gate-psi.lv2/README.md midi_rnd-psi.lv2/README.md sidechain_gate-psi.lv2/README.md super_welle.lv2/README.md %files -n lv2-midi_gate-psi %{_libdir}/lv2/midi_gate-psi.lv2/* %files -n lv2-midi_rnd-psi %{_libdir}/lv2/midi_rnd-psi.lv2/* %files -n lv2-sidechain_gate-psi %{_libdir}/lv2/sidechain_gate-psi.lv2/* %files -n lv2-super_welle %{_libdir}/lv2/super_welle-psi.lv2/* %changelog * Mon Oct 15 2018 Yann Collette 0.0.1-2 - update for Fedora 29 * Thu Nov 2 2017 Yann Collette 0.0.1-2 - multi-packages * Thu Nov 2 2017 Yann Collette 0.0.1-1 - initial release