Name: klettres Summary: Learn the alphabet and read some syllables in different languages Version: 23.08.5 Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPLv2+ URL: #URL:{name}.git %global revision %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f3) %if %{revision} >= 50 %global stable unstable %else %global stable stable %endif Source0:{stable}/release-service/%{version}/src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz Source1:{stable}/release-service/%{version}/src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz.sig Source2: gpgkey-D81C0CB38EB725EF6691C385BB463350D6EF31EF.gpg BuildRequires: gnupg2 BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: extra-cmake-modules BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: kf5-rpm-macros BuildRequires: kf5-kcompletion-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kconfig-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kconfigwidgets-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kcoreaddons-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kdbusaddons-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kdeclarative-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kdelibs4support-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kdnssd-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kguiaddons-devel BuildRequires: kf5-ki18n-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kiconthemes-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kitemmodels-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kitemviews-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kio-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kjobwidgets-devel BuildRequires: kf5-knewstuff-devel BuildRequires: kf5-knotifyconfig-devel BuildRequires: kf5-knewstuff-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kservice-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kwindowsystem-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kwidgetsaddons-devel BuildRequires: kf5-kxmlgui-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig(phonon4qt5) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets) pkgconfig(Qt5Test) pkgconfig(Qt5Svg) BuildRequires: libappstream-glib %global majmin_ver %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f1,2) BuildRequires: libkeduvocdocument-devel >= %{majmin_ver} # when split occurred Conflicts: kdeedu < 4.7.0-10 %description KLettres aims to help to learn the alphabet and then to read some syllables in different languages. It is meant to help learning the very first sounds of a new language, for children or for adults. %prep %{gpgverify} --keyring='%{SOURCE2}' --signature='%{SOURCE1}' --data='%{SOURCE0}' %autosetup -p1 %build %cmake_kf5 %cmake_build %install %cmake_install %find_lang %{name} --all-name --with-html --with-man --with-qt %check appstream-util validate-relax --nonet %{buildroot}%{_kf5_metainfodir}/org.kde.%{name}.appdata.xml ||: desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_kf5_datadir}/applications/org.kde.%{name}.desktop ||: %files -f %{name}.lang %license COPYING* %{_kf5_bindir}/%{name}* %{_kf5_datadir}/applications/org.kde.%{name}.desktop %{_kf5_metainfodir}/org.kde.%{name}.appdata.xml %{_kf5_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/%{name}.* %{_kf5_datadir}/%{name}/ %{_kf5_datadir}/kxmlgui5/%{name}/ %{_kf5_datadir}/config.kcfg/%{name}.kcfg %{_kf5_datadir}/qlogging-categories5/%{name}* %{_kf5_datadir}/knsrcfiles/%{name}.knsrc %changelog * Sun Feb 18 2024 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 23.08.5-1 - 23.08.5 * Sat Dec 09 2023 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 23.08.4-1 - 23.08.4 * Fri Oct 13 2023 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 23.08.2-1 - 23.08.2 * Thu Sep 14 2023 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 23.08.1-1 - 23.08.1 * Mon Aug 28 2023 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 23.08.0-1 - 23.08.0 * Thu Jul 06 2023 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 23.04.3-1 - 23.04.3 * Thu Jun 08 2023 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 23.04.2-1 - 23.04.2 * Thu May 11 2023 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 23.04.1-1 - 23.04.1 * Fri Apr 21 2023 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 23.04.0-1 - 23.04.0 * Thu Mar 02 2023 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 22.12.3-1 - 22.12.3 * Thu Jan 05 2023 Yaroslav Sidlovsky - 22.12.1-1 - 22.12.1